ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Mm O. W. Rotph left on Monday to attend the Touehers' and Trustées/ Trustées/ convention 'being held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Tues day, weeki, Wednesday and Thursday of this §pencer Corsets (Canada) Limited ; ■ ' Individually Designed PHONE 24 rl For demonstration in your own home, or write Box 33, Orono. Mr. and Mr®. A. H. Davy of Toronto Toronto spent Good Friday with Mrs. F. TIalliday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh returned returned on Monday, after spending the Blaster week-end in Toronto. Mr. Sheidlnn' Moffatt has rented the farm owned by Mr. C. F. Awde, 4th Jibe, and takes possession on April 1st. Mr. Moffatt last year was on the Lewis Buckley farm, now owned by the Government. Mr. end Mrs. C. D. Bouek of Toronto, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Forrester on Faster Sunday, Sunday, Miss Jean . Forrester returned to Toronto with them to spend: the Easter Easter holidays in Toron to. Ilocal SEEDING TIME j Buy your Clovers and Timothy Seed early Prices Are Advancing' I , ~ We handle All Garden Seeds in Bulk SEED AT LESS MONEY Rolplh Hardware ORONO - PHONE 43rl 28 quarts of Monarch Paint, while.it lasts - 'ttZF C# Now is The Time to look over your machines for spring. You may want a part we have not in stock, so let us know and we will have it promptly. We can also get you anything in FANNING MILL SCREENS Massey-Harris Implements and Repair Parts. PLUMBING -- PUMPS -- TTNSMITH1NG -- STEEL ROOFINGS -- NATIONAL FERTILIZERS SEIBERLING TIRES Repair work our specialty CHAS. A. BROWN PHONE 30 r 16 ORONO RED & WHITE STORES Ready-cut Macaroni, 3 lbs, - 14c. Shredded Cocoanut, a lb. 17c. WASHING SODA, 2 pkgs. 15c. 11». tins BEEHIVE SYRUP i 39c. cakes CALAY SOAP 18c Breakfast bacon, lb ......25 c. Fresh SAUSAGE, 2 lbs 25c <j:HUCK ROAST of BEEF, no bone,, no waste, lb .........14c. SPARE RIBS, 2 lbs 25c.. ïjjarge JUMBO LEMONS, LEMONS, a dozen ........30c. CHERRY JAM, 32-oz. jar - .27c. PEPPERMINT PATTIES, PATTIES, lb. ,25c. POTTED MEATS, tin 10c -CELERY HEARTS, 4 bunches 19c. TOILET PAPER, 6 rolls 21c. RED & WHITE MATCHES, MATCHES, 3 boxes ,. 23c. WONDERFUL SOAP, 8 bars for 25c. CASTILE SOAP, 10 cakes » 25c. 4 calces GUEST IVORY 1 with 1 pkg. OXYDOL, Tor ,..21c. classes Snaps, 2 lbs. - - 19c. ergreen Canned Corn, 2 tins 21c. 'gilvie Quick Cooking Roiled Oats, reg. sized pkg 19c. JNO. J. CORNISH IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY PHONE 12r2 Miss Olive Lycett spent, the weekend weekend at her iron» here. Mrs. O. Shaw is leaving today for a short visit in Toronto. Mir. and Mrs. Cowan dud -children spent Easter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Welsh are visiting:friend® in Toronto. 'Mr. Richard Brown, made a business- business- trip to the city on Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Bruton spent Good Friday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin spent -Sunday -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornish. Mise Edtra Best visited her mother, Mrs. Herb. Best, over the week-end. Mrs. Dick Fowler and Doreen -are visiting friends in Western Ontario. Mise. Viola GiMUHan -of Kincardine is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. <1. Gil- fillan. Mr. Bay Good) has undergone ail operation for ton ti litis -and is) doing nicely. Mi*. Roland Smith and Mr. A. A. Ralph are still confined 1 to their beds through illness. * Dr. and Mrs. McClelland and children children of Toronto, -s-peii t 'Sunday and Monday in town. Mr. John Mill-son visited -his parentis, parentis, Mr. and- Mrs. Harry Mil!son over the week-end. Mr. J. Cornish reports that lie just poked around' Easter week-end. Can you imagine that ! A large crowd -attended the Robert Foster sia-l-e of. household effects on Mon-lay afternoon. Miss Louise Cowan ;i-s home for the week, visiting her paronit-s, Mr. -and Mrs. George Cowan. Mr. W. Morris and his daughter, Miss Willow, ' visited: Mr. J. H. Morris Morris over thé week-end. Mr. -and 1 Mrs. W. B. Hoar were visitors- at the home of Mr, W. White iBowmlan ville, mi Sunday. Miss Ruth LowdJen, Toronto-, spent the week-end -with her parents, Mr. and Mm Cbas. I.owden. Mr. iSiaim. Allien had la very bad sen re. Friday night when, the chimney of his home caught on fire. Mr. and Mrs. L. Parliament of Toronto Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and! Mrs. IT. G. Macdonald. Mis. Chtis. H. Wilson and M-aster Jack Graham of Toronto are spending spending Easter week at Mr. James Mof- fatt/s. Mr. A Hiert: Clarke had the misfortune misfortune of getting his hand caught in a circular saw, necessitating several stitches. Mrs. Arthur Doolie, of Toronto, is spending -the Faster holidays 1 with her parents, Mr. and Mm W-rn. Cowan. Mr. Deb. Myles left Tuesday morning morning for Little Current emrouto for Killarncy. where he has secured employment. employment. The Misses Marion and Margaret Dixon are visiting their, parents, Mr. and: Mrs. Jamies Dixon, over the Easter Easter holidays. M-iss Freeda Wilson has returned home, -after spending the pa si week with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Fais, -at B(#wma nvi lie. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'S-cott left, on Friday last for Pet-erfooro, Where they are visiting their dt!lighter. Mrs. W. Case Slonue. Misa Glenn Gainey, nurse-in-training, nurse-in-training, PeterhoTo hospital, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Gainey, over, the Faster week-end. Mrs. J. R. Cooper is attending the O.E.A. convention in Toronto, being delegate from the Trustees' and 1 Ratepayers' Ratepayers' Assocdatioai- of Durham Co. Mr. Tom Foster, manager of the Bank at Binbrook, visited Orono ov-er the wedk-end) and assisted- -as clerk -at the sale of -Robert Foster's. Miss 'Beta Carr land Mr. Aldrcd. accompanied by Mis® Glayds King of Bowm-anviHe. were Easter Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. and! Mrs, C. Shaw. Mr. George Brown of Orono on Monday reported that our old friend, Mr. \V. A. -Corbett of Po-ntypooil, has been confined to--the house the greater part of the winter. 1 Another slight accident occurred again to Mr. Percy Liimi when he fell down' a flight of stairs while -applying varnish to said steps, causing a very painful - back for a., few days. ■ Miss Doris Osterhout, who has been spending the holidays' with her parents, Rev. J. H.. and Mrs-. Oster- hpuit, will leave on Sunday for Montreal Montreal to resume her teaching on the High iSichbol of Ccxmrmerce staff. ARMSTRONG'S WALLPAPER HOSIERY 75c. CHIFFON 75c. SOX A Spring Weight Work Sox, all wool, made of all straight }<arn, will give exceptionally good wear, 3 pair for , $1.00 PANTS SHOES Rainey's Grocery THESE PRICES FOR APRIL 1st, 2nd, 3rd Six bars Pearl Soap, 1 Handy Ammonia, all for 25c Aylmer Choice Pdas, No. 4, 2 tins for 23 c | National Matches, 3 boxes for -23c 1 Sli.-llml Wainmfs. 1-2 Hi ...........17c I .1 Tirmv ft ill- 4. frtr ' 19c Fairhaven Sardines, 3 (tins- for , 13c ■Chocolate MiarshmeMow Biscuits, per lb 16c. Net a Salmon, large cans, 2 for 17c Brooms, Speei al, each - -25c E. R. RAINEY 1 PHONE 19-19 ORONO A IVER § LOCAL NEWS i Miss Lizzie Epps and Mis® Hattie Williamson spent the past week with friends in Toronto. Miss Vale ta Allen and Mr. Neil Hjaiinlm, who bave positions with the York Trading Co., Toronto, spent the Easter week-end -at -their homes here. The annual meeting of the Ontario Amatong Bbsdball Associa t.ion will be held, in Oshawa on Su turd-ay nex-t, April' 3rd, at the Ge-nosha Hotel. Meeting is dallied for -a.m. Mr. Orm-e Gamsby, we understand, /has signified his intention of attending the meeting. meeting. A few robin® have made their- appearance appearance in town, heralding the first, •signsi of spring. Miss Margaret McDonald and Messrs, Clarke Mel Ion-aid, Bill Martin Martin and 1 Murray Armstrong of Toronto Toronto visited over the week-end- with' Mr. -and Mr®, John Tamblyn. The Orange Degree team of L.O. L. No. 400, journeyed -to' Peterboro on Wednesday night -to compete against Rea boro in defense of "the shield won by them at Grand Lodge a year "ago. We wish them -every success. WE HAVE ON HAND AT LEAST 20 REMNANTS OF PAPER FROM 3 TO 8 ROLL LOTS WITH BORDERS. YOU CAN BUY THESE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' COATS A New Assortment of COATS came in today. Come in and see them. Our prices are low and the goods are new. HATS SHOES (Your choice of any AO AT Hat in the store Fine Quality Kid Shoes, in fancy tie; a real AO AT smjart shoe BELDING CORTICELLI HOSE, we think, is the class of the Silk Hose trade. If you are not wearing them,, we would like you to try them. All the new spring shades are in. LIGHT SERVICE CREPE $1.00 BOOTS A Solid Leather Mennonite, with leather heels and soles, made (by Sisnuan. For one week only, we will offer these d*O Ap boots at per pair * They ate size 6-12, and made in brown and black 83 Blue Rivet Pants, made well and will give good service, service, sizes 30 to, 44 Priced $1.50 FINE QUALITY CALF SHOE of excellent quality, -low heel and fancy tie; a very smart looking school shoe d*0 /?C at a reasonable price »