m ORONO WEEKLY Tims ■Æïti »fr a »s*?<6S&^ 1 151U1D »V OMT*niQ.f etB(«.,1 ASSOCIAT ION, npODÀY you have reason to rejoice that you voted *"" Henry out and Hepburn in. The Hepburn administration administration has replaced mismanagement with good management, management, extravagance with economy. It has replaced the unbalanced budget with a balanced budget, changed the chronic yearly deficit to a surplus of over 9 million dollars. dollars. It has relieved the drain and strain on taxpayers' pocketbooks in many ways. In the year that ended March 31st, 1937, it reduced Ontario's gross debt by $33,098,165.39. How You Have Profited by Hepburn's Policies t Grant, equal to one mill on the dollar, from the Province Province to every Municipality, has relieved Municipal taxpayers to the extent of $3,000,000. Cancellation of the amusement tax will save patrons of the theatre, sports and other amusements $3,000,000 a year. 3 Ontario is granting a $5 reduction in Motor Gar rates that will save motorists $2,500,000 a year. The Province has cancelled the 20 per cent, levy for- . merly made upon the Counties toward the cost of King's Highways, a saving to Municipalities of over $2,700,000 to date, and a further saving this year of $2,000,000. 5 Township Road subsidy was increased to 50 per cent., a saving to townships of $400,000 per year. 6 Entire cost of Mothers' Allowances was assumed by the Province, a saving to the Municipal Taxpayers of over $2,100,000 a year. Municipalities' share of Old Age Pensions was taken over by the Province, saving over $1,000,000 a year. Payment of Pensions to the Blind of $300,000. 9 Abolition of the Students' examination fees of $170,000 is another worth-while saving that Mothers and Fathers appreciate. W Rates for Hydro-Electric Power have been reduced to users to the extent of $4,800,000. U The Hepburn Government paid relief charges out of current revenue instead of adding them to the Public Debt to be paid for by increased taxes in the future, as was the policy of the former Government. More Sunshine Budgets On October 6th, you will have the opportunity of showing showing Mitchell F. Hepburn how much you appreciate his handling of the Province's finances and the administration administration of its government. Mark your ballot for the Liberal Candidate in your constituency and work to elect him by a safe majority. That's the way to show Mr. Hepburn you want him to "Carry On" with his program of tax reductions. He promises another "Sunshine Budget" this year---and you know he keeps his promises. Be kind to your own pocketbook--Vote Liberal. I J I I , ELECTION rn| Un, Hepburn ! °ct.« ELECT MERCER FOR DURHAM 40, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee POR I HOPE Saturday Two Weeks in Toronto JACK BENNY in the Masterpiece of Music, Beauty and Fun 'Artists and Models' .Specialty by Martha Haye MONDAY AND TUESDAY Hero Becomes Killer ! "They Gave Him A Gun" With Fran chi it Tone, Spencer Tracy and Gladys George WEDNESDAY ONLY At 8/15 DjS. Time Margies Fashion Revue Feature Attraction : "When Love Is Young ' With- ; V irginia Bruce, Kent Taylor and Walter Brennan. Shows at. 7.00 and 9.00 D.S.T. Saturday 2.80, 7.10 and 9.30 Local & Social DENTAL DR. J. O. M11.X F. Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Oromi. Office hours : 9.00 a,m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other days .by appointment. appointment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Sturgeon Orono ... Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts A action (Sales of all sizes and at reasonable rates. Oommuaiioate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. (Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker AH Repairs te Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO Consignments of Brown and Speckled trout to Mr. W. E. Armstrong, Armstrong, Henry Bowen and Orme Gamaby were deposited in our various various streams on Wednesday, under the supervision of Orme Gumsby. Mr. and Mips, Frank Dawson and "Misses Eleanor and Doris Dawson, of Lindsay, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Eagicson. Mrs. Eagleson returned home with them for a few days visit, also visited at Mr. and Mrs.. W. ÎD. Fowler's at Peterlboro a few days: last week. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Milne and family moved to town on Saturday last and have' taken up residence in the house recently vacated by Dr. W, 11. O. Ledger, who has moved to Renfrew. Dr. Milne is now open for business and we wish him every success in the dental business. Mai Thomas Cowan returned home from the Toronto Exhibition on Sunday where he spent, over -a week, Mr. Cowan -bowed ' his 3- year-old colt at the Fair. He takes great pride in the training of horses horses and he stands out as one of the best horsemen it: the Dominion of Canada today. An open air screen movie interested. interested. many Tuesday evening at the corner corner of the 5c. to à. $1.00 Store. Moving Moving pictures of the refining of oil and 'of Imperial Airways planes and landing landing fields were shown, also a couple reels of Mickey Mouse amused the children. This -program was sponsored sponsored by the 'Shell Oil Oo. Mrs. E. D. Dean arrived home on 'Saturday from a ten days' delightful delightful motor trip, with friends, through Northern Ontario, visiting at Saul! 'Ste. Marie and calling at CaHonda r to see the Quints. Other places of interest they visited were a summer resort on Lake Superior and the Parliament Parliament Buildings at Ottawa. Two old Orono boys dropped into town and called on their uncle, Mr. W. J. Walters, they were Mr. and Mirs,, Arnberson Gerry of Oishawa and Mr., and .Mrs. Orme Gerry of Hamilton. Orme has been down in NewBrunswiek buying for his firm,'the. White Wholesale Fruit Co.. of which he is now manager. ------o Subscribe now for the Orono Times ! <►^1 ■«*»■<! urn j PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH j ! Rev. J. H. Osterhout, R.A., B.D. j ' ! Pastor | | SUNDAY, S EFT. 19th | I 75th Anniversary i ! ,11.00 a:in.--Dr. M an son Doyle, ! \ of Toronto. ! 1 . 7.00 'p.m,--Dr. Mnnson Doyle, j Special music by Young People's j Ohoir, assisted by Newcastle Qustr- j j tette. 'Come early to get a good ! iseat. Amateur -eoiltest Monday j j night at 8.00 o'clock. j i night at 8.00 o'clock. Classified . WANTED Competent Housekeeper -to assist with invalid. References.- -Apply te Box 43, Orono. a-34-c, COM IN. G EVENTS McCrae's Church will bold • their Vnnual Anniversary. (Services and i'hankoffering on Sunday, October 24th, at 2.30 and 7.80 p.m. PULLETS Barred Rbck Pullets, R.O.P. sired, 1 to 5 month® old at bargain prices. .Quantity reduction. Will be - laying when egg prices are highest, -- Donald Donald E. Gibson, Bowrnanville, Ont.; Phone Clarke 3811. c-36-p. SALE REGISTER Monday, Sept. 27---Farm Stock, Implements, Implements, etc., the property of Peter. Stopkoff will bo sold by public public auction at Lots- 25 and 26, Com: 9, Clarke, one mile south of Me- OraeV Church, Terms Cash. Ab. Morton Ted Jackson (Clerk - Auctioneer Mr. Brown and daughter Evelyn arid MiS-s Hazel Winter motored to Detroit -and (Spent a ve* * enjoyable time, - returning Wednesday last.