ORONO WKRKLY TIMER NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS ^I===TT ■■: ------- ■] NEWCASTLE Hr. and Mrs, Boss Dickenson were recent visitors to Toronto. Mr. K. XV. II. Ward visited Mrs. Ward in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. Hubert Anderson is home from a protracted visit with his mother in Windsor. Miss Margaret'Sanderson spent the week-end with friends in Peterborough. Peterborough. Mrs. George Famoomb of Hampton Hampton visited friends in town on Friday Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sutton of Col- borne were Sunday visitors of Mrs, D, Burke Simpson. Mrs,; JR. T. Rutherford and daughter, daughter, Mrs. Frank O'Neil, motored 1 to Toronto on: Monday. Mrs.; Frank Rickard has returned to Ottawa to be with her husband, Mr. Frank Rickard, M.P. The Annual Spring Flower Show of the Horticultural Society will be held on Wednesday, March 17th; Mr. Win. Sanders of iStouffville was a week-end guest of Mrs. Win. Atkinson and Mrs. R. W. Gibson. Miss Betty Lake has been staying with Mrs. Harold Allin, who has been one : of the numerous, flu sufferers. sufferers. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Lake Jr., upon the birth of their second son on Monday at Bowman • ville hospital. Mrs. J. Scott Howard, Mrs. Cecil H orro'cksk and Miss Audrey Hor- Tocks motored! to the city for the day on Thursday last. The Rev. Lome Thomas is in charge of the parish of Waverley, near Perth, for six weeks during the Rector's leave of absence. " Mr.'E'. Roy Butler of Toronto visited his mother, Mrs. R. P. Butler, Butler, this week. Mrs. Butler is now convalescing from her recent severe illness. Miss B. S'. McIntosh and Miss Ethel Lockhart, who 1 have been motoring motoring through Florida and the southern southern States, are now in California for a month. Miss Blackburn and Mr. Harry Jose were delegates to the Ontario Horticultural 'Society s' convention held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Toronto, last week. , Miss Slalome Howard, Mr. Allan McLean Howard, Mr. Murray Butler, Butler, Mr. George Bonathon, Mr. Jack Toms and Mr. Bill Toms spent the week-end with, their respective parents. parents. Friend's of Miss 'Margaret. Toms, nurse in training at the Western Hospital, Toronto, will be glad to know that after five months probation, probation, she. has been accepted and has received her cap. During jbo Lenten season there ■ will, be an evoiing service each Friday Friday evening at 8 o'clock in St. George's church. There will also be a children'-s service each Friday afternoon afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. On Monday evening last Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Main-waring of "The Anchorage" Anchorage" entertained ■ the east of "The Singapore iSpider." This one act play was the entry of the "Newcastle "Newcastle Players" at the Regional Drama Festi val held recently at, Kingston. Miss Dorothy Gibson has returned from a month's holiday in Florida and has resumed, her duties at the Brampton General Hospital. Mil's. W. II. Gibson and; Mr. Herbie Gibson, Gibson, who accompanied Miss Dorothy Gibson, are now in New York and are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Charlie Gibson. The Young People's Union ■ of the United' church had as their guest on Monday night, Mr. Kim from Korea. Mr. Kim is studying at the University University of Toronto, and gave an illustrated. illustrated. lecture on Dr. Kagawa's well- known book "A. Grain of Wheat." Lantern, slides and several reels of moving pictures helped bell the story, Mrs, Worry read the descriptions of NEWTONVILLE Mr. J. T. Pearce, Bimbrook, was home for the week-end. 'Surry to report Mr. J. Elmer has two bones broken in his' foot. Mr. and Mrs. Milt. Brown have returned from their honeymoon. Mr. Wm. Couch. 'Newcastle, visited. visited. his son, Mr. Jphn Coucli. Sunday. Mrs. Max Stapleton and Mrs. L. Ii. Milison have been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Lippett and family. Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colon, Toron Toron to, were with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colon, Sunday. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, and Miss Marguerite McKay, Brighton, were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jones and family. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ncsbit, Bowman,ville. Bowman, ville. have been a week with liis father, Mr. Jas. Nesbitt Sr,, who is ill. The "Mississauga Orchestra" put up same snappy music for the hockey hockey boys' dance in the Community Ha'll on Friday might. Rev. E. L. Beech opened U. C. League on Tuesday evening. Feb. 16th. Mrs, Willis Jones then took charge of the following program : Scripture Reading, Mrs'. 0. Thompson. Thompson. ; reading, "'Story of Sit. Valentine"; Valentine"; solo. Miss Mary Lane; the topic, "Drama." Mr. A. B. Mainwarmg, Mainwarmg, Nestaasthm A contest followed, aftp-which lunch was served. ;OT -- J INewtonvdlle W. I. met at the home ôf Mrs. F red Lovekin. Newcastle, on February 17th. It was announced that an instructress from the Department Department will conduct a sowing course here the firsit week in March. The W. I .will hold their annual Irish Tea on March 17th, The program on agriculture agriculture was in charge of Mrs. John Robinson's group. A paper on "The making of silk." Mrs. C. Hancock ; a poem, "Institute," Mrs. Willis Jones ; an article. "The McIntosh Apple," Mrs. Haigh ; roll call, "Garden Hints," 'Community singing led by Mrs. Ken. Worry. Mrs. Robinson's group served lunch a t the close. (Too late for last week) Mr. O. Ogden has been on the sick list. Quite a number have fallen victims of the "flu." Miss Elsie Wallace spent the weekend weekend in Toronto. Glad to see Mr. Bert 'Samis able to be out again. Mrs. 'Chas. Reid spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton upon the arrival of a baby girl. Mi-, and Mrs. J. J. Mellor and Mr, Melville Jones were in Toronto on Wednesday, Mr. Wilbur Langstaff, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. Mabel Lang-' staff, recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. S-avery and family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh, Salem, recently. Mr. John Elmer suffered injuries to his foot while assisting with sawing sawing wood at the United Church. Mrs, Harper, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Beech, at the Parsonage, Parsonage, has returned to her home at Uxbridge. Uxbridge. A number from here attended the funeral, of the late Mrs. George Graham, Graham, She was interred in 'Newton- ville Cemetery. Mr. Tommy Turner, who is attending attending university in Toronto, visited liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner, over the week-end. IT. C. League on Tuesday evening was in charge of the Missionary Convener, Convener, Arthur Haines, Prayer was offered by Mr. R J. Rowe. Mrs. Willis Jones read the Scripture les- ,several sets otf slides' and to vary the program Mr. Kim gave two violin selections]. The members of the Y. P.A. were very interested and pleased pleased with their unusual guest. STARKVILLE It has been suggested that the new paper adopt the old slogan., "Watch Orono Grow," Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Todd upon the arrival of a son (William Ross). The gentleman named "Flu" is now yistmg the following homes : R. Roughen, L. 'Todd, II. Trim, H. Farrow and V. Farrow. A very enjoyable time was spent Wednesday evening, the 17th, at the school in the form of a Valentine'Social. Valentine'Social. A. good programme of both local local and outside talent was heard followed followed by contests and an excellent lunch. This entertainment was prepared: prepared: by Misses Meda Hallowell and Ruth Saiverÿ in the interest, of the League. --.------o- :-- -- 1 -- COWANVILLE The men of this community are glad to see this snow to dra,w up their wood. The T. BV Testers travelled through this community, finding most of the cattle O K. Miss E. Brown from Lakeshore is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Westo'l' Stringer. Benson Beebe from Morrish visited visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson, on Sunday. Miss Ada Hollingsworth visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth, for the weekend. weekend. The ' League met last Wednesday evening in the form of a pie social under the auspices of the League arid Sunday School, with a goodly attendance. The pies also sold well. -------■----o- - "THE REFEREE" Newer, would this one want to be an umpire or referee. To almost every good spectator The referee is ,a dictator. A. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini ; Or at best, a hard-boiled meany, Whose never deviating plan Brings pain and anguish to the fan. From Halifax to far Vancouver, All fails employ the same manoeuvre. Whene'er his edicts fail to please Or home teams balk at his decrees, Upon his head descends abuse Which Billingsgate would hardly use. Louldlly they charge the man with thieving, And things still worse, beyond believing, believing, Attack his ancestry, his vision, His honor, and his last decision. Which doesn't mean a thing," my lad, The next one will he just as bad. You see why I would never be An umpire or referee. : O : Subscribe for Orono Weekly Times son. Vocal duet, Isabel and Marian Bruce. Miss Annie Thompson gave a splendid Missionary talk. Solo, Miss Elsie -■ Wallace, The meeting closed xvth the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Ida iSavinac is improving nicely, following an operation for appendicitis appendicitis in Toronto General Hospital, Hospital, Messrs, George, William and Reuben Reuben Payne attended the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs. J. Harrison, Harrison, in Toronto tin Thursday. The W. I. held a progressive euchre party in the Community Hall, Wednesday Wednesday evening, Owing to the icy condition of the roads and on account account of other entertainments the same evening, the crowd was not so .large as usual, but an enjoyable time was spent. The prizes were as follows follows : Ladies--Mrs. Gordon Martin and Miss Mary Lane (tied) and drew for 1st and 2nd prizes. Gents--1st,. Mr. D. Domini' ; 2nd, Melville Samis. Consolation -- Boland Milison and Mrs. 'Spencer Burley (tied). The World's Day of Prayer was observed by both congregations in the basement of the United ' Church, Friday, . Miss Jennie Thompson, President of the Presbyterian Aiix" il vary,' and Miss I. La leg, President of the United Auxiliary, were in charge of the meeting. The prayers were as follows : (1) For the Christian Christian Church, Mrs. ■ 0. Burley. (2) For the Missionaries, Miss A. Nesbitt. Nesbitt. (3) For Temperance, Miss Jennie Jennie Thompson. (4) For Youth, Miss Annie Thompson. (5) For His Majesty, Majesty, King George, VI. Mrs. Willis Jones -and Mrs. Ken. Ware favoured with a solo. I COWAN'S WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES' TO BE LOWEST IN TOWN AND TO PROVE THIS WE WILL DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK IF IN ANY ONE INSTANCE YOU CAN OBTAIN THE SAME ARTICLE ON THE SAME DAY AT A LOWER PRICE. KELLOGG'S OR QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 3 for...20c. SODA BISCUITS, 1 lb 9c. HANDY AMMONIA, LARGE PACKAGE 5c. CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS 7c. RED ROSE COFFEE, 1-2 LB. TINS 20c. STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM, WITH ADDED FRUIT PECTIN, 32 OUNCES.... 27c. CANNED PEACHES, CHOICE QUALITY 15c. NIBLETS (FRESH CORN OFF THE COB), 2 FOR...25c. LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD 9c BUCKLEY'S COOKING BRAN, 2 LBS. FOR 9c. PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER OUR SPECIAL SALE OF Monarch Dairy & Strainer Pails NOW ON Reg. 75c. for 55c. Reg. $1.25 for $1.05 One Buckeye Incubator Demonstrator Reg. $43.00 for $1 5.00 Butcher and Bread Knives, Reg. 50c., 65c. and 75c., YOUR PICK FOR 25C. PERCY LUNN Phone 66 General Merchant Orono IT'S THE EVERYDAY SAVINGS THAT MAKE THE §jp ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE The Popular Shopping Centre Campbell's Pork and Beans, 1-lb. Cans, 2 for 13c. I Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for -, 21c. Orange Marmalade, 32-ounce jar 23c. For Real Flavou'r and Economical Strength, try our Bulk Tea. Special per lb....,...:. 37c. Delicious Fig Biars, special, lb 15c. Graham Wafers, 9-ounce pkg ;..... 13c. Swiss Wafers, special lb 27c. Shredded Cocoanut, lb * 15c. Chocolate Bars, 3 for • * 5c. Crabapple Jelly, large jar 27c. Fresh Tomatoes 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. • ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE WINTER WEATHER IS NOT OVER -P RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO C O L D ;BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at all times „ --•--also-^ LUMBER;.SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Orono Coal & Lumber Co