6R&N& WEEKLY TIMES -W, Mr. Daniel Walker of Wbodyille, who is 84 years of age, accompanied by his son, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Walker lived in Orono sixty years ag-o and occupied the house now owned !by Mr, E. II. Brown. He was renewing acquaintances with Mr. ,C. ■!. 11 vglisozi and 'Mrs. Robert Moon. Mr. J. J, G ill! I Jan strained a ligament ligament in his ankle on Wednesday of last week when . lie was in Aurora. While stepping- from a drop in the sidewalk he landed on the side of his foot causing the injury. The ankle was badly .swollen and sore for a couple couple of days hui he is now getting around with the aid of a caiM The FAMOUS READING Super-Clean Anthracite CLEANER, l SAFER, M0RE DEPENDABLE, DEPENDABLE, SMOKELESS, SOOTLESS, EFFORT EFFORT SAVING, QUIET,/LONGER BURNING, BURNING, EVENjHEAT, M( >RL ECONOMICAL Less Than 10 per cent. Ash $12.50 71 PER TON DELIVERED Rhone Or leave its your orders this mjotiith P. M. LUNN ORONO - - ■ - ONTARIO YOU CAN MAKE BEDS FOR AN HOUR ON 1 SLICE OF DEAN'S BREAD PHONE 4DR2 DEAN'S BAKERY ORONO dASi-VT v\.. „ ■ÿxTÂif • RED & WHITE STORES PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 19c. ORONO PASTRY FLOUR 68c. 24-lb. bag Pure BLACK PEPPER, . per lb 29c. Bulk MUSTARD, lb... 25c- Polly Prim PEAS, 2 tins -f'OT „ , 21c CANNED* CORN, "tin 10c. CHUCK ROASTS of BEEF, lb 17c. CHICKEN ROLL, lb 35c. Chase and Sandborn's COFFEE, per lb 43c. (Ground while ÿou wait) BLUE BELL COFFEE, l-lb. pkg. . 25c. Bulk BLACK TEA 49c. FANCY PINK SALMON, SALMON, 3 1-2 -lb tins 25c. ŒflPSO, large pkg...... 21c. HAWK'S LEMON OIL, ; large bottle 24c. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, with plain or colored cereal bowl, 3 pkgs. ' 29c. SHU MILK, battle 19c, M ARSH MALLOWS, full lb. 25c. PRUNES, large size, 2 lbs. for 2.9c. Molasses LIBBY'S Red ® White Snaps Spaghetti Shaker Salt 2 lbs. 19c. 2 tins 1 7 C. 2 pkgs 9c; J. J. CORNISH LOCAL AND SOCIAL KELLOGGS BRAN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 23c 1 glass free Mists- Mildred. Roberts of Toronto visited Mm C. Ï. 1 Miller this week. ■Mitis '.Nev'a Rainey, R.X., is visiting visiting relatives in. Ro-chest, er for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams 1 of Galt visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mor- ton. Mrs. Fred Co-wan and Mr. and Mrs. Crease have returned from their motor trip to Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. F. Way, Los Angeles, Angeles, Oak, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. WaMi. Mr. Percy Limn purposes i-iiii'iiu- in a high-class re-taunm! in. the south sa if of his hardware store. See paper for opening date. Miss. Alice Yates, granddaughter of Air. W. II. Barrett, of Kerrobert, Sia-sik., is visiting with her grandfather grandfather and other relatives in town. ■Mrs, Chapman spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Dr. Colville on Sunday and motored to the lake at Newcastle and also called on Mr. and Mrs. (). W. Rdfp-h. Air. and Mrs:. Kenneth Foster and family andl Mrs, 1 "ow-e-rs, of Bowmian- vilile, also Air. and Mrs. (Stanley Chapman spent Sunday with Mrs. I. T. Chapman. (Rev. 0. T. A-]Inn of Onargo, III., With his wife and family are ispend- ing a few ■ holidays wi-th the former's brottiher and sisters, Mr. C. W. and. t he Missies All in. A numjber of (he memibers of the Ladies' Orange Lodge No-. 715, motored motored to Peterboro Tuesday ev to have the Scarlet Degree eonf on four of their members. We -are all pleased to hear the and cheerful news that Mr. I Pea to is improving after his si .operation and we look for him home in- the near future. cast are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. F. Way, Los An- gel-es, Oak, and Airs. LI. Walsh motored motored to Peterboro oil Slaturda visiting the lift looks and oth points of interest in that vicinity. PHONE 12r2 Pontyptool. Carl entered the Sick Child 'Hospital on Wednesday to have operation on his noise and his tonsils tonsils removed. Mias Winnie Minerva, R.N., Windsor, and Ethel Keats, tea at Chatham, who have been on an ex- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards the week end. Mr. and Mrs. ('lias. Awde enjoyed a bus trip- from Toronto to Wiasaga Beach last Wednesday, where - they joined their sort Harold,"bis wife and family. During their stay they motored to Midland -and Owen Sound and while in Midland visited the shrine. They re-turned home on S-unday. General W, !.. Hughes of Ottawa, former Superintendent of Penitentiaries, Penitentiaries, accompanied by his son "Major Laugthlin Hughes of Kingston paid a -short visit to his niece, Mrs, A, Henry and sister Mrs. MacDonald. Many old friends were very g-l-ad to see him looking better -after his serious: serious: attack of Arthritis. Mr. Harold Barr and his two son's Eibern and Gordon of Saskatoon, Saak., visited John Armstrong last Sfindiay. Even though it is dry in Orono and a number of our citizens are spitting on the corner of the towel to take.» bath'since the cistern went dry, Ontario ltookts like the Garden of Eden to all -of the Barrs and they are looking for a location somewhere in Ontario. ' The Fail Industrial Exhibition is underway in' Orono. A -complete wood yard ils already placed iri front of Messrs. N. Porter's and T. Smith's insurance office. The sawing inia-• chine will be'_ on the job in a few ltopts. A coal stock 'is to be placed on the' street fronting- Mr. J. J. Gil- fiFan's drug store, and Mr. Ti'ud R-olph its loperring up la live stock arena aro-und his gasolene pump, while Bob Ctamforth speaks of holding holding -a rodeo in front of his harness shop. It must pay to advertise. Last spring the Toronto papers published a. news report that the Orono Chamber Chamber of Commerce were offering a bon us of $50.00 for ne-w babies in order order to keep up our population. Afterwards Afterwards it was. reported that the prone Women's Institute were also giving one dollar for new babies.'Now if is rumored that Orono can expect sixteen of those blessed event's, this Bali. "Watch Orono Grow." Lost, strayed or stolen from the diningroom table at the holme of Mr. O. W. Sleot-t, a wrist watch belonging to Mrs, Slcott. The watch was- left on the table and when Mr. Scott went to wind it in the evening, it was gone. A compile le -seainch. of the house fail-' ed to produce the watch. This is a valuable keepsake of Mrs. Scott's. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts kindly got in touch with -Mr, Scott for which, a reward is offered. Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS RUBBER FLY SWAT'S,.,....,,,.. .,. MARSHMALLOWS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES FLAKED WHEAT ...j, MANNING'S BISCUITS CREAMERY BUTTER SNAP POWDER I. We carry a full fassdrtment off -CURED MEATS EACH,,, 5c. LB 24c. 3 PKGS 25c. ,/5 LBS 24c. .1-2-LB. PEGS 15c, LB 30c. IN TINS.,. 12c. E. R, .RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER 1 *** JARMST RONG'S DRESSES 8 Just a few left of our SUMMER DRESSES- They must 3 be sold tis week. YOUR CHOICE J|J2 35 SLIPS r Of White Satin, with Lace j trimmings $2.00 SLIPS Of Fine Quality Rayon, in . a goad large cut gar- (p 1 "JC ment, Hack & white tP * OILCLOTH Remnants of TABLE OILCLOTH, containing from 3-4 yard to 1 1-2 in length, in all different, patterns. If 0% we have the right size for you, they are cheap at yd,.,, *5*3C BATHING SUITS Men's Blue Cotton Jersey Suits, reg. 75c. Your 'IB - Choice wC* BATHING SUITS All Wool,. in ' large sizes, re-g. $1.50. Y-our Choice LINOLEUM I 4 yard-s wide in very attractive patterns, 6 different piece-s to I dhoose from. We will deliver ' and lay at-per yd ^3 75 ^ DISHES We have arriving in stock this week some new patterns in SE J S -of DISHES. We would like you to -see them. j Something for Nothing With every $2.00 of merchandise you buy this week-end-- Thursday, Friday and Saturday--we will give you FREE a CUP and SAUCER of real good pottery in four different designs. SPECIAL BLEND Orange Pekoe Tea LB 35c. CORN BEEF 2 for 25c. Corn Starch 2 for 19c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 5-LB TIN 40c. TALL TINS SALMON 2 for 19c. BLUE ROSE RICE 3 LBS FOR 21C.