,-;X H r> ! QR9N9 WEEKLY TIMES Mr. Percy Putin and Dr. Ledger made a busy trip .to '-Renfrew on Thursday and Friday of last week, returning by North .Bay, and while in that district called on Papa and .mamma Dionne, but did not see the quints. Mr. and Mrs. Dionne have a store in connection with the hospital and do a land office business selling souvenirs, nothing tinder a dollar. Miss Doris Osterliout, B.A., of Montreal, is -spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Bev. J. Iliad Iliad Mrs. Osterhout. Bev. J. II. and Mrs. Osterhout returned returned last Friday afternoon from Ottaw-a where they spent the last four weeks. Mr. Os ten'll out reports plenty of rain around Ottawa with the lawns- as green as in May. LIBERAL. CONVENTION / AT TOWN HALL, ORONO Wednesday, September 1st 2.00 P.M. (STANDARD TIME) For the Selection of a Candidate for the Legislative Assembly SPEAKERS : HON, DR. J. A. FAULKNER, MIX, M.P.P. ; Minister of Health W. FRANK. RICKARD, M.P. . W. J. BRAGG, M.P.P. Other outstanding Liberals will be present PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED C. G. MERCER, L. C- MASON, . President Secretary GOD SAVE THE KING YOU CAN WASH DISHES FOR AN HOUR ON 2 SLICES OF DEAN'S BREAD PHONE 40R2 DEAN'S BAKERY ORONO RED & WHITE STORES Wonderful Soap, 8 bars for - 23c. Large jars Mixed Pickles - 19c. FLY FUME sold by bulk. Bring your own container and stive money. QUART JARS, 1 doz.' in a case, for..4. $1.15 KUNTZ DRY GINGER GINGER ALE, quart bottles, 2 for 25c. Q U I CK COOKING OATS, in |>kgs 21c. BONELESS CHICKEN, CHICKEN, a -tin ...L 28c. FLY COILS, doz .21c. 3 1-2 lb. Bags of FINE SALT, 2 for 15 c. JELLY POWDERS, 4 pkgs- for ...19c. RED & WHITE bags . of TEA, 25 in box, for .................. 25c. Full lb. pkgs. of MARSHMALLOWS MARSHMALLOWS - 25c. Fancy MIXED CAKES per lb 14c, Neilson's Cocoa, regular sized tin - - - - 15c. Chloride of Lime, 2 tins for - 19c. Boneless Roasts of Veal, lb. - 16c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. Bub G am shy and daughter Helen were visitors in town this week. -Mass' M. Millar of Toronto is visiting visiting with Mr. an-d Mrs. Howard Wialsh. Miss Trott and friends of Port Hope visited Miss Margaret Boy on, Wednesday. Misses Edna and Audrey'Billings have; returned home after a - pleasant 'sojourn in Weston. - Mr. 0. W. Rolph is a busy man these days- -getting the hot dog- stand in readiness for Fair day. Mrs. 0. !.. Myles left for. Trou; Greek on Monday t., spend a- couple of weeks with her husband. Mr, and: Mrs. J. B. K. Staples, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Miss Bertha Adams and Mr. Jack Adams of Btofbcageon are spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. . Jack Gamsby returned to Toronto to-day (Thursday), after spending his holidays at his grandfather's, Mr. Ten Ga-mshy. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MKEachem - of V-aii-couver and Mrs, N. D. McGinnis of Kirk-field spent Friday last with, the Misses All in. Guy Gamsby arrived to-day from Stratton, Ontario. No doubt he will be pleased to renew acquaintances with the old; boys. Mr. and Mrs. Cli-as. Brown spent the week-end in Kingston, the former on business; in connection with the Orange Grand Lodge, Bon aid. Patterson returned home on Wednesday afternoon from Peter- boro, where he spent a week's visit with his friend, C. F. D-a-we, Mr. M. M. McKenzie of Toronto is relieving Mr. A, A, Drummond, Manager of the Bank of Commerce, who is taking a three weeks' holiday. Mrs. Walter Carle-ton and children' left on Monday, accompanied by her brother to spend a holiday with her mother, Mrs. A. Douglas, of Nap- anee. Mrs. Mclsaac and family returned to Toronto to-day (Thursday), after an enjoyable vacation spent at their summer home near Or,mo Community Community Park. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter arrived. arrived. ho-me Wednesday evening, having having had a very enjoyable honeymoon visiting Ottawa, Montreal and other points east. Major J. 0. Gamey, Mrs. Garaey and daughter Glenn are ,attending a silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Gainey, Toronto, to-morrow evening, evening, Friday. Bov. 0. T. and Mrs. Ail in left on Wednesday for their home Omargo, UK, necompariicd by his sister, Miss Laura All in, who will spend two or three, weeks with them, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Tat ham and two young sons, Mr. and Mrs, - Gordon Adams and little Son Bobby, all of Toronto, visited their aunt, Miss F. M. ' Gobbiedick, Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall, Miss-Helen a Waddell and. Mr. W. E. Davey: moored moored to Lakeni-ld on Tuesday and took a boat trip, from there. They had a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. belland Geat and Mr. Clarence Bcid"ca lied on Mr. and M rs, W. E. Davey last Thursday.: They went, on to BVwd'oy and spent the day fishing on Bice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Wilson (Elizabeth Armstrong) and their three children motored up from-their summer. 'cottage at Belleville last Sunday to spend, the day with Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. C. G, Armstrong. Armstrong. Mrs. K. K. Katz (Buth Armstrong) and her daughter Dorothy of Seattle, Wash, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jamieson Jamieson (Helen Armstrong) and their too active daughters of Timmins, Ont., arè visiting Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Armstrong. This spring Mr. Chas. Awde planted planted four, acres of Watermelons. Because Because of the prolongeed dry spell the melons never got to be much larger than cocoa nuts and then when the ijain came .the vines grew so fast that they wore the melons out dragging them around the field. . ' ■Mr. and: Mrs. W. E. Davey motored to Janetvi'lé Beach on Saturday evening and attended the corn And weiner roast. Mr. J. Stark, and. Mr. Madison Hall accompianied them, and they spent Sunday at Mr. Huffs .cottage. .cottage. There were a'number present from Orono and the Sixth Line. Mr. James Morrow, the Conservative Conservative leader at Kirby, visited a number of his old friends in Bowman ville, last. week. He said he just met one fellow that; was going to vote for Hepburn Hepburn and that be might change Ms- mind. Jim also told about two old maids that, are over 80 years old that have-voted Liberal all their lives that are getting upset because they think Hep may open a beer parlor in Bow- manivillc. Mrs. M. M.'- Hunter of . St, Petersburg, Petersburg, Florida, is. spending a vacation at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Barrett. Mr. Allen llal'l 'and lady friend.- have returned from an extended visit at Siarnia, Thick and fast were the questions fired by all Wednesday morning while lie was in town, but all the information that was received was a hearty laugh. You sure got the boys- guessing. Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS BOWL COLGATE'S ASSOIT salt COOKING (lxIONS POTATOES 1. ; UPTON'S TEA if and 1 CERE, NL : ALL FOR 29c. 3 for.:,.., 14c. -2 LB. BAGS. 7c. 4 lbs;,. 19c. PK 15c. .1-2 LB. PKG ....... 29c. 2 PKGS 19c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S CLOTHING GOOD CLOTHING is one of the most important things, you buy. Any Suit you purchase from us is satisfaction guaranteed guaranteed or your money refunded. * OVERCOATS We purchased the SAMPLE WINTER COATS from the Cook Clothing Col They are the best Quality Coats we ever sold in the store. / These Coat s are worth from $29.50 to $45 re-g. value. You can have your choice at....... She 1 these if you. are going to .need a coat this fall CONGOLEUM RUGS Th'e Most Attractive FLOOR COVERING made, will give good wear, every mg guaranteed, Gold Seal 6x9 7 1-2x9 9x9 9x10 1-2 , 9x12 9x13 1-2 9x15 $5.00 $6.50 $7.75 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00 $13.00 We carry SO Rugs in Brack and have lots to choose from in ' ■ every size ; Plain Coats Of good quality, black rubber ; a smart dress Coat, size 86 to 44 ...... Cups and Saucers With fancy stripes on ,Cup and Saucer, in • a good quality pottery. 4 designs .. Suits pottery, $1.00 UNDERWEAR Boys' Odd .'Stilts, sizes 26 to 32.. Your choice for $3.95 All farmers know Raw Wool was wort 11 15 c. last year and is 25c, now. You know this makes Underwear go tip in price. We have dozens ©f PENMAN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR in stock, carried over from last year, the price 'has advanced 20 per cent. . For two weeks we will sell this Under wear at COMBINATIONS $2.75 SHIRTS & DRAWERS $1,50 It is never too hot to take a bargain LADIES' COATS September 1st our first shipment' of NEW FALL COATS will be in- We want to sell you your Coat" this Fall and before buying buying see what we have to offer. BOOTS Bitty Good Boots. They give you more wear for very little more money. We sell SI SHAN'S. We have purchased a lin e of SI SIM AN'S FULL GRAIN MENNENITE BOOTS away bd'ow to-day's market, Until sold we offer them, d*0 Af sizes 6 to 12 AEROXON FLY COILS, doz. . . . Shredded Wheat, 2 for ...... . Rose Baking Pow- 1 der, tin . . . 25c BROOMS, each 23c O.K. Jelly Pow- ' ders, 4 for . > Ivfi* Domestic Short- 14C : ' • V -ehing, 2 lbs . . ■ 25c 19c 25c