ORONO WSNKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWCASTLE Miss Ethel. Rickard is home from Kingston for the summer. lii v. Lome Thomas has been given charge of a parish in Ottawa for the summer. Mr. arid Mrs. Edmund Thackeray motored to Campbell ford t-o visit relatives relatives over the week-end. Miss ( 'ora -Butler entertained a few friends, at tea on Thursday in honor of Mrs. Lloyd Rayner. Mr. Donald Gibson spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Bernard Bernard Mi tv he!:, at 'St. Catharines. Miss' Marion Boni thee of Toronto was the guest of Rev. J. Scott and Mrs. Howard for the week-end. Rev. J. Scott Howard and Rev. D. R. IDmvdney attended the Deanery. Deanery. meeting at M iilbrook on Tbiurs- . day last. Mr. George •Roniathon has returned returned :to Toronto after spending a week's holidays with this m-other, Mrs. iSa-tn Bonathon. Mrs. Cuimlberland of Toronto spent the ; week-end with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Parpen mb at. the Lake. Mr. Hanlon Parker of Rhode •Island 1 has retired' from business and intends malting his home with, his sister, Mrs'. Floyd Butler. Dr. H. T. Rutherford, is eonvales <- : .tm' in Toronto after having 'undergone 'undergone an operation at the Toronto General Hospital on .Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. .Preston of Bi.wmanvi.ie have moved to 'Newcastle. 'Newcastle. Mr. Preston has taken. Mr. Charles Flood's position at the C.P. R. station. Miss l>. IS. McIntosh entertained a number of friends at tea on [Sunday [Sunday .afternoon. Miss McIntosh has a very line display of tulips in her garden at present. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. I lorroeks and the Misses I l orroeks have closed 1 their house 'Greenfields" and are now at their cottage at the Lake for the summer months. Mrs. Lloyd Rayner has gone to Lake Forest to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gilbert Rayner. Mrs. Rayner is planning planning to spend the winter in Newcastle Newcastle before returning to her home in England. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Church are having a garden garden tea at the residence of the Rev. J. 'Scott and Mrs. Howard! on Tuesday, Tuesday, June 8th, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the W.A. in this parish. Mejnlbers of the W.A. and the congrega tion have been given, small, bays in which to place •I cent for each year df their age. COWAN VILLE Miss Emma Rowland is visiting Miss FildSsde Graham for a time. Mr. a fid Mrs. Ivan; F arrow visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Erwin Erwin F arrow on Sunday. Beverley Henderson started for Chicago Sunday 'morning for two week® to finish the course that lie has been studying at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin, and Gertrude, Monish, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Henderson on Sunday evening. The last league meeting met last Wednesday night in the form of a social. social. A fair crowd attended to wind up the business for the summer. It wasn't decided when it was to start up again. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. McDougall and sons Charles and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mercer and eon Wayne, Mrs. G. Todd, Oshaiwa. were visitors at Mr. T, J. IS l ilm]pson's on Monday, May. 24th. CLARK UNION Mr. Marshall CT.atterson lia's men and machinery on his faitm drilling for water, Mr. and Mrs. Car! Billings and daughters Edna and Audrey, spent Sunday at Mr. II. J. IS ouch's, M'iss Mamie Archer visited her uncle, Dr. D.aivid Archer. Dr. Archer is, not enjoying the best of. health. ■ Mrs. Ida Stark, of /Sta'rkville, and Mtsi. -Carlos 1 Ta mbiyn, of ■ Grorro, spent 'Sunday at .Mr." Ghrdon Power's. Power's. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson of Rochester and little son David, spent the 'week-end. at his sisters, Mrs. Sandy Watson's. A number of farmers in this section section are growing corn for the Bow- itian ville Canning factory and a tie busy getting title ground ready and planting. WILL LECTURE IN CANADA These 'bags will be 'collected at the ■party and the money will go to the Pledge Fund of the W.A. Special services were held in the United Church Sunday last for the "Sunday School Anniversary. At the' morning service the children and teachers of the Sunday school marched marched in In church together and occupied occupied the front pews. The church was .beautifully decorated with tulips and: apple blossoms and there was special music by the choir, who were assisted by Mr, a nd Mrs. Gould of Toronto. The preacher was the, Rev. W. 0. 'Simith of Courtice. In the ■evening the special preacher was the Rev. Sidney Davison of 'Bowmanville. Large congregations attended: feoth services. A50c. Radio Repair Service Any Where Any Time i I | A more; complete line of Tubes will j | not bo found this Side of - t\,! I --all 1 = j.l -, oronto : uiies tested free of charge. ! i Chas. R. Knox I Phone 42r2, Orono | [Serving the public for six years ! I (formetfly with Green's Radio j | Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., S Detroit. (Continued from page one) stead about 50 miles northwest of Portage la Prairie, coming out to Canada when he was about 18 years of age. and graduating into a first class farm hand, Who was able to hold his job With one farmer for four consecutive years. _ He returned to E'nglland at . the time of the war and, at its-conclusion took oyer his father's, farm, and since that time he has been the tenant at "DirtJchampiton Farm" in Wiltshire, which he rtow operates as a dairy farm, milking JO cows upon the lie sier system, which mean, minting them outside in bales; These cows are not stabled: either winter or sum mer and Mr. Street is'conducting a. very successful dairy farm. He became an author by chance after after writing a few articles for newspapers newspapers upon farm topics, and finally being asked by one of his friends to set down in book form some of Iris impressions and ideas of farming, he produced 1 , under the title of "Farmer's "Farmer's Glory," the most favorably received received farming story ever published in Britain. It went into seven successive successive editions inside of 14 m-onths after publication. His fame has spread almost all over the world as a. writer of farming stories. Ollier books which have come from the pen of Arthur G. Street arc "Strawberry Rban," "Iledge-Trim- mings," "The Endless Furrow," "Country Days," "Thinking Aloud," "A Country Calendar," "Mo-o-nrav- ing," "Land Everlasting" and "The Gentiemlan of the Party." He is a regular contributor to the "Farmer's Weekly" in Great Britain and his page of "Random Philosophy" Philosophy" is read with great interest by the farmers in. the United Kingdom. In these days when we are developing developing a 'successful trade in farm products between Canada, and Great Britain, the people who are interested' interested' in Agriculture in Canada will be delighted to have, the privilege of hearing one of the most fascinating sneakers in Great Britain discuss a. variety of farm 'topics. Mr. Street is a pratioal farmer, livin.ff' on and operating the farm upon upon which he was born, and has that een knowledge of everything that oontribulVs to successful farming which makes his addresses doubly interesting. interesting. 'Mr. 'Street will address his first meeting ait the Expérimentait Farm at Ottawa where he will be received by The HonouraMe J. G. Gardiner, Who has taken a lively interest in this visit, II- will speak at the farm on the afternoon ,,l Saturday, June 5th, at 2 o'diock Standard Time, 3 ■o'clock Daylight Saving Time. There will be a parade of livestock previous to the address. He will come from Ottawa to Toronto and address a luncheon in the Royal York Hotel at noon, on Monday, June 7th, at 12.80 Daylight Saving Time. This luncheon luncheon will be held under the joint auspices of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the Canadian Club and the Empire Club. " On Tuesday, June 8th, Mr. ■ Street will visit - the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph and address a large -gathering of people who will be assembled there for the purpose of hearing him. This meeting is at 2 o'clock Standard Time, 3 o'clock Daylight Saving Time. There will be a parade of livestock previous to the 'address. He then goes on to the Manitoba Agricultural College at Winnipeg: :to the Experimental Farms at Brandon and Indian. Head ; to flie A-griviiimrai College a; Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Sask., to the Agricultural College College at Edmonton, Alberta, and to the Experimental Farm at Lethbridge and will return to Ontario early in July. The Provincial Departments of Agriculture in each of these Provinces, Provinces, and the Federal Department are uniting for the purpose of organizing these meetings. Dr. Barton, Deputy Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa, and Dr. E ! . IS.. Archibald, Director of the Dominion Experimental Farms, are both admirers of Mr. Street's publication® and are actively assisting in the arrangements for his visit. Mir.. (Street has been broadcasting now for a number of years for 1 the British 'Broadcasting Corporation, and a good many of his talks over the radio have been made from farms. This modest and unassuming man of the land has been in the public eye perhaps' more than any other British farmer during the last'four or five years since he became famous through the production of his first book "Farmers Glory." Among the topics 1 upon Which Mr. Stroee I. will talk are : "Thé Country mans plaice today in the national life of England," " The part which home farming must play in any worth while Empire scheme of co-ordination," co-ordination," "The varying nature of English English farming with a detailed description description of the working of three of the most famous farms in England," "A word picture of the rural scenes of England and the people who inhabit it." He has a m-ost interesting lecture lecture also on the curious fluke which has transformed a Wiltshire farmer into a. writer and broadcaster with some humorous stories of the many bricks which he has dropped in the strange land of London's literary world. The visit of Mr. Street to Canada ! will be one of the Agricultural events of the year 1937, and farmers, their ! wives, sons and daughters should not : miss the opportunity of seeing, hear- j ing and meeting, if - possible, this: .practical English farmer. Mr, Street will also ' visit a half ; dozen Agricultural Colleges in the' United States where he will deliver addresses before his return to Eng-, land. -- o -- GO NORTH ! \ Young man! The Northland is calling ! Arise and go forth to your j opportunity. In days gone by the 1 blood of your fathers stirred when : the Western Hemisphere was calling to them; they came to Canada and j from the virgin forest carved' for j themselves 1 and for you and 1 for, your ; children's children, a home. In days j not so far removed the pioneer blood ! stirred again and young men who considered they Could' not find a place for themselves: in the so-called civilization went to the prairies Where some of them won wealth and fame and tome did not, but all who went tried at least. Now in the days 1 when tfie depression may be getting over or may not an opportunity arises for the youtog man who is out of a job to show his grandfather if he is still living, that he is not the only man who can open news fields' but that his grandson is built of just as good stuff. Prosperity is returning to the North in. more rapid measure than it'is to the south and there untold and untried millions of dollars: lie hidden j n forest, field and rook! There new. industries are. springing ; into being and what is more, it is a Î' place where "a man s -a man for all i that." Go North, young man, go ; North. --Oshnwii Times. 1 0 -- : Whatever trouble Adam had, No man. in days of yore Could say, when Adam crarked ■ a j joke, ( "I've heard 1 that one before." I BARGAIN PRICES SPECIAL ORANGES, thin skin, sweet and juicy, 2 dozen for *..!;* ,.! ; 35c. ECLIPSE FLOUR AT NEW LOW PRICE. PRUNES, SPECIAL, medium size, lb. 10c. Large size, 2 lbs. for , 25c, COOKING FIGS, clean stock, 2 lbs. for 13c. STEDMAN'S STOVE PIPE VARNISH, 1-2 pt. tin 15c. STEDMAN'S AUTO TOP DRESSING :. ., 15c. FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS AND STOOLS, limited quantity at this low price t . 20c. to 95c. For Porch and Verandah -Floors, interior and exterior, where traffic is heavy, use STEDMAN'S DIAMOND "S" FLOOR PAINT. RAZORETTES,! the new Razor for feminine needs 25c. EXTRA BLADES, 5 for..... 25c. , ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT Is Now the Slogan of Better Times We have a complete line of Builders' Supplies .1 l Joists Siding Flooring Sheeting Cement Brick Lime Roofing Materials Shingles Wallboards Gyproc PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co