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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1937, p. 7

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I Classified Advertising « $ g %iW # B »ll WW > -V - --- «F K B>:<<<<*>i<<<<<*> x ^ agents wanted A gents--to sell men's neck- ties. 100 per cent, profit. Write lor free samples and catalogue. Mur- gatroyd Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. |>l XV CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS f\LD CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- verslble Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4'. Free Freifi For 35 Ï"ÔCAL REPRESENTATIVES L " wanted, for subscription work. Renewal Renewal list supplied. Good commission. Write Canadian Magazine, 347 Adelaide Adelaide St, West, Toronto, v M ' EN, WOMEN, ALL AGES, MAKE money spare time in home, experience experience unnecessary. Write Business Associates, Associates, Chatham, Ontario. S TOREKEEPERS! AGENTS! TRAD- ers! Write for free Price List of amazing bargains in drygoods. General General Outfitters Reg'd, Box 965, Montreal. Montreal. $50, \ fin WEEKLY SELLING FELT Rugs. For full particulars write M. Shedel, Box 473, Mimico, Ont. "analytical chemist CHARLES ALLDER, ANALYTICAL ^ Chemist, established 1926. Analysis Analysis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 Ingersoll, Ontario. artificial limbs OANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., " 126 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Toronto. Improved light metal and willow willow artificial limbs without shoulder straps. BARN ROOFING -- FENCE POSTS "female help Instruction ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIR- dressing. Visitors welcome, Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor west, Toronto. Toronto. films and prints f'lERISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR V favourite negatives, 12 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Complete with envelopes. Sample, lOe. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. DOLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT ^ prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. yERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ^ Roll with free enlargement 25c. Tre vanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont, FUR FARMING ZXTJR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES gave you money on Supertite galvanized galvanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Super- lor Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. BUILDING wreckers IX7E WILL BUY OLD OR CON- " damned buildings to wreck. Green-, wood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood Àve., Toronto. "bulbs" TUARCISSI -- PRINCEPS MAXIMUS. 1 ' Early Y ellow Trump et-Daffodll. Pheasants Eye (Poet's Narcissus), fragrant, white, late. Evangeline, fragrant, fragrant, white, fluted yellow chalice cup, mid-season. All field run bulbs, as dug, $1 per 1,000. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. ^BUSINESS BROKERS A TTENTION! ANY BUSINESS, ** anywhere, sold quickly, confidentially confidentially for cash. Consolidated Business Brokers, 24 Bloor West, Toronto. F ine dark eastern mink from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondence invited. invited. Maple Leaf Mink Ranch, Blenheim, Blenheim, Ont. TWgINER. MINKERY, KINGSVILLE Ont., offers for sale Quebec, Labrador, Labrador, Yukon mink of select breeding stock. Place your order early. D AISE MINK FOR PROFIT - GET started right with Moss "Quetico" strain mink--guaranteed stock. Write for full information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Sapawe, Ontario. In Perfect He# a J 73 Thanks to ICruschen Thirty-five years a '"° | lus s ^ptua- genarism was helpless with sciatica,. Then he heard of ICruschen. Since that day, he has enjoyed perfect health. Here is his remarkable story: "Thirty-five years ago I had a severe attack of sciatica and could scarcely move for about six weeks. Then I started taking Kruschen about half- a-teaspconful every morning in hot water. In a few weeks I got rid of the . awful pain in my hips. I have never had to consult a doctor since and am still in pev £ect hea, h , 73 years of age, which I can only attribute attribute to taking KruSchen Salts every morning."--T.A. Most people gro« ol< l Ion " be£ore their time because they neglect one vital need of health--the need of internal internal cleanliness. Eventually, they start the . healthy Kruschen habit. Then, probably for the first time in their lives, they start getting rid, every day, of all waste matter from the system. The result is renewed health and vigour. Ailments due to clogged systems vanish, youth returns, and life becomes really worth living. Cock-a-DOUBLE-doo There's DOUBLE pleasure Too-. Wi for every smoker Everywhere Who rolls his own with Chantecler/ . mem mmsmm MACHINERY DOUBLE AUTOMATIC OKLET Similes and I I s 1 FURNITURE GAMES DOR FALL AND WINTER PARTIES r Ten entirely new and original brain-teaser games, to attractive booklet booklet form, assorted to suit all tastes and occasions, 35 cents-, postpaid anywhere, anywhere, Canad ian-Amer ican Novelties, 122 Wellington Street West, Toronto, GLASS EYES fLASS EYES, $4.50 EACH. THOUS- '■* ands to choose from. Twelve sent to select from. Satisfaction guaranteed. guaranteed. Pitman Optical House, Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C. -■ GREAT SALE USED PIANOS LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Great savings in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the largest largest and most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here. If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. ffCq nn Beautiful American walnut «pïjy.W bedroom suite, large chiff- robe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4-poster bed with sagless spring. Completely refinished. Cost new over $200.00. tfoi erj Walnut finish dresser, In A perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. ©1 q en Solid oak dining-room 1 suites, large buffet, exten sion tables and 6 leather upholstered chairs, In peifect condition. Your choice of golden or fumed oak. ©QQ HA Beautiful solid walnut din- ipoy.vv j n g. r00m su ite, large but-, let, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; completely refinished. refinished. Cost originally about $300.00. ©47 AA Eight-piece, 2-tone walnut «p 1 » « .Vv dining-room suite -- Queen Ann design; large buffet, extension extension table and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely refinished. refinished. ©4Q AA Luxurious 3-piece Chester- field su ite (unclaimed). -- This suite has been rebuilt and recovered recovered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible Spring cushions and is a real bargain at this price. Originally cost $175.00, is exactly like new. ©on CA Full length chesterfield ip^y.VU an ^ two roomy chairs to match, upholstered In a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show-wood walnut frame ; completely re-conditioned and dry cleaned. ©oe AA Large Chesterfield with «pOU.VV tWQ big chairs, covered in a French Jacquard Taupe shade ; completely re-huilt and thoroughly dry d 6 £1116 cl • Large assortment of Kitchen Cabinets, Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds, Spring Mattresses, Mattresses, Odd Dressera, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Save 40%. Buy Direct from Factory 473 YONGE ST. TORONTO fXRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN new up to $800., good makes, beautiful beautiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, In real good condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50. Ideal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereigns Sales, 2418B Dufferin St., Toronto. HELP WANTED IS E BUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain choppers choppers 8" to 15"; Gas engines 1% to 14 h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.; Power units 26 h.p. up; Ensilage cutters cutters ; 21 Trucks from ^-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hanna's International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St„ Guelph, Ontario. MEN WANTED W ANTED --- AMBITIOUS MEN, 18 years or over, to learn detective work. Big pay. Rewards. Interesting home-study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Station Station T„ Montreal. , . ■ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS J EARN To play a saxophone " Trumpet, Trombone. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial, Ten months' terms--no In terest. Literature free. Greene Music Company, 57 Queen St., East. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS Chuckles i< a It's a wise storekeeper who knows what will sell: An artist who was spending a holiday holiday in a small village entered the store and asked if they carried camel hair brushes. "No sir, we don't," replied the shopkeeper. "Y'see, sir." added, in an apolog'etical manner, "we never have no call for 'em. Nobody in these parts seems to keep camels." In a desire to cut down expenses, a man will take his wife to a $1.50 dinner and stay away from a $2.00 dinner, entirely forgetting that in either event his wife will spend $2.00 to have her hair fixed on the day of the occasion. | EAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS *■* $1.00, fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Natural Leaf Tobacco Co- Leamington, Ont. VOUNG MEN AND WOMEN--POSI- 1 tions more easily secured if you train for Telegrapher or Stenographer. Become stenographer in ten weeks-- notes written in English. Typewriter supplied. Self-teaching machine loaned loaned with telegraphy. Inexpensive. What course interests you ? Write Cassan Systems, Toronto. " LILY BULBS DLANT LILIES NOW -- ADD TO r brightness of your garden with Lilies from home-grown bulbs of reliable reliable varieties. Also other perennial flowers--and fruit trees for northern gardens: all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with Instructions Instructions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaranteed. guaranteed. The Manitoba Hardy. Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner, Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba, MEDICAL CONSTIPATED?--IMMEDIATE RE- lief (Money back guarantee). Perfect Perfect (brand) Laxative Pills, 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00, Mail orders Invited. Perfect Chemical, 460 Richmond W., Toronto. pCZEMA, ITCH, PIMPLES, SKIN *■* disorders and piles are quickly relieved relieved with Humes Ointment; clean, safe and sure. Send 40 cents for one ounce jar, Humes Medicine Co., Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. CTOP SUFFERING, HAVE YOU itching, burning, scalding, wet or dry skin trouble. If so, use the guaranteed guaranteed Inch Eczema Remedy. Write Inch Drug Company, 1130 Weston Rd., Toronto. Sold from coast to coast-- One Dollar prepaid. I A» BRINGS you 6 Issues of Herbal Health Magazine, a marvellous guide to better health and zestful living. living. Acclaimed by 20,000 Canadians. Interesting. Story of herbs in the life of the American Indians by John R. Oressy, Herbal; Specialist. Formulas for common ailments. Frank discussions discussions of symptoms, causes, and treatments. treatments. Dietary Hints. Questions and Answers. Every issue of this wonderful wonderful mazagine contains valuable coupons coupons saving you up to one dollar on purchases of herbal preparations Send ten cents to Teepee News, 1531) D initias initias W.. Toronto. I C JEWEL WATCHES ONLY $5:95. send us picture of any man's lady's wrist watch, sold anywhere up to $15.00. We will closely duplicate it for $5.95 with written guarantee. Wilson's Watch Company, 357 St. Catherine West, Montreal. Wife (trying on new fall hats) -<r Do you like this one turned down?, Hubby--How much is it? Wife--Twelve dollars. Hubby--Yes, turn it down. Neighbor-- What makes you look at me like that, young man? _ Junior--I thought you were in the hospital. Neighbor -r- What ever gave you that idea? Junior--I heard Daddy tell Mummy Mummy that you had been shooting off your mouth again. One of the nicest things about living living in a small town is that people drop in to see you even when they don't want anything. There is a disposition for the man who works in the mass today, Id prize equality in income above every* thing else. It can be had, all right;' But it always winds up with equality* with those who have the least, rather than with those who have a bit more. Wife--John, is it true that money 1 t sulks 7 Husband--So they say, dear. Wife--Well, I wish you'd leave me a little to talk to during the day. I get so lonely. 1X7E GUARANTEE YOUR FIT WITH, best quality, latest style suit or winter overcoat (slightly used), regular regular to $60.00 for $6 to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00 for $4 to $8. Suit coats, $2, $2.50, $3. New trousers, in tweeds, serges and worsteds, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $2.95, Postpaid. State measurements, colours, style, age. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. refunded. Send money order--Ruskin & Co., Peterboro, Ont. PATENT ATTORNEY jOOY L. KNOX, Registered Attorney. Information regarding Invention Patents ; Drawings ; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. " PERSONALS "jT'mAN'S TONIC--MEN'S FRIEND (For men only), 50 pills $2.00-- directions enclosed ; mail orders postpaid. postpaid. Hygienic Laboratories, 460 Richmond Richmond St. W., Toronto. Phone WA. '2448. 'remnants" CREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS ! Giant wash fast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints ; $1.00 "Collect". Sample bundle, 25c. Refund Refund guarantee ! Maritime Textiles, 8049 Degaspe, Montreal, TIRES nSENZIE'S USED TIRES $2.95 UP m for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth Dodge, Buiclc, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other, cars and trucks. Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. A father wrote to his son at collège--I'm collège-- I'm sending you the $10 in addition addition to your regular allowance as you requested in your last letter; but I must again draw attention to your incorrect spelling; "$10" is written with one nought, not two. Mr. Y --Doesn't it annoy you that the Scotch family living in the flat above dance every night ? Mrs. Z--Oh no, when we want to stop them, we turn off the radio. Woman Customer---Do you return the money when' an article isn't satisfactory satisfactory ? Merchant -- That depends on the article. Customer--This is a book. Merchant--What was wrong with it? Customer--I didn't like the way it ended. Statistics show that more men embezzle embezzle money in order to gamble and drink than for any other reason . . . And most women who get touchy fingers, do so because they live beyond beyond their means. Teacher--Now, Johnny, can you name a place in Alaska ? Johnny--No 'm. Teacher--That's right; Nome. Good for you! Next! WATCH REPAIRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE <M QQ replaces mainspring, jewel, * cleaning, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2-years guarantee. Re turn postage paid. Formerly with Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd, Dept. W.. 4313 Brebeuf, Montreal. y TRENCH'S REMEDIES f building TONIC TABLETS. A'CII TABLETS to relieve stomach ïs, TRENCH'S REMEDY. Free it on request. Write today. lENCH'J REMEDIES LTD. . w., till CHURCH Sr.--rORONTO Another way to make home happy is to say nothing about the spots that get on the table-cloth. They will always always wash out, while the memory of unkind words sometimes won't. 1t Aerocatering" Done By Flying Boats Passengers making air journeys id the new Empire-type flying-boats <x| Imperial Airways, pay warm trit) ut| to the efficiency of the. catering ar| rangements. Well-equipped kitchen* at airports, arid completely-fitted buffets in the flying-boats, enabl|' meals to be served up in the ah? which are in every way the equal of those supplied in first class restaurants. Travellers who made flights on the! first air-lines operating between Lon* don, Eng., and the Continent, com* ment in terms of keen appreciation on the progress in airway comfort which has been achieved in the' past 18 years. Pioneer air passengers, after driving out to draughty sheds, embarked in small, noisy machines iff which there - were no catering facilities facilities at all. Today, modern airports have com» modious ticket-offices, waiting-rooms, restaurants, and hotels ; while up iff the air, seated in spacious luxuriously-equipped luxuriously-equipped saloons which are scientifically scientifically heated, ventilated, and silenced, passengers have only to press a bell at their elbows in order to summon a white-coated steward, and have placed at their disposal aft the resources of a highly-organized catering service. Roosevelt Talh Banned In Central America COLON, Panama--President F. D. Roosevelt's criticism of dictators in his Constitution Day speech has met with no response from tropical fuehrers in Central America and it is unlikely that their subjects will hear of the speech because Government Government censorship does not permit its publication. Lately in El Salvado^ and neighboring republics, except Costa Rica, editorials favor the dic^ tutorial form of government absurd and nonexistent. The onlj? defence of democracy has been madff by the Diario de Hoy of San Salva* dor and that incurred the wrath of the Fascist Criterio, which calls* democratic government and its press Communistic. > Crawford--So you can't understand why your boy in college flunked in all the foreign languages? Crabshaw--No, it's a mystery to me. He picked up all the college yells in no time. Friend---Tell me, sir. Who was braver than Lancelot, wiser than Socrates, more honest than Lincoln, wittier than Mark Twain, and more handsome than Apollo ? Mr. Wise--My. wife's first husband. husband. ' '.S' ' Plumber (arriving late)-- Well, how is it? Happy Husband -- Not so bad, while we were wait.rig for you I taught my wife to. swirii. EXPECTANT MOTHERS WOMEN wild ' suffer periodically, periodically, who may have sideache of h e a d a c h e, and! those about to become become mothers, will find Dr. Pierce's , Favorite Prescription Prescription a dependable tonic. Read what Mrs. Alfred Wciler of ' 279 Palmer St, Guelph, Ont, said: "Before the arrival ol nly little girl i was in miserable health. I. felt weak and fired . all the time, suffered ■from pains in my back and had dizzy spells. I felt so discouraged, being unable tor do my housexVork, I wondered iS I would ever be well again. That s when I started taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Prescription and it strengthened me m every way." Buy now of your nearby druggist. Issue No. 41--37 B--l

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