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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1937, p. 7

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HE DARE NOT MOVE IN BED Nights Were Torture Through Lumbago ; Only those who have suffered from lumbago know how exceedingly painful painful it can be. And when they discover a remedy for this complaint, they are anxious to pass on the good news to other sufferers. Let this man tell you how Kruscben brought him relief: -- "I had a bad attack of lumbago. When 1 got into bed I had to stay in that position--! could not move for pain. 1 didn't know what to take or what to do. I was advised to try Krus- chen Salts and 1 am very grateful 1 did so. After taking a few doses I felt lief, and after taking one large tt le, I am glad to say that my l'.nn ' An go had entirely gone, and I have not had the slightest trace of it coming coming back."-- G. A. V. Kruschen is a combination of numerous numerous mineral salts which assist in stimulating your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular activity. They ensure internal cleanliness, and so help to keep the blood-stream pure. 1,- Smiles and Chuckles The great advantage held by spring fever over winter colds is that it bothers you about a cure. _o--• Friend--I hear you and your neighbor are on the outs. What happened ? Man--Well, my children are taking taking music lessons, and the other day he sent over an axe with a note saying: "Try this on your piano." -■-o-- The most serious operation is having having your pay cut. ■--o-- an--When 1 married you 1 , .ight you wore ail angel. Wife (sweetly, 1 --So, that is why you never buy me any clothes. - o-- The chap who kisses a girl these days is usually a marked man. "Permit me to introduce mÿ friend Smith," saidd' a friend of ours the other day, and then added: "Smith is young in years but old in sin." --o-- It was a very small country hotel built of wood and very flimsy. But it was all the town afforded and Tompkins had to stop there. When v '* » was shown his room, he said to •i colored porter: Tompkins---I'm glad they've got a rope here in case of fire. But why the Bible? Porter-- That, suh, is in case de ' fire am too far gone for you to make your escape, suh! HARPERS MALARTIC Construction of the necessary camps at the Hampers Malartic Gold Mines, Limited, has commenced, and the company has let a contract for the cutting of a road to the property from the main road, a distance of approximately two miles. Following the erection of camps, and as soon as the snow goes, a diamond drilling drilling program will be undertaken to prove up the continuity of favorable favorable ore zones located on surface last fall. HARPERS MALARTIC An opportunity to participate in the initial development of a property property situated in the rapidly developing developing Malartic gold area. Information upon request COLLINS SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED 357 BAY ST., TORONTO ADelaicfe 7441 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarîn* to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile $s not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Harmful poisons go-into the body, and you feel sour, sunk and th% world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't always get Rt the cause-. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of-bile flowing freely and make you feel up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name ! Stubbornly refuse anything else. Garden Bv GORDON L. SMITH All experienced gardeners warn against working soil too early. With day, it is especially dangerous to dig when there is too muer iuo= t - in the ground. Much soil is liable to puddle, and when drying out it may bake. In any case there is no ac antage, and the work would have to be done over again later on. A good safe rule is to squeeze a handful handful of earth in the hand, if it compacts compacts into a nail, the enthusiast is well advised to go back and read a book for a few days. On the other- hand, if the sod simply crumbles when released by the hand it is fit for working. SWEET SCENTED FLOWERS Flower growers are rediscovering the charm of fragrance. For a long period, color schemes and changing styles of design have commanded so much attention that the old art of planting for scent was almost forgotten. forgotten. With the trend changing, however, the nose is competing with the eye in making final decisions on candidates candidates for Spring plantin. The gardener who would be up-to-date must become acquainted with the plants to grow for fragrance. For the same reason, perhaps, that the sense, -)! smell is accentuated accentuated in the blind, we become more more conscious „T garden fragrance when the brilliant light of the Summer Summer day fades, and twilight makes of the garden a fairyland. Some flowers whose perfume is not detected detected -o the daylight become fragrant fragrant at night. Others give off at night a perfume different from their daytime scent. EARLY PLANTINGS ing music lessons, and the other day the first of the garden peas will be among the earliest vegetables sown. These may be planted as soon as the ground is fit to work. All of the first named seeds should be sown at least three times, at intervals of ten days bo that there will be succession succession of vegetables. The second group to go in will be carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, etc., which can stand a little frost, and then beans, corn and tomato, cabbage and cauliflower cauliflower plants, etc., which kill with frost, and finally those hot weather vegetables like lima beans, squash well started, egg end pepper plants, cucumbers, melons and similar things. All garden rules, it should be remembered, however, are only approximate and should be varied a little to suit the local climate and individual individual preference. PASCALIS QUCBEC BOURhAMAQUE LAMAQUE GOLD •■ <z -- •**Lmm-*-«* r~" --I MINES LTD. 1~ Map drawn and designed by Chalwyn Service Begd., 233 St. James St., Montreal, from sources believed reliable but not guaranteed. The Northern Miner (March 18) says:--"A zinc-gold-silver drill intersection intersection has been returned on the Quebec Manitou Gold Mines Limited property that averages high grade over a big length of core." The Fleming to the east of Quebec Manitou has a continuation of the same structural contact with copper values recently reported found. The extension easterly of the big structure which made Siscoe and Lamaque gives hope for another major mining development. Lady (turning around)--Does the long feather in is y hat bother you? Man (directly behind)--It did until! until! cut it off. Here it is; I thought perhaps you might want it back. Most women's complexions bother them more than their complexes. The store was crowded with customers customers but the small boy pushed himself to the front and cried out:-- Small Boy--I say, Mr. Brown, will you serve me quick Dad's waiting for his dinner. Grocer (leaving customer he was serving )--Well, what dp you want, my little man? Small Boy--Two bars of soap and a package of washing powder. "Money may talk, but it never warns ur when we are investing it unwisely." No, nor do our wisdom teeth jvarii us when we are eating indiscreetly. - --6--• The world loves a lover--particularly lover--particularly the people who sell engagement rings. Englishman (in poker game) -- Well, i'll wager a bally pound on this! American Negro (holding four aces)--Ah dunno too much 'bout 'yo ol' English money, but I'll bump yo' a couple o' tons! A girl with pretty teeth will smile at anything. --o-- A. false step somethimes undoes years of travel on the straight and narrow road. --o--. Sweet Young Thing--Isn't this a glorious evening for love, and-- Young Man---Yes. I'd like to kiss you until you hollered "stop!" Sweet Young Thing-- Well, I guess you picked the wrong girl. Young Man--You mean you would not let me kiss you? Sweet Young Thing--No, I mean I wouldn't holler "stop !" Issue No. 14 --- '37 B--1 Roosevelt Admits He Can Milk Cows WASHINGTON. -- President Roosevelt has settled a dispute between between two small boys in Granton, N.Y., with the information that he has milked a cow, although he is only an amateur, "and Is now considerably considerably out of practice." The boys, Cecil Francisco and T ' bert G. Monroe, wrote to the President in a childish scrawl on March 3 to settle their dispute, and were replied to by James Roosevelt, the President's son and secretary. The letter from the boys follow: "We, that is, Cecil and I had a little dispute. He said that you never had milked a cow and I said you had. I wish you would be so kind as to let u§ know." Secretary Roosevelt replied as follows : "The President has asked me to answer your letter of March 3, and to tell you he has milked a cow, having learned when a small boy. However, he would like to emphasize emphasize that he never claimed to be an expert at it and is considerably out of practice. I hope this settles your little dispute and with best " wishes to you both." BACKACHE Flush Kidneys of Waste Matter, Poisons and Acid and Stop Getting Up Nights 40 CENTS PROVES ÏT When your kidneys are clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scanty and often smarts and burns, you need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, Capsules, a fine harmless stimulant and diuretic that always works and costs but 40 cents at any modern, drug store. , It's one good, safe way to put healthy healthy activity into kidneys and bladder --you'll sleep sound the' whole night thru. But be sure and get .GOLD MEDAL -- right from Haarlem in Holland--you are assured of results. , Other symptoms of weak kidneys and irritated bladder are backache, puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms. Cock-o-DOUBLE-doo " Here's satisfaction true This DOUBLE Automatic Book I * v! A mi» vvudll Muiomaiic 1 Gives DOUBLE value too DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET she WMmm LIVB8 HIW asm# WITH THE NLS€0 Despite the handicap of blindness, the boys of the 1st Brantford (Ontario (Ontario School for the Blind) Scout Troop are -making fine progress. Recently Recently they demonstrated their ability ability to act as ushers at a Scout entertainment, entertainment, and the ability to do Semaphore signalling. The boys have made their own 1 Scout neckerchiefs, turk's head "slides," from lace woven woven in the school shop. The girls of the school Guide Company made the neckerchiefs for the boys and a Scout flag. * * * Chatham Scouts provided an interesting interesting demonstration of their training work before the local Rotary Club. They built a signal tower at one end of the room and flashed messages, and demonstrated artificial respiration. respiration. Mayor C. D. Sulman, himself a former King's Scout, presented a number of Scout badges. * * * Barrie Scouts have acquired a fine wooded 100-acre camp site in Tiny Township, on Georgian Bay. Members of the Kiwanis and Lions Club and other prominent citizens were the donors. The site will be known as Camp Wildman. - * e » An announcement of far-reaching importance to Scout leaders of Ontario Ontario was that at the' recent Provincial Provincial Annual Meeting concerning the purchase of a 100-acre camp site near Acton, to be used as a permanent Gilwell Training centre. In developing developing the property it is planned to commemorate in some way the interest interest in Scouting of the late Fred J. Mann, and Col. R. W. Leonard, whose legacies made the purchase of the site possible. "Scouting is a counteractive to one of the greatest dangers of modern life. The discoveries of science and the advancement in material apparatus apparatus of life have tended to mechanize society; to make everyone a cog in a great impersonal machine. But hu- Cigaretle Ads "No, no, no," exclaimed Giovanni Giovanni Martinelli, the opera star. "The pipe, the cigar, the cigarettes!" Reporters who had come to interview interview the famous singer hastily extinguished extinguished the three evils, when he explained that the smoke made his throat sore. "But didn't you endorse a cigarette cigarette once?" asked a reporter. "Si, si," admitted the smiling tenor, "But remember what I said. I said 'These cigarettes never make iry throat sore.' And that is true. They never do." | "Because," a reporter suggested, "you never, smoke them?" "Si, si," laughed Martinelli. "I never smoke them. I never smoked smoked anything in my life." SCIATICA Wash the painful part well ■ with warm water; then tub in plenty of Minat'cVs aud you'll foel better 8 * ••• of mm lliess «43 .N -®f k p FI man society can never be mechanized, and if you try, it will cease to be human and cease to be society. Scouting Scouting cultivates the individual and the personality. It emphasizes initiative and encourages self-development. I believe that on us, the free democracies, democracies, there lies a special duty oi insisting upon the immense import ance'ef personality, for in many countries countries In the world this seems to be forgotten. And there is no better agent in this task than the Scout Movement."--Lord TweedsnJ ir, at the Toronto District Annual meeting Classified Advertising HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES : aaa HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FROM h V yTêentar up. Bend for pries Ihii to Small* wares Co., 179 Craig St., West, Montreal, PLAY MUSIC BY COLOB O RIGINAL, SENSATIONAL, YET TOY practical way of playing piano, guitar and ukulele, by matching colors; Canada's , own, but the world's latest musical sensation. sensation. No teacher or Instruction necessary. ' You can play today the Musieolor Way. - Write for free Booklet now. Representatives > wanted, with first-class references. Write Simplay Instruments, Limited, 60 Front St. > West, Toronto. INVESTORS aN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List ** of wanted inventions and full information sent free. THE RAMSAY Company. World Patent. Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PHOTOGRAPHY pILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED WITH \ * High Gloss, Deckled Edged Prints, 25c plus j Postage, Reprints, 3c. Beautiful Enlargement Enlargement Free. Excel Photos, 1268 Lansdowne ' Avenue, Toronto. B ICE SOLD BY CARLOADS tCE IN CARLOAD LOTS SHIPPED TO ) * points outside of Toronto. Graham Bros. - , Ice and Coal Co., Limited, 469 Keating Street, Toronto. f RASPBERRIES R ASPBERRIES, GOVERNMENT OERTL ' FiED---Nearly all'varieties 10 for 60c; 25/ for $1.10; 1Q0 for S3.00 postpaid. Edward Lowden, Hamilton P.O. REMEDIES r\R. McGAHEY'S LEG ITCH REMEDY One annlleation stops itching, stamping biting, $2.00. KemptviUe, Ontario. STAMP COLLECTING CTAMP ANNUAL FREE--DESCRIBES AND D Illustrates Albums, Supplies, United States, British Colonials, stamps, sets, collections, This 36-nage catalogue FREE. GRAY ST A Ml. COMPANY, Dept. PC., Toronto, Canada. iZLINE SEED GRADER,. GUARANTEE!? separate, wild oats, seeds, any grain. -- Kline Mfg., 121 Empress Ores., Toronto. • • A GENIUS • • £)'R. R. V. Pierce, whose picture appears here, was a profound student of the medicinal qualities of Nature's Nature's remedies -- roots and herbs. For nearly 70 years Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical Discovery has been, sold in the drug stores of the United States and Canada. If you wish to have vim, vigor and vitality, try this "Discovery." It eliminates poisons from the intestines, aids digestion, acts as a tonic, corrects stomach disorders. Buy now of your near-by druggist. ess „ mmmmsii ! leonam *116 IN BUCK J . ®F EARS- 6RSE8CT tea -«*- ' OI& ; $1.25 Ml Druggist Bsie|t« îaMer sa recast j Also excèdent for Temporary- Deafness and Head Noises due to cousrestsoit caused by colds, FM and swimming» ! A. O. LEONARD, Inc.- , | 70 Fifth Aye., Mew York City

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