" ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTOIWiLLE Miss Ruby. Payne, Toronto, visited . lier : sister, Mrs. Frank Ovens. Miss Main tyre, Detroit, is visiting her cousin, Mis's Isabel- l.aing. - .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, Toronto, am. visiting Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. «Smith. M'igs Helen Anderson and friends, Hamli ton,' spent Sunday with her: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Pearce, London, London, called on Mr., and Mrs. Anderson Anderson envoûte to Montreal. Miss .June Ware, Feneion Falls, has; been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ovens. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Lawrence Sa very upon 'the said death of her mother-, Mrs. Welsh, Salem. Mrs. !.. Baldwin, New York, Mr. Fred Zilis, New York, and 1 Mrs, A. Hamilton, Port Hope, spent Tuesday with the latter's sister, , Mi-s. Anderson. Anderson. On Wednesday evening the New- tonvilie church friends of Rev, Robt. Wragg gathered in the U.C.S.S. room to bid him and his bride godspeed godspeed to their chosen field, of labor in the Peace River district, Alberta, and Jo convey to them in .some small measure their pride in one -of their 0 wn boys who has made -good and is «msecrating his life- to- serving humanity. humanity. Rev. E. !.. Beech, acting as chairman, called the .assembly to order order and the toltiwir.g program was enjoyed Piano : solo, Margaret De- 1 unfit ; soprano solo and encore, Mary Lane; alto sold and encore, Hazel: Reid; violin isolo, Reg. Bolton; speeches; by Messrs. George Walkey, R. .1. Rowe, Win. l.aing and Cecil Payne. Then Miss I. l.aing was called called on to read the fallowing address : Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wmgg,~ We, your friends of this Church and community, mindful of your recent recent marriage, and aware that you will soon be leaving us to serve the 1 church in Northern Alberta, have gathered hère this, evening to extend to -you our congratulations; and to show in. this way the deep interest we have in you. Your career, Mr. Wragg, we have followed- closely, as year by year you have fitted 1 yourself for this great calling, and we are proud of your attaintinents. To you, Mrs. Wragg, we extend our sincere good wishes, and trust that you will find' real and abiding satisfaction in your new home, and in sharing with Mr. Wragg a helpful ministry. We therefore ask you both to accept this gift of money as a tangible evidence evidence of our.genuine interest and affection. affection. Signed on behalf of Newton ville United Church -Rev. E. L. Beech, pastor; R. J. Rowe, Clerk of -Session; -Session; Geo. Walkey, Chairman : Geo. Thompson, John Filmer, J. W. Lancaster, Lancaster, S. J. Lancaster, Bauson Mill- son and Isabel Laing. KIRBY Mrs. Hugh M cKelvey has returned home after a pleasant, visit with relatives relatives in Huron County. Mr. J. Major from Li-fton, England, England, with the Harris family of Agin- -coxirt visited at Mr. Fred Brima- ■comlbe's last week. "Sympathy is felt here for Mr. Arthur Arthur Welsh of Salem in the loss of his wife, who was formerly Miss Edith Chapman of Kirby. a 5QC- Radio Repair Service Any Where Any Time j A more complete line of Tubes will not be found this side of Toronto] !--all Tubes tested free of charge. Ghas. R. Knox I Phone 42r2, Orono | Serving the public for six years | (formerly: with Green's Radio I Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., Detroit NEWCASTLE Mrs. Cuttle has returned from a six weeks' visit t-o England. The Rev/ -Samuel and Mrs. McLean McLean are spending their holidays in Toronto. Miss Marion Woodcock of Napati.ee has been visiting lier aunt, Airs. Wm. Jamieson. Congratulations to Rev. D. R. ain-d Mrs. Dew-dene, y upon the birth -of a son on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson motored motored to Muslkoika for a few days over last week-end. Mias Lucas of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jackson at their cottage at the lake. Mr. a ml Mrs. Clarence Batty and Miss. Lorine are home after spending spending three weeks at Lake Scrugog. Miss Salome Howard is having her vacation and is at home with her parents, Rev. J. Scott and Mrs, Howard. Howard. Air. W. T. Jackson is again at his cottage at Cameron Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown spent the weekend weekend with him. Mrs. Maitland is visiting friends in Brighton and Mrs. D. J, - Gal- bra-irli is spending a few days with Dr. Annie ILigbee. Mr. and Mrs, -C. Tilley and two sons, of Toronto,' spent Sunday with Mrs. Tilley's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, John Garrod. Friday evening last Newtonville girls' softball team came up and played played the Newcastle gilds. The visitors were the victors by a small margin. Mrs. Edward Pomeroy of Orillia, aicoomipainied by her two.sons and two friends spent -Sunday with Mrs 1 . Wm. Atkinson- and Mrs, E. W. Gibson. The Durham. Regimental Band intend intend giving Newcastle a -treat on Thursday evening by having an open air concert on the. lawn of the Com- miunity Halil. The services in the United Church on Sunday morning were taken by the Women's Missionary Society with with Mrs, Davidson of Bowinanville the guest speaker. In the evening the service was in charge of the Young People's Union. •There was a meeting of the sports committee and citizens on Thursday evening last and it was decided to have some sort of a field day on Civic Holiday. There will, -be bard ball and! softball' games to interest the younger boys and girls. Mr, George Wright and son Douglas Douglas are home from Sudbbury, Their return was delayed owing to their oar being side-wiped by a truck. It took a, weëk to repair the damages but fortunately, it was the -Car and no t the pa ssengers in j tired. The St, George's Sunday School picnic was held at the Orono Park on Saturday afternoon. It was a great success even if rain tried twice to dampen the spirits of the young members of the -Sunday school. Miss McIntosh, Mrs. LeGresley and the Misses Doris and Florence Spencer assisted Mr. Dewdeney. I COWANVILLE Mi'ss Elsie Dempster is visiting at her cousin's, Mrs. Brooks Cowan. Mr, and Mrs. W. Dempster visited at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. K .Bruce and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. B. Millson. Mr, and Mrs. C. Parnell and family, family, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. Por- teous. Miss B. Hollingsworth, Misses Viola and Ada Hollingsworth were week-end visitors at Mrs. E. Hollingsworth. Hollingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley and Airs. Robert Burley were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wes;nl Stringer, Mr. Edwin Hancock gave a splendid splendid address for the W.MJS. -on Sunday, Sunday, also Mrs. K. Worry rendered a splendid solo "'Stranger of ( la la I lee"" in Clarke church. Mr. and Airs. A. W. Forrester of Hamilton, Mr. arid Mrs. F. G. Forrester Forrester and daughter Dorothy, of Dublin, Dublin, and Mr. and Airs. 1 ). C. Forrester Forrester and soiis Douglas and Warren, of O-ha-wa, spent -Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Forrester. BQWMANVILLE A large number of young girls passed through town on foot to one of the lakes-hore camps one day last week, probably front the city. Who was in charge we did not learn. Ôur firemen have had a Burn her of runs the -past week, the: siren working over-time, the last being in Newcastle, where the company made a faster trip than the old time "Deluge" "Deluge" could make' to the South Ward in its time. Edith Robinson, of the Gloib-e and Mail, does not mince words when it comes down to the so-called beauty contests that are staged today in van i-ous cities of the Dominion. They are not conducive to the best that is in humanity, no matter what some may say or think. Cobourg's Kiltie Band gave a concert concert every Thursday evening at the beach park, Cobourg, and for -this, purpose they have a fine bandstand of the shell pattern, better to our idea than the one at- the Toronto Exhibition Exhibition grounds. We hope to see a similar similar one a t the Dream of Bar icy Park when the genial proprietor can see his way to do so. If the beach authorities at our lake front bad the' foresight to build a summer hotel similar to some we could mention on our back or inland lakes, they would certainly be well .patronized, but when a small proposition proposition like a bridge is- so long under consideration why mention a- structure structure like a hotel. We reckon to get along with the cld-rime punt and the latest discovery in science, the manpower'd manpower'd ferry. Mr., and Mrs. A. Elford, Buffalo, were visitors in town the past week. Air, Elford 1 was a clerk in the Rice Cbmpanÿ's lhardiwtaire establishment, wlien it was taken over from the Richard WOrth firm, from there going going to the Rice-Lewis firm of Toronto. Toronto. T.ho old town has .changed considerably since those old times, as well as the:people, this visitor thinks. 'Sure we do pretty much the same all over, you will notice that especially especially on the Old Boys' and Girls' Re-, union here next month. The hum of the machinery and the s-ound of the whist-lie in the old Organ Organ and Piano Shop sounds like music to i he ears of those who are left of the workmen of the old shop. That was certainly a hive of industry industry in the palmy -period, with its skilled workmen and: fine band which was an advertisement to the old firm that was not realized by sonic who followed, consequently failure. However, However, we hope the new firm will be favoured ( with success and that its old .time' prestage will be regained by this fine old- industrial establishment. establishment. A proclamation from the Government Government sets apart 'Monday, October 11 ih as Thanksgiving Day. Well, the people of this Dominion have reason to be very* thankful for blessings received-, received-, but after all call a mtetin-g for thankfulness and just notice how many will respond. In this town for instance as a sample, not' over a handful, some ait work, many scour- ins- the country with their shooting" irons, others with their ears, and so on. Thanksgiving Day in name only, only, without an- idea what the name implies. What kind 1 of grateful peo- ole are we anyway ? The annual convention of the Canadian Bandmasters Association took place this year, _ July 24th, at Owen. Sound, and six bands from neighboring towns held a tatto and co-ncèrt that evening. President Chamberlain greeted the -visiting bandsmen; and the Mayor -of Oiwen Sound gave them a, civic welcome. Many delegates were present, also Mr. R. Fount, ai ne, while here was a member, but we have no-t learned whether anyone has been appointed in his: place from this town. Those western places seem to take more interest interest in their musical organizations than down in the eastern sections. Why, we cannot say, but still the fact remains. The Church of St. Joseph held their annual fair on the Rotary Park on Friday eevening last and a very large number of people were present. There was the usual number of booths, ice cream stands, the glib- tongued sipeeler and the air was thick with invitations to come up and try your luck. The evening was fine and the mtieic by the Legion Band; which paraded the to-wn in an improvised golden chariot which on every day work goes back to just- being being an ordinary truck. 1 Many were present from the'neighboring village of Newcastle. From the size of .the crowd we 'should imagine, a goodly sum wo-uld be realized for Si. .Joseph's .Joseph's chinch people. There was a. high old' '-revellery' in Oshawa last Saturday when the General General Motors held their annual picnic at T.akeview Park. Some 18,000 people people \vrre on the '• grounds- and the whole business was a pronounced success. success. The President, R. S. McLaughlin, McLaughlin, with oilher officials, was one of, the merrymakers and stayed with the I Thursday, Friday ani Saturday ARE Special Sale Days WATCH. BOR SALE BILLS. "SUMMER NEEDS" IN THE MAIL TO-DAY June Sale was the Largest in our 'history. To you we say thank you. We are aiming to make July Sale equally as good. , , , In addition w-e are offering SPECIALS- in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT. We mention a few : KELLOGG'S OR QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 2 for 15c HILLCKEST SHORTENING, 2 lbs ....25c. PEANUT BUTTER, 6 ounce jar ...... 9c. CAMPBELL'S PORK & BEANS, 2 21-oz. cans 19c. PRUNES, Medium Size, 3 lbs. for 25c. RED SEAL FANCY RED SALMON, 2 1-2-lb. cans 25c. FRÈSH BOLOGNA, 2 lbs. for i 27c. CERTO for Jams and Jellies, 8 ounces 23c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES Shingles, as low as $3.25 PHONE 48R16 crowd until darkness set in and enjoyed enjoyed the whole program. A feature of the day was the drawing of the new car which was won by an employee employee of the General Motors. Those annual -outings does more to promote good feeling among 'employers and employées than all the C.LO.. Federation Federation of Laboi. -amalgamated bunk of one kind and another ' that could be scared up in a day's travel, and don't- imagine for a minute -we are wrong. Don't forgot Newcastle Baseball Tournament, MoiM'ay, August 2nd. Commun fry Park, Newcastle. 1 Tard and softball „ games! Admission,. Adults 25c; Children under 15 years of age 10c. EDITH CHAPMAN BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL. per square Orono Coal & Lumber Co COWAN'S HERE ARE VALUES YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK : CERTO - - 23c. KELLOGG'S OR QUAKER CORN FLAKES, LIMIT 2 TO CUSTOMER ...........i 7c. FRUIT JAR RINGS, RED OR WHITE...2 DOZ 9c. FLY SWATTERS 5c. NEW NO. 1 POTATOES ; 10 LBS 15c. SHU-MILK, WHITE SHOE CLEANER 19c. SHORTENING 2 LBS 23c. PALMOLIVE OR CARBOLIC SOAP, LIMIT 2 TO CUSTOMER 4c. P & G SOAP ; 7 FOR 25c. MEN'S WASHABLE TIES .. 26c. BOYS' POLO SHIRTS 49c. BATH TOWELS, 21"x42", GOOD QUALITY, , ! ...PAIR 39c. PANCO SOLE WORK BOOTS, SIZES 6 TO 11 $2.00 MEN'S STRIPED BROADCLOTH SHORTS 25c. PHONE 77R1 There passed away in B'owpaanviHe Hospital on Tuesday, July 20th, Mrs. Edith Welch, who suffered from an accident received two weeks previous. The late Mrs. Welch fell from a load of hay and broke her leg and was taken to the. hospital for treatment, treatment, 'hill Tier -heart played out and she passed peacefully away. ' - Her maiden, name was Miss Edith Chapm-Un and was a* niece of Mr. James Tamfolyn of Orono. - Classified Advertisements in The Orono Weekly Times Bring Résulta. ■ " : •' : ....