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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 9. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1957. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year, We Need Subscriptions--Subscribe Now Auditors' Statement For t Clarke Township Council In Healthy Condition Showing Receipts and ExpendituresAssets ExpendituresAssets And Liabilities Receipts Cash in Canadian Batik of Commerce, Jan. 1, 1936$ 4292,66 Taxes collected, current... 57095.39 Arrears Taxes, collected, 1936 4849.30 Penalities on Taxes, collect- ed 457.67 'County's grant, school pur- poses '. ...... ♦ • • • 308.17 Town hall rentals' • 208.00' Sale of Amusement tax tickets 70.71 City of Toronto, share of relief, two recipients ... 69.38 Pro vi ncial Government Highways grant 3692.92 Sale of gravel pit ........ 25.00 Hale of standing timber. . 31.00 Rental of cement mixer . . 25.58 Misteellaneous ...... .... . 55.00 Total ..... . ...... $71180.73 Expenditures Salaries and Allowances . ,$ 1856.91 Stationery and printing. . . 301.40 Law costs ...... . . :•.. • • • • 60.06 Beads .and (bridges . . ...... 10184.47 Belief and Hospiti: Dation of indigents 2782.74 Counties rate ... ,-.. ...... 28404.82 School (purposes .... 16135.26 Board of Health 264.28 Payments on debentures .. 2907,79 Sheep losses ...... ...... 162.00 Town hall, alterations and repairs 1 353.47 Township payments to Mrs. ■Randall ...... ' .. 480.00 Township payments to Orono Police Trustees .. 1186.80 Purchase of Amusement tax tickets « ■ 78.30 Auditors' fees .... 20.00 Insurance, public liability and employers' liability . 430.50 Grant public library 15.00 Postage, revenue and office supplier 47.50 •Grant Durham Central Agricultural Society 200.00 Grant Horticultural Society 15.00 Costs re drainage adjustment, adjustment, Loti 9 B.F 70.00 Expense, Division court .. 24.00 iMiboellanieous ..... 128.11 Cash on hand, Canadian Bank of Oamimeroe ..... 5072.32 Total $71180.75 ASSETS Cash in Canadian Bank of Commerce $ 5073.32 Taxes live hiding penalties!, O. IS 24999.83 Province of Ontario Highway Highway (grant, '(estimated).. 4000.00 Amusement, tax tickets on hand ........ 68.09 $34140.24 Land and Buildings $ 8200.00 High ways, bridges, etc. ... 15000.00 Furniture ........ 450.00 Village of Orono street paiy- - ing as per debenture debt 4263.29 Village of Orono Eire enr glue as per deb. debt. ... 1073.06 G. S. Ho-. 7, Clarke as per deb debt ........ ........ 4223.05 PLACE NAMED HELL Jack Ernst would Come as north winds blew, Fresth snow would blanket, hill and dell; These things the canny farmer knew When after coal he wont, to Hell, An amusing incident was related by Mr. and Mrs, Lou Buckley when they -visited here recently. It appears that near their home at iSutbon West, is a hamlet, that rejoices in the name of Belli. Last fall there came into the district a new minister who was totally unaware of his proximity, locality; locality; (by ntime) with fire and brimstone. brimstone. Calling upon, some farmer parishioners Shortly 'after his arrival, he was informed iin all sincerity by the Sim-all boy of one family, that the latter's father had "gone to Hell, for a load of coni." The good man is said to have proceeded 1 to the next eallly highly indignant at, the youngster's youngster's seeming levity. iSjS; Hof 12, Clarke, -as. per . debenture debt ......... . . 14340.60 .Road machinery and Kquip- nient . ...... 2000.00 Town hall rentals duo ..... 13.00 OVER OUR FENCE $49563.00 $34140.24 Total Assets ... .$83703.24 LIABILITIES Village of Orono. street paving, deb. debt: $ 4263.29 Village of Orono, fire engine engine deb. deëbt ........ 1073.06 S.S. Ho. 7, Clarke, deb. debt ...... , ..... ..... 4223.05 SiS. Ho. 12, Clarke, deb. debt .'. 14340.60 Collector's salary .... .... 325.00 Total! $24225.00 STATEMENT OF TAXES Arrears, including penalties. . Dec. 31, 1935 . .. . $'27838.43 1936 tax roll 59106.09 Penalties added during 1936 457.67 Total Collectable ....$87402.19 Current taxes, collected . . . $57095.39 Arrears taxes, collected ... 4849.30 Penalties collected .... ... 457.67 Balance O. IS. prior to 1936 penalties. Dec. 31. '36. .. 8828.30 Balance O. S. 1936 taxes.. 16171.53 $87402.19 IHSHBANOE- AND BONDS OF THOEMHŒTY Treasurer, 'Canadian Surety Co., Ho. 114616, renewai. .$ 1000.00 T-ax 'Collector, Globe Indemnity, Indemnity, No. 3942, renewal.. 3000.00 Employers Liability, Law I hiii.t: and Bock, No. 100995, renewal .... ...Standard Public Liability. Lloyds, Ho. 20400, renewal ..... .Standard Eire insurance, town hall, D- in. Eire, Ho. 646115.. . 5500.00 Town hall, Federal 1 Eire, Ho. 113049 4000.00 'Contents, town hall, l)o- minion Eire 500.00 (Continued on page four) EASTER REPORT StarJcville Public School Figures denote percentage. V.--Kellie Shutka 64. Jr. IV.--Danny Shutka 75 (lion.). Hazel Farrow 71. IS*. HI.--Phyllis ; Gilmer 70. * Eileen FarroW 68, * Eileen Todd 60, Doreen Farrow 59. Jr. III. --(Stewari M&cDonatol 66. IT.--Josie Trim 80 (Hon.), Sophie Shutka 67. v Lawrence iVirvow 60; Dorothy MacDonald 37. : Sr. 1,---Dorothy / Farrow 85 (Hon.) , * Billy Trim -66, Dick MacD'èi®0^11 Pr. -- Audrey Farrow, David Thrower, Mable Thrower. Hole : Asteriek in a rk i n di cates one or more examinations missed. --Marion J. B, Green, teacher. YOUNG PEOPLE'S ■On Monday last the meeting was in charge of the executive with the president taking etou'gv. Hymn 174 "The Church is One Foundation," was sung, followed h.v prayer by lier. Ostcrhoiit. ; The iS'crilpture was read by Mildred Henry, rii'jor which Hymn: 231 was sung. A so! o'was then enjoyc-d by Lois Wood, "Down by the Old MiiriSfream." -ti.) The topic was taken in three parts by Bev. O'sferho'U/t, Elsie. Rowe,arid Miss Hazel VT.ctod. Hymn 36,2 was mingy followed |b,v : thé: . election of Hdll Bafiîey to take CfKfFord Jones: place. Plans uerc : iheti disietissedifoF an amateur contest ' .to be held the first Monday in April. The meeting came to a dose by repeating the League League Benediction. The Men's Brotherhood participated participated in the evening .service at the United United Church, Port Hope,, tin 'Sunday, and the official presentation and dedication dedication of the Communion Table was made. Mrs. Marv Anne Carmichael, mother mother of Marry J. Garmichael, vioe-presi- den and general manager of General Motors of Canada, died on Sunday at Hew Haven, Conn. Mrs. Carmichael, 73, was the widow of William A. Carmichael', and had been in poor health for the past, two years. Fred Cr.vderman, accountant for the Bowmanviile Foundry, was elected: elected: temporary dliairmam of Bo'wman- v ille's Home Improvement Plan local committee -at a meeting in the Balmoral Balmoral Hotel. The committee was appointed under the direction of John E). Jones, field secretary of the Ontario Ontario Advisory Council under the Federal scheme to put men to work in the building district. Personnel of the committee includes Mr. Gry- derman. representing the Bbwman- viHe Foundry; A. M. Hardy, representing representing the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company; George E. Chase, representing representing the Botary Club, and W. J. Dudley, representing the .Lions Club. Fifty candintes, the. largest in many years, took the sacred, vows at iSt. John's Anglican Church in Port. Hope on Sunday, with hisi Grace, the A dihishop of Toronto, Rt, liev. yvn T. Owen, officiating. BoAvroanville Badminton Cluh won the club honors at the annual tournament tournament of the 'Central Ontario Badminton Badminton Association held under the auspices of Ontario Regiment Bad- minlon Cl ub iin Osh awa on Sa turday . Bowmanviile ran: up 62 points, Port Hope seeonxi with 36 points. Other dl'ulbiS were, Peterboro Garrison, 29; Ontario Bigi merit, 28 ; Peterboro Badminton, 19 ; Osihawa Sit. Andrew's 18; Mi lib rook, 18, and Lindsay, 14. James Platt, Peterboro, attending the Barrie- Pet erbo ro game in Osihawa Osihawa on March 19th, met with sudden sudden death when returning by train to Peterboro. The accident happened happened at Port Hope viaduct, near the ■station, when with several others he walked along the train to get in one of the coaches ahead 1 , but lost Iris footing and: fell off the bridge to .the ground beneath and was killed instantly. instantly. A sad feature was the attendance attendance of Ms sou on the same train. He remained! in Port Hope When learning of the death -of hiis father. Mr. James Platt is survived by his wife* one daughter Blanche and 1 one son. LETTER OF THANKS Orono's Grand Old Man Still Hale and Hearty In His Ninetieth Year 8-YEAR-OLD GIRL STRUCK BY TRUCK H ine-yea r-old Lois: Melley, daughter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Melley of Harmony was seriously injured on Friday of last Week while running across the road in front of a truck driven by Harold Allen of Orono. /She suffered ,a fractured skull, fractured iiip, concussion of the brain and possible possible internal injuries. The little girl ran out onto the road from 'behind a, parked car, giving' giving' Mr. Allen.' no chance at all to avoid i'irting her. He swerved; to the sidle of the road but the radiator hit the liitflla girl. Mr. Allien at once summoned a doctor. doctor. We are very glad indeed to report report -that the little girl is getting better and is feeling as well ais: can be expected. COMMITTEES FORMED The Directors of Durham Central Agricultural ISociety met in Qronti on Wednesday . afternoon. They Went right to work arid struck strong committees committees for all departments for 1937, especially is this true of the committee committee which will revise the prize list. Mr. Ridddll appeared before the Board laud outlined a plan for raising raising funds to improve the grounds and buildings. He was very much appreciated, as the members voted him the thanks of the Society and 'appointed 'appointed a .committee, O. W. Rolph, M. 11. Sni|lies a-nd J. C. Gamey to work with him in furthering his idea. The Board also appointed Messrs. Osborne and Staples to represent the Society in the plans for celebrating the corona tiou. PLANS BEING LAID FOR CORONATION DAY Nutann, Sasb. Mar. 19, 1937. Mrs. J. II. Ostcrhoiit, President W.A. Orono United Church. Dear Friend,- We .received the parcels you all so kindly sent to us and many thanks for everything. The articles are sorted over and will be given to the needy ones. A number of the articles will be made (over. May God bless you all in your W. A. and many thanks again from many gAtefuï people. Yours sincerely, Mrs. M. L. Carroll AUTO INSURANCE RATES INCREASE Any increases that automobile owners'are owners'are daililed: upon 1 to' pay in the wav of insurance rates may be balance- 1 to' the owners and drivers them selves, the 'Canadian Underwriters' Association: has anriouuifed that - a cofeplete revision: of 'automobile I ini- rates, throughout the Doniiti ion will go into effect on and after imitiight, 'March 31st. This iticrégse will average about 5 per cent, find .will apply on all renewals: and new l«ilieiiv. A meeting was held in the Council Council lOhaanber on Wednesday evening to try and decide for the day's program program on the.'Coronation-. There were about fifteen present from about fiiteeni different organizations organizations i.n the township, viz., all local organizations, Township School Boards and the Township Council. Reeve W. T. Reid was in the chair. A -committee was lâppoihted: to formulate formulate some reeoimncn dations as to what form the celebration should take place. A resolution was passed that the Township Council oallll a public meeting meeting to. be held in the town, ball on Saturday, April 3rd:, at 8 o'clock. All are urgently requested to attend attend this meeting. Walks Five Miles A Day-- Superintendent of S. S. For 55 Years We wish to pay honor and tribute- tv one of the most respected and greatly loved citizens of .Orono, who ils in his 90 th year, Mr. C. J . Hugh- son. Born on June 12th, 1847, nine miles north of .Kingston where he lived until April, 1851, when he set 'out flor Orono. Jn contrast to present- present- day methods of transportatkxn the olden days When Mr. llugiison moved his household effects from Kingston to Orono they had to come iby boat, lauding at Bowmanviile, The parentis: and (children, making the long tedious three days trip in a wagon and staying with Uncle. Henry Powers Powers until their household effects arrived. arrived. Henry Powers .at that, time lived north of Kirby, . near where II art well Lowery now lives. Mr. 11.ugiu-i.ii and family set- up housekeeping in a house which stood near John Tamblyn's present barn, now , Ohas,!'T;atobiy&. .'For tour and a half/yeara- the 'Hughe-on,- family : lived; iir-tMs' house when-- they later moved!- over to to--!,- . s in now <KK;u'piod by Mr. E.F J.. liarmn, Mr. i I ugh soil toga!, his /xio-eatioa in Kirby, then to Rickaby .school and later coming to Orono to -a school which stood where William ' Armstrong Armstrong mow lives. From i here be attended attended the new school which stood where our present sc'tool stands. When he was sixteen years' old 1 he was converted under Rev. O. G. Ells- more and joined the : Methodist Episcopal Episcopal church where lie sang in the choir from the time he mis fourteen years old. At nineteen years of age the was on the official board and was superintehdtemt and assistant supei-in- tc rident of the 'Sunday School for fifty-five years, also class leader. Ho has been a member of the church for seventy-three years on February, 1937. He was -at the dedication of the present church and helped to draw stone, for same. Hp was president president of the Cemetery. Board for 29 ymrs. . - Mr, llughson has read his -bible through many times and still' reads it a little every day. His father kept the toll gate for years at Bmoon's Hill. On Mivcnibcr 6, 1877, he married Laura Thornton, who made him a wonderful' helpmate. The welcome sign; hung . -n their . doOr always, which many a returned .man and -others can testify. No erne was ever turned from their door hungry or empty handed. He lost his dear wife last November 24th, 1986. When they moved to Orono Mr. Hughatin look a tiosifioti on the Forestry Forestry and worked there till past. 84 years of age. 'Nine years ago. while helping a neighbor cut wood with a Circular saiw he had all his fingers cut off one of his hands but two,- this happened in April and hie was working working on August 1st, the doctor who Fish and Chips Becoming More Popular Food Long associated -as a dish for the .asses in England, the humble fish nd chips is apparently gaining re- , •••«liition in Canada. At least one huge restaurant chain in Toronto and ./tout-real make :a feature of this dish nd according tio the caterer have struck a very, responsive diord in the "liâtes of their customers. Recently - a columnist in the. British' British' Fishing Hews predicted-that, fish md chip shops in. this eoxintry, if they were; iiroperly developed, could d.isorb 60 per cent, of the fish landed, as they do in Great Britain. In the old country, he says, everyone in -the business earns a good living, espe) <dall,v ' the fusliermen who benefit by the vast markets created by Si» live ly trade. A few Canadian restaurant executives executives are of Se opinion that the humide humide fish and chips has real posBibrM- ties. The chief handicap in the. past, according to one, has been that no effort effort has been, made to place this business business on a quality basis, „ The merchandising merchandising of fislh. and 'chips has been largely confined to poorer ; districts and peoplle have not. been properly edluiCated to think of fish and chips as the wholesome and savoury food it is, Were, more restaurants to feature it and give it the imprimatur of quality, there might very well, be » new habit 'created, among Canadian# and a substantial fillip given to the fish industry.

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