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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Mar 1937, p. 8

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-i. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE Miiss 'Oota Butler visited Toronto oil Sunday last I Miss .Rena Tltoum spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Brittain is spending the week in Toronto visiting relatives. Mrs. E. W, 11. Ward is home from a month's, visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A11 in of Ida were recent guests of' ;• Mrs. George P. Rickard. Mr. Qeorge Claines of the Rank of Ci'ommoiiee staff at Brooklyn, spent: the weèk-enid with his parents. Mr. Lawrence Gaines spent the week-end in Toronto, the guest of his brother, Mr. Clarence (laines. Mrs. Muckiev Clark, with Miss Eileen Clark and Mr. Lewis Clark, motored to Belleville for the weekend. weekend. Mrs. Cecil Horrooks and Miss Audrey Horroeks, -accompanied by Mrs. D. R. I >exvdney, motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Percy Brown and Mrs. R. T. Rutherford have commenced practices practices for a threesaiet Farce, entitled ""Cheerio, My Deari's." Rev. J. Scott and Mrs. Howard went to Toronto on Tuesday to bid •good-bye to their son Allan McLean Howard, who is leaving for -Tamalea to be gone three months. According to rumours, Newcastle is shortly to have a boom. It is said that a new dentist, a watchmaker, a new barber and a hairdresser are about to open.up places of business. The sympathy of the community Is, extended to Mr: and. Mrs. Frank Miller upon the death of their infant j daughteir Winnifred ori r "\ last. The funeral took pi the home of Mrs. Miller's f: , -- Wifeon McManus"' on Saturday after- mbotf. The Woman's Missionary 'Society -Ov iiie United Church held the Easter Tbankoffering meeting on Monday afternoon in the Sunday (School rooms. There was a large attendance attendance of hoth members and visitors and the President, Mrs. S, McLean, presided. The guest speaker was the Travelling Secretary of the W, :M.S., M'isls Mitchell of Toronto, who told of her work throughout Canada. Miss Hattie Mason sang during the collecting of the Thankoffering envelopes envelopes and Mrs. J. A. Butler moved the vote of thanks to the speaker. Tea was. served at the close of the meeting. meeting. The Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting in the Council Chamber on Monday even-; ing. March 1st. Mr. Batty, the chairman, was appointed delegate to the Ontario 'School Trustees and Ratepayers convention to be held in Toronto at the end of the month. A -commumication was to hand from Dr. -McArthur, Deputy Minister of Education, Education, which showed that under the New High (Schools Act, the cost of ••minty pupils who are attending 11 igt schools within the county, will be paid, in full by the county. The secretary secretary was instructed to write tin Dept, of Education to secure Coron at ion Medals which are to be pre sented to all t he 'pupils of, Public land .'High schools; as .souvenirs of the cor - CO WAN VILLE Mr. and Mrs, W. 0. Cro-ssley spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Irwin Zion. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. W. C. Orossley on Wednesday last with a fair attendance. Miss .Myrtle Waehteri't has returned returned to her home after visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan. A few of the young people from here attended the .dance at Willis Farrow's on Thursday night last and report a good time. (Several; of the young people of this community enjoyed a good time at the dance at Mr. W. Farrow's on Thursday evening. Mrs. West of Stringer was home with her parents over the week-end helping while her mother, Mrs, Jas. (Burley, is : taking her course of the flu. This community received a terrible shock on hearing of the sudden death of -a friend and former resident, resident, Mr. Alvin Harness. In spite of muddy roads a large number of friends from here went to his funeral funeral to pay their last respects. The T. P. League met last Wednesday Wednesday evening ini charge of our Mis'-- sonary convener, Mary Henderson, with a programme consisting of a duet by Mrs. R. (Smith and Velma Cowan, a talk by Mr. George Lewis, a solo by Mr. 'G. White and contests. contests. Clarke League ( regular weekly meeting was held on Wednesday last with a good attendance. Our vice- president, Miss Mary Henderson took our president's place, Mr. .Alfred .Alfred • ^ •" ""'ing the: meeting -esident ,---nrémlbers about ,life"wood and other business.. Our Missionary convener was in charge of the program for that night and she called on Mrs. Brooks Cowan to lead in responsive reading of the Bible. Mrs. Roy Smith and sister Velma Cowan, favoured us with a guitar and accordion duet, Mr. Lewis and friend of Wecome gave very interesting talks on Mission and other good pointers in connection with the League. Mr. Gordon White favoured with a guitar and singing selection. Following a hearty vote of thanks to our Welcome friends on coming up and helping us in our needs. The meeting then closed with the benediction' and a , few contests contests were then much enjoyed. CLARK UNION oration -of King Georgë and Queen 'Elizabeth, The secretary was also instructed, to pay outstanding accounts. accounts. and ask the municipal council for interim grant of $1,000.00, the first, request for a grant this year. CROOKEDCREEK 'We are glad to report that nearly all our sick are on (the mend again. For most of us, we are so busy getting getting caught up with our work that we haven't time to get sick. Drawing, sawing and splitting wood is the order order of the day. We are glad to got the snow to help out. Our citizens are still moving about. Bert Reid attended the Good Road's Convention in Toronto. Sid Hughes and Wilfrid Sunday attended Orange Lodge at Alderrille, and made a night <of it. Miss Winnif red Miarsden is visiting at; Sunday's, Billy Andrews is back in our midst, the bright lights xjf Newrohvilii- mils' have ; been too inneh. The League at Shiloh was well at- teded this week, with Gordon Clydesdale Clydesdale back in hi.s place as president. The event of the year took place Robins have returned, which is an indication of an early spring. Miss M. Archer spent the weekend weekend with her parents at Port Hope. The stock testers and sprayers have completed their work in the sec tion. Mr. Ray Berry has his trees tapped making preparations for maple - syrup. syrup. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Welsh of Salem visitèd' at Mr. Me!ford Slier win's on Saturday. Miss Ruth Fogg, nurse-in-training it Boxvm.'invilie hospital, was home Tver the week-end. Mr. Archie Watson, who has been confined to the house with the flu, is •(bio to bé out around again. Mrs. II. J. Soueli is in Toronto consul ting a specialist, We wish her a" speedy recovery from her sickness. Clarke Union Home and School Club will be held on March 18th. A good programme is in preparation. Everyone come. Mrs. Wm. Dawson, from the West, has been spending the winter with her son Bill, and leaves this week for her home in the Prairie Province, Mr. Harold Shuttlleworth visited friends in the section over the weekend. weekend. Harold has been engaged for another year at, the same place at Mr. J D. Metcalf's, of the Base Line. last Saturday night when several from here attended the hockey game in Toronto and ' helped the M-aple Leafs trim Maroons, To hear them talk it must have been a wonderful game and if a few got (so much fun out, of a game like that it, would be a good move if the government would arrange it so that all country folk could attend once or twice a winter. We cannot confirm the rumours of the real estate deals and weddings. If they are true we will let you know later. NEWTONVILLE Mrs. Rd.-hrath entertained Miss E. Mitchell during her stay in the village. Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cow an: ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Miiison, Sunday. Mr. Jack Reid attended a social gathering in M iilbrook on Thursday Thursday evening. Mir. and Mrs. Brook Pethiek visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Newcastle, Newcastle, recently. Miss Helen Darlington and Mir. Jack Glover visited Mrs. Darlington, Iiendal, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Willis Farrow entertained entertained their friends with a dance on Thursday night. Congratulations to Miss Helen Stone and Mr. Douglas Ogden upon their recent marriage. Mrs. J. T. Pearce and daughters visited -Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Osborne, M'orri'sh, (Sunday. Miss Leona Tèbble, Newcastle, and Miss Niamey Gordon,' Pont Hope, visited at Mr. W. McKay's. (Mrs. George Campbell spent last week in Toronto, owing to the illness of her father, Mir. Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Couch and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. Couch,, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay and Mrs. Gordon were Sunday guests off Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallorwell, Starkville. Mir. and Mrs. John Morris, Messrs. Chaiflie and .Everett Stapleton, Orono, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max -Stapleton recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Stark - ville, and Mr. R. Martin, Lake Shore, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Stapleton and Mrs Tims. Stapleton. Congratulations to- Miss Jean Campbell, '"h, 'V'■,i firsr class honors in Grade VIII. pianoforte examinations examinations held at Oshawa last Friday, after after only five months preparation. Owing to the; absence of the President, President, II. O. League,, Tuesday, March 2nd, was opened by Rev. E. L. Beech. Miss Gladys Pearce wtas in charge of the following program : Scripture reading, Wandla McKay; reading, Le- land Millson; vocal duet, Marian. Bruce and June Ware; piano solo, June Ware; recitation. "Myself," Mrs. Dudley Jones; vegetable contest; contest; Mizpnh Benediction, The W.M.K. of the United Church, held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the Church on Friday, March 5th, with an attendance attendance of twenty-four ladies. The President, Miss I. La ing, had charge of the opening exercises, after which Mrs. George McCullough read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. John Barrie led in prayer ami then Mrs. .George Walkey read the d ovo tonal leaflet, (Jesus, Lord of All). A message was read from Miss E. A. Thompson, (after (after which Mrs. Ken. Ware favoured with a solo f I'm a. Pilgrim and I'm a Stranger). Miss Evelyn Mitchell, travelling 'Secretary of the Dominion Board, was then in trodnerd, and: gave a. wonderful talk on her travels and. "The Kingdom - of God Movement," which was very interesting and' much enjoyed (by all those present. Miss Annie Thompson closed' the meeting with prayer after which lunch was served 1 and a social time enjoyed 1 . SIXTH LINE Mrs. IL I I.McKv'vvy. Kirby , is spending a, few days, at the home of her brother, Mr. John Stewart. Mr. John Cornish and family have been recent visitors with Mr. A. Soper, and Mr. (Bob Thomas has found employment in Toronto. ' Messrs.' A, Morton, G- Morton and G Oath-cart, recently attended Port Hope L.O.L.. to -assist with the team in putting on the Scarlet degree. Lawrence Greenwood and Leslie Morgan have of late been a bit under under the weather and the former is now taking a vacation with friends in Toronto. Their many friends may soon hail their recovery with delight. Mr. Harry Berry is also lately out of the running on account of an 'injury 'injury to his foot. A couple of samples of taxidermy lately, came to notice and is the work of our young _ neighbor, Lawrence Thomas, - one being that of a large owl and the other of a eo'llic dog, the first the property of Glover brothers, N-efwtonrvi'lle, and the latter belonging to Mr. A. Cathcart. Each is a very noticeable piece of skill and we congratulate congratulate Lawrence on his task. COWAN'S THE OLD ADAGE, "EVERY PENNY SAVED IS AS GOOD AS EARNED" IS WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. CONSIDERATION. WE POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT, ASK YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lbs. for 26c. CANNED PEAS : ; 9c. COOKING FIGS, 1 lb 6 C . ROYAL SLICED PINEAPPLE, tin , 10c. AYLMER CORN ,, 10c. HEINZ BAKED BEANS 11c O. K. SOAP, 9 for 25c. prunes, per n> ioe. BRUNSWICK SARDINES :.... 4c. SALADA TEA, BROWN LABEL 30c. PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER POULTRY ad HATCHERY SUPPLIES COAL AND OIL TROUGHS, HOPPERS BROODERS AND FOUNTAINS $11.50 and up 20c. and up Cod Liver Oil - $1.25 per gal. tin VI IN STONE'S LA Y1NG PIONEER LAYING MASH MASH $2.35 per cwt. $2.70 per cwt. Phone 66 PERCY LUNN General Merchant Orono A GRAND LINE-UP OF FOOD VALUES BIG 5 or BABBIT'S CLEANSER : 5c. EELS NAPTHA SOAP, SPECIAL, 3 for 20c. GRAPE NUTS, SPECIAL 16c. MORNING GLORY FLAKED WHEAT, 5 lbs. for 22c. ROBIN HOOD PASTRY FLOUR, 24-lb. bag.....', 97c. CUT MIX PEEL, 1-2-lb. pkg 1 13c. PITTED DATES, 3 lbs. for 25c. ICING SUGAR, per lb .'. 5c. CARNATION MILK (BABY), 4 for 15c. CRilSCO SHORTENING, l-'lb. tin 2... 22c. Girls, see the new Dionne Quintuplet Cut-out Doll Books containing Attractive Clothes to Dress, each 10c. We Reserve the Rights to Limit Quantities ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP WINTER WEATHER -4/ is NOT OVER -4- RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN N O W AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD 'BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at 'all times --•--also , LUMBER, SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES . Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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