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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1937, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMER Notice to Creditors IN THE-ESTATE of JEREMIAH MEME ELY, late of the Township of Clarke, in the Comity of Durham, Durham, Farmer, deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Jeremiah Meneely, who died on or about the 20th day of July, 19-36, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors or Solicitor on or before the 10'th day of April, 1937, their names and -addresses -and full particulars particulars of their claims and the nature nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. declaration. Immediately after the said 10th day of April, 1937, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed «■ru-o-hg the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. 1 DATED -at Orono this 17th day -of March, 1937. CAROLINE MENEELY : : OÈC-IL J. RODINS OX Clarke, Ont., Executors. E. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont Solicitor for the Executors. Spencer Corsets (Canada) Limited Individually Designed PHONE 24 r 1 F or demon s triaition in your own home, or white Box 33; Orono. Mr. Ernest Annabel visited with friends in Orono -and district last Sunday. Dr. and Mrs; Henry of Toronto -spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, 0. 'Gainey. Miss Ethel Rutherford visited last week with friends in Toronto, returning returning bom-e on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Awde and family w-ere visiting at the home of Mr. O. Awde over the week-end; Muse Kathleen Staples of Port Il-oipe High school visited her father, Mr. A. J, Staples over the- week-end. Misa Leno-ra Woods entertained a few of her girl friends to dinner on Monday evening in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. '0. iSha-w and son George, aieetiimpam-ied by Miss Freda -Wrboii,, spent the week-end of March 20th in Dixie, Ont. Mr, and .Mrs.. Charlie Crease and son Paul, visited her mother, Mrs. F. Cow an, over the week-end. Mrs. Cowan- returning home with them for a visit. Mr. Howard Linton visited friends in town -on Monday and Tuesday, leaving for Toronto on Wednesday, prior to-1 having for his home in Marmora. Marmora. Mr. Wm. Armistrong has returned to his home -after .a recent operation ■ in. ■ Toronto, hut is still feeling the effect of the operation for sinus trouble. Miss Doris Ogterhout, of the High iS-c-hoo'l -o-f Commerce staff of Montreal, Montreal, will spend the Easter holidays with her parents, Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Qsterhout. Mrs. J. Anderson of Manor, -Saak., Mrs. Walter Oke of Peterboro and little granddaughter, Betty Nixon- of Windsor, were recent visitors with Mrs. F. Haiti,My. LOCAL AND SOCIAL] L -- ■ - Mr. Milton Morris made a business .trip to the flity over (the week-end. Dr. Hamilton visited' his native City,' Guelph, a few days last week. Mr. Roland 'Smith is confined, to his bed. We hope for -a speedy -recovery. -recovery. Mir. R. R., Wia'dldell, solicitor, was in the city on business on Tuesday of -this week. Mir. M. 0. Hull, who is on a holiday holiday to the iSiumy South, reports enjoyment enjoyment on his trip. Citizens' -of Orono are reminded of the new slogan f-or o-ur village : "Orono, a good place to live." Mias Myrtle Smith, operator at the TeO-ephone -Company, visited friends in the city over the week-end. Miss Kathleen Staples. B.A., Port Hope, has- left to .spend the Easter vaoart vm i!rn Bf. Petersburg, Florida, The Telephone .gang start work today today on the balance of the old, O.N.R., telegraph line, which they are razing The citizens of -the south end of our village are loud in their praises of the new walk down- the tannery bridge. IS-ure signs of spring, molt the robin, but a- gathering of mien sitting in the sun on Matin street, probably discussing discussing world affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Down.ey of Toronto, Toronto, laind Mrs. Wm. Adams of Brook- 1 in, spent ' Saturday with Mr. Len. Giaimsby and family. The Daily press of Tuesday carried this news item. : Gilfillian goes to reformatory reformatory for two years, hut we are glad to relate that lilt's- not our J. J. Mr. Will Moffatl is reported on the sick list again. Will is one off our most ardent workers for the, Agricultural Agricultural 'Society. We wish him a speedy recovery. Out (weekly contemporary omce adopted the slogan : One of the largest largest weekly .circulations in the province, province, built without the aid of premiums premiums but alas, not, so any more. Have you driven over the road by the old C.X.R. station lately, if so, what is- yo-uir ppiriiioni, or did you have it bumped out -of you. Hope our road- superintendent tries it. Them what ! The snow plow, belonging to the United Counties, was taken- to A. Manning's blacksmith on Wednesday of last week for repairs. The snow was tnn deep for the plow near Pontypool. Chimney fires seem .. to be the style nowadays-. Chas. Beeber siat on the roof for a couple of -hours on Sat* ui'day waiting for his to clear up end on. Monday Walter Carleton had the same -experience. The Hostess Tea served on Tuesday Tuesday in the basement of Ptairk Street United Church by -the W.A., .was a very -successful affair. Reports of those who attended seemed particularity particularity satisfied. Mr. Garnet Gamsby of Kingston called on his father, Mr. Len Gta-m-s- by on Sunday. Gairnet w-as returning returning from Chatham with a fine new In terrsttiona-l truck to be u-sed in his growing s'a usage business. Oongratu- laitions Garnet.. A number of badminton players from out local club visited at Black- gto-dk ' Monday evmiiinig,, en joying a friendly game with their club mem- berg. The Orono players entertained. entertained. the Bla.cksrfack members on Wednesday Wednesday evening to a return game held . in the armouries. The County snow pl-ow has been doing some good work in clearing the ipiiles' of s-mow from Orono north. We hope, the County Road C-ommis- sionor will take 13 drive over this road a, little later, which may -decide him to remove some of the pit falls of which there are plenty, Mr. J. D'. BV-o-wn .and iSon. sold six head of pure-bred 1 Holsteins, four cows and two bull' calves, to Mr. Roseriibaich, New York -State, realizing realizing a, very large price. This is the second load this man has. picked up in this district the past month. -Bill RMdel-l has .a pic ture of A. J, Knox and. his mv lustra of two .score years ago, comprising of Messrs. O. iSandencodk, Geo. Waddell, Frank Knox, John T-amblyn, Mrs, 0. Saii- dercock, Harry Ro-we -arid E. J. Haimimi. It's quite aim using to see Andy displaying his luxurious growth of whiskers. Crime in. and took it over. The attendance at the Annual Ilolckey -Club dance on Friday, Mar.. 20th, in the town hall, was not as large asi ' was -anticipated, owing greatly to .other social activities and diàmces in nearby towns. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, the evening was very much enjoyed enjoyed -liy the young people of Orono and a few'from, the surrounding district. district. Galloway's Orchestra. . supplied supplied the music, giving one and -all a good, .choice -of square and) round diuw A11 appetizing lunch was; served in the baaeanen* hall, after wMtehi _<*nrtmâed until 1.45 a.». Now Is The Time to look over your machines for spring. You may want a part \w have not in -stock, so let us know and we will have it promptly. We can also get you anything in ' FANNING MILL SCREENS Massey-Harris Implements and Repair Parts. PLUMBING -- PUMPS -- TINSMITHING -- STEEL ROOFINGS -- NATIONAL FERTILIZERS SEIBERLING TIRES Repair work our specialty : CHAS. A. BROWN PHONE 30 r 16 ORONO RED & WHITE STORES Eagle Brand Milk, per tin - 19c. Tiger Salmon, large cans « 21c. 1-2 tins, 2 for - - 25c. Fancy Quality Green Giant Peas, per tin - - - - 15c. Red & White Tea, 1-2 lb. pkgs., with Coronation Plate, both for 63c. Wheens Carbolic Soâp, 3 bars 14c. Epsom Salts, in bulk, 8 lbs. - 25c. Breakfast Bacon Smoked Picnic Shoulder 25c. lb. 29c. lb. Roasts of Veal, 17c. Roast Butt of Pork, 17c Cottage Roll, 21c. per lb. , , Jelly Powders, 3 for - 13c. JNO. J. CORNISH IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY PHONE 12r2 We Do All Lines of Job Work How many people in Orono know that the CEDARDALE DAIRY HERD is being fed on a balanced ration, containing minerals, protein, protein, fat and fibre, etc., in proper proportions, thus giving a perfectly balanced food in the form of milk, which is handled under sanitary conditions, being the only Dairy licensed by the Provincial Milk Control Board to sell milk and cream in Orono and vicinity. Rainey's Grocery HEINZ PRODUCTS ARE ALWAYS GOOD FOLLOWING PRICES GOOD TO MARCH 31st Baked Beans, small, 8c. ; medium, 12c. ; large 15 c. Spaghetti, in Tomato Sauce.... ....8c., 12c. and 15c. Tomato Ketchup, small - 13c. Large 19c. SOUPS---Tomato, Vegetable,. Green Pea, Chicken with Rice and Vegetable Beef, 3 tins for 25c. Large tins Corn Chowder, Cream of Mushroom, Tomato and Oyster Soups, tin » 13c. Salad Cream and Sandwich Spread, each ..............18c. Old Fashioned Pickle, bottle *. - 20c. Beefsteak Sauce, bottle 23c. Red Kidney Beans, medium tin 13c. Malt, Cider and Spirit Vinegar, in bottles -- 14c. E. R. RAINEY " PHONE ORONO 19-19 •m&j;■ ■ r-sisisFv ' r *• ARMSikuriG'S CLOTHING Just arrived today, 24 EASITER SUITS for Men, in fancy blue, light blue, grey and brown worsteds. Some miade with Pleated Trousers and some without. They are real snappy. Come in and see them. PRICED 2 Pants , $27.50 SHIRTS A Fine Quality English Broadcloth, Broadcloth, Made by Tooke, in plain white, also in fancy shades. PRICED...!.. $1.55 SHOES We have a real Smart Cuban Heel OXFORD. Come in this week, made <1*0 QP in brown and black vU HAND BAGS hand, and as long as it lasts we price Red-paths CASH $5.25 SHOES A Fine Quality Calf Oxford, in a good conlfortable -shape, that looks and (£0 QC wears well WORK BOOTS We have the best Quality WORK BOOTS that money will buy. Our prices are low as all boots hav e advanced in price. Every boot wd have is made by Sisman or a firm in Oshawa. They are all guaranteed against defects and workmanship. We want your boot business and we guarantee every boot we sell. See our display before buying. LADIES' WEAR The weather looks very much as if you ladies were going to be able to dress up for Easter. We have Hats, Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Gloves, and .all -that goes to make Easter a dress up season. season. We want you to see our merchandise. You do not have to buy. Made of Good Quality horse- hide, in straps and black straps, variety of colors $2.50 ESI SUGAR SUGAR is worth $5.43 wholesale. We have a good stock on

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