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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Sep 1937, p. 9

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M r.»*i ra • m *® «a • IS --ek. * .BA B«3 £'1 nSi.H ^fiEBx ,<6a,g:3 ►2 ►2 ►2 ►2 ►2 2 c< » ffmftgflf B & ©" rtism 2 2 I I ffif JaMs' V ►2 ►2 V AGENTS WAN'3'ED F UK FARMING V ►2 ►2 «« A GENTS--TO SELL MEN'S NECK- " Lies. 100 per cent, profit. Write for free samples and catalogue. Mur- gatroyd Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto, | OCAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted, for subscription work. Renewal Renewal list supplied. Good commission. Write Canadian Magazine, 347 Adelaide Adelaide St. West, Toronto. ÜntT for free kit" COBIE'S, manufacturers for their own 24 city stores across Canada, Canada, want agents to become exclusive exclusive factory representatives. Men and women, earn big money ! Sell Sobie's - guaranteed Linger'd and fine Hosiery. Hosiery. Get into this profitable business business now. Write today for free outfit, Sobie's Silk Shops, Department S.T. Farnham, Que. 1 «en nn weèklyEelling felt «pou.vv Ruga For full particulars write M. Shedel, Box 473, Mimico, Ont. ANALYTICAL chemist f'HARLES ALLDER, ANALYTICAL Chemist, established 1926. Analysis Analysis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 Ingersoil, Ontario. ÂWin'cÏALluMBS K-Ï ANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., 126 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Toronto. Improved light metal and willow willow artificial limbs without shoulder straps. BARN ROOFING -- FENCE POSTS ?YUR DIRECT FACTOR? PRICES v save you money on Supertite galvanized galvanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Superior Superior Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. BUILDING WRECKERS ®E WILL BUY OLD OR CON- demned buildings to wreck. Greenwood Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood Ave., Toronto. BULBS MARCISSI -- PRINCEPS MAXIMUS. * * Early - Yellow Trumpet-Daffodil. Pheasants Eye (Poet's Narcissus), fragrant, white, late. PJvangeline, fragrant, fragrant, white, fluted yellow chalice cup, mid-season. All field run bulbs, as dug, $1 per 1,000. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. BUSINESS BROKERS %TTENTION! ANY BUSINESS, " anywhere, sold quickly, confidentially confidentially for cash. Consolidated Business Brokers, .24 Bloor West, Toronto. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO' R UGS f\LD CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- V versible Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. CORONATION COVERS First day issue coronation Covers--Newfoundland 30c each. ,. | [odder. Rav-de-Verde. Newfound- rnd. EDUCATIONAL OTENOGRAPHY BY MAIL--WRITE for free sample lesson. Miss Macdonald, Macdonald, 3472 West Broadway. Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. ELECTRIC WELDER The Trindl Electric Welder WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION VV Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders -- Brazes. $4.50 delivered. delivered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. FEMALE HELP INSTRUCTION ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIR dressing. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor west, Toronto. Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS r'HRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR favourite negatives, 12 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Complete with envelopes. Sample 10c. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E„ Toronto. OPARKLINS, HIGLOSS, DECKLE ^ edged prints, three extra with each roll finished 25c. Twelve reprints 25o Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont, J^OLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B„ Outremont, Qiie. 7[ERO prices, EXPERT WORK, . Roll with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. DOLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, one free enlargement 25c. Reprints Reprints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King St. E., Toronto. 25 e - ROLL DEVELOPED AND one deckle edge print of each. Reprints 3c, 10 for 25c, One Free enlargement enlargement with each order 25o or more. Snap- Y Photo Service, Box 72, Station K, Toronto. piNE DARK EASTERN MINK 1 from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondence invited. invited. Maple Leaf Mink Ranch, Blenheim, Blenheim, Ont. MINER Ai IXK KB Y, KINGSVILLE Ont., offers for sale Quebec, Labrador, Labrador, Yukon mink of select breeding stock. Place your order early, D AISE MINK FOR PROFIT -- GET started right with Moss "Quetico" strain mink--guaranteed stock. Write for full information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Sapawe, Ontario. J^fTNK with a proven pelt record, the same strain which averaged .$36.50 in 1936 and $41.50 in 1937, and that after the best have been sold for breeders. O. Lee, Faust, Alberta. FURNITURE LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Great savings in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the largest largest and most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here. If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. $59 00 Beaut ^ u ^ American walnut \ i* i-e. • y bedroom suite, large chiff- robe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4-poster bed with sagless spring. Completely refinished. Cost new over $200.00. «ROI EA Walnut finish dresser, in v perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. d*iq Eft Solid oak dining-room «p k w.Jv gu j teg _ i ar g e buffet, extension extension tables and 6 leather upholstered chairs, in perfect condition. Your choice of golden or fumed oak, f oq DU Beau ® u ' sohd walnut din- «poVuVv j n g, room suite, large buffet, buffet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; completely refinished. refinished. Cost originally about $300.00. HH Eight-piece, 2-tone walnut tijC'ià .«-V finish dining-room suite -- Queen Ann design; large buffet, extension extension table and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely refill- ished. |A Luxurious 3-piece Chester- fleld gU | te (unclaimed). -- This's'dite has been rebuilt and recovered recovered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and is a real bargain at this price. Originally cost $175.00, is exactly like new. Mn ea' Full length chesterfield Y"* •*- v and t#o roomy chairs to match, upholstered in a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show-wood walnut frame; completely re-conditioned and dry cleaned. AQ Large Chesterfield with (. wo big chairs, covered in a French Jacquard Taupe shade; completely re-built and thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cabinets, Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds, Spring Mattresses, Mattresses, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. . Save 40%. Buy Direct from Factory 478 YONGE ST, TORONTO ~~ games" " pOR FALL AND WINTER PARTIES Ten entirely new and original brain-teaser games, in attractive booklet booklet form, assorted to suit all tastes and occasions, 35 cents, postpaid anywhere. anywhere. Canadian-American Novelties, 122 Wellington Street West, Toronto. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS QRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN w new up to $800., good makes, beautiful beautiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50. Ideal for homos, schools, churches, Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418B Dufferin St., Toronto. HÉLP WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN--POSI- * tions more easily secured if you train for Telegrapher or Stenographer, Become stenographer in ten weeks--- notes written in English, Typewriter supplied. Self-teaching machine loaned loaned with telegraphy. Inexpensive. What course interests you? Write Cassan Systems, Toronto. Issue No. 40--'37 B-- 1 LILY B# ,lbs PLANT LILIES N 0W ~ ADD T0 « brightness of F ur garden with Lilies from l:omc-g! J ' v ", bulbs of reliable reliable varieties. Als® other perennial flowers--and fruit (fees for northern gardens; all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn catalogue with instructions instructions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaranteed. guaranteed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner, Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba, MACHINERY QET OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold, Sliapley & Muir gas, gasoline, gasoline, and fuel oil engines and grinders. Also repairs for Brantford engines, pumps, windmills. J. A. Fellows & Co. Brantford, Ont. PANNING MILL (KLINE) SEE! Grader, guaranteed increase crop Write, Kline Mfr„ 121 Empress Gres., Toronto. REBUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain choppers choppers 8" to 15"; Gas engines 1% to 14 h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.; Power units 26 h.p. up: Ensilage cutters; cutters; 21 Trucks from %-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hanna's, International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St„ Guelph, Ontario. MEDICAL ÇJTOP SUFFERING. HAVE YOU itching, burning, scalding, wet or dry skin trouble. If so, use the guaranteed guaranteed Inch Eczema Remedy. Write Inch Drug Company, 1130 Weston Rd., Toronto. Sold from coast to coast-- One Dollar prepaid. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE *"* Trumpet, Trombone. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms--no in threat. Literature free. Greene Music Company. 57 Queen St., East, Toronto. "stamps WANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS IN quantity. Best prices for accumulations accumulations and collections. Queen Stamp Co,, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS S EAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS " J $1.00, fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leamington, Ont. 1C JEWEL WATCHES ONLY $5.95. Send us picture of any man's lady's wrist watch, sold anywhere up to $15.00. We will closely duplicate it for $5.95 with written guarantee. Wilson's Watch Company, 357 St, Catherine West,, Montreal. Sensational Mew Discovery DECHARGES RADIO B's, FLASH- lights, dry cells, guaranteed like new.' Stamped envelope brings full particulars. A. E. Lueck, Box 152, Lockwood, Sask, MiE GUARANTEE YOUR FIT WITH best quality, latest style suit or winter overcoat (slightly used), regular regular to $60.00 for $6 to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00 for $4 to $8. Suit coats, $2, $.2.50, $3. New trousers, in tweeds, serges and worsteds, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25," $2.95. Postpaid. State measurements, colours, style, age. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, refunded, Send money order--Ruskin & Co., Peterboro, Ont. POST OFFICE BOXES DOST OFFICE BOXES IN GOOD condition. For - particulars apply F. D. Ghent, Postmaster, Burlington, Ontario. ' RADIO Jp ARM-CITY RADIOS $7.95 COM- plete. Save half. Agents free offer. Amazing prices windchargers, power plants, accessories. Marco 1243X Me- Gee, Kansas City, Mo. T" "remnants' J7REE!--70 QUILTING PATTERNS! Giant washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints; $1.00 "Collect". Sample bundle, 25c. Refund Refund guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 Degaspe, Montreal. - - "tire's " jyg'ENZIE'S" USED TIRES $2.95 UP for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth Dodge, Buick, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks. Every: tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. TRAPPING Ï CAUGHT 1:6 FOXES IN 3 DAYS! * You can do it; Particulars free. Wells Hadley, Stanstead, Que. " TERpLANTg pERENNIAL PHLOX, BLEEDING Hearts, etc., 10c plant; tulips 4c; .Postpaid . winter flowering House Plants, etc. Write for list. Joseph Aiken, Shannon, Que. WATCH REPA iRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1,00 re I | l aces mainspring, jewel, " * cleaning, hands, > crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2-years guarantee. Re-' turn postage paid. Formerly with ■ Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd, Dept, W., 4313 Brebeuf, Montreàl. À tr-conditiomng, 'Aids Growth of Mushrooms . Mushrooms grown in air-conditioned air-conditioned houses will shortly grace milady's dinner table in New York and points East. Thirty growing houses near West Chester, Pa., have been, fitted with apparatus to control the temperature and humidity and by that means to increase the mushroom yield, from two crops to three. Previously the houses were shut down during the summer months because hot weather produced inferior mushrooms. Control of temperature and hu_ midity marks another chapter in the art of mushroom growing, one of the world's most specialized crafts. Parisian Parisian mushroom growers long ago found a partial solution to the problem problem of variable temperature and. humidity humidity by placing their growing beds in galleries and cellars from 60 to 160 feet below the surface of the ground. 8 $ | Smiles and | 8 Chuckles | <<<<<<<0IC<4 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<«> A young actor applied for work to the pasting director of the Big Noise Film Company. "Nothing doing at present,": said, the big man, "See me in two months' time." "If you really want me you'd better sign me on now," replied the actor, "there are lots of other companies after after me," „ "Oh?" queried the director doubtfully. doubtfully. "And what companies are they?" "The gas company, the water company company and the electric light company." She -- "Don't you think that love is absurd?' He -- "Yes. Just two silly." Tourist -- "Don't you ever get lonesome lonesome up here?" Mountaineer -- "Oh, yes, but I have à couple of good, jokes to tell myself." Teacher -- "How old is your father?" father?" Tommy -- "Thirty-eight, sir." Teacher -- "Well, I must set you homework more suited to his age." A very small boy was waiting to cross a busy road. A kindly stranger spoke to him. "You must be very careful with all this traffic about," he said, "Oli, I'm all right," replied the child cheerily. "I always wait for the empty empty space to come by." The tailor was selling his best friend a new suit. He was raving all about the garment. "I'm telling you, Harry," he said, "that even your best friend won't recognize recognize you in that suit. Just take, a walk outside for a minute and get the feel of the garment." Harry went out and returned a moment moment later. The proprietor rushed up to him with a happy smile. "Good morninng, stranger," he beamed. "What can I do for you?" "Have you told Mr. Smith that he is the father of triplets." "Not yet, doctor, he's shaving," First Firemen -- "There were sixteen sixteen firemen at my wedding." Second Firemen -- "Yes, but no escape." escape." A woman went into a bank to cash a cheque. The cashier asked her to endorse it, but she did not know what, he meant. "That's all right," said the cashier. "Just sign your name exactly as you would on your letters and I'll give you the money." So she carefully wrote on the back of the cheque, "Your loving Mary." Canada is- Becoming License - Conscious Distinct Increase Seem in Number of Radio Licenses Taken Out Canada is either becoming radio- minded or developing a license con- science, judging by the increase in radio radio permits which, have been taken out. By the end of the year it is 'expected 'expected there will be 1,125,000 licensed sets in the country, compared with 038,000 last year. Quebec Is showing the greatest in taking out licenses with 90 per cent of last year's total already paid. Ontario has paid tip 80 per cent October will be the time of reckoning. reckoning. The department will then start to clean up all arrears for licenses, bringing bringing before the courts those who are in default. Generally, but on Increased lines, the ratio of licenses by provinces is being maintained. Last year Ontario topped the ,11st with 424,000; Quebec being second with 240,000 and British Columbia third with 91,000. The revenue from radio llcensès is $2 per set and thus the total will run around $2,250,000. Clothes Shoup Suit Personality There are no Rules in . Fashion, World, bret Women Should Dress to Suit Figure and Type Monsieur Lucien Lelong, whose Paris dress creations are copied the world over and who prefers to be called called just plain "Mister" bluntly told interviewers interviewers today there are no rules for fashion. And then the designer elaborated: "What is right for one may not, be right for another. Clothes should be : chosen to enhance the beauty of tli@ j individual. Women should dress to ; suit their figure and type." EVERY WOMAN, PERFECTION j There is no Venus, or ideally proper-' tioned figure as far as fashions are concerned, he said, but with a charac-j teristic note of chivalry added, "Every woman is perfection at one time in her life" -- some at 16, some at 30, others at 50." Mention of a short-skirted dinner dress, "which is being talked about consistently," made his eyes sparkle. "I see no reason why women should go trailing around in long skirts for restaurant dinging and other Informal affairs," he said. "Let them save these' for formal occasions." Broken Heart Kills Dog A familiar figure in the community, community, "Teddy," a shepherd dog, of North Adams, Mass., was dead, apparently apparently the victim of a broken heart. The dog followed in death his lifelong companion, a horse own. ed by Fred McNulty. For two days and nights after the horse's death, McNulty said, "Teddy" remained in the horse's stall, its head fixed between'its between'its paws,, refusing all proffers of food. Death came the third day. IN UP-TO-DATE STABLES --Old Reliable Minard's When horses come in to stable with wire- cuts or saddle boils, or cows have caked udder, the thing to do is get the Mirtard'S bottle at once, as Mr. Dowd of Glenboro, Manitoba, knows. He writes: "I like your Minard's Liniment. Like to have it in the house. I have found your Minard's Liniment especially good for barbed wire cuts on horses.**. A family doctor prepared Minard*a Liniment j over 50 years ago. Still invaluable in | every stable and every house. 89 GENERAL "SUPERBÏLT" ' tü - ÎUPERBIIT General "Superhilt" "A" & "B" Batteries The best and most economical battery equipment for your radio. THEY LAST LONGER Write for Pamphlet on "SUPERB!LI " '" A" Battery General Dry Batteries ef Caada Ltd.

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