ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SIXTH LINE What about that new Furnace this year. Geo. Springham, 8311, Newcastle. Newcastle. ■-Misses/' Bertie (lark, Peggy Milne and Verna and Master Cliff Stalker and. Mrs, W, Clark, Markham, were visitors at the- Stewart home. Rev. F. B. Allimtt, of the .Upper Canada Bible Society, was the efficient efficient speaker on behalf of that worthy worthy cause on Thursday night last in the United Church here. Her many friends are delighted at the news of improvement in the condition of our neighbor, Mrs. Wesley Wesley Elliott, after an operation in Peterboro hospital. Mrs. II. FI. MicKelvey, Miss Margaret, Margaret, John and. Neil Stewart were récent visitors on a motor trip to Huron and Bruce counties amongst relatives and friend's there and had a pleasant interview with former Sixth Line neighbors, Mr. J. A. Henry .and son George of Ripley. Wilfred Brindley, engaged, as help of our neighbor, Mr. Fred Cornish, met with a painful accident on Thursday of last week by a kick from a horse. Fie was hurried, to Orono for medical help and from thence to the Bowmanville hospital and it is probable he may soon be around again. A- few of rite .things yon/car! buy . * : from I us on the MOM K IMI-lftiVFM MXT PIAN : are BAT-HROiOMiS, FtltNAOES HAVE TROUGH, ROOFING New 'Sinks, Pinmips, Water" 'System ESTIMATIFS FURNISHED FREE Geo. Sprmgham Phone 3311 KIRBY Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dervill visited at Mr. John Brown's on Sunday. We are glad to see Mr. R. I !. Allen around again after his recent accident. accident. Mr. Mel lor delivered a good sermon on Sunday to a very interested congregation, congregation, . Miss. E. Dayman, Port Hope, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson. , Miss Marion Bryson returned home last Friday after spending two -weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chapman spent a few days with relatives in Waterford, Waterford, Burford and other places'. Messrs, Philip and Wilfred Bigelow Bigelow spent a few days with their par cut-. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Bigelow. Philip is of the High School staff at Port Hope, and Wilfred of Camp Borden. Messrs, Win., and Per. Armstrong spent a pleasant hour or more with J. II. Morrow on Saturday, evening ■and there was a, real rehearsal of boyhood boyhood days, some of which would 'be best in the incognito list, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Peacock, son and daughter, of Galt, visited at Mr. Win. Cannon's on 'Sunday. Mrs. Bea- CQck (nee Miss Taylor), taught school here twenty-three years, ago and she was an excellent teacher and a very fine lady. Mr. Arthur Manning while in Kirby Kirby on: Monday met his old pal, James Morrow, and who should come along but the Mus-Kee-Kee Indian Medicine Medicine Co., and Arthur made a strong bid to purchase the Traveller's Hat but in this he failed. Then he and Jim started to think up prospects for •sales of his Mus-Kee-Kee medicine, dim gave the names of A. J. Staples and Thomas Smith, while Artliui claimed to better this by giving the names of Jack Armstrong, Jim Richards, Richards, George Butters and Harry Rowe. a 50C- Radio Repair Service Any Where Any Time ! | A more complete line of Tubes will j | not be found this side of Toronto ! ! --all Tubes . tested. free of charge. | j Chas. R. Knox 5 Phone 42 r2, Orono I 'Sen rving the publie for six' years I (formerly with Green's Radio- j j 'Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., i | Detroit. | NEWTONVILLE Miss Mary Lane was in Toronto, 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I bivvy, Toronto, visited visited Mrs". Rutherford. ■Miss Helen Darlington has been holidaying at Omemee. Mrs. Laurie Cole is improving after after her récent illness. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, was home for the week-end. Decoration D'ay at Newtonville Cemetery this Sunday, Aug. 8th. Miss Norma Craven. Kingston, spent a week with Miss Hazel Reid. Mr. and Mrs. MeCready, Lethbridge, Lethbridge, visited Mrs. Arnott, Sunday. Mrs. Alice Truscott Jones has returned returned from her visit to the States. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randall, Osh- awa, visited his mother, Mrs. II. Randall. Randall. Mr. W. Merrill, War-kworth, was a week-end quest of his . sister, Mrs. Willis Jones. Miss Lauma .Pearce is spending a. month with her sister, Miss Edna Pearce, Montreal. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe who are the proud parents: parents: of a balby girl. Ur. MéP'htidràn arid party, Toronto, called at Mr. J. Barrie's while on a motor trip, to Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones have moved to their new home, formerly the 11nne.mk property. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barrie were 'Sunday guests of .her sister, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Enniskillen. Mrs. F. Tippett and Jean, Toronto spent a weeek with the former's parent. parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ogden are moving into Mrs. Ruth erf ond's house recently vacated by Mr. Willis J ones. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lane and Leone, Colborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lane'over the week-end. Mrs. W. Whittaker has returned from a month's sojourn with her daughter, Mrs. Bradley, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Marks- and babe, Mrs. Louise McIntyre and Miss Dorothy McIntyre, Détroit, are guests of Miss I. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner and Miss Ruth Turner, Cobourg, were guests of Mr. and " Mrs. L. E. Mill- son last week. Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Gladys and Lauma, accompanied Mr. and Mrs Harvey Osborne, Morrish, on a motor trip to Kingston, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nellie Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Fern, Deni a rest ville visited their cousins', Mrs. J. Laing. Mrs, S. Glover and Mr, M. Kimball Cbnga tula lions to Mr. Wilber Langstaff and bride who were married married in Toronto, Saturday. The groom is a son of Mrs. Mabel La.ngs'taff of this vilage. - Lieut. J. A. MaeDotiald, Mrs. Mac- Donald and family, Calgary, are spending, a month here. Mrs. MacDonald MacDonald is a sister of Mrs. George Campbell. Mr. aiid Mrs. Harry G ay nor and fàmilÿ, Railiefooro, were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. George Camp bell. Miss Feme Ga-yrior who spent a week with Miss Jean Campbell returned returned home with them. The sympathy of this Community is extended to the bereaved family and relatives of the late Mir. Peter Laing. Orono, ; Mr. and Mrs: Laing were both residents of this 'district prior to their marriage. At the "Girls' Day" at Mil-brook Miss Hilda Rowland was high girl in the Clothes Project and Miss Peril Peril iece Milligan 2nd. The team (composed (composed of Misses II. Rowland, B. Milligan Milligan and B. Thompson) was the high team and they go to Peterboro Fair. Congratulations. Miss Olive Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Drupe Whitney, had a narrow escape recently when her horse which she was riding ran "'wav. In some manner it became frightened and began to run edging "lose to a wire fence. Olive's leg- caught in the fence receiving such a gash that it required seven stitches to close the Wound. She is progressing progressing favorably now. „ The regular meeting of the W, I. was held at the home of Mrs. Kaufman. Kaufman. The Roll Call was "Current Events" and "Something new out of something old." There was a discussion discussion on the condition- of the school greunds-n ew fence needed badly, etc. A suggestion was made that the ladies turn out to the Annual School Meeting- Meeting- and. elect a lady trustee, which should be 0 f-great- .benefit. Mrs. J. T. Pearce was in charge of, the program. program. Topic, home- economics. Different. Different. readings were given entitled : (Ft- Interest in home life shows- definite definite revival. (2) S 0 what ? (3) Kinship. Kinship. (4) Husband's, Mrs. W. Fall, leader in girls' work gave a report of Achievement Day at, Millbrook with our girls winning first in their demonstration demonstration of "Up-to-date clothes lose+s." Next meeting will be held at Mrs. J. Robinson's, Newcastle. BOWMANVILLE Remember the Rotary Fair on August 11th, This will be a "humdinger" "humdinger" with the accent on both .-viables. .-viables. "Several- of our town people spent the holiday at "Locue-t Lodge Inn', Boboageon, some at Cobourg and many at the lake fronts here, taking in the day's sports there and others at the Cream of Barley Park, but in town it was very quiet except on the No. 2 Highway. Saturday evening last our old friend Orme, was amongst the throng that invaded the busy thoroughfare and chances are he was on his way home from some.,football or baseball game. No, it was not the Sop-worth boat - race, could hardly have reached here in that time, or probably tin his way to Port Perry for the Civic Holiday program. Well we are always always pleased to welcome him whenever whenever he strikes the burg, but who is going to manage the Newcastle baseball baseball tournament on Civic Holiday ? The minister of St. Paul's Church and Mrs. Bannister, are home again from their vacation to the Maritime Provinces and enjoyed the trip. Mr. Bannister occupied the pulpit Sunday morning and evening and will this month 0 f August while the pastor of Trinity Church in on his vacation. A very large congregation was present Sunday last and at the morning service service Mrs. Alex. Colville sang very ac- ceep'tably "The Lord ; is My Shepherd" Shepherd" with Mrs. Bragg at the organ. The sermon in the morning was one of the most practical kind and one that should make one to ponder over. We notice that chap out in the Pinny pool district who advertised for a wife has received answers to hie ad. One practical young farmerette Wants to know what kind of farm, it is, 100 acres with only one horse to do the fall ploughing and so on, the $2,000, is another sticker t-0 the transaction, transaction, but the changes are he will have to'- modify his request if lie expects expects to get a wife on those terms even if his barn is overflowing with hay and his cow is slopping over with butter lit I. or Ms hens doing eight- hour shifts of egg-laying. Canadian girls from 18 to 38 are not won -in that way so we would advise the Bontypoo'lite to try another plan and leave out the hay route. Wo notice ^ the Orangemen's Fife and Drum Band gave a street pro gram in Orono the past week. It presented an attractive appearance on the 12th when they played for the lodge in Osh awa, but we would, like to see them with -a chance so far as their music is concerned and also in their instrumentation. We believe they would, take more interest if they played played by note and less by ear and more harmony instrumentation, similar to the Osh awa Flute Band, which we believe believe they are capable of doing. Once getting started the musical public would certainly appreciate that effort. Why not try it ? One -of the biggest drawing ■ cards at the Toronto Exhibition which, begins begins the latter part of this month, is the dancing contest in which is taken the greatest interest in the community community where the contestants pome from Last year one could not get near the stand where the contests were held if you wore late in getting there, Four couples, one violin player, a pianist, and one to call the dance, and those who participate are from districts districts of the 'Western parts of the province, but is a great- drawing card, so why not try it with the Durham Fair in Orono with a decent prize. There would be no trouble getting three or four contestants to take part. Prizes will be given, at the Toronto Ex. for the same, also the. old-time- fiddler's contest. " We notice the death of Mr. Frank Windsor of Montreal where he has been engaged in the piano business for several years past. IIv. Windsor rod his family lived in this town for several years in the Piggott-Ru.-seli period of the D. O. & P. factory, and they were a very musical family. The father was quite expert on the cornet and violin, one son "Dingey" was a very, capable trombonist, Frank was a violinist of no mean order and conducted conducted an orchestra. What a fine lot of cornet players this town had in those days while today there is a dearth on that instrument. Just to mention a few of the old' timers, Ed. Meath, second to none as an orchestra member, Joe Green, solo violin and also cornet, Ily. Windsor, Arthur Hook, "Whiley" Keeler, E-. Flat, J. ('rook and several of lesser note, Charlie Roblin, trombonist, and T. Windsor tfie same, also Colin ' McLean. McLean. Many of our old timers will remember those bandsmen, also the many transients who would drop in for a few months arid then the road would beckon them which they could not resist. No wonder the D. (). & L. Co. had a great advertising -band, thirty-seven to forty able musicians, an organization that was -a credit to the town and country. . This summer seems to be a home- THE DOG TAX AID LIVE STOCK PROTECTION ACT This legislation protects lire stock owners against the ravages of dogs This Act requires:-- The taxing of dogs and the issuing of dog tags, where live stock (Cattle and Sheep) are injured, the owner shall notify the local Valuer or the Reeve of the Municipality within forty-eight hours after discovery of the damage. ---the local Valuer must make two reports, one for the Municipality, and one for the owner of the livestock. --if either of these is not satisfied with the report, he may appeal to the Minister of Agriculture for another V aluer by depositing $25.00. This money is returned if the appeal is successful but is forfeited if the appeal is lost. --the award made by the Valuer appointed by the Minister is final. For copies of this Act apply to the Live Stock Branch ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL Minister JAMES B. FAIRBAIRN Deputy Minister I PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS RAMSAY MARMALADE, containing Ouange,,-Grapefruit Ouange,,-Grapefruit and Lemon - tewtie 19c ROSE KETA SALMON, PINK ..2 l-Rii tins............ lS.c BRUNSWICK SARDINES, in oil or Tomato Sauce, for 19c. ROYAL YORK - CREAM CHEESE....,!. 15c. C HA I LAD CREAM CHEESE, plain or Pimento 16c. FREE RUNNING SHAKER SALT 2 2-lb pkgs Sc. LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI; with Tomato Sauce and Cheese / 2 tins 17c. 'WALNUTS, Fresh Stock L .....4 ounces 10c. EELS NAPTHA SOAP Bar , 6c. BULK SPIRIT or CIDER VINEGAR Gal 35c. AYLMER IRISH STEW, contains Beef, Potatoes, Carrots, Onion and Peas in Gravy 2 tins 25c MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLES, large 26 oz. bottle i9 c ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL. Shingl es» as low as $3.25 per square PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co coming year and also, the many fam ily reunions that are taking place. This is a good thing to do and if nothing else than to perpetuate the memories of the old pioneers who bore the burden and heat of the day in making homes for themselves and their descendants. 'S'o it is the right and grateful thing , to do to relax for a'little and think with gratitude in their hearts that 'they are thus priv- oTeged to meet together. fSo also with the home, comers. . Just, notice the fine time they had in Cobourg■ the past week, also in Huron ' County town of Goderich, where they are having a week of celebration. The Huronites of Toronto city some hundreds hundreds strong and headed by a. band, will: be on hand /md will conduct the program for one day and we notice i hand concerts will be a feature of infest the other weeks of the year will be given the go-by and the glad- hand will be working overtime to welcome welcome the Old Boys and Girls to the old homes of their youth and - live over again the old days, the old courtships, courtships, the old shindigs, . and when over will return -to their homes refreshed refreshed in spirit and feeling proud to be an old boy or girl in such a town in this Dominion. So just remember -the home "coming of, the. old timers of this town this month and have the latch string' oh the outside of the, door and* the fatted calf iri readiness for the guests. : ' We don't , like to ipention it but 'winter will soon be here. 'What about that furnace. Geo. Springham, 3811, each day's doings and the cares that Newcastle.