ORONO WEERLŸ MUES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St;:-/-. •■■■' Orono [VERMS.: OF SUBSCRIPTION " : 41.05 per, f y®ar. To 'mi.lisiCTiibers-^-K'b paper will be stqppM'uptil all: -arrears: are paid, except except at the' riiption of the proprietor. A -postoifice no-ti-ce' to discontinue is not puffieiéKit. To subscribers in the United States, States, $2:00 ipér year. Advertising Bates on Bequest FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r1 . ft. A. Forrester, Publisher ? -- " - .... ' Thursbay, April829, 1937 CO WAN VILLE ; Mr. 'and Mrs. Ivan IF arrow visited at the;.borne, of .Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Farrow vu S in.day. - *;Mrf and : Mrs. L. D. Bribe and son Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer Stringer visited: at' Gecu-gê Henderson's on Monday evening. ' Several, friends : from Petqrfoorri visited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson' on . Sunday; The ladies ■ of the vommunity are Mil! pain thy the churtih h-aS-oment, t lief of ore the league is still postponed. NEWTÔNViLLE Miss Marguerite McKay, Brighton, spent the week end at home. Mrs. .Hurry..Stone. Tdnmlo. attend- or! .the funeral of the late Mrs. Pen- warden. Mr. and Mrs, II. Osborne, Morrisli, visited her mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Sunday. U"'.S :: Mr. and Mrs. XV Hallowed and Meda , Slarkvi 1 le, spent Sunday at Mr. Wilfred McKay's..... Miasi Bernice Milligan and Mrs. ■ C. Thompson won prizes' at the cooking cooking -class in Bowman ville. Mr:- -and Airs. George MeOullough' and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Brock Petli :ck visited Milln-ook friends Sunday. Sympathy is extended lo the family family of the late* Mrs. John Penwarden, whose sudden passing saddened this ■community last week. Sunday visitors at Mr. George J. Sltapleton's were : Mr. and Mrs, W, W. Henderson;, B-owmauvifie; 1 S|r and Mrs. | Gordon Dew tiff'd. Gîèi.m, Oshaiwa ; Miss Audréy Gray,' Oshitvva ; Mrs. E. E. Marjerrison, , Lola and Jane, Boumanvillo, and Mr, Bobert Martin. Lake Shore. ■ .'soHrT,tits' W.G.T.U. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST (Oontiued from page one) final decision resulted as follows- : Stiver medial to 3rd girl, Margaret F! in toff, Orono. iSilver medal to 3rd boy, Keith Bran ton, Lockhart's s-oh-ool. The remaining eomestants received hooks. Kiev. Os ter-bout extended a vote of thanks to all taking part.. The contest contest was -brought to a close by singing singing G oil Save -the. King. .V dainty lunch was served after the programme. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of BENSON GIF- FOBD OABiS'dADDEN, late of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Merchant, Deceased Deceased : HI.OSiSOM WEEK;MAY . BE TEN DAYS KARI.1KU Oaiic-ulated from . records for 20 years back, as- supplied by Vineland Experimental Farm officials, Blossom Week: dates were set for May 15th to 24th at Grimsby, but it now begins to 1-ook as if those dates will be too late by at least 10 days, s 'the mi id wea niter caused the fruit buds to be at least 10 days in ad; Vance of previous seasons. This and the heavy warm rains- of;lie past week $nd the bright sunshine and Warm Winds of the past two days, have caused the - budds to start- bursting. Nurserymen and fruit -growers claim that a 'continuance of tin warm weather will -bring the bud- Oh faster and it would not- be sur prising if the peninsula were a riot of -color toy the middle of next week. The length of time that the bibs soms will hang on • the trees depends entirely upon how long rain hold off. ', GOOD -ClAmOITBS OX MAY 1st ■cd front page one) and is. generally cold SIXTH Mr.. Peycy Gilroy has ' securedN a position as teacher at Mount Allison isehool'- -in New B'runisiwi-dk tmd takes up the work there in the the Autumn. B-eceUt visitors here were Mr. and Mrs. Eddy and their two young sons of Oshawa. with Mr. Greenwood ; -and Mr. arid Airs. Malcolm -Stalker, Miss Verna, anti Master Cligord and Miss Peggy:Milne, of Bunn Ave., Toronto, with their: uncle, -John Stewart. In ' the third of a series of sermons the pastor - spoke on the subject of gambling bn Sunday last, and: -we surely must agree that this - habit has (Conti" trout fishing, and dreary. The toeslt fish story that hés come to our ears goes to Mr. J, J. Gilfii Ian 1 and Mr. Boland Hal-1. Botl these gentlemen wore under the im pression that you Could: -only take trout eight inches- in length or over; and Mr. Gilfillan reports that he and Mr. Hall threw trout hack in the stream that were seven inches ,or over. We take this- opportunity to inform these gentlemen to read up the rules and not let that mistake occur again. Mr. Hall'.- catch consisted of four trout, while Mr. Gi Milan had to toss all his hack in the stream, but some .bind Samaritan came along and presented him with one, which lie took hoirie and- presented if to Airs. Gi-lifillan, wh-o ■ in turn gave it to her daughter win, had a trout for dinner. Two of the best catches went to -Win. Biddle and Hop I'auiii. Hop secured fourteen and: Bill nine.. Bill had them all oiea-ned arid, displayed'on -a platter ready for the frying pah for supper. "ITe said he was not afraid to exhibit -his'catch 'like some of the others were, , liis fish ranging from .seven to twelve inches, while Hop's ran from seven to fourteen inches. Our -genial sport, Mr. Orme Gams- toy, tried his luck in the early hours of the morning a loop with Arit Bearo- - ' ■ '--o ------ KIRBY the busing E. Beech thought fo in the -past few years iro-iim (I a real menace • and is of much concern to many Canadians and -the phases of ess.i as brought out toy Bev, must -challenge serious )r people who care. I -h-aive thought, Mr. editor, that in all this jarring -controversy over shorter hours and more per hour demands, demands, we poor farmers, sometimes called (agriculturists), just keep plodding along and C.l.O., Communists, Communists, 'Fascists and even the big shots in our so-called great parties seem jfco talk and plan as if we had no business business to toe 'farmers any how. Mrs. Dewell and Messrs Neil Porter, Porter, George Morton and Lawrence Greenwood -were visitors with our good neighbor, Mrs. Wm. Greenwood, a, patient at iNicbol's- hospital at Pcterboro. Lawrence was our good authority on their return that his mother's condition was much improved improved and that her welcome return home was now a matter of only a few days which is a very weèoome message to her friend» S#e legion. Quite a good number attended the church here on iSuiiday = and listened : attentively to a good sermon deliver oil iiy the Bov. Os-t-erhout, - , Messrs. - Th-o-mipson and Dayman, accompanied by their wives and Mrs, Dayman, all of Port Hop-e,-visited at Mr. E. B. liiyson's last Friday. Mr, Arthur Manning -of Orono gave A. Morrow a short but Welcome call on 'Sunday, and we believe that Arthur feels somewhat hurt that his biography has been omitted from the press; one well worthy of publicity. The B'rys-ons, Browns and Morrows are painting everything white unless it's the canines and cats. Mr. -MacKinnon's brother of Toronto Toronto spent Sunday with them and was delighted with this locality. Mr. Percy Xforden went down to Trenton on Monday to look over his property there. • We understand that E. B. Bryson and Orley Chapman have taken the con i reel of erecting -a sumfmer cottage cottage for Mr. Pardee of Toronto at the north end of the Stapleton property. property. We congratulate Mr. John Bigelow Bigelow on purchasing that beautiful oar, latest DdSdt-o in make. The question came ujp in Andy's shop as to how long Mr. Bigelow had this new oar, and someone spoke up and said, just since be give up working. All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Benson Gifford Carscndilen who died on- or about the 17th day of February, 1937, are hereby. hereby. notified to send, to the undersigned undersigned 'Solicitor o-ii or before the 15th dlay of May, 1937, their names and, addresses addresses and full particulars of their claims and -the nature of the securities securities (if any) held by them duly ver ified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the 15th day of May, 1937, the assets of the said deceased deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard' regard' only to the claims of which the undersigned 'Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono this 14th day of April, 1937. CHESTER W. WILLIS, MAE WILLIS, , Middleport, N.Y., V.S.A. Executors. R. R. WADDELL. Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the. Executors., Classified COMING EVENTS The Ladies' Or-ange Lodge will: attend attend Divine ©erviee in :St.: iS-aviour's Church at 3/ pun, ont iSlinday, May 9th, in observance of their Majesties Coronation. Members,, of L.OJL. will adeompany them. All members invited. invited. Professional Directory DENTAL DE. W. II. C. LEDGEB, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono, Office hours: Daily 9 a.m.--5.00 p.m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appoint;- men-t. Phone Orono 18rl. AUCTIONEERS NOTE- OF APPRECIATION Words fail me to .-adequately' ex- presiS ' my intense pleasure at being privileged to " hear such a fine orchestra orchestra as the one in attendance at- last Friday 'night's W.G.T.U. meeting. I " know I voice the sentiment ' of, «11 these present in extending congratulations congratulations to this young organization, of fine musii'Cians: iso very capably directed directed by Mr. II. Bo we, I am drawing the public's attention to a jewel in our midst which in my humble opinion opinion is destined to. go places. Let us have more of this splendid music instilled in the lives of our children and I am sure it will defeat the purpose- for which the W.G.T.U.; has been made necessary. ' M. VOW AN --__ --o --- -ÿ- : CARD OF THANKS Mrs,, A. A. 1 Ralph and 0. W. Bolph -wish to sincerely thank friends and neighbors who were kind and thoughtful -during the illness , and passing of husband and father. - --q- r--- --- Mr. and Mrs, George. B'out'illier of New Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Lion el I l a dock of Toronto visited friends, in Orono Sunday. • FOR SALE Choice Gladioli Bulbs, 1 cent each. -Mi's. B. H. Brown ; Phone 65r2. : 'c-15-p. FOR SALE ] Irish Gobbler -Sweet Potatoes, $1.50 per bag.-- R. H. Brown; Phone 65r2. - c-17-p. FOR SALE 1929 Essex Town- Sedan, 1st Glass Mechanical CSbnditkm. and good tires. Apply P. IIa,v. G.X.li., Newcastle. a-15-p. ish. An met Orme around eight o'clock and he said Orme was dis- usied with fishing, having ; only landed tw-o and was dead . tired and, hungry. Art managed to land seven. B-eter luck next time Orme. Milton Morris managed to land eight niée trout onto the bank, while George BielnmL hooked nine and B. A. Forrester eleven. 61 With Safety of Principal Guarantees, Insurance and Complete. Diversification afford ample protection for your funds in the COMMERCIAL BANKING BUSINESS Chambers Brothers BOND DEALERS 45 Richmond St. West TORONTO - ONT. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Bev. J. H. Osterhout, B'.A., B.D. Pastor iSUNDAY, MAY 9th 11.00 a.-m.--The Coronation, ' ; minister. , the 7.00 p.m.--"Why Are We British?", British?", Neil Porter. GOME AND WOE80a3F FOR SALE Two Durham .'Bulls, , rising year old; . also- Quantity of ■■Mixed. Hay. Apply,,to Wlnt. Hayes, Lot 20, Gon- cession 3, B.B. No'.: 2, Clarke, d-18-p. FOR SALE iSitra-wberry Plapt-s, Mary Washington.-, Washington.-, very early ; Senator, Dunlop and Pioneer, 75-c. per .100; Baspb-erry Ganes, Latham, Viking, 2c. a Cane. --Ivan Farrow, Phone 3921. b-14-c. TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sizes and: at reasonable rates. Oomunmicate with him , at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A, E. Morton, at Orono, for date. Sppa Æ mwÊËxmmài WlÀd ïmmmïû Lx liiiülHili U ( ' H' ' V';-' ... l SALE REGISTER Wednesday, May . 19-- The Household Effects arid other articles- of the Estate of the late B 1 . G. Oàr»cad- den, at T.i'skaril. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms Cash. --Thus. Cowan, Auctioneer Auctioneer ; A. Beamish, Clerk. SEED POTATOES Nr»: 1- -G-reeri, - ..Moimtaîn», $1-75 per bag at Gibson's Fruithouse, 2 miles west of Newcastle. Bags exchanged. exchanged. Deliveries Tuesdays and Fridays p.m. or arrangement.--H. arrangement.--H. Littlefield Newcastle. Tel. Clarke 1213. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our^prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO A number of Oddfellows ; from Orono attended the I.O.O,E. cl lurch, service with Cdbourg members in Co- bourg on. Sunday morning; Dr. George E-, Gilfillan and wife, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gil- fillan over the week-end, Bêv. J. H. and Mrs. Osterhout received received word on Monday that their daughter Doris- had passed: her final, examinations for the Degree of B A. from Queen's University. She. will we awarded the Degree at the Convocation Convocation on Friday, May 7 th at Queen's, Kingston, Rev. and Mrs. Osterhout expect do attend the Convocation. Convocation. CEDAR DALE DAIRY Protect your own health as well as the child by using milk from a GOVERNMENT TESTED HERD Tested for T.B., Mastitis, and Bang's Dssease The only Dairy Licensed under the supervision of the Provincial Milk Control Board to sell milk in Orono and District All bottles mechanically washed, sterilized, filled and capped to ensure cleanliness ORONO DRUG STORE OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT Furnishes you, with everything supplied by a first- class Drug Store'. Physcian Prescriptions are carefully carefully taken care of and! accurately compounded. FAMILY REMEDIES AND FINE TOILET ARTICLES Quality of Ingredients is our First Consideration OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT F i oyi-des scientific and thoroirugh care of all eye con- - ditioiis for children or adults JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm. B. REXALL DRUGGIST end OPTOMETRIST