ORONO WEEKLY TIMES We Do All Lines of Job Work r r c . . Write FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries Ottawa Please send me your free 52-page book, "Any Day a Fish Day", containing containing over 100 delightful Fish Recipes. 9 Vary your diet: with the healthful, appetizing goodness of Canadian Fishand Shellfish. Serve Fish Foods more often during the week. Whatever form is most available to you.. .fresh, frozen, canned, smoked, pickled pickled or dried... you will find it an easily digested food .. . rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, iodine and other health-giving elements. You'll find its variety of flavour adaptable to count- . less simple and delicious \ recipes. And you'll find \ that Canadian Fish and Shellfish give you full value in sound nourishment for Name Address.., ...CW-2 every cent spent. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES OTTAWA __ SALT FISH DE LUXE 1-lb. package of boneless cod or other Came ctian salt fish freshened. Butter y.4 cup of hot water 2 hard-boiled eggs Vz tsp. of pepper 1 tsp. of dry mustard Flake freshened fish into pieces. Turn three-quarter cup of hot water in which fish was freshened, over fish, which has been placed on platter or shallow dish. Sprinkle with teaspoon of dry mustard and half teaspoon of pepper. Chop hard-boiled eggs over fish and dot generously with butter. Serve with tomato sauce. ANY DA Y a fish DAY" RED & WHITE STORES CHUCK ROASTS BEEF 13c. lb. HAMBURG STEAK 2 lbs. 19c. PICNIC SHOULDERS 16c. lb. SPARE RIBS 2 lbs. 25c. FILLETS OF HADDIE Fresh or smoked 15c. lb. SALMON FISH by the fish lie. SLICED 15c. OYSTERS . 25c. jar Extra Specials QUICK OU AKER OATS Large pkg. 21c. ORANGE MARMALADE large jar 23c. WHITE HONEY No. 5 tin 49 c. HURON TOILET PAPER 6 rolls 19c. SOCKEYE QUALITY SALMON 15c. tin OYSTER SHELL 1 cwt. lb. bag 99c. GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c. BRIDGE CANDIES 39c. lb. BULK COCOA 2 lbs. for 25c. PITTED DATES 2 lbs. for 23c. JELLY POWDERS 5 pkgs. 23c. JELLY POWDERS 4 pkgs. with Tumbler, 25c. SAGO 2 lbs. 19c. TAPIOCA 2 lbs. for 19c. ÈLACK PEPPER 1-2 lb. 12c. JNO. J. CORNISH - «â 2 •Ti'Tnn^'ii^iTitiiiii'TtBîiHTMMMMHrriiriwïnnTrTTwmnirrTriïgTiBTiiiiifniiïiwjrTMWiii LOCAL AND SOCIAL] I . • ' " ■ » (Mr. Percy Lunn was in Toronto on Monday last. A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel. Miss Ollie Davey has -been away for a short visit in Toronto. Mr, John GiMllan made a business trip to Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. George iSkelding's son of Maple Grove is reported very sick. Mrs. Win. Hooey is spending a month with Mrs. Bresbin, at Beth- ney. Our police have a unique system. | The criminals don't flee the country, but the citizens do.. Mr. Ernie Dent is sick in bed with the flu. (Guess paper hanging was too much for him. Mr. G. Carr, Mrs. W. Orchard and Johnnie, from Barrie, arc holidaying with Mrs. O'. 'Shaw. We understand Mr. Keith Henderson Henderson lias several! contracts for repairing repairing clothes lines. We are glad to see Mr. W. Armstrong Armstrong back to the store again (after being on the sick list. Cheer up, Milt. Cornish, we feel that school teachers are not the best of housekeepers anyway. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McDonald spent the week-end with Mr. arid Mrs. L. Parliament, Toronto. Mr. and. Mrs. O. L. Drummond spent the week-end in Toronto with Dr, and Mrs. W. K. Kendrick. Mr. J, B. Moat, Oakville, formerly of Orr.no. has- been appointed chairman chairman of the Library Board in Oakville. Oakville. We are glad, to report that Mrs. Wm. Lynch of Orono, who has been dangerously ill, is now on the road to recovery. There is no equality. If the bride's parents weep, that,* natural. If.the bridegroom's parents weep, it is an insult. 'Mrs. 0. -Shaw entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryant, Murray and Muriel, and Mrs. Lawlor and Miss V. Carr of Toronto mi Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Richards attended the District Convention of Spencer Corsets Corsets of Canada Ltd., held this week at the Genosha, Oshawa. Mr. Milton Morris, the office boy, made a business trip to Toronto last night. We wonder if it was to look over new designs in remodelling his home. The Anniversary Services of the Bark Street United Church have been arranged for Sunday, April 25th, with Rev. J. H. Stain tun, B.À., B.D., of Sit, Thomas, as guest preacher. preacher. - Plant your flower gardens this spring in the popular coronation colors. The parliament buildings in Toronto are planting sixty thousand tulips in red with white tips, purple and yellow. While spraying the barns' at Mr. .Snowden's, Maple Grove, with disinfectant, disinfectant, Mr. 8am Castle had the misfortune misfortune of getting some of the preparation preparation in his eyes, causing the los-s of sight in one eye and little hope is held for the other one. Mr. Orm -Gamsby is numbered among the invited guests of the Durham Durham Oounty Club of Toronto at a sbciail evening to be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lome Trull on Thursday evening, and Mayor Robbins Robbins is guest speaker. Mr. Haiti Mathe, violinist, Dr. Harvey Robb, solo pianist and accompanist. There is a wire entanglement, which by the way is far from being a work of art, erected at the entrance of Mr. Orme Gtamshy's lawn. Occasionally Occasionally the appearance assumes the appearance of our Memorial Park in the summor. Again one might think that Clarence Allen is going his rounds in the spring ploughing ■ gardens. gardens. Dr. Manning's patronage has been ,'so great, that parking space has been at -a premium, but now there is ample room for all concerned just around the corner on the adjoining lot. ' ---- 0 Such changes in curriculum and in administration as will bring us still nearer to the ideal state of things when the school will adapt itself readily readily to the requirements' arid the capacities capacities of the child rather than the adverse. ROWLAND SMITH WAGON AND SLEIGH REPAIRS JIG SAW WOOD LATHE Lumber Planed and Ripped CEMENT WELL CRIBBING Cockshutt Implements and Parts North Mill Street Phone 83 r 7 Rainey's Grocery SPECIAL PRICES FOR THURS., FRL, SATURDAY BUCKLEY'S FLAKED WHEAT 5 lbs. 22c. BULK MACARONI 3 lbs. 17c. ORONO CREAMERY' BUTTER 2 lbs. 55c. MIXED CANDY / J. 1 lb. 12c. RED ROSE COFFEE 1-2 lb. tin 20c. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES pkg. 15c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. 54c. LARGE ORANGES, , Reg. 40c., for 35c. We have NEW CABBAGE, CARROTS, LETTUCE, CELERY E. R. RAINEY PHONE ORONO 19-19 ARMSTRONG'S OVERCOATS We have 10 Coats of this year's stock. Reg. ular value of $20.00. Your Choice - » $1000 CASH LADIES 9 COATS Any Ladies' Coat in this store, all this year's styles. Reg. $17,50 to $25. Your choice - - - $1000 CASH WALLPAPER We had 2400 rolls of Paper come in last week.' The patterns are very attractive this year. We want you to see them. You. do not have to buy and every lady enjoys looking at the various various patterns in papers. BE SURE AND SEE THIS DISPLAY. DISPLAY. HOUSE DRESSES All our stock of $1.00, $1.25 and $1.35 Dresses for ft Q sale this week only. ONE PRICE ONLY CASH * LEGGINGS Phey would not. sell at . $1.00. HALF PRICE 5UC NOW ...... Table Oilcloth Remnants of 1-2 to 1 1-2 yd. lengths, price J5 t0 39c CLOTHING All our new Samples of the COOK CLOTHING, are in. Come in and look them over CAPS AND HATS Our New Spring Hats and Caps are now in stock. They are different: See them.