ORONO WEEKLY TIMES It is stated that the real test of a business man is (foresight. Mit. Percy iLumn seems to jpossess this qualification to a high degree. Last week he bought an elaborate cradle at a local sale. When he went to carry the same home someone had taken it. (So anyone with a. cradle to : donate donate please remember Percy. Mr. Chas. Brown, Gouty Orange Master, attended the district meeting of Giirtwright at Purple Hill on Tuesday evening. Mr. George Brown, Oounty Orange Secretary, accompanied him. SoibBcribe for the Orono Times. TITE-LAP ROOFING RIB-ROLL ROOFING This durable roofing has extra rigidity that makes it particularly good for roofing over alight framework; framework; The secret of its strength is: the fibs are only five inches apart! The most copied roofing of its kind The permanence and low upkeep upkeep cost of this metal roofing makes it one of the most economical economical on the market. Tite- Lap Galvanized Roofing gives greatest covering capacity. The end lap is so tight it is almost invisible; positively excludes driving sleet, rain or snow. Send roof and rafter measurements measurements for free estimates. on the market. Be sure you get thé genuine, economical "Rib-Roll Roofing"! Ask your banker for details about re-roofing on the Government- backed Home Improvement Plan. Use them JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT cipATI T Write for information on any itema in the com- plete Jamesway line. Brooder houses, heating jj systems, incubators, laying e cages, ventilator * » 9 systems. Use Jamesway equipment for profits. Eastern Steel Products 'imited E with all metal , roofing. The lead on the head seals the nail-hole. Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO Factories also at MONTREAL and TORONTO SPECIAL, PRICES SEED CORN, per btishel - $1.75 MILLET SEED, per lb. 5c. Canada Varnish Paint, gal. $3.75 Utility Paint - / - - - $2.00 Two-One Bug Killer, 25 lbs. 75c. Arsenate -- Lead--Lime--Paris Green Monarch, 3-bdrner Oil Stove $12.00 R.olph Hardware ORONO - PHONE 43rl RED & WHITE STORES LIBBY's Spaghetti in tins 3 for 25c TABLE SALT reg. sized pkg. 2 for 9c Macaroni BULK 2 lbs 11c Campbell's Pork & Beans, 21 oz, tin...L ; 10c. Breakfast Bacon, lb 25c. Kirk's Castile Soap, (bar I 5c. Sweet Mixed Pickles jar ; 25c C'liark'e Catsup, 2 bottles for 29c. Red & White Matches, 3 pks. fori , - 23c. Snap Powder, 2 tins 25c. Vanilla Extract, large bottle 15 c. ORANGE Roasting TUNA Marmalade PORK Fish Flakes 32-oz. jar lb 2 tins 24c. 17c. 25c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL FOR RENT Dill Pickles, bottle ..21c. f Junket Powder or Tablets, Tablets, 2 for ....21c. Sliced Pineapple, tin 10c. Magic Baking Powder, with 1 pkg. Soda, both fete ....28c. Gold Medal 'Choice Peas, 2 tins for ....23c. Pep Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 1 for *:....25c. j 1 Glass FREE Mr. Harry Finder made Orono a short visit on Tuesday. Mrs. John Miller celebrated her 86th (birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Fred. Kelly is brightening up his residence with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wialsh spent 24th of May with Mrs. J. Cobble- dick, Bowmanvillc. Mr. Andrew Jerone of Syracuse, Ü.S.A., visited last week with his sister, 'Mrs. S. Cu t tell. (Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cowan spent last week with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Dooley, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Meadows and Mrs. Audleurn of Port Hope recently visited ait Mr. Geo. Mitchell's. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stutt of Grafton visited, at W. J. 'Stutt's on. Sunday. Miss Violet Hlaigh and girl friend spent the week-end 1 with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Henderson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keate, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewett, on Wednesday. Wednesday. Mrs. Found and son William, of Toronto,. are visiting at the former's father's, Mr. W, E. Davey, one day this week. Rev. and Mrs. John Wilkinson of Warsaw attended the funeral of her brother, Mr. Howard Couch, Bethesda. The senn-aimual meeting of L.O. L„ District of Clarke, will be held in Newcastle on Friday evening, June 4th. Mr. and Mrs. L. Jamieson and family, of Camborne, visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. M. Stutt on (Sunday. Mr. Arthur Henry of Oishawa called called on friends on Saturday. He wa.fi accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Elliott of B'rooldin. The auction sale held at the home of Mrs. (Smith on (Saturday last, drew a. large number of people and fair prices were received on articles sold. Mr. and Mrs. George Laing and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton left on Monday evening for Cushog Lake, ITnbburton, for a week's fishing trip. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Osterhout is visiting her sous Jack and Douglas Osterhout while Rev. Osterhout is attending conference in Smith Falls, Mr. W. L. (Smith, former editor of the Farmer's Sun, visited Professor (Sisson a few days last week. This is the first time in sixteen years he has visited 1 Orono. The swimming tank in our beautiful beautiful park, opened last Fridlay. Children Children are now taking advantage of this hot weather by enjoying a cooling cooling dip in the tank. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, Oakville, Mise M. Corbett, Toronto, and Mr. Ralph Kelly, Osage, Sask„ were recent recent visitors with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Mr. Tommy Allen has- recently, purchased a Chinese go-devil, 70--105 horsepower, Umported from Begin. China, which he will probably enter in the International speed races. ,(Softball schedules have been printed printed in folder form and can be secured at nearly every store in the village. It gives the softball games for the season right up to the play-off' games. Ask your merchant for one. Rev. J. II. O-ferhout preached Sunday School : anniversary service at Kendal last Sunday morning. He also occupied the pulpit of Shiloh Church in the afternoon and Newton Newton villè Church in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie, son and dlaugliter, of Detroit, accompanied by Mrs. Barstead o-f 'Toronto and Mr. Lawrie sister from Los, Angeles, Angeles, Oal., spen t- the - week-end at their cottage, at Jianetville, on Lake -S'cugog. The Young People's (Society of Park (Street United Church entertained entertained the young people from Newcastle Newcastle Monday evening. A large attendance attendance spent an enjoyable evening playing games. The evenings entertainment entertainment closed with lunch. A number of brethern of the local Masonic lodge attended the funeral of the late Howard Ooulcih, I Bethesda, on Tuesday afternoon. W. Pro. Bert Bounsall, assisted by R. W. Bro. Fred Otorj conducted -the Masonic service. The late Mr. Cbvuh was a member of the local order. „ Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D., will: " represent the Orono circuit at the annulai! meeting of the Bay_ of Quinte Conference of the Upited Church' in Smith Falls, Ont, from June 1st to the 7th. He expects to return to Orono on June 8th.. Rev. F. T. Gradin of Belleville, a teacher in the Collegiate in. that city, Will occupy Mr. Oaterhout's puOpit on June 6th in his absence. Fifty acres of pasture, the estate of the late A. McCoimachie; abundance, of grasë and water. Apply to Russell Best, Phone 51 HO; or apply at the premises any weekend. a- 10-c. Rev. Beech of "Newtoiiville conducted conducted the services last 'Sunday morning and evening at Park Street United Church. A young people'; choir and orchestra, furnished the music for the Sunday School Day on May 30th. The orchestra had a nearly full turn out, there being thirty-three players present, fifteen -girls and eighteen boys, with several still absent. The instrumentation, was as follows : Violins, 1.9; cellos,.. 7; flutes 2; clarinets, 1; trumpets, 2; tenor sax, 1; tuba. 1. total 33. During the service, litis' famous serenade was played by a, trio from the orchestra-, A. J. Knox, flute; Viola No den, cello, and Diene. Riddell, Riddell, piano. The church choir took the evening 1 service. Rainey's Grocery Special Values For This Week 1-2 lb. pkg. MAGIC/BAKING SODA FREE with 1 lb. (tin of MAGIC BAKING PONDER, at 30c. BUCKLEY'S FLAKED WHEAT, 5 lbs. 23c. COLGATE'S ASSORTED/TOILET SOAPS, 6 bars 25c. NEW SUPER SUDS, pgg » 18c. ELEPPIANT BRAND UNWRAPPED SOAP, 2 bars 9c. EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK, tin 19c. PIONEER CHICK STARTER, 6 lbs. 25c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S UNDERWEAR 3 ply B ALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR at last year's prices. This is a remarkable price. Drawers nd 45c. Each Combinations 85c, Short sleeve, ankle length TABLE OILCLOTH In plain white and green, also in block and floral des ignis. Priced li wide, 45c. 1| wide, 55c BATHING SUITS Men's All Wool (Suits, in plain shades of black and red: (Pi rn size 36 to 44. /•Priced. «pi«Du SCAMPERS Made of Solid Grain Leather, Wingfoot Soles, Cork insulated, insulated, With Leather Insoles, in brown, also black. Boys', 1-5 $1.95 P r ' Men's, 6-10 $2.25 P r - STRAW HATS Peanut Straws 15c. Rye Straw - - - 25c. SOX Wool and Cot-ton, heavy wt a new summer (sox, pr... BLINDS Combination of -green and cream, in a washable fibre, 36 m- g* inches wide. Priced .. » C» PANTS Knee length, made of good, quality quality drill, with elastic band at waist, size 26 to 32 .. 26c DRESS GOODS DRESS LINEN remains the favorite for tailored summer frocks and sport suits, in white, pink, blue JTCl COTTON PIQUE, with summer weatht* here you can't have too'many light, cool frocks, colors green, yellow, 0{? white andiblue, 36 inches wide tJqJVe jll. LINGERIE CREPE, is cool, washable and a specially good cloth for Undies and nightwear, 36 inches OA wide ; :. : - J Ue COTTON BATISTE, fashion finds this sheer cool printed basti'Stc chaining foe summer wear for grown OA_ ups and children tJVVe jll. SUMMER DRESSES In SILK CREPE and PRINTS. Come in and see d»A AC our'display of these goods. Priced «pJet/d UJJ mi I COATS 4 COATS left, some one is going to have bargains unheard of. We are going to sell these coats at SOME PRICE. *