OKON'O weekly times Dr. Hamilton, V. S., has accepted a position at the Dr. Purvis' Hospital, Hospital, Detroit, and left on Wednesday afternoon to take up his duties in that city. Dr. Hamilton came to Orono a year and a half ago and has worked up a large patronage. The Dr. Purvis Hospital is for the treatment treatment of small animals and mixed practise. The citizens of Orono and the surrounding district are sorry - to lose Dr. Hamilton from their midst. We hopo him all success in his new position in Detroit. Subscribe for the Orono Times. Laverne Harness, of the 5th Concession Concession of Clarke, suffered a painful painful injury the latter part of last week when he was struck on the upper upper lip of his mouth by a pipe, that required two stitches to close. While corn cutting operations was in progress progress on the farm, the distributor pipe used to scatter the ensilage in the silo was disconnected and thrown to the ground, L avertie looking up at the same time, with the result that the pipe struck him on the mouth, cutting his lip. Try us for your next- printing order This Fat Woman Can Eat 2 Slices of BREAD at Every Meal -- and Lose Weight FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calories a day -- the reducing allowance of the average woman. S BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice Small serving meat, fish, or eggs 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq, butter 1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tsp. sugar • LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, fish, or eggs Average serving 1 green vegetable vegetable a SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter Average serving fruit salad I glass milk • DINNER }i glass fruit or tomato juice Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl Average serving 3 vegetables, 1 green Small serving simple dissert 3 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter I cup coffee or tea (clear) ! tsp, sugar B REj "at not just a starchy" food. It contains contains especially effective bread proteins that help burn up body fat when you are reducing. These bread proteins are combined with carbohydrates --that give you energy. If you want to reduce, and stay splendidly energetic; go on the Bread Diet. P Many reducing diets are too extreme. They cut down too much on energy foods, making you weak and irritable. They often break down vital tissues--and should never be taken without a physician's advice. Everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening. fattening. If you are overweight, start the Bread Diet at once, and eat bread as your main energy food. DEAN'S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You" ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 er~ RED & WHITE STORES COST PRICE NOT YOU ? I Toddy Sale 1 Large tin ; 39c. with 1 Medium tin lc. PITTED DATES 2 LBS. 19c. OYSTER SHELL 99c. CWT. AYLMER VEGETABLE or TOMATO tins for PEARL WHIT 5 bars for QUAKER CO ES, 3 pkgs, for SOUP, 3 25 c. E SOAP, 21c. LN FLAK- 25c. A real good BULK TEA, Jlj-, ; 49 Ci MARSHMALLOW CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CAKES, 2 lbs. for ...... 29c. COOKING ONIONS. 9 lbs. for ! j 25c. HURON Toilet Tissue 6 ROLLS 19c. Hamburg STEAK 2 LBS. 25c. Marmalade 32-oz. Jar 21c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 MANY PEOPLE ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE BLANKETS, ETC., AT SY USING OUR TRADE CARDS. WHY GOLDEN ROD BREAD FLOUR, 98Tb. bag...$3.49 1 gal JAVAL WATER for 39c. IRISH STEW, 2 tins...25c. FANCY PINK SALMON, 1-2'is, 3 for 25c. GUEST IVORY SOAP, cake 5c. 2 Cakes PALMOLIVE SOAP with SHAVING CREAM 12c. MOLASSES, large tin for : 15c. LOCAL AND SOCIAL Miss Margaret Dickson spent the week-end at her home. Mr. Frank Hall has been on the sick list with a touch of the flu. Mrs. John Miller spent Saturday last the guefst of Mrs. Alfred Chapman. Chapman. Miss Mildred Roberts, visited her friend, Mit. C, T. Miller, over the week-end. Mrs.- Dorothy Lynch has returned home after visiting in the North country. Mrs. Arthur Dooley, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cowan. Mr. Stanley Bruton, of Toronto, was in town on Wednesday and cast his vote while here. X. Mrs. 0. L. Myles, who has been visiting her husband at Powassaii, returned returned home on Sunday. The High school students are busy practising for field: day, which will be held at Milllbrook on Friday. Miss Mary ISisson, of Toronto, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Sisson, for a few dajts last week. Mr. Leland Keate, policeman of Toronto, is spending a three weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Congratulations to Mr. arid Mrs. Lome Thompson (nee Gladys ■■ Gobble 1 diek) Nestleton, on the arrival of a young daughter on October 4th. Mrs. Ervin Rainey, who is in the Peterborough Hospital, we are pleased pleased to report, had a successful operation operation last week and is doing nicely. Misées Lottie and Agnes Rae with Miss Viola Gilfillan, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Mr. R. R. Waddell is improving the appearance of his property by tearing down a shed and fixing others on the east side of the hotel block. Mr's. F. J, Hall and Mrs. Butters attended the annual Deanery meeting meeting of Northumberland and Durham, he'd in St. Peter's Church, Cobourg, on Friday, September 29th. Mr. and 1 Mrs. A. L. Tomlinson and Mr. and Mrs. E. Rioper, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. Mrs. Roper is staying with her sister, Mrs. Gamey, for a week's visit, Mr. John Allin, our masonry expert, expert, has built a new chimney on the house belonging to Mr. George Glan- villo, Cob Hill, att'so two for Mr, J. Chapman, of Kirby, and one for Mr. IF. Morgan. • Mr. W. Waddell, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Thediford, and Iris wife,, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Roliph. Mr. Waddell was at one time a popular manager of the Orono Branch. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at St, Saviour's (Anglican) Church on Sunday. Services will be held at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m, A former reictor, Rev. F. IT. Mason, will preach at the evening service. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Manning entertained entertained members of tire local County County Medical) Association at their home on Thursday evening, September 30th. Amongst those present were Dr. Burk. Dr. Storie and Dr, Slorn Slorn an, of Bowmanvillet Dr. Ferguson, ofEnniskillen ; Dr. Colville, Orono, and! Dr. Butler, of Newcastle, The busiest plaice in town on Wednesday Wednesday was the town hall where a steady flow of voters went to exercise exercise their franchise for their favorite candidate and party. The forenoon was dull and cloudy, but by noon Old Sol came out smiling which seemed to tell us that, which ever party was elected would be the best for the province. . One of the highlights of the election election was ' performed in Orono on election election day when (no name mentioned) could not decide on which one to vote for, Mr.'Elliott or Mr. Mercer. Af ter ' considerable thinking and scratching of the head, he decided to tos's a, 6oin and decide the issue. Having'borrowed Having'borrowed a brand new quarter from one of the spectators, he named Elliott heads and Mercers tail?. He lb (ai tossed the coin high in the fjir and down , it came and landed head up then bounced, rolled on fits, edge up against a. building and stayed that way. He then gave the ooin hack to its owner,'scratched his head again and then went hoipe without casting his vote. N.o one won. We figured he would, have voted 0 C F if there 'had been one running this riding. A runaway occurred in town on Saturday when the horse driven into town by Laverne Harness, broke away and ran back to the farm on the fifth concession. While Laverne was either tying or untying the horse in a shed behind a store on the east side of Main street., the horse- bolted and started for home. The buggy, hitched to the horse at the time, struck a tree in front of Mr. Howard Walsh's home, the horse an buggy parted, company, the horse proceeded down Park street to Main, then south on Main to Station street where it turned to the felt and fell when making making the turn, then got up and proceeded proceeded homeward. Very little dam 1 age was done to the buggy, and the horse suffered a skinned leg. •soutijj oTiojQ oip- .«j hi }i pirns SAiavj •_tums.u> ( j .n> |!ïo(i'| ,).uu| nOfC \\ Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN EACH 20c. HEREFORD CORNED BEEF 2 TINS 23c. COMFORT SOAP 5 BARS 20c EASIFIRST SHORTENING LBS 25c. LARGE PRUNES 2 LBS 23c. GEM RUBBERS PKG 5 c. HANDY AMMONIA PKG- 5 c. CANNED PUMPKIN 1. ...TIN 10c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S SUITS We had arrive this week 20 Suits with exttra Pants. These are really smart hand-miade Suits, made from, 16 oz. English Worsteds, Worsteds, in grey and brown checks and strips, a m mm ■» ** sized 36 to 44. PRICED VA # *OU LADIES' COATS The weather will be cold enough one of these days for your Winter Coat. We have a nice stock (j*1 A C A i (P9Q CÀ of this season's goods. PRICED «plUevU 10 UNDERWEAR Men's Brushed Wool Combinations, Combinations, made by Pentolan's, in the heaviest quai- d* 1 C A ity, sizes 36 to 44 *r SOCKS Penman's Ribbed Wool Socks of 3 1-2-lb. t, 3 palirs BOOTS SIS.MAN'S WORK BOOTS, your guarantee of good value. You know leather has gone up in price, we are giving you the advantage of having these boots at the old price $2.95 HOSE Penman's All Wool, Full- Fashioned 1 lose, spliced heel and toe, shades grey, sand <ni on brown and black Ÿ l.W YARN 2 and 3 Ply Scotch Fingering Yarn, made by Horn Woollen Mills at Lindsay- Q{? Priced 1-4 lh HOSE Full-Fashioned Silk and Wool Hose, in all the new shades for fall. Priced 39,59 & 69c FLANNELETTE A very clear white Flette, _ of good Heavy Quality 27 inch 19c 22c width, yard 36 inches wide, yard SHOES Ladies' Black Suede, Tie, Patent Trim with high Cuban Cuban Heel, sizes 3d*A AC to 7 ..... «p&.ÏM YARN Factory Yarn, in grey, black, red and blue, 2 and 3 ply, Ml grey and white mixed. The old price, 1-4 lb...... 25c FLANNELETTE of 'Pyjama Quality, the best quaitlv made in a nice assortment assortment of colors, 36 O A inches wide vG SHOES Children's Soft Sole Patent Strap Shoe, Cushion Sole, , 75c j sizes 2 to 6 UNDERWEAR Tur'n'buH's for the man that does not want heavy coarse wool underwear. We think there is more wear fur the money than you, can buy in any other • ma kg of underwear dfr.O CQ Combination, old price * - - = *