QRONO WEEKLY TIMES Yo uYe j Steering, EARL j You Just müÊÊâÈà Vote for Unemployment Insurance Premier Hepburn will pass an Unemployment Unemployment Insurance Law next session if the Liberals are returned. A vote for a Liberal candidate is a vote for Unemployment Insurance. Vote for Low Hydro Rates Hepburn brought down Hydro Rates, saving consumers $4,800,000. Vote to keep Hydro from being loaded up with costly power from the Quebec Power Barons. Vote for the ** Treasure Hunt" to Continue Hepburn has already uncovered a treasure of 28 millions hidden away in inheritance taxes on under-valued estates. Vote to continue the hunt. Vote Your Approval of Lower Auto Fees Hepburn has cut $5 off the cost of _ . motor license fees. Vote Liberal and show your approval. JTWk Vote for Lower Taxes Hepburn's desire to help the taxpayer was shown by the one-mill special subsidy he made to municipalities to be passed on to the taxpayer. Hep- V' burn is the taxpayer's Proven Friend. _#\ Vote for Debt Reduction Hepburn, by sound financing and good government, reduced Ontario's Public Debt by 33 million dollars last -m jy- year, Vote for further reductions. Vote for Courageous Administration Hepburn has not been afraid to stand up against the Lewis crowd, the Quebec Quebec Power Barons, the financial ring. Ontario needs a courageous Premier in times like these. Vote for lower interest rates, Voté for More Sunshine" Budgets Hepburn's last budget, with its nine- million surplus and its tax reduction accomplishments, has become popu- Iary known as the "Sunshine" Budget. Vote for a continuation of these "Sun- shine" Budgets. Vote Liberal And Keep The Old Henry Gang Out TT'S all right to let Earl Rowe kid himself that he is -J* steering and running the Conservatives, but the electors don't want to let Mr. Rowe kid them into believing that he is leading a new, clean, thoroughly purged Conservative party. The same "old Henry gang" is managing the Rowe boat. The "old Henry gang" think that they were beaten by "some mistake" in 1934. On Wednesday, October 6th, show them that it was no mistake, but that you were in deadly earnest when you voted them out and that you want them even less today. Hepburn's Social Legislation Proves He Is "a Man With a Heart" B Y his deeds, Mt. Hepburn has shown he has thé interests of the masses at heart. His government has assumed the full cost of Mothers' Allowances. A mother with one child is now entitled to an allowance, allowance, a right denied her by the former Conservative Conservative government. Under Mr. Hepburn, the government as sumed the municipalities' share of Old Age Pensions. It established Pensions for the Blind. It abolished Students' Examination Fees. It cancelled the Amusement Tax so that people ate no longer penalized for enjoying themselves at theatres, concerts and games. Hepburn Benefits Labour H EPBURN has shown true friendship for the workingman, with advanced labour legislation Minimum wages for men as well as women, an Industrial Standards Standards Aét providing codes by agreement between between employees and employers and already improving conditions for 75,000 workers; and the creation of the Industry and Labour Board. Another evidence of Mr. Hepburn's friendship friendship for labour is his promise, if re-elected, to enact legislation to providè Unemployment Unemployment Insurance, and Mr. Hepburn makes good on his promises. Hepburn Takes Liquor Out of Politics H EPBURN'S proposed Board of Three Hepburn prevented the sale of liquor in --a Judge, a Liberal, a Conservative--- restaurants, is the sanest, soundest, most constructive On its record of successful administration plan for removing liquor from politics that duti «g its first , term in office, the Hepburn has vet been devised Government deserves to be returned to ■ ^ ' power--deserves the support and the vote In respect to beverage rooms the Hepburn of all fair-minded people. Government stands for the principle of Do your part to assure Ontario a contin- local option. It is up to the municipality to uance of good government for another term decide for itself whether it wishes to be by voting for the Hepburn candidate in "wet" or "dry". That's British fair play. your riding. W'STE LIBEEÂ1 issued by the Qntario'Liberaf Association