ORONO WEEKLY TIMES !,+ »■<) -«at»- U •*»»■11 -ÜBM*.1 > ««1 11 c During October and November only ANNUAL PAINT SALE MONARCH PAINT . . . 49c. qt i Buy Now and Save Money EVERY QUART GUARANTEED j j Rolph's Hardware PHONE 48rl - ORONO Nothing Else Like it in Radio ! Most Startling Invention in years MAKES EVEN BRAND NEW RADIOS OUT-OF DATE STEWART-WARNER MÏSOC MECHANISM WITH THE MAGIC KEYBOARD Dependable, accurate - fool-proof--because built as only Stewart-Warner could be built, with craftsmen trained for years in watchmakers' precision. precision. There's nothing else like it in radio ! Models from $39.50 UP See us before you purchase a radio. We can give you a better trade in allowance PERCY M. LUNN PHONE 66 r 1 - - ORONO 1 DURHAM COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERATION Thy Durham County Temperance Federation ait a public meeting* meeting* decided-to place the following questions before the two candidates in tlhe forthcoming Provincial election in Durham County. Tihe questions submitted with, the answers of Mr. I ".'lion, who is the only candidate to reply are as follows : - QSBSTIOX : 1. The abolition of beverage rooms and wine stores either through direct- act of Legislature, or by a provirilce- wide referendum on a majority basis. MR: ELLIOTT'S AN.SWFR : 1 am in favor of a referendum or a local option on a majority vote. QUESTION : 2. Recognizing that under improved modes of transportation transportation a rid the consequent widening of the area affected by each liquor-selling unit, and! that adjacent municipalities municipalities suffer from a nuisance against which they have no redress, that without prejudice, to municipal local option, counties be given power on a majority vote to prevent the. establishment or operation of Government liquor stores within their bounds. MR. ELLIOTT'S: Ai'NSiWEITt : I am not in favour of county local option as I feel that liquor stores would be forced on many municipalities that are now under local option. QUESTION- 3. That with a view to the removal of the temperance temperance issue from party politics, and the co-operation of the best elements in all parties , that the candidate be 'required to assert Ms purpose to reserve his liberty on this question and to hold himself free from dictation or control to his party, tlie caucus of his leader. MR. EILLIIOTT'fS AlNiSlWEK : . Test. Congratullatioir 1 to Mr. and Mrs.. Harold. Gibson upon thé birth of a daughter, Marion Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Horrocks: and the Misses Horrocks have moved to their town house "Green Fields" for the winter, Congratulations to Reeve and Mrs. Cecil Carveth upon the twentieth an- ni versary of their wedding on Monday, Monday, Sept. 27th. The Mission Land of the United ('. nr ii held: a very successful sale oi homemade cooking on Saturday afternoon afternoon in the Sabbath school. Mr. Win, Perrin had-the misfortune misfortune to fall from a ladder white picking picking apples and 1 two broken ribs and a badly strained neck were the result. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Ardagh. ne coinipaivied by Miss Oli-ve Thorn - Tirl Mr. Goxvan Ardagh were down from Toronto for the weok-end at "Ar- draven." The Woman's Association of the Tin i te-l Church are busy preparing for their annual bazaar and tea to be held in the Sunday School rooms on Friday. October 1st. St. George's Church intend holding their annual fowl supper on Thursday, Thursday, October 21st.. The menu will be cold fowl, cold ham, hot scalloped potatoes, salads, jellies, pies, cakes, etc. The price will be 40c. and. 2Sc. nd the-e will be a concert in the evepAltogether it. sounds like a good time. Almost twenty members of the W. A, of St. G eoree's,Church motored to Cdbouro" <-n We dnesday to - attend the annual Deanery meeting of North- v m!>er' :,rl a v d Durham. The meetings meetings were held 1 at St. Peter's church with Rev. Canon P. J. Dykes, the celebrant, 'and preacher at the morn g service. The business' session held in the afternoon was in charge :,f Miss -B. .iS. McIntosh of -St. George's with ' speakers from Port o",~. g,. i-l Toronto. A large number of the young people people of the village gathered at the resi- ence of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley and Mr. a nd Mrs. George Walton on Friday Friday evening last to honor Mr. Jack Hare who leaves shortly to start his career at Queen's University. After all had assembled an address was read to the guest of honor and amid his blushes for all the nice things that the address contained, a very fine suit- case was presented to him with suitable words the gues-ts were thanked thanked and the remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing. With Mrs. Walton in -charge, a very fine supper ended a very fine evening. r QUESTION : 4. That he promise to conifer and. co-operate (as is done in the British House oif Commons) with like-minded member's of all! parties; in the Legislature to sequre the enactment of the 'most' progressive temperance legislation that can be obtained. MR. ELLIOTT® .ANSWER : Yesh- DURBAM TEMPERANCE FEDERATION KENNETH COURTICE, ' A. J. KNOX, President Secretary I TYRRFI 1 '«C REXALL DHUG STORE DRUGS PHONE 68 STATIONERY KODAKS E E.vY DAY SALE PRICES ON Cough and Cold Remedies SIXTH LINE Vance Cooper and Lawrence Greenwood have secured a good, position position with an extensive grape growing concern near St. Catharines and will shortly leave to take up their work. A, record of a , peculiar -incident which took place here a few days •ago may read fishy or, even foxy, but your scribe would Vouch for its accuracy accuracy in every detail. A sow had been- missing whose owner is Mr, Anson Anson Gilroy and when at length he found her with her litter of pigs she, was in sharp combat with a fox who had already killed and carried off one pig iand the other nine were rescued with the help of a neighbor called by telephone, Mr. Cornish. Now if any doubts the authenticity of this let him talk it over with these two neighbors, neighbors, whom I am positive will corroborate corroborate as. the real truth. IDA COOPER A kindly and respected friend and neighbor was suddenly summoned by death on Friday morning last in the person of Mrs. Warren Dunbar, of Port Hope. Deceased was formerly Miss Ida Cooper, who was- born and lived on Lot 1 (!,. Concession 5 during during her school and girlhood days and is sincerely mourned by all who appreciated appreciated her ee a genial companion. Amongst many others of. her' former •Sixth line school mates, your scribe joins in sorrow with, rail near and dear to mourn our loss, which was proven by the large number of people who were present from Clarke, Hope, Petenboro, Cavan and elsewhere at the funeral on Sunday at Port Hope, from the Dunbar home on Blooms- grove Ave to Port Hope Union cemetery. cemetery. The late Mr». Dunbar was a sister sister of the late Mr. R. Cooper who ran a store in Orono. . HENRIETTA GILBANK 'There ■ passed away at the home of her son, Mr. Lome Robbins. Leskard', on Saturday, Sept. 25th,' Henrietta Gilbafik, widow of the late Moses Rtibbins, aged 8-1 years and 5 month's. The funeral was liel-d on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, to Orono cemetery. Pinex 39 cts. Menthol,-ituiii, small 29 cts Large 55 cts Syrup of White Pine and tar 29 cts, 49 cts Vick's Vapo-Rub 43 cts .Rexall Nose and Throat Drops, with Ephedrine, Small, 25 cts; Lge, 50 cts. Buckley's Mixture, small, 40 cts- Large 75 cts DEPENDABLE WINTER TONICS W AM POLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL $1.00 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS .98 cts. PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, small 50 cts. Lge.. $1.00 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, mint flavour, small.. 50 cts. Large $1.00 FLOWER BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING & EARLY SPRING GARDENS RED TULIPS, YELLOW TULIPS, PINK TULIPS, LAVENDER TULIPS, each 5 cts. Per dozen 50 cts RED HYACINTHS, WHITE HYACINTHS, each 15 cts. 7 for $1-00 "SPRING GLORY" and "KING ALFRED" DAFFODILS, DAFFODILS, each 6 cts. Per dozen..... 60 cts. "LAUREN'S ROSTER" and GLORY OF LISSE" NARCISSUS, each 6 cts. Dozen 60 cts. This is a Fine Selection of Choice Bulbs Imported from Holland at Low Prices ............ You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Drug Store Subscribe now for the Oroiio Times ! WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR New Merchandise 20 inch, Long TOWEL BARS 20c. WEATHER STRIPPING. Now is the time to prepare that window or door for cold weather. FELT WEATHER STRIP , 15 FT 10c. FLEXIBLE RUBBER STRIP 2 FT 5c. BULBS--TUPIL, HYACINTHS and NARCISSUS. Misses' SILK STRIPE BLOOMERS. Misses' SHORT SLEEVE VESTS. Specials In Grocery Department MACARONI ....v,...*.^. .....LB....... 5c. LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS, with TOMATO SAUCE, 3 large tins 25c. BETTER CRUST PASTRY FLOUR 24 LBS 75c. HILIJCREST SHORTENING 2 LBS 25c. FRESH PEPPERMINT HUMBUGS 10 OZS 10c UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP 10 BARS 25c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER TIMES BLUE COAL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OUR SUMMER PRICE Will make it worth your while to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF ' REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU . THE CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL.' Shingles, as low as $3.25 per square PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co