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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Wïïr*v«y a NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE -Mi's. iSeott of Toronto is visiting Mrs. I). Burke Simpson. 'Mias lao'bel Stevenson was home from Toronto for ,t)he week-end. Shaw's School and Home Club held a very successful "Five Hundred" party in the school on Tuesday even,' ing. Mr. Jocelyn Davidson, B.À. S-c., M.E.A.J.O., and Mrs. Davidson were week-end guests at (he "Newcastle Arms." •Miss Emma Rowland, who suffered a severe attack of "flu" while on duty in Newton ville, is /convalescing at her home in Newcastle. I hc Lake Shore 'School and Home Club, are holding a card: party and dance in the Community Hal'l on Friday evening, March 5 th. Mr. Adair Hancock was home from Toronto for the week-md. Adair is taking a course of three months in engineering, Diesel engines in par licirlar. The Misties Naomi and Audrey FluiTocks and Miss Oora 'Butler motored motored to Port lippe on Thursday last to be guests of, Mrs. Earl Wynn at a Badminton Party. Mr. Walter Rickard is appointed by the Board of the United Church to be' their delegate at the Ontario Temperance Confederation to 'be. held in Toronto this week. Mr' Ralph Gibson has 'severed his connection with the J. Anderson- Smith Co. and gone to Northern Ontario Ontario to take a mining position. The lure of the north is very strong these . days and is attracting numerous young men. The monthly meeting of the ljorti , cultural Society will be held in. tli'E council chamber this Thursday even. CO WAN VILLE ing, when final arrangements will be made for the Annua! Spring Flower Show to be held on March '.Till. The J. AndersonSSmitili Co. Box Factory have just completed installing installing a very modern system of hlow- <"0 . 1 ;T ri-'ijov'ii't." , m . sawdust from the sawing machines in the factory. This system is both a safeguard for health and a fire protection. Master Donald Holmes had the misfortune to breath a peanut down into his lungs on 'Sunday afternoon. Dr. Butler was called and sent him at once to the Sick Children's Hospital, Hospital, Toronto, where the peanut was successfully removed. Donald is home again and none the worse for his dangerous experience. The members of iSt. John's Roman Catholic Church, are regretting very much the appointment of Father J. F. McGuire to Bracdbridge. Father McGuire has made many friends in -Newcastle and will he missed by one and all. IIL place will be taken by Father Coffee of Bracdbridge, the change taking place right away. Ladies in the Uni ted Church Missionary Missionary (Society are busy women those days. Last week there were three quiltings held, Mrs. J. A. Butler's Butler's group, Mrs. Norman ' Allens group and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp's : group. The quilts are being sent to 'the West, a - number going to the Tn- dian schools. The Men's Club of St. George's Church .started, their annual carpet, bowling competition,' for the O'Neb Cup on Monday 'evening, The following following members were -chosen by ballot, ballot, to play off the first round : Mr. C. K. Itnvroeks against Mr, A. B. Main waring; Mr. 'Charles Brere- ton against. Mr. Cyril Rutland; Mr. David Grey and Mr. Allan 1 'Spencer ; Rev. I). R, Dewdeney <and Mr. Lawrence Lawrence Gaines; Mr. George Rainey ah.d Mr. George- Crowt'her; Mr. Geo. Butler and Mr. Walter Crowther; Mr, Wallace Gibson and Mr. Tom Spence; Rev. J. Scott Howard and Mr. George Meadow's; Mr. Alfred. G'arrod and Mr. Howard Gibson ; Mr. I Torino Gibson and Mr. Herbert Brereton. The following books have been purchased recently by the Newcastle Memorial Library : "Lloyd George's Memoira," - vols. 5 and 6; "Marlborough," "Marlborough," by Winston Ghurahiill, vol. 3; "No Place Like Home," Beverly Nichols; "Odessey of an American Doctor," Heiser; "The Countryman's year," David Grayson; Tn the Steps of St. Paul." IL V. Morion ; "Gone with the Wind," M. Mitchell ; "A Prayer to My Stin,". Hugh Walpole; "They Walk in the City," H. Priest- Icy; "White Banners," Lloyd Doug- Mr. Leslie Reid visited in the neighborhood for the week-end. Mr. Ei Farrow and daughter Dun- wreath are visiting in Welland. Mr. 'and Mrs. George Henderson visited friends in Morrish on Sunday. The League met last Wednesday evening with affair attendance, There were games and contests. Mrs. Waterson and daughter Irene from Welland visited at the home of her (brother, Mr. E. Farrow, last week, Misses Viola and Dorothy Hollingsworth Hollingsworth visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. lb.I 'ingsworth for the week-end. (Too -late for last week) Miss Ada Hollingsworth spent the week-end at home. Mr. Hugh iSitapl-eton spent Monday Monday evening, with Miss Addle Mill- son. Mr. Benson Bible visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Hendorson's on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stringer spent Monday evening with Mrs. Odgen and daughter. Mr. and M rs. It. Bruce visited Mr, and Mrs. J. J. W, Stringer last 'Sunday 'Sunday ■ afternoon. Mrs. W. Waterson and daughter are visiting at her brother's, Mr. Erwin Fiarrow. lie farmers are taking a good advantage advantage .off the snow in hauling their supply off 'wood. We would like to express our -deep est sympathy to the sorrowing relatives relatives -of Alvin Harness on hist.sudden' hist.sudden' death. Mis's-Evclyn- Brown is visiting.,on " fourth line at her Tgrandparents, :. and Mrs, James Burley and. her imt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wes | Stringer. - W e are glad to see our president of the W,A. back home /again after being down to her parent's home as •fisting them in the sickness,of her mother. A large -crowd attended the vnlen tine pie social at Clarke. Our pastor, pastor, Rev. -S. MatiLean, Was present and acted as chairman, there was a good programme, consisting of a reading by Mrs. J. Allin. duet by Stanley and 'Mildred Brown of Lake shore, 1 trio, by Misses Bernice An draws, Katheline 'Simpson and Velma Velma Cowan, recitation byMiss Hazel Brown pml Violet Hollingsworth, selections by Cowan's Orchestra. Mr. Ronald Burley of Newton ville was our guest speaker, and his topic was on. his trip to Boy's Parliament. W-e were also favoured with a, mouth organ organ solo 1 by'Bill Trimble. Valentines were then distributed and pics were sold. 'Sandwiches anil coffee were served. A. VOIVE FROM NEW YORK Below is. a copy of a letter from Mr. J. J. McCormack of Mew - York to Madison Hall : S3 So. 11th Ave. Mr.. Vernon, X.Y. Dear Madison,-- I can't write these letters myself as yet, my nurse writes them for me. 1 want, first of all to siay [how much I enjoy the; New Oron-o Newspaper, "The Weekly Times." I surely enjoy reading the home news- about all, our Orono boys. They are running a sportsman show here-in New York at the Grand (Jentnal Palace, and from all accounts it is some show. Demonstrating fly easting, log rolling, wood chopping, etc., and the different firms display is enough to make any sportsman's heart ache. I received Jim Richard's letter and wbat's worrying me is, what has Bill Davey started, drinking that he rolls over in the ditch now. Give my regards to Bill Davey, Jack Morris, A'b. Staples and any of the old gang you may meet-. Best Wishes Josh. las; "Two Keys to a Cabin," Lida Larrrmo-re; "Annie of - Windy Poplars," Poplars," L. M. Montgomery; "The Mag- niliVieo! Hoax," E. P. Oppenheim ; "Cities of Refuge," Philip Gibbs; "The Island of Sheep," John Buchan; Buchan; "A -Pageant of Victory," Geoffry Farnal; "White Oak's Harvest," Harvest," Mazo De la Roche; "To "Ride the River With," Win. McLeod Raine; "Paradise Trail," "M'owery: and numerous children's books. NEWTONVILLE Miss Mary Lane was in Toronto recently, Mrs. Frank Owens was a week-end visitor in Toronto. Mr. 1. Martin, Lakeshore, visited Mr. and Mrs. .Cecil Wa-lkey. Mr. and Mrs. F. Couch, Newcastle, Newcastle, visited relatives here Sunday. The Allison Spraying Co. have sprayed a number of stables around Itère lately. Reeve T. A. Reid -attended the Good Roads Convention in Toronto last week. Mrs, Robt. McKnight, Millbrook, was; a guest of Mr. and Mrs.- Petlhilck, last week. Mr. 'and Mrs. II. Lane and Leone, Oolborne, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. 0. Lane. A number from here attended, the "Carnival" in Otihawa on Friday night, put on by the Granite Club of Toronto. The U.-CjSi.S. teacher's meeting' was held Monday evening at Miss I. Lai ng's. Miss Laing was in charge of the discussion. Mtissrs. J. J. (Mellor, Harry Lane, Cleland Lane, iSid Rutherford and Wm. Andrews, attended a 'hockey game in Toronto on Saturday night. Among those who are ill' are : lowland Burley, Doreen Burley, Gordon Zealand, Mrs. John -Staple- ton, Mrs. C. Burley and Miss E. Rowland. -Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Saunders. Cobourg, upon the sad death of their little eight :year~old> da tighter, Winifred, 'who was buried in Newtonville Cemetery on 'Saturday. U.O. League was in charge of the Citizenship Convener, 'MacGregor Jones, on February 23rd. Scripture reading, Rev. K. L. Beech; vocal duet, Laurna Pearce (and Marian Bruce. Mrs. Willis Jones gave a sketch of the "Career of Grey Oiwl." Violin solo,, Edgar Millson. Misé I. Laing gave the topic on "Citizenship." "Citizenship." Audrey Burley was in charge of the following program at Mission Band on 'Saturday, Bible reading, Margaret Douait! t; reading. Marian Bruce; reading, Kathleen Randall; duet, Mary Burley and Marguerite Adams; recitation, Mnrsali Thompson; Thompson; recitation, Buddy Ogden ; solo, Isabelle Bruce; recitation, Shirley Thompson; story, Mrs. Savory: French-Canadian 'Solo, Joan Ogden. 1 he meeting closed with a game and lunch. LESKARO Oon- 'Wedding bells are ringing, gral ulations Dave and Jane, Miss Myrtle Patterson. Orono, has been visiting with her parents for a few'days. Mr. Milton Cornish was ;a 'Sunday 'Sunday visitor with his brother, Mr lenrv Cornish, Orono. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Robert Shaddeton. The sympathy of this community goes out to the bereaved relatives. The Home and School Club held a -meeting hist night in the form of Basket Social, A good programme was given, including dialogues, songs, nd mouth organ selections, Mr. Art Tennant was auctioneer and Mr, Oscar Oscar Sluiding bought the 'high basket, basket, The proceeds -amounted to approximately approximately nineteen dollars. The next meeting will be held -on Monday, Monday, Marco 15th. (Too late for last week) Mr. Colin Brown is 'busy making repairs to -the house. Mr, Delbert Lockwood of Pickering Pickering was -a recent visitor in the vil- age. Mr. Crowe of Toronto has purchased purchased the late Mrs. M. Tennant's property. Miss Alice B-ains'tow has been assisting assisting at the home of "Mr. Robert- Moffatt the past week, ■ who has been suffering from, an aii-aek of the flu. Mr. a-iid Mrs. Chester Willis have been home the past week owing to the death of her father, Mr. B„ G. Carscadden. We are sorry to learn of the deaths of Foster Blewett and Ray Cochrane, Cochrane, and extend: the heartfelt- sympathy sympathy of the community to the bereaved bereaved families. A. large number of friends attended attended the funeral of the laite B. G. Carscadden -on Friday last. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. O'areoad- den and other members of the family. COWAN'S IN NOT ONE INSTANCE HAS IT BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION THAT THE SAME ARTICLE PURCHASED HERE COULD BE BOUGHT ELSE- WHERE AT A LOWER PRICE. IF YOU CAN, WE WILL PAY YOU DOUBLE THE PURCHASE PRICE. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN ................. „ ]8e CREAM OF WHEAT, LARGE PKG 22c.' CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS, 1-LB. TIN, SPECIAL, 3 FOR . ig c BULK COCOA, 1 LB. ; i 0c ORANGES, CALIFORNIA, No. 200, NAVAL, doz 32c. ROSE BAKING. POWDER, SPECIAL, 2 FOR 25c PITTED DATES, 1 LB 1Q C ARM and HAMMER WASHING SODA, 2 1-2 LB. PACKAGE 7 C ORANGE MARMALADE, ST. WILLIAMS, 32-oz, J AR ...22c, RAISINS, AUSTRALIAN SULTANA, 2 FOR .23c. PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER COAL AND OIL BROODERS $11.50 and up TRO l JQHS, HOP FERS AND FOUNTAINS 20c. and up Cod Liver Oil - $1.25 per gal. tin VAN STONE'S LAYING MASH $2.35 per cwt. LAYING MASH $2.70 per cwt Phone 66 PERCY LUNN General Merchant Orono WEEK-END SAVINGS STOCK UP FOR FUTURE USE CURRANTS .' IZ" lb. lie, COOKING FIGS, SPECIAL 2 lbs. 13c. KREMO COFFEE, FRESHLY GROUND lb. 21c. SHORTENING PRICES are up, we bought heavy (and we pass the saving on to you--WEEK-END SAVING f. .« .2 lbs. 25c. JAVAL WATER for Washing, Bleaching and removing stains, ...... large bottle 5c. ROLLED OATS, Large Flake or Quick ... 5 lbs, 23c, BULK BAKING SODA i. Ib. 6c. POT BARLEY, SPECIAL , lb. r 5c. ROSE BAKING POWDER, SPECIAL 2 cans 25c. BETTER CRUST PASTRY 7-lb. bag 27c. BULK WHEAT GERM., that popular Health Cereal, 4 lbs. 17c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP WINTER WEATHER H IS NOT OVER H . RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD FLUE COAL',, SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at-all times also----■ LUMBER, 'SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Orono Coal & Lumber Co POULTRY and HATCHERY SUPPLIES

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