ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS II / KENDAL Mr. Walter Wrigbit of Shiloh visit- <ed at home on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Evan Quantril visited visited in Gxiwio on Thursday. Mi*] Marjorie Patton of Bowmau- ville was home for the week-end!. Mrs. Wesley Elliott visited at Mrs. Win. Oaraeaddm on Wednesday. Mrs. A. Javkstm hais been Visiting her daughter, .Airs. Win. Honey of MillSketii. -M:iss Velma Mercer of Garden Hill is staying' with her cousin. Mrs, Lome Mantinelle. The mein of the eomimmity were buisy on Friday at a wood bee for Mr. San i 'SearM; Mrs. Win. ' Paltteiisoiix visited with -her daughiter, Mrs, Wm. Wannan of ' Kilby o n Friday. A. number from here attended tire funeral] of Mrs. J. Peacock of Elizabeth Elizabeth ville on Friday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Elliot,t visited at Mr. lia Hand Seems- of Baitieboro on Tuesday. MisS -Selina; Therltell of Oak Hill visited at her brother's, Mr. Waiter Titerteir.- on Thursday. Miss Beatrice and Mr. John Tbompison of Newt-oiiviHe visited with friends here on Tuesday. Miss Alina Bell has returned home after staying with her brother, Mr. ' Carman Bel] oif C-ampbdlllcrpf t. There was a good attendance at Sunday school on Sunday morning, . also at the worship service at eleven o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quantril of Elizalbetlbville visited, at his, parents, Mr. and "Mrs.. George Quant rill on -Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs, Homey and Mrs. Jaickscij, motored to ElizabethviBe on Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. -J. Peacock. Mr!3. Milton I hmbav and - sun Elliott, Elliott, of Pevvvtown, have " returned 1 V'W-e --fooin _vi.srt'injg her mother, Mrs, Wtelfey Eliictt. Mr. and Mrs. Beginttid Elliott visited 1 at Mr. Milton Dunbar's, Perrytoiwn, on iSunday. Mrs, Elliott remaining for a visit. Misls Annabel lie Hendry visited at home for the week-end and attended church service here on .Sunday, «JC- c-o-mfpanied by her brother, Mr. Bbb. Hendry. Mr. Samuel! Btryson is in Bow-man- . ville hospital, haying undergone several several operations and is in a serious condition. Friendls wish for him a spoed-v recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Qecil Glass attended attended the funeral of Mr. Thomas Hawkins Hawkins at Port Flop© on Thursday. Mrs. "Wags remained witlh Mrs, J. Jack- svn for a short visit. Mr. Million Bdbin-son visited at Mrs. John Jackson's on Wednesday. Mrs. Robinson, who had been staying wjth Mrs. Jackson for a few days, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong. MilRrrook, visited ,at Mr, Ira Thonnip von'.- oh, Wednesday and then visited "with her father, Mr. Samuel Bryson, who is in Bowirtianville hospital. Mrs. Wm. -Carseadden received word from Midland last week that her sister, Must. Brolie, who is eighty '.years of age,, bad the misfortune to fall iand break lier thigh. Mrs. Brolie spent a year with Mrs. Caroeadden two or three years ago and made a t.uiiilh v of friends in. the community, who hope ■'for a. gpoody recovery. ü^ipeoïâl Sunday evening : : 'service, was held under the auspices of the W.A.. on March 14th, with Mr. Mellov of Crooked 1 Creek. as the guest sneak er. Mr,. - Mel to r gave a ■ siblepd'id address. address. taking for his text "Thig is J-tisus," "Beautiful Jefe] of -Some,' where," and "He slb.all wipe the tear from every, eve." were sung by Mr. Arthur Bell of Oron-o. The Young People's League - was held as usual on Thursday evening. League opened with League Pled'gf- amd hymn "All the way my Saviour Leads Me," followed by Lord's prayer. prayer. "Blessed ' Assurance Jesius is Mine" was then sting. The scripture scripture reading of 28th chapter of Matt- Lew was taken bv Jennie Wright. Mr. Beech spoke oil the books, Matthew Matthew and Mark. Hymn, "Baulk, the voice of Jesus calling" was then sung. A reading, entitled "No Kiss," was given by Helen Mercer. The topic on Missionary work i-n Nigeria was taken by Kate Stewart. Annie Wright tiben gave a recitation "Billy and Me." The meeting closed, with hymn "I do not -ask for earthly store" and Mizfpah benediction. -o--------- "Ohiekens eeme home to roost." ■"Yes. but not as early as they used to," says an Grotto parent. --- ----O -- A-KL'BÉOÎN -- In Orono, on Thursday,^'March Thursday,^'March 11th. 1987, to Mr. and Mrs-.. Walter Oarlet-on, a daughter (Beverley Ann). NEWTONVILLE Miss Bertha Thompson spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs.- George Campbell w-as in Toronto Toronto on Thursday, -Miss Marguerite McKay, Brighton, spent the week-end at home. M rs. Boy Smith ; spent the past week with friend's in Toronto. Messrs, MacDonald, .Millbrook, visited Mr. George McCullough recently. recently. " Mr. a nd Airs. L. Savery and family family were recent Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Yule, Oshaiwa. Mr. and Airs. Willis J-ones and family spent the "week-end recently with. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Lane, Qol- 'horne. Mrs- Beg. Woodham, Toronto, was a week-end] guest o-f her mother, Mrs. Norman Samis. Among the silek this week are : Mrs. Willis Jones, Bud and Fay; Mrs. 1 lihori Avery, Mrs. G. AY. Jones, and Mrs. J. Colon. There were 15 ladies took advantage advantage of;he sewing course sponsored by the AV. I. and each member made a dress during the five day course. On -the last evening, Friday, they enjoyed enjoyed -a banquet. -Mrs. M. Milligan was called to Little Britain on Thursday, owing, to the critical illness of her father, Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Wm. Jaynes motored motored her there -and visited relatives in Lindsay. They returned Saturday. Saturday. The Indies of the W.M.8. of ihv Presbyterian church, met at the home of Mrs, .A.rn.'iU on, Wednesday, Mar. 10th. The program, was short, owing to so much business. It was decided to hold a Pot Luck Supper in the basement of the church oil March .24. U, C. League on Tuesday evening, evening, March 9th, Mrs. ]S. Lancaster took charge of the meeting owing to the absence of the Missionary convener, convener, Arthur Haines. Quite -a bit of time was taken up with the.business the.business period 1 . Bev. E. L. Beech read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. L. Savery gave the topic and 1 Mrs. A. Bed- knapp rendered a solo. A large crowd! -attended the miscellaneous miscellaneous shower in the community hall on Wednesday evening, March 10th, in 'honour of a recent bride and groom,, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden, formerly Miss Helen IS tone. They received a great many beautiful beautiful (presents from the community, the address -being read by Mrs. Frank 'Ovens. They -also received a band- some china tea set from Newton ville V.C. choir, o-f which the -bride was a valued member. AI v. George Campbell Campbell read the address for this and Miss I. Laing made the presentation, Mr. Wm. Laing was chairman for the program to which Miss Elsie Wallace and Mr. ('Inland Lane -contributed solos. Campbell's orchestra favored with selections' and- Mr,. Cecil Payne spoke a, few words. clarR 0 Won Farmers of the section are busy drawing home their winter's wood since, the last sinow. Mr. Andrew Bennie, who ] has been working with II. J. Soudh the past year, bals returned to Ms home at I'ontypool. Mrs. Victor Phasey and little daughter, Qwen-nythe are spending a few. days with her friend, Miss Dorothy Dorothy Soudh. Mr. William Baiter lost a work horse recently. The committee in charge of the quit in connection with the Home and 'School -Club met at tii-e home of Mrs. S. D. ISowh, where a very enjoyable enjoyable evening was spent. Tickets will be sold on this quilt later. Mrs:. John Bicbaby, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, daughter, Mrs, II. J. fournit, has gone to Toronto for ,a visit with her daughter daughter and souls. Mr. Horace Best has purchased a team of horses. Horace likes- a good team. We are glad to report that Archie Watson is- so far recovered 1 from the flu as to return to school. Mrs. Milford Sherwin entertained a. number of her neighbors on Friday evening of last week. . ÿÿ o ; ' Who says the Scot, fe tighi-(i«frd ! The students of Glasgow University went out on a tag day and collected SI0,000. They would have irol looted more only that Was all the strangers there were in- the oity thlaf diay. LESKARD Mr. Boy Ball spent -Sunday with friends in Pickering. Mr. Arthur Bell Visited with Kendal Kendal friends on Sunday. Mr. Harry Davey and Mrs. E. Dav.'.v spent an enjoyable day in Toronto recently. Mr. Harold! MacDonald has started work at Mr. Robert Alllin's, where he lias been engaged for a term. Mr. and Mrs. -Clarence Martin and Audrey spent Sunday with her brother, brother, Mr, Henry Cornish, -Orono. Mr. Boy Thompson, Bowman ville, visited Miss Alary Brown on Thursday Thursday and attended the social evening a-t lilie Sunday school. Glad to see Mr. Will Bair,stow home on Sunday. Mr. Bairatow taught the bible 'class on Sunday. Every one/enjoyed the lesson. The Home and School Club held a meeting a,t the school on Monday evening. A good programme was given,, consisting of music by Messrs Dick Gibbs arid S'tewart 1 looey ; a duet by Misses Edna and Audrey Billings; Billings; readings -by Messrs, Oscar Skelding and .Robert Chaters;: -music •by Messrs, George Bal'ph ; Bill Sparks land Jack Bentley. The remainder of the -evening was- spent in, dancing. The next meeting will be, held on Monday, April 5 th. The social evening held at the -Sunday -Sunday school was a, real -success. An excellent programme wa's, -given, consisting consisting of 'solios by Mis's Stolls Best, Miss Gwen Tennan t ; duets by Misses Alice Ba||slt-ow and Bien a Ball, and Jean Syer and Muriel Tennant; violin violin solos by Kennaffli Shackle-ton ; hu - rn-orous readings by Messrs. Oscar Skelding and Tlobert Chaters ; music by Charles . and El va Gay and music by Misses Bona Ball, Elv,a Gay and Messrs. Stanley Ball and Jack -Stb- berl ; mouth organ solo by George Ralph ; a d ialogue, named "Those Awful Boots," was given and enjoyed enjoyed by all. Lunch was served. (Too late for last week) The farmers are busy hauling wood these days. Mr. Clarence Martin spent Sunday with his parents at Balsam. Miss Alice Bairatow was a tea guest of Mis-s- Gray on Bund ay evening. evening. The Van All in farm has changed hands. Air. (Ravel of Windsor is the purchaser. Messrs. Walter Cornish, Clarence Martin, Hora'ce Best and John Best -made a business, trip to Pont Perry on Thursday. A number of the young people gathered -together on Monday night at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fee -and. chivaried Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thompson. The evening was spent in games. Lunch wais- served by the hostess and -an enjoyable time was had iby all. CO WAN VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook from Hamilton visited at the home of Mrs. Cdok'is mother, Mrs. Perrin, over the weekend. Mr. Benson Bebee from Morrish visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson on Sunday. Wednesday night the yo-ting People's People's Le'ague met under devotional might with a programme consisting of a debate, resolved' that "Modern cimveuiences are an injury to- social life in farming communities,," a musical 1 sefeation by Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Co-wà;n, a mouth organ solo by Violet Hollingsworth. Contests were then .enjoyed. Air. and ' Mrs. Comstock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'S„ For;cons on Sunday. KIRBY Miss Annid Forbes] is visiting Highland! Creek and Toronto. Our genial tonsoriat and grocer is doing u -real -business at present, and why not ? -as he excels in bot h. Our most esteemed' friend, viz.. Mr. John All in, who has been ill for some time, is reported to 'be gaining very nicelÿ. Rev. J. H. Osterbout delivered! a very instructive sermon here on Sunday Sunday to ; those who appreciate such and take advantage of such privileges: in small places-. I Our popular well-digger, Mr. Qeo. Forbes, has just 'completed a bother good job by finishing a well with 5 or 6 feet of water in it for Mr. Wm. Armstrong. George leaves no dry wells for his _ opposition to finish. We would 'advise the owners of those horses that keeps disturbing the neighbors all night by roaming around 1 until Aurora, to stable them at once or this will wind up in Heterogeneous Heterogeneous eonglosomation of unfor- -seen difficulties. COWAN'S DESPITE A GENERAL ADVANCE IN PRICES', YOU CAN BUY GROCERIES HERE FOR LESS THAN YOU PAID ELSE WHERE OVER A PERIOD OF YEARS. WE POSITIVELY MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO A LONGER WAY. CHOCOLATE PUFFS, 2 LBS. FOR , 29c PALMOLIVE SOAP, NEW PRICE 6c. OUR PRICE, 2 FOR 9c JELLY POWDERS , 4 4c HURON TOILET TISSUE 3c DURHAM CORN STARCH 9c BIG 5 CLEANSER, 2 FOR ,., 9c PUFFED WHEAT, 2 PKGS 19c ONE MINUTE TAPIOCA 12c McCORMICK'S BUTTER SODAS, 1-LB. PKG,. 15c SILVER GLOSS STARCH, 1 LB: 10c PHONE 77rl WE DELIVER NOW IS THE TIME TO Transform Your Home Low Bros. H. S. Paints, Varnishes and Enamels Flo Glaze Paints and Varnishes Brushes, 10c. to $1.35 FLOOR WAXES AND VARNISH STAINS Don't Miss Our lc. Varnish Sale PERCY LUNN Phone 66 General Merchant Orono WEEK-END FOOD VALUES AMBER HONEY, 2 1-2 lb. pail : * 23c TRIMETTES, assortment trimmings for cakes, pkg 5c P & G SOAP. SPECIAL, 4 for 15c COOKING FIGS- (another shipment just arrived, 2 lbs... 13c CURDS FRUITY ORANGEADE and SWEET GINGER GINGER ALE, 2 30-ounce bottles , --* 25c Plus 5 c. returnable ) MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 1 Ib.'C & C 28c AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES, No. 2 sqt. SPECIAL, 2 for - 17c SHREDDED WHEAT. SPECIAL, 2 for !.. 23c PEANUT BUTTER, 6-ounce jar, 2 for 13c KEEN'S MUSTARD, 1-4 lb. tins 25c MARVEL COOKING BRAN, 3 1-2 lb. bags, 2 for , 21c AUNT DINAH COOKING MOLASSES, 2 1-2 lb. tins, 2 for 4 35c RONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP WINTER WEATHER >- IS NOT OVER -b- RE-FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND GUARD AGAINST ZERO COLD 'BLUE COAL', SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, COKE In Stock at all times ------also--r-- LUMBER; SHINGLES, ROOFING, BUILDER'S - SUPPLIES Orono Coal & Lumber Co