ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KIRBY NEWCASTLE Mis. Win. Jamieson is -visiting her sister at Odessa for a fortnight. Mr. Lloyd Hancock is taking a position at Markh'aim the first, of the month. Miss II va Grieves of Guelph was in town the first of the week visiting friends. Mrs. A. I>. Mainiwaring and son James have returned from a visit to the States'. Mrs. Joytee Grace, accompanied, by Miss 1 sobel MdWi 1 Hums, is at her summer home on the Kingston Road East. Master John Anderson of Toronto ig spending his vacation ■ with Mr. •and Mrs. Ace] 1 lorroeks at "Half-all "Half-all ill." Mrs. E. Pomeroj' and son Murray of Orillia were guests of Mrs. Wm. Atkinson and Mrs, E. W. Gibson for a few days. Mr. Morton, Jim Cowan and Mr, 'Sam Cowan are visiting their sister and lirother-in-inw, Mr., and Mrs, Hess Dickenson. Mrs. Er'skine Duncan awl son Er- sbine J-r,, have opened their cottage for the summer, Mr. Duncan to join them over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Montgomery, former "Newcastle residents, were visiting old friends last week and looking over some real estate. Mrs. D. Galbraith :is spending a few,days with Mrs. A. D. Wheeler in B'owima.uviile and Mr's. Maitland is visiting relatives in Brighton. Mr. Adair Hancock, having completed completed his, course in Diesel engines in Toronto,'has obtained a position and is leaving for a mining town . eight hundred miles north of Toronto, Toronto, where he will assist in n--em- bling maeliinery. Library report for month of May : Number of members 205; circulation of books, adul t non-fiction 145 ; juvenile juvenile non-fiction 22; adult fiction 711 ; .juvenile fiction 95; total 973 hooks. Fines on overdue books, 94c (,. Ik Butler, Librarian. Sympathy is extended' to Mrs. George Eilbec.k upon the death of her son-in.-law, Mr. Richard Turner of New York on Friday last. Inter ment was, made in the Ellbeck lot ai Bowimanville cemetery on 'Sunday morning, Mrs. Bradford Kay an-mi panying the remains from New York. Miss (Sanderson has gone to her home in Lindsay for the holidays and Miss Orchard to her home at Port Perry;* Miss Marion All in is going to summer school at Queen's, Kingston, Kingston, and Miss Helen Lycett to summer summer school at Toronto; Miss Helen Lyall is to be congratulated upon her appointment to the teaching staff of The Osh a wit Schools ; Miss Hilda Rowland i's also going to attend summer summer school in Toronto. The annual June tea of the Mission Mission Band of the United Church was held in the Sunday school rooms on Saturday afternoon, last, under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Geo. Walton and her assistant, Miss Ruby 'Cowan. The rooms were attractively decorated with the Mission Band colors, green, yellow and white, with paper streamers and jars of field daisies, also beautiful bouquets of peonies. During the tea hour when high tea was served 1 at small tables a programme of soft music, inter- sperced with gongs and recitations, was given by members. There was Messrs. Harper, John and Fletcher also,the ever popular fish pond and an I Carsicadden were representatives o. attractive candy table, A number the clan at the big re-union at Orono Mr. and Mrs. MacKinnon entertained entertained a number of neighbors from the city and other points recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bryson, .Miss Marion Bryson, Miss Mary Tallman, Tom II. Aird and J. H. Jones, all of Hamilton, spent the week-end in Kirby with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Welch and son of Bedford, Ont., accompanied by Mrs. Cora Rutherford, are visitors visitors that are always welcome. They were guests over the week-end with Mr. Stan. Chapman. The faculty of education is closed for the holiday term, with good, reports reports from the pupils which is very pleasing to the teacher, and we all wish Mr. and Mrs. Wan non a pleasant pleasant and restful vacation. . Mr. Herb. Babcock, of Bowman- vi He, has a sister livind in the United -States for over thirty years who has written a letter- home every week during that time, and at intervals has written twice a week. Now, his brother can vouch for this, and' his veracity dare not be disputed. A large umber from B'owm an ville attended the strawberry festival, including including Messrs. W. J. Bragg, M.P. P, Prank Rickard, M.P., Smith Babcock, Babcock, Fred W. Bowen, ex-M.P., Mil- ton Elliott and many others. Ail left well pleased and without appetites. Dr. Williams moving pictures were well received by the audience. clârïTOnïon Mr. Fred Hills 1 ost a valuable brood mare and foal recently. Mr. and. Mrs. Blackburn spent the week-end in Belleville, the guest of her sister. A number of farmers in this section section have started haying. The crop is fairly good. Miss Mamie Archer is writing examinations examinations at Orono this week. We wish her success. The town-ship grader has been doing doing good work on the town line which was much needed. A number from this section attended attended Decoration Day services at Orono Cemetery on Sunday. Mir. J. Ridkaby of Hamilton, M.r._ Percy R'itekaby and Mr. Addison] Rieka by of Toronto visited their I mother on Sunday. Miss Eileen Souieh spent the week end in Kingston, the guest of her former principal, Mr. Timmins, who is teaching in that city. Mrs. John Richalby has returned to her .laughter's, Mrs. Holier Souch. Mrs. Rieka by, we are sorry to say, is not enjoying very good health. Mrs. Percy Richalby. of Toronto accompanied accompanied her. COWANVILLE Mary I lenders,m has gone to Mor risk to pick strawberries for a week. There- was a fair crowd attendee Clarke anniversary on Sunday even irrg to hear Mr. Oietnie.y. Mr. Jaek Barnes has finished hi course at the Radio College in Tor onto and has returned home. -Miss Viola Hollingsworth return ed to Toronto to her work after two weeks' vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. -Ernest Stephen and Mrs. Leonard Heard visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip (Stephens on Sunday. Don't forget the - Sunday School picnic at Cream of Barley Camp on Saturday July 3rd. Everybody wel come, Mrs. Edwards, Toronto, visited her brother, Mr. J. J. W. 'Stringer, few days last week, who has been sick but the community was glad 1 to hear of their recovery. PROMOTION REPORTS (Continued from page one) es, Jean Patterson ; best work in. Jun ior classes, Marion Cornish. Gladys W. Ard, teacher. Lake Shore, No. 2, Clarke Twp. )No Entrance candidates. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.---Hazel Powell (Hon.), Audrey Adams (Hon.), Mildred Mildred Brown (Hon.), Leonard Lawlor (Hon.), Donald Powell (Pass). Jr. III. to Sr. in.--Olive Brown (Hon.), Jack Brown (Hon.). Sr. II. to Jr, III.--'Bernice Brown (Hon.), Jean Brown (Hon.),. 1. to Jr. IT.--Archie Hendry (Hon.), Billie Jaynes (Hon.), Ross Adams (Hon.). Pr. to Jr. L--Joyce Martin (Hon.), Ronald Powell' (Hon.). Names in order of merit, (Hon.) indicates 75 per cent, or over on June tests and 70 per cent or" over on year's work. Hilda J. Rowland, teacher. . SIXTH LINE Donald and Dale Hoy are visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and' Mrs A. Gilroy. Mrs. E, Luxon, recently spent a week's vacation with her cousins at Coe Hill in Ontario's Northland. Mrs. Bert Piper, Toronto, spent a few days here, the guest of her sister, sister, Mrs. C. A. Cooper. Mrs. Wade, Miss Ida iSavanac, Mr. Glover and little Lilly Wade were recent recent guests of Mrs. C. Henry. Crooked Creek School FIFTH CLASS -- Albert Hildreth, Lillian Hale. Jr. IV, to Sr. IV.--(Raymond Gilmer Gilmer 77.2 (Hon.), ITarr.y Worrall 73.6. (Sr. III. to Jr. TV.--Ruby (Sunday 77 (Hon.), Aileen Od'gen 74, Jean Ilale 72, Jean White (absent). Jr, III. to -Sr. ILL.---Clarence' Farrow Farrow 70; Lois Turner 61.3. II. to Jr, lit.--Francis , Hale 58.5 (Rec.), Johnnie Hicks 47. J'r. I. to Sr. I.--Evelyn Stapleton 73.8, Wilfrid Sunday 72.5, May Bale 66.2, Jack Ogden 65,3, Arthur F arrow arrow 63.5. Primer to Jr. I.--Jean Turner, Thelma Stapleton, Ray (Stapleton, Mildred Wood, Clarence Sunday. _ Beginners -- Reid Wood, Carl Sunday. •Special -- Sr. I.---Susie Budicky Katie Bulioky. Figures denote percentage. S. B. Rutherford, teacher. BASEBALL of former members, now 0,0.1.T, -girls, helped serve and nearly twenty- five dollars was rpnlized +0 angnient the funds of the Mission Band The annual strawberry festival of •St. George's Church held on the church lawn on Wednesday last, was a great success. The weather was perfect, It was well' patronized by the eogregatlon and by members of a SO©. Radio Repair Service | Any Where Any Time | | A more complete line of Tubes will j | not ibe found this side of Toronto ! ! ---all Tubes tested free of charge. ! I S Chas, R. Knox j Phone 42r2, Orono j •Serving the public for six years I (formerly i with Green's Radio j Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., i Detroit. I (park on Friday last. Gerald 'Cornish started from, his home on Friday last for a trek to Sudbury, to seek employment at the mines there and we wish him every success. --- o "The great social and political questions which rock the world today arise from economic mal adjust merits." Canadians at -present visiting London, London, England, will be a-ble to patron ize what is said to be the largest milk bar or saloon in the world. It was recently opened in Coventry street, Leicester square and occupies two floors. It has a serving Staff of 40. the other denominations. The supper supper was excellent and the strawberries strawberries at their very best. Other attractions attractions were an ice cream booth, a candy table ; button hole bouquet to suit all, and a line-up of new and original original sports were one was inveigled 'to try one's luck at ten cents a try with bacon, small hams, ■ chocolate bars and cigar's going to the lucky ones. A: fine fruit Cake went to Mr. David Gibson for making the nearest guests of its weight. Raffle tickets were sold for two garden chairs and the lucky winners were Mrs. J. Scott Howard' and Miss Betty Lake. (Continued from page 4) Kirby scored four runs in the first on, two hits, two Walks and two errors errors by Orono. They added five more in the second on five successive hits, two being home runs, Cornish hit the first one with one runner on, and Davey hit the next with two on. Kirby added two more in the fifth. MtoOuticheon was safe on. an error and scored when Wright hit a triple to deep left, Wright scored on an infield infield out. Orono broke into the score column in the last of the fifth. West was safe on. an ; error and scored when p, attereon singled to centre, Patterson Patterson scored on a single by J. Wood who ran all the way around on. two errors by Kirby, Kirby scored twice in the seventh. McOuteheon was 'safe on an. error and Wright hit a homer to deep, left field. Kirby had a big edge all the way. Wright was the leading hitter with a double, triple and home run. 1 2 3 4 5 6" 7 R H Kirby ..4 5 0 0 2 0' 2--131 12 Orono - .0 0 0 0 3 0 0-- 3 ' 7 Batteries--Kirby, C. Cooper and Yowery; Orono--Myles -and X. Wood. q : In a group of cases carefully studied, studied, constipated men all were relieved bran in daily amounts of about one tablespoon, while only one-third were relieved by excess fruits and vegetables. vegetables. , • The total production of milk .in Canada in 1986 is estimated at .16,- 741,613,100 pounds, an increase of 384,951,800 pounds, on. the final estimate estimate of 16,356,,661,800 pounds in 1935. Subscribe for the Times, Orono Weekly WEEK-END SPECIALS PURE ORANGE MARMALADE, 32-oz. j:a!r ,21c. •GREEN GAGE JAM, 32-oz. jar ..25c. KREMO COFFEE, fresh ground, lb ....A 21c. GRAHAM FLOUR, 3 1-2-lb. bag / ..13c- CORNED BEEF, SPECIAL, lb. r .„. 13c. AA LMER FRUITS FOR SALAD, Fancy Quality, 2 for 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 18 oz. cans, 2 for 23c. NEW MERCHANDISE New Shipment WHITE PURSES 25c., 59c. and 98c. New Patterns REXOLEUM MATS 17c. RIC RACK BRAID, while and assorted colors, 6 yards... 15c. HEEL CUPS for comfort, save stockings, interchange- aible, per pair • 15c. New Shipment SUN GLASSES * 10c, to 25c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR P0PÜL4R SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT Is Now the Slogan of Better Times - "™" 11 n'Lwmisiii We have a complete line of Builders' Supplies Joists Siding Flooring Sheeting Cement Brick Lime Roofing Materials Shingles Wallboards Gyproc PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co SETS A NEW HIGH- IN QUALITY AND VALUE! DRIVE IN • - Let its put , "R-l's" on YOUR CAR TODAY . • QUICK SERVICE No matter what you pay . . . you cannot get greater value than you get in a Goodyear Goodyear tire . . , and the "R-l" retains all the stuVdy, long-wearing features that have made Goodyear tires famous. The wide . . . heavy tread on the "R-l" gives greater mileage . . . and yet this tire costs you less than any standard tire! Come in and see it today . , . the "R-l" saves you mpney ! , , PERCY ORONO LUNN ONT.