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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1937, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - Orono TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 per year. To Sub.-ierihers--X o paper will be stopped un til all arrears are paid, except except at the option of the proprietor. A postoffice notice to discontinue is not sufficient. To subscribers in the United 'States, 'States, $2.00 per year. Advertising 1 Bates on Request FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursbay, April 8, 1937 Jewels Presented Four Jewels Presented Out Of Six At I.O.O.F 25th Anniversary A 'large crowd attended the 25th anniversary of I.O.O.F, No. 436, Orono, which was held in the town hall on Wednesday evening, Mr. W. J. Riddel acted as chairman chairman for thé occasion, A twio minutes 1 silence was observed to the memory of the late W. T. Kingston, Grand Master, after which Rev. J. H. Osterhout led in prayer, followed by the first and last verses of "Blest B-e The Ties That Bind." Mr. Riddell then gave the history of the Lodge from its inception to the present time. • Bro. J. J. Oorpy : i,' B:DjQ3£., introduced introduced the visiting brethem. .. - [Selections were rendered by the Brass .Quartette, made up by J. Tamblyn, 11. Best, Carl Tamlblyn and D, Hamm, 0. B. A. A. MEETING (Continued: from, page one) dent, Ernie Hibbard, Xaparnx-; 2nd vice-president, J. W, 'Scott, Kirtohien- er ; secretary, Win. J. Snyder, Hamilton Hamilton ; treasurer, Arthur Hillmer, Oakville. In the election of .Executive, successful successful candidates were : J. E. Dobson, Dobson, Barrie; D. L. Graham, iStrath- roy; J. 0. McDonald, Ohegley ; F rank II. Spry, Amber stiburg; Max J. iSwamston, Peterborough, and W. G. Ward, Niagara Falls. Two more members will be appointed appointed to this Executive, the a.p- u'oinitments to be announced by the President. -- ; O- ---- A Massachusetts woman got a divorce divorce because her husband insisted upon her seeing the same movie over the second lime. With regard to mine picture films She divorce was perfectly justifiable. -- o- A Toronto lady owns a parrot whose name was -George. 'George laid an egg on the floor -of its cage so they added "ina" to its name. was then made to R. A. Whattam. Toronto, and J. E. Richards. Orono, by Mr. .1. P. F. Williams, Past Grand Master, Toronto. Miss- Robertson, of Port Hope, gave a. clever demlonstration- of tap dancing, dancing, while Bobby Chatters favored the -gathering with a recitation, Bros. R. IT. Brown and A. N. Robbins wer-e then presented with their jewels by Dr. G. C. R. Halil, Grand Warden, Little Brittain, Ont. Miss Lillian Alien delighted the audience with a monologue. Two 25 year jewels were not presented, presented, owing to the absence of the two recipients, Dr. MeCull'ough and Lames Ooinnell. Brethem were pres- Bowmanville, Port Hope, Toronto -and- other places. A dainty lunch was -served, after which « merry -time was had by those present with round and square dancing dancing to the music ,-f Charlie Cowan's Orchestra, thus bringing a very successful successful evening to a close. Classified COMING EVENTS The WjC.T.U. are holding a Silver Medial Contest on April 30th. Please keep this date open. The A.Y.P.A. of St. iS'-aivio-ur'-s Anglican Church will hold their final social evening in the Parish;.Halil oil Wednesday, April 21st, at 8 o'clock. The -Orono Library Association -are holding a card party in the town ball -on Friday, April 9th, at 8 p.-m. Lunch served. Admission, 25c. We earnestly earnestly request your attendance at this party. The Orono Women's Institute will -hol'd their regular meeting in the Council Chamber on Friday,- April 16th, at 2.30 p.m. Roll Cal.---Uses -of common salt. Topic---A demonstration demonstration on the preparation and rooking rooking of various vegetables. Convener, Mrs. W. She-rwi-n. b-12-c. "The Old-Fashioned Mother", a play by the Osh-awa Players, will be given in the Town Hall, Orono, on Friday, April 16th, under the auspices auspices of the Orono Horticultural Society. Society. This play comes very highly recommended -and every one should plan to attend. "'Cheerio My Deario," a F arec in 3 acts, will be presented in- 'Newcastle Community Ball -on .Friday -'evening, April- 9 th, -at 8 p.-m ., under the auspices auspices of' the Woman's Association of the United. Church. Come arid enjoy enjoy your yearly laugh. Admission, 25c. Direcitres-s, Viola M. Brown. WANTED Girl for General Housework. Write to Box 137, Bowmanvile. a-ll-p ORONO HOME SCIENTIFICALLY SCIENTIFICALLY INSULATED Dr. and Mrs. IN. Colville have recently recently had their home pneumatically insulated by the Canada John Manvil Manvil le Co. Ltd., Leasi de, Toronto. Insulated homes 'are imiiformly heated on savings of 30- iper cent, less -fuel la-n-d- are eight to fifteen degrees cooler than actual -outside temperature temperature in (summer. Johns Manvil-le have insu la ted the homes. -of Mr. Howard Toms, Mr. J. E. W. Phillip, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Simpson, Mr. J. W. H-enry, all of "Newcastle, "Newcastle, and Mr. J. 11. II. Jury of Bow- ma u ville. J. G. Stephenson, Newcastle, 'is the Johns Man ville Insulator representative representative for Eastern 'Ontario. -o It is not to be wondered at that there is a great deal of sickness these days. It is all due to lack of exercise exercise with the snow shovel, OVER OUR FENCE For the second time in four years iSt. George's A.Y.P.A., Os-hawa, have won the annual Drama Festival contest contest -of „ E-aet York Deanery Lo'cal Council, Anglican Young People's A/ssooiation. They won the -cup on Monday night -with Unfit 1 play, "Always "Always Others," written and -directed by Mrs. Stanley Gales. Mrs. J. A. Pew,tress ncted as adjudicator. Eighteen-year-old Helen Fontaine, Cadillac Avenue, Oshava, is in a critical condition in Oshava General Hospital with a fractured spine, received received in an accident in Bowmam- •ville. Miss Fontaine was a, passenger in a, car driven by Bernard Higgins, Oshaiwa, which ictalllided with the -steel support -of a bridge on the highway. Mis® Fontaine was thrown out of the car and down into an enclosure where deer are kept. Higgins suffered suffered only minor bruises on -one arm. The -car was srrntehed beyond recognition. recognition. Mrs. -Mary Elizabeth- (Sentier, wife of E. (S. Senkfer, well-known Bow- marcviille lawyer, died at her home in Bowmiamvil'le on Sunday night, after a lingering illness-. Mm Senkler was- born at Enniskillen, nine miles north of Bowman-vi-l'le. and was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs 1 . James W. MeLangb'-in. Mrs-. Bonkler was a worker in St. John's Anglican church. (She is -survived by her husband. husband. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. II, (Mérhout, B'.A,, B.D. Pastor ISUMDAY, APRIL llrh 11.00 a .-m,--Morning Worship-. 7.00 p.m--Evening Sendee. Anniversary Services, April 25, Rev. J. H. -Stain,ton, M.À., B.D. Guest (Speaker.. COME AND WORSHIP Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of .1 PREMIAII MEWEELY, late of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Durham, Farmer, deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Jeremiah Meneely, who died on or about the 20th day of July, 19-36, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors or Solicitor on or before the 10-th day of April, 1937, their names and -addresses -and full particulars particulars of their claims and the nature nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by statutory declaration. declaration. Immediately after the said 10th day of April, 1937, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at Orono this 17th day of March, 1937. CAROLINE MENEE, LY CECIL J. ROBINSON Clarke, Ont., Executors. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Nb-tewiithstanding special legislation to encourage the rural population of Denmark f<> remain in the rural districts, districts, the movement to- the urban districts has continued, the percentage percentage of the total population engaged in agriculture having dropped gradually gradually in the 50 years (1880-1930) from 51 to- 31. 0 : -- Subscribe for Orono Weekly Times ENAMEL--Quarts, 79c. PAINTS -- Quarts, 70c. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W IL C. LEDGER, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : Daily 9 a.m,---*5.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment. appointment. Phone Orono 18rl. AUCTIONEERS TEDJ ACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction (Sales of all sizes and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his 01.erks> A J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at. Orone.. for dtite. WÊÊm G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker AU Repaire to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention Pints, 49c. 1.-2 Pints, 29c. Pints, 40c. Two présentations of: 25 year jewels Week-end Specials Thursday Friday Saturday Only ANOTHER INCREASE IN PRICES FROM THE WHOLESALERS WENT INTO EFFECT ON APRIL 3rd, BUT WE ARE STILL MAINTAINING THE LOW PRICES WHILE OUR PRESENT STOCK LASTS. Clearing lines of Boots and Shoes, about 30 pairs, peg. (from $2.50 up. Week-end Special, per pair $1.85 Men's Rubber Heels, No. 1 quality, attached 25c,. Men's 1-2 soles, attached. Extra Special 75c. HARNESS PARTS Belly Bands. No. 1 quality, reg. 90c., for 75c. Collars, Cloth Face, reg, $4.50, now $3.50 (Curry Comjbs, reg. 25c. ' Special 19c. Martingales, No. 1 quality, reg. $1.00. Week-end...... 75c. Hamel Straps, front * 25c. up HARNESS OIL, GALL CUKE, ETC. Your last chance to obtain goods at such low prices.; Buy now. CORNFORTH'S SHOE & HARNESS SHOP ORONO CEDAR DALE DAIRY Facts of Public Interest THERE was considerable discussion- around the corridors at Waterloo Waterloo regarding the question -of color in milk. The Holstein extension booth precipitated the -discussion with its display which enlarged upon, "the fallacy of yellow -color in milk." Under this title, the Association: Association: distributed the following printed statement : "There is consider able range in color in normal milk of healthy cows ; some milk is nearly white or very light in co-l-or white o-ther milk shows a deep- yellow color, with all graduations between these two extremes. It is commonly believed that yellow color in milk denotes richness in ibu-tterfat but. -science has shown that -the yellow color is due t-o a substance -called carotene from which Vitamin A, the most important important of the health vitamins, is formed. Vitamin A is colorless. - Holstein cows' seem to possess thé - ,ability" transform a larger percentage percentage of the carotene they assimHate from -the grass and other feeds into the colorless Vitamin A than the other breeds. Hence, Holstein Holstein milk is lighter in- color because it contains less of the yellow -carotene. Art the same time, however, it is richer in the valuable Vitamin A than the milk of any of the -other breeds. (Bulletin 430, Annual 'Report of the Director, 1938-84, Agricultural Experiment -Station. University q£ Wisconsin.) LOOk AT OUR FINE WALLPAPERS BEFORE - DECORATING JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REXALL DRUGGIST and OPTOMETRIST KIRBY STORE % APRIL PRICES # McCORMICK'S BUTTER SODAS, pkg. , 15c. McCORMICK'S DAINTY WAFERS, pkg. 12c. GOLD MEDAL QUICK TAPIOCA, pkg. 9c. BUCKLEY'S FLAKE WHEAT pkg. ...22c. KETA SALMON, TALLS, can 8c. NEILSON'S COCOA, 1-2 lb. pkg 17c. CORN SYRUP, 5 lbs. for 37c. SILVERMOON PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs * 86c. MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs 95c. SMOKED BACON, lb ,....„ , 20c. P. MORDEN - PH S rl9 BOOTS AND SHOES 1 Hand-miade, on comfortable lasts,' army style, made for (tough wear and strength. Running Shoes* and Boots sold at the . , LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE PETEHOLUBENKO NEWCASTLE ONTARIO PARK STREET - ORONO Brighten Up For Spring USE Brandram Henderson's Pure Paints Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, etc. These are the best ini the market and- Yhe best in paint is the most econonlical in the long run. If you want -a cheaper product we have a good cheaper line

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