y ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 15. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1957. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year Turn Out On Coronation Day At Clarke Celebration Council To Prohibit Pasturing of Cows In Waddell Cemetery Some Person Plugs Culvert And Causes Water To Run Over Road 'Hie usual session of the Clarke 'Township Counted! was held on May 4th in Oxono town hall. Commun! cations were soon dealt with and the following - 'bills were passed : W. E Davey, taxi 1 , $2.25; It. IT. Wood, caretaker, opening hall twice for the I.O.O.F., . llonieulturai Society, Publie Library, World Bros. Movie Picture Show and labor $14.75; Oruno Weekly Times, minute notices, notices, $2.50; Lyle Lowery, assessor, #2.20;.V. -I. Staples, postage, excise, inoney order and stationery, $14.80 ; Mrs; !.. . Baldwin, do'ctof's f eès, : i $5; "Statestoan",; Board of .Health, Cards $2.97; "Statesman,'"" 100 auditors' reports. $19.41; -I. -I. Cornish, voucher, voucher, $2.00; L J. Cornish, voucher, : $2.00 Count^ OfiiceiSupply Co., $38.- 53; road acgÿunt, 040.58; J\lrs. Reynolds;! Reynolds;! monthly 1 ' assiessment, $40.00; Nowcast le Village, doctor's bill, care of Carr fionily, of $4.20, $1.40. A. comeunitealion was - readfrom the Toronto General Trust requesting requesting ;atifepôipf ,, ôf-.:tliê f -;i934#85-36 > , ..tax, -collections, all of which would pçeêâ- : aitalc a great deal of work on the part; of the clerk, Mr. A. ,1. Staples. it. was moved andd 1 carried that the clerk write to the Trust Co. informing informing them that if they were sufficiently sufficiently interested fo : send a représentative représentative here the information would be supplèid, or that n fee for this work would have to he paid by . the Company. Company. 1 The clerk asked) if he must sign eelcurity doeuments for, fittral téléphonés, téléphonés, and was informed by council council that, the township always assumes this rëspQ'Hsihili : tÿ. ;: "y No further action has been taken in regard'-fo i.he street lighting in Nowtonvj-lle oilier, than the change, on the map submitted, , .of . certain lights which: were considered not in .the most'adiVantagcOurS'position. . Conn. Lpvekin stated, that there had been' à ' complaint about cows, being being past tired " in The" Waddell "Cemetery. "Cemetery. TFfë Cntiiiqillofs stated that this o&niSition ' was' a -disgrace and anyone responsible should be prosecuted. prosecuted. ytltMr.iOvyh/ The road?riupl. 'Was instructed by the council to "find out the party ret: sponsible -for the- cattle being there' and to ! warn them unless: it was stopped stopped immediately, action would be taken. . ^ .. ... A resolution was passed that the tax collector, -Mr: G. W. Awde, be "herein ■ authorized" to collect unpaid taxes up to' June 1st in the manner provided by the law. = 1 There was some discussion regarding regarding a culvert on- the road near Mr, Percy Hatton's farm which had been plugged' resulting in water fill.-. Good Catches On May 1st Trout Sluggish In Biting-- Some Thought Seven Inch Fish Too Small The fishing season for trout was heralded in for Orono citizens and the citizens df Canada, on Saturday morning with many enthusiasts from town .and vicinity pitting their skill with the wily brook trout. We take back what wo said in our last issue as to what the catches wouldi be on the opening day. Up to Wednesday the weather was cold, raw and wet, but on Thursday and Friday Friday Old) Sbloaime out in ail Ms glory and warmed up the atmosphere to such an extent that the trout were waiting for', the anglers to come along. At four o'clock Saturday morning numerous enthusiasts reach ed out of their beds and turned off the alarm clock, dressed, prepared a hasty lunch arid were soon on their \yay to their favourite streams in anticipation anticipation of a good morning's catch, Saturday proved,, an ideal day for fishing, not to. bright, along with nice warm , Weather, but the trout seemed to be backward in biting. Many people reported! that they bind ed trout and did not know they had one on the hook. Trout are known for their quick, snappy hiring and wasting no- time to get away with the bait The cutting off of two weeks at the end df the -season and putting them at the beginning will help to preserve the trout to h certain ex : tent, ' "aisi May 1st is very early for (Continued on page ..four) . ing up the ditch and running over the roiid. ■'■ ■ : ; , The road sulpt. was instructed. to take the plug out and issue a- warming warming ilint if this plug was imt left oui trouble would follow forthwith. The Glover and B'rowit, road between between Lots 12 and 13 caibe before the comn-il again. ■ Conn. T.ovi'kin stgted- that ns far ■as the towriship taking it over as a road 'Wit'S 1 'concerned,'it would not be considered.' ' Î 1 - .- , A resolution was passed! that Reeve lb-id find Crum. La ing to go back and have a talc Mthlthl twp men to see if they could come tp some agreement. agreement. Jf not, it would be in order for fihb'mWii to call in tin engineer for a survey. - f;: The, Reeve and (bmrwiiiors in company company witM'the rfifid "su#. set .'Saturday, .'Saturday, May 8th, for (lie day to go'over the roads on a genera! inspection tour. The meeting then adjourned to meet again- at 9 n.m. on Tuesday, June 1st, ISABELLA DUNN ARD There passed away at her late residence, residence, 76 Rosethorne Ave., Toronto-, early Thursday morning, April 29 th 19-87, Tsialbelila Dunn Ard, wife of the late William Richard Jones, in her 69th year. She was formerly of King, Onit. The funeral was held from, the above address on 'Sunday to York Presbyterian church, Keele Street, for service. Interment Orono cemetery. ALFRED AMROSE ROLPH There -passed peacefully away on Thursday, afternoon, April; 29th, Alfred Alfred Amrose Ralph, in his 78th. year, after an illness of two months. The deceased was born in the Township of Clarke, son. of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Ralph, within a mile of his late home and was known arid respected by all for his love of flowers, his home and family. Always a kind husband and father bis passing will be mourned by Lis widow, Elizabeth Ann Walker, and one son, O. W. Rolph, of Orono. Flowers, messages -of condolence and. thé gathering of many hbLatlyesj Mends a-nid neighbors testifieOT&» the esteem in; which he was -held. The funeral services were ed by Rev. Eli*. O-ierliout. assisted by Rev. V, Walker, uf Janetville, cousin, . tery. Clarke Twp. Coronation Celebration Program Will Commence At One P. M. W.C.T.U. Silver Medal Contest Margaret Flintoff, Orono, and Keith Branton, Lockhart's, Are Winners The silver medal contest put on under the auspices of the W.C.T. U. of Park Bit. (United Church, Orono, drew forth a splendid audience on Friday evening, where the contest- was held in the basement of the (ini rch. Mr. Harry Rowe's orchestra produced enjoyable -selections. Tin- orchestra comprised of Messrs). Ohas, Knox, Donald Mamm, Charley Buck- ley, A. J. Knox, A. E. DrraÉmowd, Georg - Rowe, Mrs; J^bJPRMts (Dr.). . OblvUîe' -Ehs,s SiilLriffahist Preparations Are Finished -- Fireworks Are Added To Celebration Interment in Orono A Mr. and Oddfellows Hold Annual Church Parade Sunday The annual church parade of the Ï.O.O.F. was held at St. Saviour's Anglican Clmreh on. Sunday, May 2nd, ai 7.00 run. The parade was represented by lodges from Coburg. Port Hope, Bowman vibe and Orono, which was led by Durham Regiment Band. The church service was conducted by the rector, Rev. D, R. Dowdney, who welcomed the lodge members to the service, . The lessons were read by the Lay Reader, Mr. Gordon Bruton. Bruton. The rector rendered a splendid eermion in Which he stressed the ever- increasing need for prayer. Jesus said "Ask and yè shall receive," and so -through prayer ,we must ask God for our daily needs. . , The singing was- Jed by -Si. Saviour's Saviour's choir. The, familiar hymns. "Unto the .Hills'- Around' l)n I Lift Up," "Best Be. the Tie That Binds," "Abide. With : :Me,".^Q' God Our Helpin'Ages Helpin'Ages Past," and one verse-of the National Anthem w.ore sung on this special occasion. During the offertory offertory the choir sang an ail them, "Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven," . MUSIC FESTIVAL ^ Durham Comity's annual music festival will open next Tuesday . in Port Hope with the largest entry list on record. Miss Helen G. Morris, secretary secretary of the. association, stated.: T " number of entries now totals- 300: Particularly heavy are tl|B entriel in children's solo and piano classes. Three classes, which have been, represented1 represented 1 in other years, will not be heard this year, the bands, Orchestras and quartettes. Dr. Charles Peaker. of Toronto, will be The adjudicator, arid. Miss Morris will be festival secretary: secretary: In the , past, the festival secretary has been secured. from,, the. Bureau for the Advancement of Music, Due to Coronation Day coming on -one of; the original dates there will, be a break, -of one day -during the' festival. No-Classes -will be heard aext Wednesday. Wednesday. V - RETURNS HOME FROM SUNNY SQÜÎH Mrs, Miller returned home 'from Clearwater; Florida, on Wednesday of lost week: where they .-•pent the better' pari of three and a -half months, missing, the Canadian -.'winter and enjoying the summer climate climate of that country. Mr.- Miller re- ports that there are many-places' of interest to visit in and around Clear- 'writer and on th?ir trip they I ravelled ravelled over two thousand Utiles. ' The evenings are cool and thé days warm; -titled Mr. Miller, with I'm- sun shining shining nearly every day. Tie informed u-s that at St.. Petersburg, Fla., twenty miles from Clearwater, one newspaper gives away a -free issue vhen the sun fails to shine and they have only given. 125 issues in the last twenty-five -years; The temperature ranges to different degrees, some times as low as forty to forty-five degrees- degrees- at night, then u.p to eighty in the daytime. DÏ RECTORS'MEETING. A directors meeting of-the Durham Agricul tural Society met in the council council chamber, Community Hall, Newcastle, Newcastle, -on Friday evening, to revise the -prize list and discuss other items of general interest, Several • extra classes ' for- horses and cattle have been -added 'to the list this year rind also : an increase ip. some of the prize money.; A. oommittee w'as appointed' to approach approach Dr. McCullough ro purohas-; ing his- .field adjoining thé ' fair grounds. On Wednesday the field was "bought and this will add throe acres (more or less) to the present fair grounds. rh'.ttt occupied the ed tin- programme with a seigctTon: from the; orchestra, follow-; ed by every one singing "Onward Christian' "Soldiers". Rev.. Osterhout then led in prayer, followed by a' selection from the orchestra. Girl eon- Clarke Township Coronation Celebration Celebration will be held in Orono, coim- ment'ing at the Orono school grounds where all schools will assemble and led by the Canadian Legion Band of BoWmanville will parade through the streets, to the town hall where a devotional devotional and patriotic programme will be -held. At five o'clock the ladies will serve lunch and at 7 o'bloek the Pageant. The parade of the Empire will be given with a large choir assisting in the presentation. At nine o'clock fireworks will be shown at -the exhibition exhibition grounds. The only admission to the ra day IWilFbAISlntrirte - a 1 ; - 1: 1) i- cent!; the Pageant. This was lot in,'; ju-x-ies- sary ariisèiné -of Jhé Noe I- urnes has to be rented. Each family -is asked to bring sandwiches and cake or tarts, enough for themselves and one extra, this will be left in thé town hall basement and the ladies-will serve the lunch testant No, : 1, . Miss Ruby; Gibson, Lockhart's, reecita : ion-- i^Wiien the " at; five o'clock. Coffee, will be supplied, liquor - traffic- ceases to live." Solo" 'by the Women's Institute. % by (Slam Castle, "Belles of the -Sen ; contestant No. 2, ' Daisy Fenton, w kliart's ' recitation -- "À1- Lriibetiicail Temperance Habits;" section section by the orchestra ; girl icon testant testant No. 3, Margaret Flintoff, Orono, recitation, "Little Blossom" ; : solo by Rowland Taylor, : Orono, "Sri ill in' Thro;"-:, girl contestant. No. 4, Gloria Richardson, '" Orono, recitation! "A drink caused murder;" solo by "Sa-m Castle, Orono", "Oiir lives shall meet at last;" hoy contestant No. 1, John Lowery, reading --"A Brave Boy;" selection by the orchestra, "The Jolly Copper-smith ;" boy -contestant No. -2, Donald iStaples, reading-- -"Hncle Mason's -'-Tobacco Toad". *solo by- Robért Taylor, 'Orono, ' "When my dream boat " cmnes home." boy contestant contestant "No. 3, Keith Eranfon, Lo'ck- hart's, yecifation--"Some Say." -.Mrs. Wray prcsvntc.l i-Vizes fo Sun-- day School pupils,: who handed in best essays, on Tempérance. , Senior puipils -- Edwin Manning and Mary .Baldwin each roceivÿig a fountain pen,. --. •Iunior piipii---Glen Tani.'ii'yii ;,ml James Patterson - each receiving a 'book. ' ' V 1 - "The orchestra provided triusic while the judges made tfieir decision of first prize winners fro-m the. contestants contestants in tihe silver medal contest.. The judges were Musi. Archie Glenn.v, Newcfisitl! 6 ):' Mrs. Mellow, Newcastle; Mrs. Mo flat t, Clarke Union. Their (Continued on page four) This celebration will be the outstanding outstanding 'event of many years. All fraternal organizations are asked to assemble with the children of every school,section,and parade. : Following is-the programme : : 1.80 tun.---Opening Hymn, "All Hail "tile 1 Power of Jesus Name," followed followed by, invocation led by Rev. Osterhout. Osterhout. and . those , assembled repeating repeating the Lord's Prayer;- tS crip tore -reading by Rev. Beech; prayer, Rev, Dowdney. .2.-00 p.m.--Broadcast of King George VI. message',.'followed by .the National Anthem: two choruses by schools; address by Mr. Mello--, two 1 choruses, by., scho-Qil's; benediritio.n b;y Rev. MicLean. God Save the b.ing. ■ The school children; will"be •n.ia:v--- s-halled by ' Mr. 'N.' Stewa : ' , musical supervisor ; the fraternal body of men niarishalled by Major J. C. Gainey; Mrs-, I), Riibb. nnvica! supervisor, will conduct the .chorus : Mrs, G. Campbell, nmsical supervisor,, will lie the irccompanis! : .Mrs. O. W. Rolph will produce the' pageant : Mrs. A. A. ' Drummond will conduct the page,'ini ' choir with Mrs. R. II. B'rçwn as pianist." - Mr. T. A. Reid, reeve of Clarke To'vmsbip; will preside at the after-' m'On meeting; Mrs. F. W. Bowen is chairman of the ladies committee in,, charge of lunch; Seil F. Porter is the chairman of the men's committee in charge of afternoon activities and fi reworks. " ; Clarke United Soccer Club Hold Annual Meeting Clark United held their annual meeting in the audidtorimn of the Bo.- knnj school on Wednesday, April 28th. Quite a number of football fains and -players were present. Harry Davey, who -was in the chair, opened the meeting by calling on Jack B'ogy to- read the financial report from last year, and it wa-s moved by Roy Macdonald and seconded1 seconded 1 by Art Tennant, that the report report be adopted. 1 It was then discussed whether to enter a team in the league this year or rioti „ It was voted mianitnously that a team woulMi be entered. 1 In* the election of officers the one and only Orme Gamsby was elected president; Charlie Shaw, manager; Gerald Sheokleion, ; Secretary-Treasurer; Secretary-Treasurer; Jack Bogy, Captain ; Harry Davey, Conch ; Care taker, Bob Chat- ers; Lunch Committee, Lome Robbins, Robbins, Charlie -Shaw- mi'd fxen Shvckle- ton; Reporter, "John- Keane. I tarry Davey and -back B'ogy were elected representative:! to .the League meeting in Hampton. This brought the meeting to a close. The holders of the old silver inug are looking forward to a very successful successful year and retaining the cup for a third time. We hope that the fans will turn out and cheer the boys; to victory, arid wo assure you we will give you something to cheer for. Pratetises will be held on Monday, Wednesday and. Fridays.