0RONO WEEKLY TIMES KENDAL Mrs.- Boy Keane and Son Jack, of Brantford, are visiting at Mr, Mark Soper's. Mr. Walter Thertv!l has been busy with his threshing outfit in the community community this past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson were Sunday guests at her brother's, Mr. Carmen Bell, at, OampbeTleroft. Mrs. T. A. Reid and; son, Newton- Vi He, attended /church service,Jiere and visited lat Mr. Ira Tliorqpson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Nichols and Mr. H. Nichols,. Wesley ville,. Miss Stella Best, Oron-o, a nd Miss Eleanor Ward of Toronto were Sunday -visitors -visitors at. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. D. Bell's. We are glad to report that at time of . writing Mrs. Wesley " Elliott, who is in Petevboro hospital having under -gone ari operation, i-s improving, We hope to see dier home again soon. : Mr. Beech'-, sermon on Sunday morning wits based on the story of Samuel and was very interesting. On Sunday next "Mbs- 'Nellie Hill will apeak on the Mission work of our church. COWANVILLE - We -are sorry to report, that Mrs, Robert Reid is ill in bed. \\C wish her a speedy recovery. - (Mr. and Airs. Moses Heard and Mr. and Mrs. W. Heard and family were recent visitors of Mrs. Perrin. Mr. Alfred Reid and Miss Ella Jipll'ow, Bow.mlaniville, were recent visitors of Miss .Flossie Graham. Mr. and Mrs, llrwin Farrow spent the Week-end with Mr.- Farrow's sister, sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Waterson, Welland. Welland. The community was very glad to welcome Rev. Mr. McKean back to the puiirit after a four weeks' vacation. vacation. The young people of this eonmnin- ity joined together and went on a picnic at the park in Orono and report report a nice time, -- o-------- : -- tS-end the Orono Weekly Times to that distant friend,' it will save you writing a. letter. SIXTH LINE This part of our township is 'truly in dire need pf a good. rain. Pastures Pastures are drying out and the earth is both hard and in daytime heated aïs à furnace. Mr. Robert Ard has been here with his threshing outfit and reports of crop yields have been, fair, Mr, John Stone is likely làte'o to, be here to begin begin operations this week we believe. We only contribute our own opinion opinion when we (state that we cannot 'eomigratuSate any person - with regard to the cup deadlock in the recent baseball, tournament here. We can however give a fair estimate of how the général public and Park Board Would speak on the issue. In the front porch at the home of the Gilroy family amongst other beautiful foliage Stands an hydrangea whose ancestry is traced back for some fifty years, first owned by Mr. Tboma-s MoWiatters, later by Mr. John White and mow by Mrs. Gilroy. Webster defines this plant ais "u beautiful beautiful flower." We were amused -at Mr. Torn Cowan's opinion expressed in last, issue issue of the Times with regard to the min making effect of George Cowan's and Charlie Brown's beating the big ■hum. In a recent letter from my cousin Jack Reavie. he stated that never since Be left Clarke to set-tie- in Roeamville, Bask,, lua : s ho ever -seen a drum beat ns George Cowan could beat it. Jisck has boon a resident resident of rhe Wr.-a for fifty-five years. KIRBY Miss Annie Forbes is spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Krxtson spent Sunday with friends in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Eddington were guestg of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers oil Sunday. Mrs, Ida Lang, of Chicago, formerly formerly of Kirby, is here visiting relatives relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Morrow, -ac- oomlpa-niied by Mir. Bert Hokes, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with the Mer ro-w's. Master Frank Winn, Toronto, is COWAN'S BACK: TO SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. MAKE UP A LIST OF THE THEN OS, YOU NEED AND COME IN TO SEE I/S NOW. WE HAVE A COMPLETE COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF -GOODS FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS OF All AGES ANJD WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FR0M 20 to 35 I)È.R CENT. CHILDREN'S COTTON STOCKINGS PR 15c. BOYS' ALL WOOL]CHEVIOT SHORTS 65c. BOYS' AND GIRLS' SWEATERS WITH ZIPPERS, 75-c. to : ' ($1.29 GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS . 69c. AEROXON FLY COILS :. 3 FOR 5c. RED COAT SALMON ! £ 13 LARGE TINS 25c. CERTO ... . 22c. TOMATO CATSUP 18 QZ. BOTTLE lie. RED STAR PASTRY FLOUR 24 LBS 65c. CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS 2 FOR...... 15c. ROSE BAKING POWDER 2 FOR 25c. PHONE 77R1 Local & Social Miss Bella Watson spent a few days with Mrs. T. McOombe, Mrs. A. Douglas -of IN'apanee is, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Walter C'iirleton. Master Donald Evans is spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hiotn-as (.'"Wan. Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Robb spent their holidays at their; summer cottage cottage at: Car no van. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall tare spending- a -couple of weeks' holiday in Western Ontario. Miss Florence Bundle of Bo-winan- zil-le visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. II, W-ood. Mr. and Mrs, Inch of Weston, also Miss Gray of Toronto spent the weekend weekend at Mrs. S. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lew and baby, of S-t. Catharines, were week-end visitors visitors at Mrs. W. Clar/leto-n's. Mr. L. E, Case purchased a couple purebred Jersey Cows from Mr. Donald Donald Rotib-to increase his dairy herd. Mr. and Mris,. Hilderley and baby are occupying- part of Mr. COrns. Knox's home, moving Saturday even- ing. Mr. Norman Allen is in charge of Mr. Frank Halit's work, also Mr. Gordon, while Mr. Hall is away on. holidays. „ Mr. arid Mrs. Hansen of Toronto 'and Mr. Wan. Clements of Kingston were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. O. II. Mitchell for a few days last week. Mrs, A- A. Drummond spent, a few days last wëek with her mother at Mt. Forrest, tvho was ill. Mrs. Drummond Drummond returned; 1 home on Sunday. The sidewalk from Main street south to 'the entrance of the park is now completed. Before laying the sidewalk the citizens bad to use the road which was dangerous at; all times. We are glad to see Mr. Sid Hughes out around again after a week's sickness. sickness. Sid said he hung the -crepe on the door for a day to see if anyone anyone would call, but no one called so he took it down, (Lonesome Sid). A party of about fifteen or twenty men from Toronto have been camping on Ernest Wilson's property, Perry- town, for the last two weeks, and on Wednesday held a gala night prior to «pending part of hi;s holidays in Kiriiy with Andy arid Miss Pearl Morrow. Pleased to see Mr. and Mm Clove Clenience and Miss Mildred in the Village last week visiting at Mr. C. 0. Bowens. Miss Miariiain Ban non of the General General Ho-pital staff, Oishawa, is spending spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrsi. Win. Bn.nnon. Mr. a.nid Mrs. B. M. Bryson and daughter, Misis Marion, are at Kirby spending part of their holidays with relatives and; friends before returning to their home in Hamilton. Sorry indeed to learn of the sudden sudden illness of the Rev. Fletcher 'Chapmen, 'Chapmen, who has been supplying for Rev. Slmylthe at. Port Perry. From what we learn he was taken down with something unknown to the wk it eland eland it Ss giving medical doctors ! rouble to pronounce his- ailment. Both he and Mag. Chapman taught Kirby Academy of Education for several years, both doing excellent Work and imparting a high standard of knowledge to their pupils, breaking up oamp and returning home. Mr. Orme Gamsby was one of the entertainers for the evening. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Boas, of Detroit, Detroit, Mich., enroute on a vacation trip to Montreal and old Quebec, stopped over with their aunt, Mrs. Mary -Sisson, calling on the Cut tell families and -other friends on Saturday. Saturday. Dr. Boss before the war was- for .a short time teacher at Kendal school. Mrs. Roes was second daughter daughter of the late Fred Williamson. Three truck loads of purebred Holstein Holstein Cattle, consisting of twenty head, made up from the herds of Messrs. A, J. Tamblyn, J. D. Brown, Fred and M Kton Tamblyn, were taken to Peterboro on Tuesday morning morning where they are being shown at the Peterboro Fair under the name of Oedardale Stock Farms. I y - Professional Directory DENTAL DR. W. EL c. LEDGER, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours: Daily 9 a.m.---5.00 p,m. Evenings and Wednesday afternoon by appointment, appointment, Phone Orono 18rl. 1 MEDICAL DR. H E. MANNING Physi :ian rind Surgeon Orono - ,- - - Ontario pffibe Hours : 1.30 to d j/m. and I to 9 pan. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON CORRECTION The Pair Board wish to make a correction, for their prize list, Dean's Bakery Special should read $3.00 instead instead of $1.50. TKLFÎJDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PORT HOPE Mat, Sat. Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction 'Sales of all sizes and 1 at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A,„ J. Staples or A. E, Morton, at Orono,, for date. G. RICHARDS .Practical Watchmaker -Hit of the Summer "Wee Willie Winkle" Kiplinjr'g. Famous Storÿ of British Army Life, itvith SHIRLEY TEMPLE VICTOR McLApLEN MONDAY AND TUESDAY Only P'ictureâ of The Coronation In Gorgeous TECHNICOLOR F nature Attraction : ' Chan at the Opera' WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Tvm Favorites Together KAY ERROL FRANCIS FLYNN in "Another Dawn" AM Rspairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive ourfprompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO Classified ANNO UNQEMÉNT The rc-gnl.-ir monthly meeting of Grotio Women's Institute will be held in the 'Counl|il Chamber, Friday,, August 20th, : Motto : "Help Yourself Yourself to Health. Ebl Call, "Use of Disinfectant." Topic, "First Aid ini the Home." (Demonstration). The meeting- in charge of Mrs. J. C. Gurney. b-30-c. STRAYED One 2-year-old Steer onto the premises premises of Stanley Chapman, about August August 1st. 'Owner (may have same by moving property arid paying expenses,. fo-30-p Shows at 7.00 and 9.15 D.lS.T, 'Saturday 2.30, 7.00 and 9.30 | PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH ] | Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B'.À., B.D. j I Pastor j \ j | SUNDAY, AUGUST 15th I \ | 111 a.m.--Morning Service, con- j j ducted by Mr. J. J. Mdlor. | j 7 p.m.--Cancelled. I j COME AND WORSHIP j FOUND Parcel of Child's Clothing between Orono and Newcastle, some on dress hangers', partially wrapped in light cardboard. Owner may hawe.-sime- by proving property ami paying expenses. expenses. Apply at Orono Times office, e-31-c, strayed! - From the premises of Mr. Robert Allin, Lot 23, Con, 8,,' Clarke, about two weeks- ago, one whitish steer between' between' dix or seven fcwt., with red markings, last seen around Leskard. Anyone knowing of; whereabouts of same kindly notify Mr. Alin, Phone 25r3. c-31-p SCHOOL OPENING IS NOT FAR OFF AND PREPARATION FOR IT WILL SOON OCCUPY THE MINDS OF STUDENTS. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NECESSARY IN THE WAY OF Text Books Blank Books Scribblers, Exercise Books, Pens Pencils, Ink. IN FACT ALL REQUISITES IF ANY SPECIAL TEXTS ARE NEEDED WE WILL PROCURE THEM PROMPTLY ' •' JOHN J. GILFILLAN, Phm.B. REXALL DRUGGIST and- OPTOMETRIST