OR0X0 WEEKLY timeis HAMCO COKE sold by ORONO Coal Sr Lumbar Co. Mr. and Mrs. 0. I). Bouck and d'auglhters, Misses Eva and Ethel, of Toronto, sipenlt : Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. R. À. Forrester. Miss Ethel is spending a few days before returning home. Brincipia-1 Ri. 0. .Rodbo rough treated treated the .student®' of the High. School generovii !ly with watermelons on Tuesday afternoon in the lunch room of the school. Twenty-three melons were used: the satisfy the want-s-of the children. Lose Weight..but Don't Lose Energy Bread Diet keeps up energy --helps burn up fat! FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1606 Calories a day -- the reducing allowance of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice Small serving meat, fish or eggs 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 eq. butter 1 cup coffee, (clear) 1 tap. sugar • LUNCH OR SUFFER Moderate serving meat, fieh or Average serving I green vegetable 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter Average serving fruit salad 1 glass milk • DINNER H glass fruit or tomato Juice Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green Small serving simple dessert 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter 1 cup coflee or tea (clear) 1 tsp. sugar T HE Bread Diet is a reducing diet. It takes off pounds. Yet you will feel splendidly energetic while you reduce -- not weak and irritable. irritable. Extreme diets cut down too much on energy foods, and they often break down vital tîSSüës. Avoid the extreme diet, unless your doctor advises advises it. Everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening. It is not just a "starchy" food-- but a combination of energygiving energygiving carbohydrates and a special form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are reducing. If you want to reduce safely, follow the Bread Diet. It gives bread as the main part of your energy food. DEAN'S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You" ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 RED & WHITE STORES WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR ORDER FOR DRESSED GEESE OR CHICKEN WITH ONE DAY'S NOTICE Pork & Beans 1 LB. TINS 4 for 25c CANNED Pumpkin 2 Large Tins 19c. Surprise SOAP 5 bars 25c AYLMER SOUPS, Vegetable Vegetable and Tomato, 3 , tins for , ...25c. COOKING ONIONS, 10 lbs. .:. 23c. JELLY POWDERS, 4 pkgs. for ..19c. JELLY BEANS, per lb. 19c. HUMBUGS, lb 23c. 1 lb. tin TALCUM POWDER POWDER 15c. 5 Cakes P & G Soap with 2 cakes Kirk's Hard Water Soap FREE, all. for 25 c. SHREDDED COCOA- NUT, lb- 19c. 4 1-2 lb. tins WHITE HONEY .......55c. SAUER KRAUT, large tins, 2 for s 25c. ORANGE MARMALADE jar 23c. SLICED Pineapple 2 TINS 19c. Extra Special POT ROAST OF BEEF 13c. lb no bone, no waste ORONO Pastry Flour 24-lb. Bags 69c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Miss M. Adams spent her Thanksgiving Thanksgiving lioldays in Philadelphia. Miss M. E. (I. Waddell, of Toronto, Toronto, spent the week-end at her home, here. Dr. J. G. (Hani-ift-on, formerly of Guelph, spent the week-end in Guelph. Mr. -Stanely Bruton, of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday wi th hia mother. Miss ■ Agnes Waddell has been spending a few days with her mother in Bethany. Mr. Frank Hall, .who has been suffering suffering from a severe attack of the flu, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. ('. H. F reste spent Sunday visiting friends in Rap a nee and Deseronto. Vernon Saunders spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiving with his (parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Roislbo rough spent the week-end and holiday with friends in Peterborough. Miss Robinson and friend, of Toronto, Toronto, visited! the former's aunt, Mrs. E. Evans, Sunday. Mrs. C. T. Miller is spending a few days with, her sister n Aurora, on account account of her father's illness. Miss Eileen Riddell is spending a few weeks' holidays in Guelph, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Stain ton. Mr. -and Mrs. Neil Porter and daughter Shirley and Girelta Mercer visited with Mrs. Oliver at Bobcay- geon. Miss Mary W. 'Somerville, of Toronto, Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mm T. W. Somerville. Mrs,. Th'os. Rainey, of Toronto, is visiting her nephew, Mr. Irven Rainey, also Mr. Robert Rainey, and other friends. Mr. Everett Porter from Queen's. University, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiving day at the home of Miss 01- lie Diavey. Misses A, and E. Morrison and Miss) Mary Jeffrey, all of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. C. B. Tyrell. ; Miss Helene Waddell, teacher of Toronto, returned to her duties on Monday after spending the week-end at her home here., Mr. A. A. Somerville, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks' holiday® holiday® with his brother, Mr. T. W. iS'omerville. Rev. J. H. Osterbout, B.A., B.D., preached Harvest Home Anniversary services at Providence Cihurich last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walsh, aecompan- ied by Mr. and Mira. 0. Webb and two children, OshaWa, took in the fowl supper at Kirby Thanksgiving night. Mists Marion Dickson off Oamp- beUford, and Mias' Margaret of CM-r- monnt, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cheyne and daughter Margaret, Miss M. Wilcox and Mrs. Fleming, of Toronto, were récent visitors ait. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arthur Saunders. Mr. Wallis Sisson, of the Red Rose Tea 'Company of Toronto, spent the week-end and holiday with his mother, Mrs. Sisson, and his aunt Hattie. The friends of Mr. Fred Sisson would like to know why he left town right' after the election. Reports are to the effect that he has 1 not been well since the returns came in. Mrs. Barstead, of Toronto (bee Olga Olga Hooper), visited with Miss G. Thornton, . South Ward, on Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day, and also attended the fowl supper at Kirby. Mr. and 1 Mrs, J. R. Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Elk-Ay, of Hamilton, Hamilton, were week-end guests of Rev. J. H. and Mrs, Osterbout, They took in the goose dinner at Kirby United Church. Visitors at the home of Mrs. 1,. Winter's were, Mr. J. 11. Winter of Toronto, Mrs. W. Irwin of Mimico, Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Lycett of OshaWa, and Mir. and Mrs. (N. E. Winter of Bowman ville , ' Mr. J. IT. Beatty Roads Engineer for Duffer in ' Co.) and Mrs. Beatty and little daughter Barbara, Orangeville, Orangeville, Mrs. W'm. Beatty, Toronto, Mrs. J. Cohblediek, Bowmanville, -and Mr. and Mrs. C.'Wéhb and two children, of Oishaiwa, 'spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. A slight snow ilury - fell ' in this community on Friday, the first off the fall season, and the - evenhsgs- arc turning quite cold, ice forming (on water left outside, Mrs, J, B, Cooper was in (Norwood on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week to act a-s judge in the domestic science -cla-sis at Rbrwood ( F'a.ir, -.she) will also judge in the domestic science class at Rosen eath Fair today today ( Thursday) and Friday. •Mr, Percy Limn attended the races in Toronto on the holiday and reports, having a very successful day, Mtv Russell Wilson and family, of Ostia'wa, and: Mr. Oscar Scott, spent the week-end and Thanksgiving Day in Mindeii. An i'W,.r ..ccurred ill Mr. Chas, B, Tyrrell's a diver ti sen: on t last week. In (the prices on Cod: Liver Oil, the price for five gallons should have read $6.- 50 instead- of $1.10. Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS AYLMER PEAS, CHOICE, 4's. 2 TIN'S ...21c. SHELLED WALNUTS ' 1-2 LB .17 c. HAHMET'S WHEAT FLAKES 5 LBS ,22c. MOLASSES SNAPS 2 LBS ,19c. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 3 PKG ,19c. MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD 1 LB ,15 c. 2 BARS KIRK'S CASTILE SOAP P & G SOAP AND 6 BARS ALL FOR........... ,30c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S OVERCOATS The cold weather is here. We want to show you the best quality Overcoat ever sold in Orono. Come in and see them. PRICED RUBBERS Men's Pullovers, sizes 6 to 11 85c. Youths', 11 to 13 70c. Women's, 3 to 8 .....,65c. & 75c. Rubber Overshoes, 3 to 8, » $1.50 UNDERWEAR and Drawers, in ; tied colors, sizes 36 to 44 OVERALLS Boys' Black Bib Overalls, sizes 28 to 34 . $1.00 LINED SMOCKS I laugh's Big 88 Smocks, lined with a , heavy cotton flannel shirting. This is the largest and best smock made. Fully guaranteed - - , DRESSES These goods are not selling as fast as -they should and we want io clear them out. We will effet any of our dress-es at one price They were priced from $4.50 to $7.00. LADIES' UNDERWEAR The weather is cold and -these goods are in demand. Our stock was bought months ago and the prices are the same as last year. They are on display and include cotton, part wool and all wool garments. . ' •' . WORK SHIRTS HEAVY COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS, large body size...$l DOESKIN SHIRTS, made by Manf-g. 88 Overalls ....$1.00 FANCY PLAID DOESKIN CLOTH SHIRTS 1.50 These- are all, large cut body shirts-and will fit any man, no matter what size,'body he has $10 to $25.00 Boys' Pullovers, sizes 1 to 5 „ .75c. Childs', 8 to 10 1-2 60c. Misses, 11 to 2 .......60c. Misses, 11 to 2 $1.25 Heavy Fleeced Shi-nts and Drawers, in plain and mot- TURNBULLS All Wool) Shirts and Drawers at last year's prices. We had these bought early last spring and you are given the sav- d» j Qg ing, each - ■■■■■■■ T • SWEATERS y s' Heavy V-neck Pullover Sweaters, in fancy __ body stripes, sizes to 36 $1.50 $2.50 . we want $3.95 SWEATER COATS -Men's Jumbo Knit, Shawl Collar Coats, of all wool worsted yarn, in a real heavy weight, suitable for hard wear Cf\ and cold weather , COTTON FLANNEL A pery suitable cloth for children's and women's dresses. It comes in very attractive patterns such as blue and red plaid checks and small fl-oral designs, in brown, wine and OC- ■green, 36 inches wide