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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Mar 1937, p. 3

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BLUE I.ÂBEL & Smiles and Chuckhs HALF POUND -p-»- -*» TtA TIME X lyons $ Co. (Canada) ltd, ïoronio & Montreal m Reports of Crime At the recent convention of school trustees of Brant, Norfolk, Oxford, Wentworth, Haldimand, Lincoln and Welland Counties, held in the Brant- r,? Collegiate auditorium, someone \ x JT'tentarily raised the venerable Wêstion of the publication of "crime" reports in the newspapers, writes the Brantford Expositor. The speaker was slightly critical, i uggesting that there should, be more rigid censorship of reports reports of criminal offenses, on the theory that such reports gave school children wrong "ideas." A friendly retort retort was immediately forthcoming and appeared to have the majority «indorsation, namely that "our newspapers newspapers are not so bad." As a matter of fact, they are not. The problem of the reporting of the news dealing with criminal happenings happenings is one that has Long engaged the attention of newspapers and press associations associations and it cannot be fairly charged that the press, either in Canada Canada or in Great Britain, gives undue or sensational attention to such items. Exceptions there always will be to tills rule, of course, but they merely serve the better to illustrate the general general contention. Canadian newspapers owe a duty to their readers in keeping them adequately adequately informed as to events, criminal criminal or otherwise. They also owe a duty to society in supporting the administratis administratis of justice and the deterring of wrong-doing and in this respect publicity publicity becomes a potent weapon on e side of the law. There is a world V_-i. difference between this polie;, and any cheap "yellow press" pond Ing. to morbid appetites through the nn- flüe sensationalizing of "crime" news. » Perhaps the best refutation of oiw cierge of over-publicizing of crime ps contained in the very issue of the Exporter in. which appeared the re port of the proceedings of the Trustees' Trustees' meeting. That day there were over two hundred items in the paper and of the two hundred only six had to do with crime In any of its aspects. Infant Prodigies Mature Into Intellectual Giants, Psychologists Discover To Alkali; Acid Indige Away Fast II* People Everywhere Are Adopting This Remarkable "Phillips" Way The way to gain almost incredibly quick relief, from stomach condition arising from overacidity, is to alkalize alkalize the stomach quickly with Phillips' Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. You take either two teaspoons of the liquid Phillips' after meals; or two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Tablets. Almost instantly "acid indigestion." indigestion." goes, gas from hyperacidity, "acid - headaches"--from over-indulgence over-indulgence in food or smoking -- and nausea are relieved. You feel made over; forget you have a stomach. Try this Phillips' way if you have any acid stomach upsets. Get ei ther the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, remarkable, new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Only 25 for a big Box of 'ablets at drug stores. M.SO IN TABLET FORM: '^açh tiny tablet is the equivalent equivalent of a teaspooni'ul of " 'termine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA PHILLIPSES Pf'Tmubf due to Arid *^ART*UR« c,/ v '° ATI0M cT, 3ï|0 '*tio, Phillips* m,lk of rniLLird magnesia 'M)Se s HUB IN SACK or cabs-- i wear. W BOSTWUA»» BILÆ HA« ftfV. tUSAUBniggMs, Also ficellent for Temporary Deafness and Head Noise* doe to eonarestion caused by colds, Fin end swintmln#, A. O. LEONARD. Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City Psychologists have the answer to the question of what becomes of the child geniuses. Children who are intellectual intellectual giants mature into even more learned giants. That this is true can he proved scientifically for the first time as the result of tests nearly completed by two psychologists at Columbia University, University, Dr. Irving Lorge and Dr. Leta S. Hellingworth. By restoring the intelligence oi more than half of a group of outstanding outstanding children originally tested fifteen years ago, the psychologists found that not one failed to live up to the brilliant future predicted upon the result of the first examination. "In 1922 we took 116 children from 7 to 9 years of age who were admittedly admittedly among the brightest pupils in Manhattan and part of Brooklyn and the Bronx, and rated them on the basis basis of the Stanford Binet test," Said Dr, Lorge. "They Were astoundingly intelligent children; they knew as much about cultural things, could write as well and think as straight as the average college student. "Within the last few weeks we have retested more than 60 of these children, all of whom are now. out., of colle*;;, of taking post grafiïïâte work. ' ' ltelligence has Increased be- yond belief, and, without a single exception, exception, they are now all members of the top 1 percent, of the intellectual cream of American society." Dr. Lorge said that on the basis of known figures on past contributions i>-> science, culture and life in general, it can be stated with absolute assurance assurance that do more Tor America than any 17,000 normal normal persons now of the same age." "I would be willing to wager a lot of money that all, or nearly all, of these young men and women will have their names added to the lists of outstanding scientific, literary or cultural cultural leaders; or will make a great success in business," said Dr. Lorge. Young Ontario Brides Writes the Brockville Recorder and Times : The talk having turned to youthful brides, statistics show" the average age in Ontario to be lowering in recent years. Seventy per cent of the brides of 1934 were under 26: In 1924 the percentage for the same age bracket was sixty- eight. In; 1934 five per cent were under 18, ten years previously only three and one-half per cent. The biggest percentage age is 21. wake ip nm LEER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Raritt* to Co The liver should pour out, two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile Is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It. just decays in the bowels. Gm bloats up your stomach. You get. constipated. Harmful poisons go into the foody, and yon feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk, A mere bowel movement dociin'tftlways get ®.t the cause. You need something that, works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Fills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely inti make you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work ©f calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Fills by Hamel Stubbornly refuse anything else. É JU COLDS d Head Colds s Heat Mmard*» m and inhale it» Chest Colds and Sore Throat: Heat, then « mb well into affected parts. I relief . quickly I Sotto Voce Mrs. Brown b-d occasion to reprimand reprimand her colored cook rather sharply. sharply. The victim looked daggers but said nothing until she reached the kitchen, where her voice could be heard in shrill vituperation. So loud became the clamor that her mistress hurried downstairs. "Why, Liza," she began "n amazement. amazement. "Who earth are you talking to?" "Ah ain't talkin' to nobody," was the reply, "but ah don't kcer who in dis house heah's me." Two professors were having an argu. ment la an inn. One called out. "Waiter, bring me an encyclopedia." Walter, (returning without it): "I am sorry sir, we haven't got. one in this hotel. But what is it you gents would like to know." The Worst of Jutland The real tea drinker cannot go very long without his tea! Alfred Noyes tells a delightful story about one of them. During the war he was writing up important incidents and was assigned assigned to interview sailors right after after the battle of Jutland. He found a sailor who had been sent aloft, and had to stay there during during the whole engagement with halfton halfton shells hurtling past his head. Thinking to get an exciting "story" from him, Mr. Noyes asked him to describe his sensations during those terrifying hours. All the man said was: "Well, of course, I had to miss my tea!" Road this letter from a woman describing describing the manner in which she was affected by rheumatism. "For several years," she writes, "I suffered with rheumatism of the joints especially in my hands, and this caused caused me intense pain. I was even afraid to shake hands with anyone, for it made me suffer terribly. I begàn taking Kraschen Salts regularly, and after a little while 'my pains disappeared disappeared completely. Ï am naturally delighted delighted with Knischen." -- (Miss) K. The pains and stiffness of rheumatism rheumatism are frequently caused by deposits deposits of uric acid in the muscles and joints. The numerous salts in Krus- chen assist in stimulating your Jiver and kidneys to healthy, regular action, action, and so help them to get rid of this excess' uric acid. Issue No. 10 '37 B-- 1 DOUBLE Satisfaction" DOUBLE Convenience DOUBLE Automatic Booklet ? ï Along Canada's lining Highway Mining properties from Coast to Coast known either as producers of base metals or to contain has- metal ores received marked stimulation during during the past week bv price advances in copper, lead and zinc to new high records for many years. Mining Corporation's important subsidiary, subsidiary, Normetals, formerly A bun:;, announced financing rights to shareholders shareholders at 75 cents a share. With the further announcement that the property property would be placed on production in July on a 250-ton daily basis, the shares attained "a market price of over $3 per share. Mining Corporation will own close to three million Nor- metal shares on the completion of the financing. Mining Corporation is further interested in Base Metals through its large. shareholding in Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting , and its control of Base Metsu Mining Corporation, with properties in British Columbia. The Company's holdings ' of gold equities are also substantial Mining Corporation is conceded to have most able anti efficient management. management. Th- imp* cant development in oil was the listing of the shares Of United Oils on the Toronto Stock Exchange. In addition to holdings in Turner Valley, including a holding immediately adjoining the Foundation well, the Company has extensive holdings holdings in other Alberta oil fields. Puzzled Motorist (to friend) : "How much petrol is in the tank, Bill?" Bill: "The indicator says "half but 1 don't know v bother it means half : full or half-empty. | Psychology ^'■■Magistrate: - "flow can you v? 3 mean as to swindle people who confidence in you?" Prisoner: "Well, your worship, they are the only ones that you ean swindle." One Way of Thinking The president of a firm of cleaners and renovators held up a garment for Ills ïorëtikLÂ: irsn&çtipii. "You see what I mean, "Wiff'w" he said, "and look, the other dresses bear me out. Look" -- he turned over a pile and brought several articles of ladies' wear into view -- "notice how those dresses that were re-colored by the older men are streaked and spotted, spotted, while these here" -- he indicated the pile on the left -- "which were done by the younger .Taps are perfect," perfect," "Ah, yes," said the foreman. "The old fellows have lost their eyesight foi; such work. I'd get rid of them, but it's a hard thing for me to do. For. some of them have been with us forty years or more." "I know," remarked the president, "but they must go. Remember, eld fellow, that only the young dye good! " Value of an Opinion "Everybody is entitled to his own opinion." "Of course," answered Miss ' Cayenne. Cayenne. "But you don't always know what to do with a perfectly good opinion opinion unless you can enjoy the lonely satisfaction of writing it bn a postcard postcard and mailing it, to a radio station." SHE WAS AFRAID TO SHAKE HANDS Rheumatism in Joints Caused Her intense Pain Eskimo Skilled In Many Crafts WIN'- rrcuc", --• Miss Prudence Hoc- ,;:, R f., who for the last five years ; : t in charge of the Anglican misEiiiii hospital at Pangnurtung, Baffin Baffin Land, speaking in this city, show- ed models in walrus ivory, of a sled, dogs, a boat with Its thin skill sail, and inhiiy other objects skilfully carved carved and decorated by the Eskimo, She also had models of an Eskimo man, woman and child, made by an Eskimo girl at the mission from seal skin, and showing remarkable skill. Her own parka and other garments which she wore In the- 'North, drew expressions Of admiration for the Arctic Arctic needle-women who made them. Misa Hockin told of the beginnings of the hospital work, how the Eskimo Eskimo at first were suspicious and they brought their sick only when they thought they were going to die. Wonderful Wonderful success in several apparently hopeless cases brought confidence and today the eight-bed hospital has Need Building-Up? \X/HEN you feel 1 * out - of - sorts, when you've no appetite,, or stomach stomach gives trouble, with gas or dyspepsia, dyspepsia, try Dr. Pierce's G o 1 d c n. Medical Discovery. For coughs due to __ colds try this tonic. Read"what Robert Wurr, Jr., of 56■ Water St, Galt, Ont, said: "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias proved itself to be a fine system builder and for 'coughs due to cold it is the best. It clears up the cough and makes a person feci fit as a fiddle. 5 ' Buy now of your nearby druggist. New size, tablets 50c., _ liquid $1.00 & $1.35. Write for free medical advice to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. go much work to do that a second • nurse is needed. ) Miss Hockin will leave in April fo> !.. Moose Factory where she will be in charge of a mew Anglican hospital) [ recently built, She is giving, addreg f before Sunday schools *w:L, t w.-,> sît*vyÿ societies during the : : ing Canadian Gold Production has consistently Improved with the new gold-producing gold-producing areas developing in importance. AuthciVik statistics regard regard irr y t Canadian " Go id ' % m i ■ > ; ;; 1 histry a ntt ind!-..-idual opera?irtS-- m ; panics, may be oBtainècr upon request and without obligation, from our Statistical Statistical Department. BRIDGER^-- rrptry-7? aWemhen H EVE NOR S.® TOR ON T O STOCK 60 King St. W. EXCHANGE Toronto BACKACHE KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE Classified Adveriismg INVESTORS « N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. Dipt. of wanted inventions and full informants sent -free, THE RAMSAY Company, WoiM Patent Attorneys, Canada. 273 Rank Street, Ottawa, BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL ROBERTSON'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY " Toronto, Dominion Chartered, free booklet, Write for PURE GUARANTEED WOOL "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 p-EA.UTiFUL .Materials $. Wash fast ! Prints ! P Broadcloths! Makes, five quiltsl ' "Free "Pattern." Refund guarantee! Eton Mill» Department Wits, Oùtremont, .. Montreal. r POUNDS QUILT PATCHES--$1.00 #1,^3 d postage,' Prints, Broadcloths, fWat Washfast Materials! Free.:--. Pattern instructions.. . Federated Textiles Limited, Montreal. MEDICAL I F YOU ARE TROUBLED WITH BALL -1 Bladder and Liver Ailments, write : BW~ iatt's, Two Eleven Gerrard Street, TeFçmte. PLANTS Stop Getting Ud Nigrhts and Feel Younger Here's one good way to flush harmful harmful waste from kidneys and stop bladder bladder irritation that often causes scanty, burning and smarting passage. passage. Ask your druggist for a 40-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules -- a splendid safe and harmless diuretic diuretic and stimulant for weak; kidneys and irritated bladder. Besides getting up nights, 1 some symptoms of kidney trouble are backaches, backaches, puffy eyes, leg cramps, and moist palms, but be sure to get GOLD MEDAL -- it's the genuine medicine for weak kidneys -- right from Haarlem Haarlem in Holland. .- -AXAUA'S LARGEST ■ LIST GOVEKM- V men t Certified Raspberries. hiéfiiding Starlight, the earliest, Newburgh, the largest; largest; also the earliest Tomatoes and Potatoes. Edward Lowden, Hamilton. ITU" HEELING YARN -- GUARANTEE!! W p uro Canadian wool--Grey, white, mottled mottled 60c: colored yarns--79c lb, plus postage. Bancroft. Woollen Mills. Bancroft, Ontario. ^Scratching RELIEVE ITCHING In A A-t/mtto Even the meet eiubbom ItcMnig of eczema,. blotchqgj rasfies and other skin ero|F ~ "* * ** ifolsei* le <& pimples, &tbie$;e's' foot, lions, quickly yields to Dr, Donnie cooling, am tic, liquid De D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ' . „ , ... . Its gentle « soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greasciess and icss--dries fast. Stops the most intense itching Se* Bluntly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves fir" ' ' ' " - " D. PRESCRIPTION n wwwi w,y , ,a. vuv Vi iat mveuc, toil Ml or money Sjaii-k. Ask for D. D. D.,

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