OROHO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 58. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 14 1957. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. Orono High School Wins Field Meet At Millbrook Home and School Association Conference Held On Wednesday The New Curriculum The Main Topic of the Programme The Ontario Federation. ot£ the Home and School Association held a regional conference for the county councils of Durham, York, Oshawa and Toronto, in the town hall at Orono on Wednesday afternoon ami evening. Counlcils from, the above mentioned points were well represented represented as shown by the following roll call: Toronto County Council, 31; Oshawa. county council, 37; York, 5 members and Durham 12 members. The afternoon session dealt with the presidents of the different conn cils, interchanging their ideas as to what form of entertainment and discussions discussions the meetings would provide. provide. The programme opened with Mr. Clark Steele, vice-president of the Toronto Federation, acting as 1 chairman chairman for the occasion. Mrs. R. S, Mb- Tjaughlin, National vice-president, and president of the Oshawa Council, Council, Mrs. Hall, Presidfenlt of York Countiy Council; Mrs. Campbell. President of Toronto County Council and Mrs. Bowen, President of Durham Durham County Council were present. The opening number was the Vesper Vesper Hymn. Miss Barton, convenor of music for Toronto Federation, was -pianist. Mrs. R. >S. McLaughlin led in prayer. Mrs. Ardaigh, of Toronto, acted -ais secretary for the meeting. Mrs. Clark Steele gave a short address address and welcomed the four councils councils in conference. Mrs. R. S. MicLaughlin spoke briefly on the welfare of the child in home, school and community and called on the different presidents of the Oshawa Associations to give an outline of their formal programme during the yefar. Mrs. Broadbent, Centre St. School. outlined the meeting" for September &'s follows : (1) Introduction of new mothers by grade mothers, (2) short talk on the neiw 'curriculum, (3) Council convenors being present to outline their work:. Mrs. F. J. Run die, of Kinig S t. outlined the meeting for October, "Combination field day and open house. Mm A. Dair, of Albert St. outlined outlined the meeting for November : (1) A Special 1 SIpeaker on Peace and Good Citizenship, (2) -a Father's Night. Mrs. Jones, of North Simcoe, month of December, • (1) Christmas Music, (2) Plans for Winter Sports. Mrs. Nobes, Harmony, month " of THANKSGIVING SERVICES A. large congregation was present at the Thanksgiving Services at Park St. United Church last Sunday morning. morning. The Pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout Osterhout preached a very fine Thanksgiving Thanksgiving sermon o-n "Oh that men would praise the Lord for His good- nix-s anil for his wonderful works to the children of men," Psalm 107-8. The choir rendered 1 very suitable music for the occasion. The evening evening service was cancelled on account of the Kirby anniversary. LOCAL & PERSONAL Mias Ruth Lo-wden, spent the holiday holiday with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Lowdeii. Mr. and Mrs. George Laing entertained entertained a number of their friends to -a weiner roast. Miss Rosie Gamslby and Miss Phyllis,-Lowden Phyllis,-Lowden attended a theatre party in Port Hope Saturday night. Mrs. Oh as, A. Brown received word- on Wednesday morning of the death of lier sister, Mrs. Baker, in the Western, Hospital, Toronto. Mr. O. W. Rolph aCoomip-anied the Durham Masonic Lodge, Newcastle, Newcastle, to Eenelbn Falls, where they put on the second degree in that place. Mr. A. J. Knox with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. GilfiLan enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay over the Thanksgiving week-end. They were joined at Orillia Orillia by Miss Mary Knox, of AHA?ton. They, of course, saw the quints. STAPLETON--POTTS A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday, October 9th, at 6.30 p.m. in St. Saviour'- Church. Orono, when Hazel Louise Potts, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potts, of Elixabe; hville, became the bride of Charles Edward Stapleton, second son of Mrs. John H. Morris and the late Milton Stapleton. The ceremony was. performed in the presence of the immediate relatives by the Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Réctor of the Parish. The bride, who wa® unattended, wore a becoming travelling suit of navy cloth and was given in marriage by her father. The church was beautifully beautifully decorated with Autumn flowers flowers and was a lovely setting for the wedding. After the ceremony the happy couple couple left on a motor trip to the North. ANNIVERSARŸSERVICES AND SUPPER A SUCCESS Defeats Millbrook By Three Points On Latter's Home School Grounds GERALD SHARP INJURED IN COLLISION THE BOWMANVILLE DAIRY We - wish to announce to the citizens citizens of Orono- that we intend to carry on the milk business, contrary to rumours rumours that we are. not continuing. January,' (1) Appreciation of Music and Poetry, (2) Some good magazines1 magazines 1 subscribed 1 to. . Mrs; Moil lice, Mary St., month of February, (1) Pounder's Day; Mrs. Crawford, Rif-on Road, month month of March, Home Education. Mrs. B. 0. Col,pus, chairman of the Board of , Education, Osha-wa, and Vice-President of Home and School Association, outlined the meeting for April, (1) Nominations, (2) Art and. Education. Mrs, Singer, Cedardale, month of (Continued! on page four) By Tendered Presentation Friends and Neighbors A very enjoyable evening was spend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm when their son Neil, accompanied by his wife, were tendered, tendered, a presentation by a large number number of their friends and neighbors, The first part of the evening was spent in 1 cards, erokinale 'and other games. At ten o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Nos I Hamm, whose marriage took place early in August, were called to the front and an address was read by Mr. Le Roy Brown. Mrs. Carlo® TamMyn- then presented them with a lovely pair of large blankets. Following is the address' : Orono, Out., Oct. il, 1937 Dear Jlean and: Noil : Often has it been said, "-God never intended man to .live alone," and it is to cbl-ebrate your willing acceptance of that fact. Neal, that we, a few of your friends: and neighbors have as- semlbled here tonight. • Your cheery disposition, your friendly smile and your ever-readÿ iwillingnass to help a friend in need, have won for you, Neil, countless ffriendls. .'Although we regret that your position, makes it impossible for you to make your home amongst us we feel assured that you will have a host of friends wherever you go. As you are a stranger to most of us Jean, we extend to you the welcoming welcoming hand of friendship" and hope that ere long these acquaintances may become genuine friendships. We aiak you to accept this 1 gift as a slight token of our esteem and with our best wishes for; your continued health and happiness,. (Signed by the,"committee on behalf of the friends': Mrs. Carlos, TamMyn, Le Roy Brown, Janies C. TamMyn. Mr. and, Mrs. Ha mm both replied to their friends and thanked them for the présentation and the happy evening evening given them. The rest of the evening was spent in cards and, later lunch was sërved by the ladies, with the evening breaking breaking up by all wishing the happy couple couple a long, haipoy and prosperous sojourn sojourn through life. Large congregations attended Kirby Kirby United Church Anniversary services' services' -on Sunday last. The church was suitably decorated for the occasion occasion with timver.-, fruits ' and vegetables. vegetables. In the afternoon the service was in charge of Rev. W. F. Bannister, Bannister, of Bowiirauviiie, and the evening ■service by Rev.; A. W. Marsh, of Tyrone. Tyrone. Both ministers delivered excellent excellent discourse*. On Monday evening (Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day) over four hundred slat down to the annual fowl supper in connection; connection; with the anniversary. The tables were laden-ed. with -all the good filings to j eat, consisting of geese, mashed: potatoes, salads, pies, sciousneas for little little time cake, and tarts and all kinds of relishes. relishes. All admission tickets- were numbered: numbered: and the people -departed below, below, to the suinptuous repast/when their number was -called. This" was a splendid: idea for it did away with the usUal mad rush when the doors are thrown open to fill the seats at the tables. After everyone's hunger had been satisfied about three hundred crowded crowded in the church proper for the concert. concert. Miss Pearl Newton, elocutionist elocutionist and humorous, mon-ologist artist, wag the chief entertainer for the evening and brought laughter from old and young alike. This talented woman is an artist in her special calling calling and can change the expression of her face to suit every occasion. Rev. Osterhout, chairman, for the evening, opened the program by having having the audience rise and sing "All hail the power of Jesus' name," followed followed by a short'prayer. Miss Newton Newton was then called upon and she gave a recitation. Mr. Arthur Bell then favoured with a solo, followed by Miss Newton with "The Proposals Proposals of Bridget O'Brien," and a humorous humorous recitation, "But I Doubt It." Misses Ed i in and Audrey Billings were then called on and delighted -everyone with a. piano duet, Miss Newton, then delved into heavier work, giving mi account of the 'Merchant- of Venice,' also an account of a woman visitor cheering up the sick, which we know would have the opposite effect. Rev. Osterhout then spoke a few words and thanked those who had given of their time and labours- to make the event a success,, stating that those present at, the supper was the largest number that had attended for the last five years. He also Congratulated Congratulated the c-ongreg'aition for the splendid splendid wiay they had decorated: 1 their church tor the occasion, and thanked the ones who gave of their talent for the concert, Mr. Arthur Bell then favoured with, a solo and Miss Newton wound up the evening with a descripition of a "Jewish Wedding." ( It is expected that around $200 will be realized on the anniversary ■services and -Flipper, which speaks well for the elnnteh and the efforts of all the congregation to make this a, bigger and better occasion. RETURNS FROM WEST Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, of Weyburni district,' Saskatchewan,, arrived arrived at Orono this week with their goods and chattels. Mr. Stewart is. an old 6th Doneese-ion boy and has been in' the West for the past. 25 years; A motor cycle and car figured in a crash on Sunday last at Newcastle, Newcastle, in which the motorcyclist was severely severely injured, when he crashed into the side of a car making a turn to come to Orono, at the west end of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. M-oat, of Oak- vile, occupants of the car, were travelling travelling east on the Kingston road on the way to visit the tetter's brother and sister, Mr. R. Z. Hall and Miss Hall at Orono over the holiday. Coming to the turn that leads onto the Orono road- Mr. Moat looked behind behind and saw two. oars coming down the hill, so decided to be cautious and, imbed over to the right side of the road to lot the cars pass, another ear was coming from the east and he also waited until that ear had "safely passed. Seeing no other traffic Mr. Moat made a sharp turn and when nearly off the pavement the motorcycle motorcycle crashed 1 against the right front door of the oar, smashing it badly and throwing Gerald Sharpe, of Odessa, the cyclist, backward upon the: edge of the road. He was knocked. knocked. tmeonsciims. but regained con and then lapsed back again. Mrs, Mo,at, who was on. the seat nearest the door, suffered a broken collar bone and also bruises on her side from the terrifie impact of. the motorcycle. The unconscious man was taken to Bowman ville hospital for examination examination and 1 it was found that he had a puncture jn the forehead, though the akin was not broken, and also a fractured skull and one wrist broken. Mr. Moat escaped uninjured: uninjured: Mr. Moat's ear was brought to Mercer's- Mercer's- garage at Orono, the steel door was baddy bent, the glass broken, the I'unningbonrd bent down, also a dent on the: rear fender. The latest report, w-e have heard from- the hospital is to tlje effect that Gerald Sharp has a chance of recovery. recovery. Mr. Mowat returned home on Wednesday Wednesday morning, but Mrs. Mowat is still with her brother and sister. --o-- CAR STOLEN Spt Mr. Orley Chapman bad Me oar stolen in Oshawa on Friday afternoon, afternoon, of last week. Mr. Chapman left bis car parked on Bond street and winm he returned in half an hour the oar had gone. He notified the police of the theft and a, search wias instigated, with the result that the car was- discovered on Saturday afternoon afternoon at Oedtiirdale, in the south end of the city. No damage was done to the ear, but some of the toolls that were ini the oar at the time were stolen. Jim Powers and Helen Scott Stars For Orono School About fifty children, from Orono High. 'Stihool journeyed to Millbrook by truck on Friday of last week where a number participated in the field meet at that place. After the events were all -contested and the points added up it was 1 found, that Orono was three points up on Mill- brook and- captured the-shield, this being the, first time a shield has been awarded. The children arrived in Millbrook in high spirits, they partook of a light lundi and were, served with hot soup by the students of Mill- brook -sichool. The contest between, these two school's wa-s hard fought ami the decision decision was in doubt' until the last event was finished, Jim Powers .made a great showing throughout the afternoon, winning six- first and one third for a total count of 31 points in the intermediate intermediate class, while Miss II. Scott, of the senior girls, won five firsts and a second second for 2'8 'points:., Lunch was served the children at six o'clock in the school room. Thi-s shield is being purchased by the sale of tickets by the children of these two schools and will he competed competed for each year, and to become the property of the first school to win it three times' in succession. Following arc the results : Junior Gilds '-- 75 yard - dash, M. Smith (M), J. Forrester ( 0). J. Gil- lis (M). Standing Broad Jump, E. Goode (-O)j D. Sisco (M), j. Gillig (M). Running Broad Jump, J. Forrester Forrester (O), Mary Smith (Ml), E. - Go-ode (O). Basketball Throw, R. Richards (M), G. Tennant (0), R. Goode (0). Baseball Throw, M. Smith (M), R. Richards (M), P. Bunn (M). 50 yard dash, M. Smith (M), D. Sisco (II), J. Forrester (O). Intermedia to -Girls -- 75 yards Dash, B. McDowell (M), J. Truin- pour (M), II. Case (O). Standing Broad Jump, H. 'Case (0), B. Me-. Dowel! (M), B. Argue (M). Running Running Broad Jump, B. Mkipawell (M), 0. Brown (0), J. Trumpour CM). Basketball Throw, B. McDowell (M), J. Trumpour (M), D. Smith (M). Baseball Throw, B. McDowell (M), 0. Brown (O), H. Case (O). 50 yard Dash, J. Trumpour ( M ), H. Case (O), B. McDowell (M). Senior Girls -- 75 yard Dash, H. Scott (0), B. Carveth (M), K. Smith ( M). Standing Broad Jump, H. Scott (O), G. Staples (M), D. Smith (M). Running Broad Jump) II. Scott (0), K. Smith (M), A. Cooper (0): Basketball Throw, H. Scott (O), II. Cave (O), K. Smith (M), Baseball Throw, K. Smith (Ml), H. Scott (O), M. McDowell (M). 50 yard Dash, H. Scott (O), K. Smith (IM), B. Carveth- (M). Junior Boys -- 100 yard Dash, D. (Continued on page four) Improvement Club Extends Thanks To Purchasers The Orono Agricultural Improve,- ment Club beg to submit a.report of their receipts 1 and expenditures, in connect,ion with their draw held on Wednesday, September 22nd, 1937 : Receipts Sale of tickets .......... .$2,227,75 By cash received on first 'three prizes ...... ..... '3.00 Total 1 Receipts ..... .$2,230,75 i Expenditures Printing, gas-, oil, prizes, or- . chestra, etc. .......... .-.. .$1,153.07 (Net Profits .$1,077.68 The Directors of the Club take this opportunity of expressing their appreciation - of the valuable assistance assistance rendered- 'by those who sold, tickets tickets and to- the great army of ticket purchasers. - , - As this money was labelled for improvements improvements to the property of Durham Durham Central Agricultural Society, a committee lias 'been appointed; and plans are in the making for a now race track, larger grandstand and a modern main; entrance on Park St. leading to the grounds, thus keeping in step with the progress of the Society. Society.