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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 3

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r HIS BACKACHE WAS UNBEARABLE Krusdhen Brought Him Relief from Pain This man of 31 was prematurely aged by backache, when he should have been enjoying the best years of i his life. Here he tells how Kruschen helped to restore him to health, after months of pain: -- "I was in hospital for ten weeks, owing to kidney trouble. Win n X was discharged I felt like an old man, although although I am only 31. If I stooped to do anything it was agony to straighten straighten up again. Several people advised me to try Kruschen Salts. I tried them and found they gave me relief from pain and 1 felt better in every way. I cycle 28 miles a day to and from work, and shall keep up the daily lose of Kruschen because 1 can now do the journey to and from work and not feel any the worse for it."--S. V.V. , When the internal organs cease to do their work iroperly, impurities begin to accumulate In the system, arm cause troublesome symptoms. Kruschen Salts help to stimulate the liver and excretory organs to healthy, regular activity, and thus assist them to rid - the system of harmful impurities. impurities. if women are to get better conditions I for themselves or even to keep the equalities women have already won." So the delegates to the annual meeting will be asked to pass a resolution resolution containing the following points. 1 To make widely known the facts implied in contemporary statistics, in the hope that parents may recognize recognize their responsibilities to the community. community. That greater social prestige may be accorded to larger families instead of to small ones as at present. A scheme of family allowances and to prbvid such increase of social service*) service*) as will make the economic position position of people with children at the least as favourable as that of children couples. Provision of better maternity services services to diminish maternal mortality. The Council will also suggest running running a parallel campaign to give information information regarding spacing of families. families. "We expect a heated debate on all this" the secretary said "but we feel sure that the solution will bë carried." Bl<3 BEN 60ES FURTHER BECAUSE EVERY CHEW LASTS ... LONGER / "It's A Girl English Mothers Want More Daughters Do mothers want more baby girls ? Do married couples want larger families? families? Thousands of women members of the National Council for Equal Citizenship Citizenship want to know the answers to these questions -- because they are preparing a More Daughters and Bigger Bigger Family campaign says the London London (Eng.) Daily Herald. Mrs, Eva Hubback president of the Council mother of two daughters and oiu son will launch the campaign in May by putting a "Bigger Family" resolution before 300 delegates to the nnual meeting. Women members are alarmed at the falling birtli-rate and in particular particular at the decrease in birth's of -the girls. _ As the secretary of the Council aid, "We must have more baby girls ffetoei tiiat Fa&£ "PlûUipé'WcMj To Alkalize Stomach Quickly On all sides, people are learning that the way to gain almost, incredibly quick relief, from stomach condition arising from overacidity, is to alkalize alkalize the stomach quickly with Phillips' Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Yon take either two teaspoons of the liquid Phillips' after meals; or two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets^ Tablets^ Almost instantly "acid indigcs- tion" goes, gas from hyperacidity, "acid - headaches" -- from over-indulgence over-indulgence in food or smoking --- and nausea are relieved. Try this Phillips' way if you have any acid stomach upsets. You will be surprised at results. Get either the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Only 25/ for a big box of tablets at drug stores. ALSO IN TABLET FORM" Eadi tiny tablet is the equivalent equivalent of a teaspoonful of - genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Hordes of Insects Damage Birch Trees Port Arthur.--A scourge of insects insects is threatening the valuable stands of white birch in Northern Ontario. Those who have travelled through the Rainy River and ' Ken- ora districts have noted numerous dead or dying trees, all virtims of insects. Arthur Sitch, a lover of forests, who has travelled throhgh the area, declared here that some effort should be made to save the trees and exterminate the insects. Unless something were doe, the white birch might become extinct in two years, he said. "Both from the standpoint of beauty and the commercial angle, we should try to save our birch trees," he said. "Birch is our only outstanding hardwood, now that the saw-fly has depleted the tamarac in the district. Unlike tamarac, birch rots soon after it is killed and so is not even of use for firewood." The damage, he said, 'is 'being done by a species of beetle which lays its eggs under the bark of the birch trees. The insect pierces the bark, deposits eggs and departs. In due course the eggs produce a small, boring insect about an inch and a quarter in length. This is the insect that does the damage. Feeding off the tender inner inner bark of the birch, the borer girdles the. tree trunk, eating the sapwood and cutting - off the supply of sap. The tree dies within a comparatively comparatively short time, the uppermost branches first rotting away and spreading downward until every bit of the tree above the ringlike scar is dead. S&Ê _ JRFECT Chewing Tobacco THE PERFECT St mu, agS&t numWyr T Along Canada's Mining Highway From British Columbia word comes of favourable development results on Bralorne, with shaft sinking to lower levels announced. Acquisition of adjoining ground is said to be preliminary preliminary to an enlarged plan of development for Ynrir Yankee Girl. Ontario mining interests now developing developing the old St. Eugene mine are reported reported as well satisfied with their efforts to revive this famous lead producer of early years. Alberta appears to have a crude oil producer on the plains, with the announcement of success for the Plains Petroleums' drilling test thirty miles east of Lethbridge. Turner Valley reported further success with the bringing in of the Westside Well. Last reports on the Sunshine Well, now nearing completion, southwest of Lethbridge, are favourable, drilling. The Virita property lies further further east. This whole south zone is expected to receive intensive development. development. Background Billy B. Cooper in the New York Sun. Pines and a long road stretching Beyond the blue-grey sky ; White sand on the ragged coast And vild geese flying high; Smoke on the sea horizon, Sailobats harbored near ; Driftwood on a sandbar, And an old, abandoned pier, A wild and rugged beauty That speak s to my very heart, A primitive, changeless background Of which I am a part ! MADE ÎN CANADA -PHilups r ? r Trouble, :' 1,e to Ar„l .""'Gestion A< tL° stomach 1 *ABTBiii Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA ITCH « » s STOPPEES m A MINUTE * . * -Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other ■kin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, mse cooling, antiseptic, liquid D„ D. D. Prescription. Its gentle oil* soothe the irritated irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stainless-- dries fast, Stops the most intense itching li staKtly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, strovea iç-- of money back,' 20 Issue No". 12 '37 B--1 " ALMOST A WRECK! jy|AN Y folks are thin and pale -î-thçy're weak, feel tired, logy and dull. This condition should not be overlooked. overlooked. Dr. Pierce's G_o I d e n _ Medical Discovery is a tonic which increases the appetite, eliminates poisons from the intestines, and tones up the digestive system. Read this: Oh as. Ackworth of 172 Grey St,, London, Ont., said: "A. few years ago 1 was almost a wreck--my appetite was : gone, I slept poetiy and felt mean all over ; in fact, my general condition needed attention. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery was recommended and before Jong ray digestive system was in good order and X felt well and strong again." Druggists everywhere. Sherritt Gordon in Manitoba is preparing preparing for production by mid-summer. An offering of shares to shareholders at $2.75 per share has been announced. In the Patricia district of Ontario the Crowshore Mines, with properties adjoining Albany River, have obtained finances and are preparing for work. In the Long Lac Camp, Jellicoe is preparing preparing for a major mining operation. Oro Plata controls Jellicoe and owns almost a share for share interest. Oro Plata has also extensive areas to the west h Jellicoe t > come under early exploration. Hutchison Lake is nearing the second level in shaft sinking sinking with development scheduled to proceed on two levels. Geraldton Long Lac adjoining, and Hutchineau Mines to the east, are expected to increase their activities with early spring. In the Porcupine Camp, Preston East Dome is driving from- the shaft towards the west ore zone indicated as over one thousand feet in length, in diamond drilling. The east zone will be developed later. The New AugaTita property adjoining has obtained obtained favourable results diamond In the Kirkland Lake Camp, Federal Kirkland's diamond drilling campaign is only nicely started. A drill is being set up to the north of the Syl vanité border. The "hot spot" of new mining activity is still the Larder Lake Camp twenty miles east of Kirkland Lake. At least a dozen hew mining enterprises; enterprises; have received substantial financing financing and will be active Y operating in this field by early spring. Arjon is" a new incorporation immediately adjoining adjoining Kerr Addison on the west. John Rogers, well-known mining engineer, engineer, is prominently identified. The Armistice Company, adjoining Arjon on the west, has a drill being set up ready for drilling. Barber Larder has a crew at work, with camp under construction. Adjoining Kerr Addison on. the east is Chesterville Mines. Unconfirmed reports from the north are to the effect that this Company has obtained a big- width of ore in the first drill hole. Pelangio, adjacent to the east, with one claim between, is actively doing surface work. Martin Bird has purchased adjoining acre- »»••• Brubaker Is forming a company. In Quebec, the area to the north, of Norahda, is particularly active. Waite Amulet has announced reopening, Powell Rouyn is reporting favourable underground results. Rouyn Reward hat; already obtained favourable results results in its first diamond drill hole. Quebec Viking adjoining is preparing for work. Brownlee is doing further drilling and Quemont rumours on reopening are heard. Pontiac Rouyn financing is now tinder negotiation. Co-Operation Plat , Grows Fast in f MJ. Charlottetown.---The Co-operative Movement had made considerable progress in Nova Scotia during ^ last seven years, Prof. C. C. Eittt, assistant superintendent of the Dominion Dominion Experimental Station at Kentville, N.S., said at a meeting here. There were three plants canning beans; four, plums on an extensive scale, while raspberries, pears, apples apples and vegetables, such as g&rïSs and beets, were being put tip, tie. said. Beans were canned commercially commercially and semi-eommercially. "In 1930 there was only one plant canning apples, but now there d*e seven, the pack having iiucreased from 10,000 cases in 1930 to an estimated 20,000 this year. YTt is proposed to have the ning -- do-n-i_.,2^-operatively, the product product to . be,, up To" fe>^-Govemii:kj31 standard, sold on Government li'k i and under Government inspetiym with Government supervision. "Better beans can be grown In the Maritime Provinces than in other part of Canada and so %: there has been ho difficulty whatever whatever in selling the product," Prof. Eidt said. "In view of the fact that a gréai deal of our canned fruit and vegetables vegetables are now imported from Upper Upper Canada, the possibilities in developing developing this industry in the Maritime Maritime Provinces are quite obvious,": he said. Classified Advertising PUBB GUARANTEED WOOL In Cadillac Township, Dempsey Cadillac has ore showing free gold at the first level. A season without parallel in Canadian Canadian mining history is the expectation among mining men. "QUILT PATCHES" FIVE POUNDS $1.00 Beautiful Materials! WasMaet! Prints Broadcloths l Makes five guilts I " Free Dtoartmcnk R wn nd «'JaraBtecl Eton Mfite Department wils, Outremont, Montreal, | POUNDS GUILT PATCHES--*1.00 (PLUS , Jrlnts, Broadcloths, , Fi-ee:-- Pattern ;*ltfc instructions. Federated Textiles, Montreal, INVESTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR.' Diet of wanted inventions and full information sent free. . THE RAMSAY Company,' World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. learn music playing quickly Take half a teaspoonful of Mtnard's in molasses. Heat Mistartî », inhale it. Also pub well into your chest. You'll gel relief ! Queen Selects Favored Women LONDON. -- Seventeen noble-women noble-women will attend Queen Elizabeth when she walks through Westminster Westminster Abbey for her coronation May 12th. When the Queen emerges in her WAKE UP YOUR coughs 11 LIWER BILE-- And You'll Jumfp Out of Bed In the Morning Ratin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile Into your bowels daily. If this bUe is not flowingfreely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach, Yonget constipated.,Harmfei poisons go into the body, and you feel boot, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement (ioesn'taiivnya get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Garter',» Little Liver Pilla to get, these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make yon feel ' up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make this bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no ca lomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name 1 btubbomly return; anything else, aie. coionation robes from the robing annex, annex, which has been built just outside outside the Abbey, her train will he borne by six daughters of earls. Behind Behind them will rank two ladies-in- waiting six maids of honor and two wome nof the cbedhamber. In close attendance upon her Majesty will be her mistress of the robes. Although no appointment of these favored attendants have as yet been made, it is freely speculated that the most important place, that of the miri-ass of the robes, willed be filled either by the Duchess of Buccleuch, sister-in-law of the Duchess of Gloucester, Gloucester, or by the Duchess of Northumberland, Northumberland, a girlhood friend of the Queen. qrkhnal, sensational, yet vmm practical way of playing piano, guilai, aud ukulele, by matching Colors, i ramnlfc « own, ; but the world's latest musical sensation, sensation, No teacher or Instruction necessary. You can play today the ifnsieoler Way. Write for free Booklet how. Representatives wanted, with first-class references. Write Slmplay Instruments, Limited, 68 Front St. West, Toronto. PLANTS f -, ...... mint Certified Raspberries, Including Starlight, the earliest, Newburgh, the largest: largest: also the earliest Tomatoes and Potatoes Edward Lowden, Hamilton. R beauty culture school . OBEETSON'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY. ' Toronto, Dominion Chartered. Write for free booklet. He Gave Up The foreigner was trying hard to learn English. He struggled bravely bravely when he came to "bough," "cough" and "though". But while passing a cinema one day he noticed on the board "'Cavalcade,' pronounced pronounced success." ' . ' "Zis cos too much !" he groaned. "I ge'eve it up !" Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights Be Healthier, Happier-- Live Longer When you can get for 40 cents a supremely efficient and harmless stimulant and diuretic that will flush from your kidneys the waste matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm, , why continue . to break yotir restful restful sleep by / getting up . through the night, .Just ask your druggist for Gold Medal Haarlem 'Oil Capsulés-- but be sure and- get gold MEDAL--right from Haarlem fit Holland;. Holland;. ether symptoms of weak kidneys and irritated bladder are backache, 1 puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms, burning or scanty passage.

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