, - emNd weekly Timm 4 » if J Port Hope Fair | [ ENTRIES FROM THE ENTIRE PROVINCE Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27-28 ! Many new features make it the best in years TRIALS OF SPEED | PORT HOPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE THE NEW BREAD DIET that helps to BURN UP fat... while reducing • FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calories a day -- the reducing allowance allowance of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice; Small saving meat, fish or eggs ; 2 SLICES TO AS 1 1 sq. butter; 1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tap. sugar. • LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, fish, or eggs ; Average serving 1 green vegetable; vegetable; 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter. Average serving fruit salad; 1 glass milk. • DINNER M glass fruit or tomato juice; Generous Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl; Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green; Small serving simple dessert; dessert; 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter; 1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tap sugar. T HE Bread Diet is SAFE. It doesn't let you down in energy the way extreme diets do. Everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening. It is a combination of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, for energy, and a special form of protein that helps burn up surplus fat while you are reducing. You will feel splendidly energetic on the Bread Diet--not weak, tired and irritable. Bread helps keep your muscles firm. Extreme Extreme diets often break down vital tissues -- and should never be taken without without a physician's advice. If you want to reduce safely -- we recommend that you take the main part of your energy food in the form of bread. DEAN'S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You" ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL RED & w HITE STORES ÆÊÊÊtàs Uli L SPECIAL OFFER 37c. lb. j Brunswick Sardines, 3 tins for 14c Shelled Walnuts, lb. - 33c Black Pepper, lb. . - - 27c Mother Parke ;r's Tea, 1-2 lb. - 28c Roasting Veal , no bone, no waste, lb. 16c. Strawberry Jam, large jars - 27c. FROM NOW ON WE WILL BE USING OUR TRADE CARDS ENABLING YOU TO RECEIVE BLANKETS, CLOCKS, LAMPS AND MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES AT A VERY LOW COST. START TODAY- J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Miss Glenn Game, y was ill town Oil Fair Day. Miss Viola Node:: is leaving next week for Toronto University. Mrs. Jack Armstrong is camping with friends for two weeks near Timmins. Timmins. Mr. Foster has returned from Hamilton Hamilton after visiting his son, to Mrs. T, Chapman's. Mr. Geo. Richards and daughter Mildred attended Lindsay Fair on Friday last. Mr. Brown, teller in the Bank of Commerce, spent three days this week in Montreal A great deal of sympathy is felt for the Syer family We hope for Jack's -speedy recovery. Mrs. Henry, of Peterborough, is spending a couple of weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, F. Cowan. Rev. J. H. Osterhout attended the Alumini Conference of Victoria University University in Toronto this week. Miss Mary Somerville of Toronto spent the week-end with hèf parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Somerville. Mr. and Mrs, Morris entertained Mrs. A. E. Chapman to afternoon tea on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Williamson and daughter Mariono. of Peterborough, visited with Mr's. N. Cowan on Sunday. Sunday. . Mrs. J. C. Gamey has been out of town for the past ten days visiting in Toronto, Ottawa and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas, Roche's Point, Lake Simeoe, and Mrs. Fleming' Fleming' of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. D. 0. Osterhout left Monday for Ottawa after a couple of weeks holidays holidays spent with his parents, Rev. J. IT. and Mrs. Osterhout. Mr. Roy Colville will return to Toronto University next week, after spending his summer vacation with his parents, Dr. and 1 Mrs. Colville. Mrs. A. E. Chapman entertained Mrs. Henry and daughter, Mrs. Smith and her daughter from Toronto, Toronto, and Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Searl on Tuesday. Mrs. Elsie B. Rising, Forest Hill Village, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs, 0. T. Miller this week. Mrs. Rising is a daughter of Mr. T. H. E'stalbrooks, Saint John, X.B. Visitors during the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, R. A. Forrester were, Mr. Donald, Edward and David Smith, Mr. Pickering, Miss Eve Houck and Mrs. 0. D. Bouck, all of Toronto, , . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin and daughters Clair and Norma, of Newcastle, Newcastle, attended anniversary services here Sunday morning after which they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Giiddus Jones. An Oshawa Juvenile Softball team comprising boys sixteen years and under will play the Forestry team Friday evening, commencing at 5.80 p.m. This team have played forty- five games and never lost one. Mrs. Tbps. Patterson attended ser- christening of nine little cliil- , among them was Ann Marie Allen, daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. KIRBY Mr. and Mrs. DeMille were visitors visitors at the home of Mrs. John Brown. We all hope the road gets paved this year. So folks, vote the right way. A few friends gathered at the home: of Clara W aim an and gave her a shower. The evening was spent playing playing cards and it closed with a few good old square dances, and our old faithful friend, Billy Rutherford, called off. Mr. Joe Dunbar, Mrs. George Dunbar, Dunbar, Mrs; Wright, all of Toronto, and Mrs. Frank Smith of Aberdeen, Scotland, Scotland, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes over the week-end. Mrs. O. W. Ralph, who has been a school trustee for Orono School, has resigned her position. NEWCASTLE The wedding u f Miss Ruby Irene !owa,n arid Mr. Warburton, 0 f Osh- wa, took place on Saturday after- con in tile United Church. Rev. amuei Be Le an performed the cere- uuiy'. The bride, who was given i marriage by her father, looked very lovely in the traditional white satin and lacé gown and: wedding veil and carried a -shower bouquet of white- roses and lily of the valley. The bride's sister was matron of honor and looked charming in a t of -blue lace with hat to match and. carried pink roses. The wedding music was beautifully played played by Mrs. . E, C. Fisher and during during thê -signing of the register Mrs. Charles Co-wan sang. After the ceremony a large reception was held at the home of the bride's father on North street. Mr. and Mrs. War- burton will live in Oshawa upon their return from their honeymoon by motor. ORONO COAL S LUMBER co Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS WONDERFUL SOAP 7 P.ARS 23c. SMALL JUICY ORANGES DOZEN 23c, ORONO STAR PASTRY FLOUR 24 LBS 70c. FIG BAR BISCUITS LB 16c. GOLD MEDAL JELLY POWDERS EACH.... 6c. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 3 PK-GS 25c. JELLY JARS 6 FOR 29c. PEACHES, GRAPES, CABBAGE and CELERY, ETC. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S YARN MONARCH YARN is the most uniform- and will go farther than any knitting yarn made in Canada, The price is nf . the. same as last year.- Andalusian , ÀitüC» Save 25c. BLANKETS _ I Bex is. known by all the women in this community.. They are the largest Blanket made and has -a long soft wear surface. Made in white and grey with blue and pink borders, ip per pair UNDERWEAR Heavy Wool and Cotton Garment, made in long and short sleeves, vests, Bloomers and Panties. Priced PQ per garment vvG GLOVES French Kid, the most stylish Glove made, shadees of brown, black and grey. Per OP pair UNDERWEAR All Wool V-ests, in a nice soft yarn ; a very warm, comf ortable ortable garment, vests, Bloomers and Panlccs. Priced each $1,00 TOWELLING Terry Towelling, 18 inches wide, with fancy stripped border. Priced per 25c. Our FALL DRESSES are in stock. Come in and see them. ONE PRICE ONLY $4.95 LADIES' SUITS ade by the Monarch Knitting Co. We have these at last year's prices, in shades of green, maroon, winery jjJQ ^ <j^f| brown and black. Priced SWEATERS Girls' All W-ool Tie Neck Sweater ; a real smart warm garment,, in blue, green and red Ul v VV in m $1.25 SWEATERS A Heavy All Wool V-Neck Pullover Sweater, in a lot of different shades and d»1 CA trims , tpi.Jll OVERCOATS We have 10 of Iasi year's WINTER,COATS. They were worth $20.00 each. We will give you your choice of these coats for this wee'lc only at HATS Men's ALL WOOL, FELT HATS, in the new shades. ÛJO ÀC of light tiluee, green, brown and black ...