&R9M WEFELY TIMES Local & Social Calvin 11 a mm. teacher at Stratton , is home for the holidays. Master George I Shaw is visiting George Oaswker in Bowman ville for a few day's. Miss Pearl Morrow is spending a couple, of weeks in Toronto visiting her brother Lein. Mr. O. L. Drummond has accepted the position of principal of the Brussel's Brussel's High School. The 96th troop of Boy Scouts from Toronto are enjoying a holiday at Orono Memorial Park. Mrs. K. A. Bragg of . Bowman ville has returned home after a two weeks' -visit with Miss Mabel Davy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marsh, Toronto, dpent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Leskard. Mrs. Roy and daughter Margaret returned home Wednesday morning 'after a two weeks' visit in Toronto. ,L- Mrs. W. W. Cornish, we are sorry to report, is in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, where she is to undergo an operation soon. A large number attended the Ontario Ontario Motor Sales' 'picnic from Osh- awa. held in Orono Commun ily Park, on! Wednesday afternoon. Ex.-Couneiilor Fred Couch has purchased 'South Part Lot 23, Con. B F from Frank Bone, containing 60 acres more or less. Mrs. Little of Kendal and her son, Mrs. Roden, and daughter Viola, left Monday by motor for Chicago and: from there they are taking a trip - to the Coast. D. Company of the Midland Regiment, Regiment, which comprises troops from 'Orono, Bowmanvilie and Bliackstock, 'left this morning (Thursday) for ten dlays of camping at Barryfield. A Johns Manvill Insulation truck was at the home of Dr. (land lie's on Wednesday afternoon. This is the second time Dr. Colville has had insulation insulation performed in his home. Misses Kathleen and Ethel Stark, Hazel Winter, Helen Case, Marion Cooper, Beatrice; Hamm and Olive Brown are spending a couple of weeks 'vacation at Mr. W. J. Stark's cottage, Viewlake, Lake Slcugog. Mr. A. FI. Davy, Mr. W. H. Dunn and,Mr. Kenneth FraKck, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. Fraliek ahrl Miss, M. Davy. Mrs. K. .FraKck and daughter Ruby returned home with them after spending a week here. The Regimental Band has been engaged by the local Orange Lodge to play for the big parade Monday. July 12th, jn Mil.ibrook. 'Come out and hear this, band play from 9.00 (ill 9.30, July 12th morning. Start the boys out with a big hand. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards returned returned homo Tuesday evening from a most enjoyable motor trip to (Smith Falls, Rideau Canal and Perth crossing at Prescott to 'New York 'State around the lakes to Niagara Palls' and home by way of St. Catharines, Catharines, altogether they made a, trip of 1200 miles. Milk flowed 1 freely on Centre street early Tuesday morning when -dim Tamblyn's milk wagon, upset, breaking breaking between forty and fifty bottles of milk. When turning around Jim cramped the wagon to short, causing the front wheels to jam under the floor of the wagon causing the upset. The spill set, Jim hack in the neighborhood neighborhood of four to five dollars. -- --o -- Read the Advertisements in the Orono, Weekly Times. YOU CAN PLAY A WHOLE PERIOD OF HOCKEY ON 2 SLICES OF DEAN'S BREAD PHONE 40R2 DEAN'S BAKERY ORONO SgSi RED & WHITE STORES 4 lbs. Picake Shortening - 49c. 6 bars Pearl Soap With Fancy * Shopping Bag 39c. Clover Salmon, 'S, 1-2's, 3 for 25c. Quaker CORN FLAKES, 3 for 25c. CORN BEEF, 2 ti«s,..25c. MAZOLA OIL, till 28c. W, IiEEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP, 3 bars for 14c- P & G SOAP, 5 bains 21c. Qt. bottles CATSUP 17c. SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 tins for --23c. GOLD MEDAL WAX, 1 lb. tin ...25c. FRONT OF LAMB at FRUIT SUGAR, 3 lbs...25c PARÔWAX, 2 pkgs 23c. GOLD MiEDAL SARDINES, SARDINES, 2 for 27c. KIPPER SNACKS, ; tin bruns" WICK SARDINES, SARDINES, 5 for 25c. VITONE, 87c., 47c. and 27c. per tin- RED & WHITE COFFEE 1-lb. tin * ...,39c 3 tins PORK & BEANS for 25c. Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. - .09c Fry's Cocoa, W", 1-2-lb. tin - 19c. Sweet Pickled Picnic Shoulders, lb. 19c Breakfast Bacon, 1 b. - ' 25C. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 [LOCAL AND social] Mr. Max Smith is now sporting a néw Pori tike .coach. Mrs. 0. Leslie of Peterlboro visited visited Mrs. II. Walsh on Sunday last. Many from here attended the Traveller's Traveller's picnic held ait Co bourg on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Austin of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dean. Mir. On ne Gamsby spent the weekend weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lome H. Trull at TJnionville, Mrs. M. "Oooper and Mrs. Seul visited their sister, Mrs. Mary Henry in Toronto recently. Mrs. McKay and daughter Anna- belle, of Oollblo rue, visited with Mrs J. R. Cooper last week. Miss Jeanne Forrester is spending a few weeks with her grandparents at their summer home on Lake Sim coe. Miss Greta Mercer and Miss Shirley Shirley Porter are visiting Shirley's grandparents at Bob'cageon for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence TIooey and Mrs. 0. Ilooey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Robes at New Toronto. Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. Amelia Bradley spent a few days 1 last week with Mrs. Bradley's daughter, Mrs, Alex. Walker, 'B.owm'an: ville. Miss!. ESsie Dean, Miss M. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips of Toronto, who are holidaying ait their summer home in Kendal, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Kagkvon one day this week. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Osterhouit and her daughter Miss Doris Oisterhout, B. A., of the High. School of Commerce Commerce staff, Montreal, are spending a week at Pike Bay in Northern Ontario. Ontario. Mr. R, C. Ellis, teacher at the High school at South Porcupine, accompanied accompanied by Mrs. Ellis, are spending spending the summer vacation with the latter's father, Mr. J, F. I.omnum. Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Mr. Bari and Miss Verna Elliott of Toronto, Toronto, Mrs. B. Buyers, of Bailieboro, and Mrs. Benin of Peterlboro, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson. Dr. F, 0. and Mrs, Outteil, of Buffalo, Buffalo, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. S. Cut tell, returning returning home Monday noon accompanied accompanied by his parents who will spend a, couple of weeks there. 'Messrs. Geo. Lunn, Dr. Hamilton, Gordon Moffatt, Stanley Bruton and Gordon Watson motored to Loon Lake on Wednesday in readiness for the opening bass andi lunge fishing on Thursday, July 1st, catching five nice lake trout and four bass. Those who did not attend the Orange service in 'St. George's Church, Newcastle, Sunday evening missed' a fine service and a large parade. parade. A large gathering is expected in Mill-brook to celebrate the Battle of the B'oyne on July 12th. Rev. J. II. Os'terhou't was a visitor in Hamilton on Friday last. He reports reports that the farmers in the vicinity of Hamilton are alarmed at the amount of rain they are having. A- heavy downpour all afternoon in Hamilton and vicinity on Friday levelled crops and spoiled many cherries and. berries, Mrs. H. II. .MacDonald and Mrs. A, Henry -attended the wedding of. Mrs. A. Henry's nephew, Mr, JiJm Sidney Hughes, of Montreal, son of Mr. and Mrs, Sidney M. Hughes of Dundas. who was mn fried to Miss Helen Elizabeth Elizabeth McDowell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McD-owell of Milverton. The wedding was solemnized solemnized at .24 Parkview Ave., Willow- dalle, Bahirda v afternoon. Mr, an-di Mrs, M. Cowan celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Sunday entertaining fifty friends and relatives. The house was decorated with delphiniums, roses, peonies and streamers. A buffet supper was served served to the guests. The table was,laid with a Point, Venice tablecloth, the centre-piece being a bowl of red -and pink roses, Mr. and Mrs. Cowan were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. Mr. Fred Lorrimnn-, who- has been teaching in London, Eng., for the past year, 'accompanied by Mrs. Lor- riman, are. making a two weeks' tour to Norway, Sweeden and Denmark, returning on July seventeenth for Munich. Germany, remaining there until July 22nd, then to Southhampton, Southhampton, Eng., where ,,u July 24th they will embark on the Empress of Britain Britain for their home, landing at Quebec Quebec on July 29th. , Marvin Lunn, youngest -son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lunn, living on the Campbell farm, west of-the Forestry, cauised his parents, and. friends a- few .anxious, hours; on the 1st. of July. Marvin, , accompanied by his 'dog, started for Orono but the dog returned returned home alone and a hunt was instigated instigated through the forestry and' nearby nearby . 'Streams. After considerable I searching the young lad was found at 1 Mercer's garage. ■ A barn raising was held- on Thursday Thursday night last on the farm of Mr. W. B'annon, first sidemad oast of Kirby. The neighbors of the com-m,unity assis assis ted. Mrs. Mitchell entertained Saturday afternoon for her stepdaughter, Mrs. Lei.-litri.'in. of Newmarket, A very enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. R. W. Mitchell and two daughters Misses Arvalila and Aride, of Toronto, and Mr. Jack Baxter and Lawrence Hal 1'orin, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited at Mr. and Mrs.. S. B. All-in'is on 'Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Ledger and family have returned home -from a two weeks' holiday 'at Miattawa. Mrs. 0., G. Armstrong and grandson, grandson, John Grady, motored to Hamilton Hamilton for a few clays to visit her daughter, daughter, Mrs. Grady. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Knox were : Mrs. It. J. Alien, Mr. Robert AIL".. Mrs. Dave, y and Miss Ixeitha Davey. all of Kingston, also Mr. M. 1.. Davey and Miss Sheil-a. and Master Donald Davey from Detroit, Milch., Master Donald remaining with Mr. and Mrs. Knox for a few days. Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS CERTO FOR MAKING JAM BOTTLE 25c GOLD MEDAL JELLY POWDERS EACH 6c RUBBER JEM RINGS 4 DOZ 25c FANCY RED SALMON, SMALL TINS 2 FOR 25c BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK , .....TIN 9c ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 LBS .85 c GOLD SOAP 7 BARS ,25c; NEW POTATOES 7 LBS 25c E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S SPECIAL CLEARING OF ALL OUR SUMMER STOCK, THIS IS THE HEIGHT OF THE SEASON AND WE WANT TO GIVE YOU A BARGAIN WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF THE GOODS. l Of White and Figured Crepe, regular to $5.95. d*0 QC SPECIAL SHOES Of White Calfskin, in Ties', Straps and Oxfords ti* A IP all sizes. Prittid HOSE Cortecelli Chiffon Hioise, full fashioned in all sum- vy p* mer shades # v CAPS Mein'is White and Checked Summer Caps, c;lc * i "'25c RANTS Washable White Repp, cool and good looking, €\ P* sizes 32 to 36 " OC PURSES Of White Wadi aide Leather, a lot of different qq 'shapes and styles.... HATS Of Fine Quality Straws and Felts, only a fe'w of d* 1 (these, reg. to $2.95 «P A Made of 'White String, a very smart summer frock ^ J QQ SHOES White Cali f skin, in a f ancy perforation. Priced IJQ SHIRTS Polo Shirts, laced ait the meek, cool and comfortable, white and yellow Boys', 75c Men's $1 BATHING SUITS ALL WOOL SUITS, part of these suits are damaged but can be repaired. They were worth $1.50 each, and until gj sold, your choice i .......I - • vG Do not overlook these suits if you are in need o-f one PYJAMAS Cotton -Crepe of Two-piece style, a very cool <t* 1 C A garmient NIGHTGOWNS Of Crepe, in a very large roomy garment, in<^ 1 AH .several patterns ......*P * • ""