NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE ■Mr. A, E., Alffilbw made a business lvi|: t.i Toronto the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard (riihaoii were recent visitors to Toronto' for 1 several days. Mrs. Maitland has returned to town and is again staying with Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Mrs. P. F. LeGresiley and Mr, Regina 'al T.eGresley visited the city. on Thursday last. Mass 'Olive Thorne and Miss. Clara Haslett were week-end guests of Mrs, I). Bui'ki- Siinpsoi;. Mrs. J, C. Hancock has returned home from a very pleasant holiday spent, with relati ves' in Toronto. Mrs. Morris and small daughter Fannie of Toronto, vare guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Horrooieks a t "Green Fields." Mr. Walter Growther is confined t the house owing to an injury to his knee, received while at work on ike section. Dr. -Milne, -Newcastle, new dentist, dentist, has arrived', in town, and is opening opening his office in the/-Oowie Block above Mr. George Rpringlnun's store. !),-. Annie B'igbee has returned'to Newciaitle and has opened her house for' the summer. Mr. Jack Higlbee returned with her for the week-end. Mrs, George Gaines has gone to Toronto to undergo a major operation operation at the end of the week. Her irijfliny friends wish her a speedy recovery. recovery. Mrsi'.D. J, Galhraii th has returned borne after spending 'the winter in Brantford with "Mr. and Mrs. Hex Wynn, acçfsftjtipiïni ed by • ht ;s,.. mother ibr. wfhw days, returning to. Bnei; - ford: with Mr, "Wynn: on. Sunday. Mrs. Alan Mc'Evoy and her daughter daughter Helen, have' returned to their home at Bond Head, after spending the last four months in Florida and the 'Southern States. They motored eight 'thousand miles while on their holiday. ' Highlights df the council meeting on . Monday night--Daylight -Saving --to start on April '25 th. A grant of $35.00.was:given to:.tlie ; Horticultural Society' and the aissuiiaince from Mr. F.. Eiekrird, M.P., that the. government government initei'ided to spend considerable trio trios on the lake front in the near future. Durham Lodge, A.F. & A/M'., Newcastle, Newcastle, have secured Duncan B. Coxv - un, 'Oanadia's Premier Entertainer, und three: assistants.: to give one of their popular concerts in the Gom- •jnnniiT Halt: Newcastle,. ôu the evening evening ot; April Ifithÿ at 8 p.m. Everybody Everybody vs:!"' i -f : O', Tickets. 25 cents ; children under 15 free if lâceoiinpan- ied by parents sot' guardians, The ' play, "Cheerio, M:y Deario," twill be repeated inthe ' Gomniunity Hall, Newcastle, .on Wednesday evening, evening, April 21st, a.t.8 p,m„ under the ■ auspices . of the W'on'i a no- Aissociation of-the United GOiU'roh, -in benefit of the choir of the United Ghurch. Gome and otijov your yearly laugh. Admission, Admission, 25,C: Directress, Viola -M. Brown. Those attending the ladies' night of the Men's Canadian Club of Bow- manvilie on Tuesday night were Mr. and Mrs. C Batty. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler. Mr. T. W. Jia/ekson:, Mr. Fid ward Ward, Mr and Mrs. Harold Gibstm. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gibson, Gibson, Mr. Donald Gibs m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rickard. Mr. Donah} Giilhson introduce ! the guest speaker. Dr. Christie of O.A (Y Guelph, and Mr. Bradt moved the vote of thanks for the address. The Parochial Committee of 'St- George's Church are planning a "Cal'eterio" "Cal'eterio" or "Penny" tea in the near future. This form of church supper supper has proved to be very popular, doubtless due to the fact 'that, the ladies think they are getting a bargain bargain and the gentlemen when faced with .a whole table df delicious pieces of pie at only a penny a piece, feel they can indulge, in their favorite dessert to their heart's or should we say, theirgastrouic content. The funeral service for the late Win. Horltins was held in the United church on Saturday afternoon. The service' 1 was - in. charge of two fraternal fraternal organizations, the Orangemen - and the Shins of Rug 1 a nil. ; and the Bey. Samuel M-eT.o.wi took the service, service, -giving a short address. Mrs. B. T. Rutherford sang a, .well-known solo, "The City Foursquare." The CLARK UNION Farmer's, are. beginning to work on ihe'dandt" >•, ; Miss Marion Kickaby tirent the week-end at her Uncle's, Mr. FI. J. Sutuii. Mr. Oswald "iBa,ndercock has,! pur chased a car tractor. Oswald likes to rush things. Air.' James Bickaiby of the Boy ai (Bank, 'Toronto,' Is .spending a week at his uirc'to'si, H. J. Sducih. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power attended attended the funeral of his un-ole, Mr. John James, : of Oisihawa, on Monday. Air. Will Dawson has sold his Sawing Sawing outfit' to Air. John Best. John will keep; the saw fronn getting rusty. The.Home and Si-imol quilt is on display : in Armstrong's window. Tickets may be secured at the store. Miss Mamie Archer- attended, the ! l,.me lanid iSiehool Council at Port Hi'ope on Tuesday night and took part i n. the programme. Air, Harold Shuttileworbh spent a week at Mr. S. D. 'Souchi's. Harold has been: re-engaged with Air. 'Met-, calf of Alaiple Grove. The Home and School Chili are planning on holding a basket social in the school, on Thursday ' evening, April 22nd. A splendid program is being planned. Everybody welcome. Air.' Albert Clarke, who cut his hand in the sawing machine, is improving. improving. Also Mrs. Clarke, we are 'pleased to report, has returned from B'CwmaiB! ville hospital much improved improved in health. (MU) OF THANKS Mrs.' W. J. Hoc-kin and. family wish to : extend their sincere thanks and appreciation, to their many relatives, relatives, f rien dsjji lid neighbors, also the L.O. L. and Postal .employees', for the kind expressions of/-sympathy and floral tributes extended to them during during their recent sad bereavement in the loss/of a. loving husband and father. pallbearers were Mr. T. W. Jackson, Mr. George Jamieson, Mr, Fred Bowen, Bowen, 'Mr. Fred Couch. Mr. F red' Love- kin ' laud Major Gainey, with ixiiter- fnent at Orono cemetery. Mr. I Inc- kin- was a highly respected citizen and will! be greatly missed. A public : meeting was called on April 8 th, in the Cbm-munity Hal, to make plains' for a Coronation Day Celebration of some bind. Interim plans, were started but it was thought that the ooitnciil should, allot a sum of money for 1 Ihe celebration instead of taking up a 'colloction from/ the townspeople. As the council had not mot to consider suich plans, it was- decided decided to adjourn until a later date, On Thursday afternoon tire regular. regular. monthly meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church was held in the Sunday school rooms with the president, Alps. Howard Cooke ■ residing. The programme was in charge of Mrs. Walter Rickard's «•roup and the subject was "Edgar Guest". IS elections of his poems were read by Airs, Cooke, Mrs. liar tod: Allan, Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mrs Bragg also sang numbers. Arrangc- ents were made to entertain the Vprj'ior and Junior choirs at an early date. Tea was served at the close of the meeting, the tea table being at tractively decorated with Easter decorations decorations and Easter lilies. "Cheerio, My Deario," a three-act Farce, was given t, 0 a crowded 'audience 'audience in the community hall on Friday Friday evening last. This play was under under the auspices of two groups of the Women's.. Association of the United Church, the convenors of which, Mrs, Percy Brown and Mrs. B. T. Euther. ford were co-directors. The. play was very clever and, witty and those taking part are to be congratulated iroon their acting. The interest was sustained from the first to the last •mil there were more laughs to the minute than in most amateur plays. Those taking part were as follows; Mrs, R. T, Rutherford,. Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs.: Carl Weyrich,/Mrs. Archie Archie : Glenny, /Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Miss- Marjory Lye,eft, Miss. Ariiss Walker, Mr. T. W. Jackson. Mr. 'Hubert: Osborne. Mr, Harry Walker, u r. Ernest Gillbank, Mr. Charles Clomence. - -- O Subscribe for Orono Weekly Times ORONO "wWKLY: : TIMES NEWTONVILLE Airs. Reiijir.iiii is visiting Toronto friends. Air. and Mr*. A, F. George, Port Hope, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and: Mrs, S. R. Jones Airs. II. Avery had the misfortune to- cut her right hand. badly with a butcher knife. His. Clarvm'i' Thomipson and family family visited ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson, Thompson, Port Hope, last; week. Congratulations- to Jean Milligan, who won the prize for the most popular popular lady at the Delaney Show last week. New beginners to our school since Easter are : Joan, Ogden, Keith Stapleton. Elgin 'Stapleton,: Carlos 'Smith. Mr. Earl Walkey motored Air. and Mrs B. Bruce and family, to Belleville Belleville recently to visit Mr. Bruce's sister, Mrs, B. 'Smith. U. O'. League, Tuesday evening, April 6 th, wais in charge of the devotional devotional convener, Gladys Pearce, and the program was as - follows Guitar selection, Harold Burley ; scripture reading, , Marguerite McKay; McKay; talk on Temperance, Mr. K, J. Rowe ; piano solo, Florence Burley. Teskard Air. and Mrs. Chester Willis, U.iS. A, are visiting in the village. Misa Annie Forbes, Kirby, spent Sunday with Miss Leonora. Ball. Mr Milton Cornish spent 'Sunday evening with Mr. and Airs, Carl Bi inigs; . Air. Jack Bairstow met with a pair, ful 'aiocident on Friday and hurt his «boulder. Alessrs, : Dave Thompson and Jack iSf'Oibert left /Monday morning to work on the railway. Air. and Airs. Dave Thompson were recent guests- with Air. and Mrs, Clarence Martin. Mias Myrtle Patterson spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson. Air. and Mrs, Henry Pierce, Bow- manviiie, spent Monday with her parents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ball. A very enjoyable time was bad at a social evening in the. 'Sunday school on Thursday evening. A good program program was given consisting of music by the- orchestra, solos by Aless'rs. Arthur Arthur Bell, dim Powers, George Ivalph, a duet by Messes Alice 'Bairstow ' and Edna; Billings and accompanied by Audrey Billings was much enjoyed ; a dialogue, entitled "Every. Inch a Gentleman." was -given by Messrs. Harry Davey, Norman Bairstow, Robert Cimiers and Misses Alice Bairstow; and Leonora Ball. , Music was played by Mr. Charles and Miss E'. vn Gay ; a duet by Misses: Jean, Syer a,lid; - Muriel Tenn ant ; violin solos by Kenneth Shackil-eton. Air. Oscar favoured with two readings ; music by Bill Spark* and Jack Bentley. Bentley. 'Another dialogue, entitled "llezi'kiahV First Courting", was given by (Messrs. Jack 'Syer , Mil ton Cornish, - Bertram iSyer and Mise Bena Biivll 1 ; a pan tornine "Lead Kindly Kindly Light" was given by Mias Gwendoline Gwendoline Tennant, Lunch was served by the ladies. Till- Home anti School Club held a. meeting in the school auditorium on Monday, April 12th, with the president, Mr. 1 Bertram Syer presiding. presiding. The meeting opened with singing singing "0* Canada." Recitation by Robert Robert ("haters, solos by Messrs. Arthur •Bell and 1 J im Powers ; piano duet by Jim Powers and Miss Edna Billings; music by Mr. Charles Gay and Miss Flva Gay ; music by Messrs. Charlie Harris, Kenneth Shackiloton arid Miss Kivu Gay. Mrs. A, H. Keane gave a very interesting talk' on nursing nursing in the home, stressing the point of visiting, a sick roo-m. A. trio by ■Messrs. Jaick Bentley, George Ralph and Bill Sparks. Miss Ruth Dunn gave a piano solo; music by Charlie Harris, Raymond MacDonald and Miss Elva Gay. Fife duet by John and James L..wry. Lunch -was served. served. The remainder of the evening was suent in 'dancing. Messrs. Charles Charles Harris, Kenneth Shaekleton, I lartxvel Lowery. Carl Billings and Mrs. Billing* furnisbed the music, Mr. Charles Harris, furnished music during the intermission. o--to------Q, - ;'■■■■■ '- ' Dr. Alex. Ilardiicka of the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institute says the length of a man's n-nn increases "When ' hé is past 40. It has to, if he wishes -to put his arm around his wife's waist at that age. COWANVILLE Rev. Mr. McLean ■ finished his. eight talks on Christian Armour on 'Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Willis Farrow visited' visited' Mi-, and Airs. Westoi 'Stringer on Sunday. /Misses Viola and Dorothy Hollingsworth Hollingsworth visited at their home: over the week-end. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan visited Mrs. Cowan's mother, Mrs. Morrish Osborne Atbrrish on Sunday evening. ■We are very sorry to hear that Miss Jean White was taken to the hospital hospital on 'Sunday morning for àippen- diei'ti'8. Mr. and Airs. E. Farrow, Air. arid Mlrs, George Henderson and Mary attended: attended: a pancake social at; Morrish church on Friday evening. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. (Stringer with a goodly attendance. After the tosiness' was transacted a very humorous reading was given, by Mrs. Perrin, also an, interesting reading reading by Airs. Brown. A contest and a geography bee were enjoyed by ail, after which a delicious lu rich was served. The regular weekly meeting of the League met on Wednesday evening with Shiloh League presenting the programme which consisted of monologues', monologues', violin solos, selections by the quarter.!, a very interesting talk, on Coronation by Rev, Mr. Beech of Newtionville and a. very interesting talk by Miss S. I.iangmiaicl of Osh- axva. Refreshments were then served. Work may be a curse, but there is no record that Adam ever got .into trouble after he began to- sweat for a living. FENCING If you are thinking of Fencing this year place your order now as prices on all fence will advance advance 5 cents per rod before May 1st WE HANDLE STELCO, the Guaranteed - Copper Bearing Fence GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY PERCY LUNN Phone 66 General Merchant Orono SHAKER. SALT, PLAIN, PKG :ri.T 5c. SHREDDED UOCOANUT, LB. , 15c. WESTON'S ROYAL CREAM SODAS, 2-LB, BOX...29c. AYLMER DICED BEETS, CARROTS, 2 FOR 17c. PEAS, No. 4's, TENDER SIEVE -10c. STUFFED OLIVES, LARGE 11 oz. JAR 25c. PINEAPPLE (CUBES), SPECIAL -10c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE THE BETTER PLACE TO SHOP rjv Popular New Merchandise Our New Spring Merchandise is arriving. Visit this Store often and see the new lines for Spring FREE: Teddy Barber's Dairy Send end Card from pkg. TENDER TENDER LEAF TEA to 801 Dominion Dominion Square Bldg, Montreal. Listen to One Man's Family Wed., 8 p.m. CRCT. Tender Leaf Tea, pkg. 25c. HOME IMPROVEMENT Is Now the Slogan of Better Times We have a complete line of Builders' Supplies Joists Siding Flooring Sheeting Cement Brick Lime Roofing Materials Shingles Wallboards Gyproc PHONE 48R16