ORGEQ fEEKLY TIMES Two Toronto Star reporters were in Orono on Tuesday looking- for some kind of information to write a story on something or other. We <km't know what hick they had, as we didn't give them any information. (Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gictdus Jones wi n. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Macklin, Feriell-a ; Mr. Geo. Wragg, Port Hope ; M r. Russell Pen- warden, Port Hope; Mr. Charlie Tap- s-oott, t 'iihonru ; Mr. Devi, London ; Mr. Melville .Tones, Giarke, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Galbraith, Bllackstoek; Mr-. G, M. Stewa rcl. Creemore, and Mrs. Thus. Patterson, Orono. Mr, Robert Best, of Thombury, a former resident of INewtonville, called' at Orono Times office last week. Mr, Best was a councillor of Thornibury for fifteen years and reeve five years. He has lived in Thorobury for the past thirty-nine years. Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Cedardlale Farms, was in Bobca-ge-on on Saturday Saturday where be judged the dairy cattle cattle and specials at their fair, Mr. T-amlblyn is an authority on dairy cattle.' The Midland Regimental Hand was also engaged 1 ; to supply thé music for the occasion. BREAD Diet Helps to Burn Up Fat keeps up energy while you REDUCEl T HIS new Bread Diet takes off pounds. Everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening. It is an almost ideal combination of energygiving carbohydrates and a special form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are reducing. Unlike extreme diets, the Bread Diet reduces your weight without making you weak and irritable. Extreme diets often break down vital tissues, and should never be taken without a physician's advice. The Bread Diet is absolutely safe for the average overweight person. If you want to reduce safely, go on the Bread Diet. It gives you bread as the main part of your energy food. FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Finn 6lvee about 1606 Calorie» Calorie» a day -- the reducing allowance of the average woman. "breakfast 1 glosa fruit Juice; Small serving meat» fish or elfts; 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 aq. butter; 1 cup coflee (clear) 1 tsp. sugar, LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate «ervlng meat, fiah, or eggs; Average serving 1 green vegetable; 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter; Average serving fruit salad; 1 glass milk. DINNER Vi glass fruit or tomato juice; Generous Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl; Average Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green; Small serving simple dessert; 2 SLICES BREAD; 1 sq. butter; 1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tsp. sugar. DEAN'S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You" ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 RED & WHITE STORES Molasses Breakfast Quick Snaps Bacon Quaker Oats 2 LBS 27c. Large pkg. 21c. LB. 22c. CANNED PEAS, 2 tins . for 19c TIGER SALMON, 1 Ik . tin for ............23c FLY COILS, doz. 19c GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, 2 pkgs 29c LARGE BUNCHES OF CELERY; 2 for 15c CRAB . APPLES, 6 qt. basket 20c. PORK & BEANS, 23 oz. size 2 tins ....................... 21c POLLY PRIM CATSUP, CATSUP, 2. bottles. 25c JELLY POWDERS 4 pkgs. ............ 19c TOMATO JUICE, 2 tins for- 19c. CONNOR'S HERRING 2 tins ' 25c ■ POT BARLEY, 2 lbs. E 13c SCRUB BRUSHES, ■ each 15c SCRUB BOARDS, heavy zinc, each 34c c H I P FED BEEF, bottle -... 19c GOOD , C O O KING RICE, 2 lbs , 13c. Shredded Cocoanut 17c lb. Chocolate Marshmallow Cakes 2 LBS 29c Oxydol Deal 1 large pit g with 3 cakes Calay , Soap, all lor 29c. Be sure to take advantage of the Cost Price on Blankets an cl, many other useful articles by using our Trade Cards J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 . AND SOCIAL Mr. Wallace Sisson spent the weekend weekend visiting his mother. Mr. Bob (Jamsby wa- in town Met week at tending the Fair. Mrs. A. Henry •and Mrs. McDonald spent Monday in Toronto. Mr, J. B E. Staples, Toronto, attended attended the Fair last week. Mrs. Thomas Lowery and daughter were ( visi tors to town on Fair day. Mr, Orme Gamslby attended the ball] game in Oshawa Saturday last- Dr. Hamilton, V.S., has returned from a business trip to the United States. ... Mr. George Butters has made numerous numerous improvements on the Fair grounds. Rev. J. IT. Osterhcmt has purchased the Pontiac coupe from Mrs. Orvil Tlooey. Miss Mary Knox of Allis ton spent the week-end with her father, Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Will Downing were gues-fs of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Linton Linton last week. Mbs Freed® Wilson spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowanamville. Mrs. Bertha Kimberley and friend, of Oshawa, attended the dance in the Armouries Fair night. Mrs. Cbas. Wilson and son Basil, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moffatt, and attended 1 Orono Fair, Mr. Stanley Bruton of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the week-end in town with his mother. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Dnvey were in Toronto on Monday and attended the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Waiman Lougheed. Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, Miss Phyllis Pillswortli and Mr. J. Graham Toronto, -pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moffatt. Master Jack Graham of Toronto, who has been speding the past two months with his aunt, Mite Freeda Willson, retured home on Saturday. The person who removed the chairs from in front of Mr. W. Cornish's residence, Main St., had better return return them at once as he is known. Don't, forget to cast your vote on Wednesday next. All voters should use their franchise. Pick out your favorite candidate or party and vote. We are sorry to report, that Mrs. Swancoft Sr., mother of Henry, is so poorly. We hope she will soon be up and around again and that, her eyesight eyesight will be restored. Mr. 0. W. Rolph attended the Fair at Bobcageon on Saturday last. Ts'ud says the hot dog stand there cannot touch the on<- he has just completed on our up-to-date Fair grounds. Mr. Charles Tyrrell, who recently purchased the drug business form Mr. J. J. G i if ill an, has had an electric sign installed in front of his store with red lighting and black background background which helps to illuminate the street and- also makes the drug store more conspicuous. Orono is getting more like Toronto every day. Viators at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scott for the United Church "ôth anniversary "were, Mr. Cecil Scott and wife from West Guilford, Guilford, Mrs. J. IT. Middleton, who went on to "Newcastle to visit her granddaughter, granddaughter, Mrs. Frank; Br-anfon, also Mrs. W. K. Sloane and son Oscar, from Peterborough, Mr. "R. R. Waddell is having his law enlarged. The partition between between his office, arid the building occupied occupied by the F. F. Morriis Go. is now. torn down arid a new partition, id being being e-rerted. The old: one was on an angle and the "new one will be straight in h-.e with the partition of hi® front office, thus giving him considerable considerable -extra 'space. Mr. J. 0. G-amey returned .home on Monday after attending the Military' Staff tour in Guebec, and staying at the Seigimfery Club; This tour is under under the direction of the depaUment of Militia arid defence, -and is for senior officers of drilling them in practising.applied tactics, issuing orders- orders- and other Military- matters: Mrs. Ga.niey: aceompiariiéd him as far as 'Ottawa where she visited with Mr. and Mrs, !.. "McGhee. Mrs. E. R., Rainey was operated on in the Betei'boro Hospital this- morning (Thursday). Mr. Robert Brooks of Oshawa paid the Times office a friendly visit one day last week. He was born at Lot JU, Con. 10, Cllarke, north of Les- ka.rd, and has lived in Oshawa for the past thirty years. He informed us that this is- the fir-s-t year he has missed showing vegetables, fruit and flowers at Orono Bair for a good many years, : Mrs. Robert Rainey and daughter, Mis® Rainey, are assisting in the store during Mrs, E. R. Rainey's absence. absence. Mr. Frank Peate, who underwent a. major operation in Toronto a couple couple of month» ago is now -at his home coniv-aloseing. , Mr. Peate is- able to be up and around the- house* and sits on the verandah, arid reports are to the effect- that he is in a fine condition. condition. We hope to see him at his fionifue store in the near future. , CFCPO COAL & LUMBER co Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS 1 LARGE PKG. OXYDOL AND 3 CAKES CALAY SOAP ; ...FOR 29c. 7-LB. BAG OF ECLIPSE FLOUR 25c. 6 BARS OF PEARL SOAP 23c- MINCEMEAT, IN 1-LB. CARTON .13c. OLD YORK CEREAL PKG 24c. CORNFLAKES ..3 PKG.. ..39 c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S SHOES 15 pairs only of a FINE QUALITY HIGH VAMP CALF JIOE, with patent trimmed, in a high Cuban *1 A Heel. Reg. $2.95 value, Friday and Saturday "r^ 1 * HATS We have arriving this week a new shipment of LADIES' VELVET VELVET AND FELT HATS. Come in QC O fll QC and. see them. PRICED SKIRTS A FINE QUALITY FLANNEL SKIRT for school wear, in brown, black and blue, sizes 14 to 2 0..... ^2*25 BATTING A large size COMFORTER BAT -of Fine Fluffy Cotton, at the'OLD PRICE 39c SWEATERS Boys' Zipper Neck, All Wool SWEATERS; a very attractive, attractive, warm garment, made in maroon and blue d*1 OC PRICED CORSELETTE A slim fitting Zipper closing Corselette, made of Brocaded Rayon, with supple back of two-way stretch, -color peach, PRICED $3.50 NIGHTGOWNS Mighty long and very large, of real Heavy Flatte; a good cold weather article. Priced -, $150 WINDBREAKERS Made of ENGLISH MELTON CLOTH, with Zipper Front, pleated backs with steel buckle at 'side ; a real snappy waim garment, Colors of green, blue, black, brown d»y| AC and red ■ WINDBREAKERS Made of ALL WOOL BLANKET CLOTH, Zipper Front, Plain Back, colors, red and royal blue. Bovs' sizes 28 to 36 $4.95 aaasBBsma CONGOLEUM •This is the- last week we will sell RUGS 'AT THLSi PRICES. The new prices are -below. See what you save fbi w'C'C'k' * 1 6x9 $5 71x9 $6.50 9x9 $7.75 9x1 °h $9 9x12 $5.50 $7.00 $8.25 $9.50 $10.75