() HON O WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE MiaS Evelyn Hiasson, Chatham, has ietug-ncd 1 home. Hi mu id McG-aliey, Osheiwa, was : a week-end visitor with Floyd Mi l Ison. Uoi igratuilations to Scott Pol-ltad and bride who were married ...Saturday.. ...Saturday.. Mrs. C. Burley ami Miss I. Laing sfundc-d a W.M.iS. meeting in Oshawa Oshawa last week. Mrs. Milt. Ki m ua il has been under the dbctor'is; care but is improving. Mr. Bruce Whitney has also been ill. Miss li'eity Smpleton and Messrs. Donald and Bert Stapleton visited their fiaitiher in Toronto hospital! on Siaturdlay. ' Mr. Harry l'lliips passed away suddenly suddenly at the home of Mrs. Win, Juy- mv, Saturday. The funeral took plaice from there on. Monday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I larch -- Mrs. Ed. Wooli-idge, Lindsay ; Mr., and Mrs. Byron Osbourne, Osbourne, Manilla, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew I Tali. Sonya. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wannamaker arid daughter Conseco n, vi-ited their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Max Staple- ton and family and! Mr. and Mrs. Lan son Milteon and family. The congregation o,f the Presbyterian Presbyterian Church held their annual Thanksgiving services' Sunday when Rev. M. McGinnis, West Hill: delivered delivered two soul -lirring discourses at 12.80 dud 7.30 p.m. In the afternoon Mies. Hûizel ïteidi favored with a solo and in the evening Newcastle Male Qulartette rendered two numbers, Mr. William Staple-ton took sud dimly ill on Wednesday and was takem by ambulance to Toronto General General Hospital Thursday where he was operated! on successfully. Mrs:.' Stapleton, Stapleton, went with him and remained for the first few days. Elis niece, Miss ■ Marion Sa mis, has'been one of his nurses. We hope to see him s|t home again soon. Holiday visitors : Mr, and , Mrs. Barry Stone, Toronto, with Mrs. Ar- n-otti; Miss Ethel Stone and Mr. Harry Stone Jr., Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Law; Miss Olive John .stop, Peteiiboro, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colon, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Colon; Miss Helen Couch has been homo from N, II. S. owing to illness; Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto,!: at home; Miss Audrey Audrey Jaynes, Tweed, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harris-, Richmond Ili,11, With; their mother, Mrs. Win. Jaynes; Mr, and Mrs,- Chit:cm, Chatham, 'with Mrs. Rutherford; Mr. and Mrs, Bache and Denise, Toronto, with Miss I. Laing; Mrs. Alice Trusieott Jones, with. .Mrs, W. Rudd, Diale; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randall, Osh-- awa,. with 'hist mother, Mrs. Harry Randal! : Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Long ti'vlf, Toronto! with his mother, Mrs. Mabel LangstalT; Mr. and Mrs. H-yd-er and Mr. and Mrs.' Tate, Ottawa, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and called on Mr. and Mrs. G. J. . Stapleton-; Mrs. J. T. Pearce, With -Mr. Pearce in Kingston; Mr. jiiid Mrs. Percy Rowe, Edmonton, and .Mr, Ml. -Symons" and Inez. Morrish, with Mr. and Mr-. R. J. Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. -7 as. Payne, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smrh : Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wright, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs, J. Barrie ; Mr. Mac gregor Jones, Markham, at home; Mr. and Mrs. A. Redkn-aipp and Alfred Alfred and Mrs. Whittaker with Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa; .Mrs. .Bert Stemis with friends in Toronto; Miss- Hearse, teacher at -SjS. No. 1. at her home in, Markham; Mr. arid Mrs. John- Mitchell -and family, Toronto. Toronto. wild Mr and Mrs. Ja-i. D-arch ; Miss Winnie Lianictsiler, Bow-manville, at home; Mr. and Mrs Barry Lane and Lemm. Oollborne, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane; Miss : Ailmeda Couch, -Buffalo, with Mr. and Mrs. Lane-on Mill-son. j Will YOUR RADIO j j GIVE YOU | | Jack Benny j I Every Saturday Nite ? ? or j | Do you get stations jj | Static and Sputter 6 j Have your radio fixed j | j GET RESULTS | j Chas. R. Knox j \ 'Phene 42r2, Orono | Clias. R. Knox ! Serving the public for. six years I (r . v ... ev ]y with Qreenis Radio ) per vice), 15 th and Monterey Sts., à I I étroit. BOWMANVILLE The town will have a new health nurse on November 1st to succeed Misa Gnab-aim,' Miss Gertrude Tucker, Tucker, a me.!.: Iber of a Whitby family, was -appointed! -at a special meeting of. the B-ea.rd -of Iicailli last week. The salary for this, position is $120-0. Mla-pife Gravé church people cele- b'atod -their i 6>S-th ahnivefsary last week. This church was always noted far their school anniversary services in so far -as the school program was concerned. The address by some gifted speaker, -and the splendid supper supper served by the ladies of the congregation-, congregation-, all.of which is sure to be when yo-u have interested people at the head of affairs, no matter what Church it is. More than 1000 delegates attended the Ontario Presbyterian Young People's Society at Ottawa the past week. They were addressed. by the Right Rev. H-ugh Munroe, Moderator if the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Canada. This gifted minister is well known- in this -town, being minister of -St. Paul's Church for several years and much disappointment was expressed ait the time of the reunion that he -could not attend. Now that- the elections are over we will get back to normalcy brnce more, but still it was . a'very quiet time ini this town, mot to he compared: compared: to the old-time holocausts. Per-, haps there was inoer "firewater" used in those days than today, or people are taking their politics less strenuously strenuously than in the old days, but probably probably it is just as well. There are more! side issues now than then, so now let us get down- to business. Thanksgiving Day was quiejy -given over in this town to jaunts out in the country which is worth going out to see the beautiful -colouring of the landscape, -as seen at this time of -year, and. many availed, themselves of this- fine panorama. Those with potato plots -attended, to getting them under cover. Those with blood and thunder in their make-up took their "gas-pipes" and hied to the wooded valleys, the -abode of the cotton tails, while those who changing their -place of l'l'-idence took advantage of the day to move their belongings while they had the opportunity of a holiday and so the day went on. The new Couling drug store on King street was .a busy plaice, getting in'shape f or business on- Tuesday morning and- it was cleanup day -at the McMuviy property on King -street west, but, by. whom we have not learned or what -business is to be Carried on we have vet to know, but which will all come in due time. History repeats- 'itself "and business will also,: and the West End will come back into its old-time place in: the sun. On Sunday last the usual congregations congregations Were out -as usual. One would have thought that being Thanksgiving time the churches would] be filled to overflowing, but there must be a wonderful number who did not notice or .forget the. date, or felt they had. nothing to be thankful thankful for. Just the same it looks- very much like it when you see on an occasion occasion of tb is kind so few, when, there should -be ko many. There was no service on Monday ,but Thanksgiving Thanksgiving sermons were preached in all on Sunday morning -and in St. Paul's the musical service was of a . fine order, as also- the address- by the minister, Rev. Mr. Bannister, but there must, be -a great number of people people in this town who d.o not attend any church as compared with past year-;, even leaving out the evangelical evangelical o-r worship part, we would imagine imagine there would be an incentive along the educational line, especial in a town where great speakers are rarely rarely heard, but just the same, church o-r no church, every one has much to be thankful- for. COWANVILLE Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cook were week-end guests of Mrs. Perrin. Mr. Leslie anil Mrs. 0. Reid visited, visited, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid one day last week. Miss Velma Cowan has returned home after a pleasant vacation at Kirkland Lake. Mr. -and Mrs. W. T. Marvin were Thanksgiving visitors at Mr. ; and Mrs. < hi-.H'ge Henderson"*. .Messrs. Beverley and Orva.1 Stringer, Stringer, Kirk Li ml- Lake, are visiting Air. and Mrs. J. J, W. Stringer. : Mr,1 and Mrs. W. 0. .Crô-sisléÿ' , and Mr, Jack "Barnes- were, visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Oros-sley'isi, Zion, on Sunday. We are sorry to report, that Mrs. Westoi Stringer mot with a misfor- NEWCASTLE Mr. W. E. H - Ward: spen t the holiday holiday in Toronto with relative*. Miss Ruth Honey has gone to Toronto Toronto to attend Victor::) l"niversity. Mrs, Dickenson of Port Hope is staying with her son, Mr. Ross. Dickenson, Dickenson, Mrs, John Hunter, of Toronto, is visiting her niece, Miss Ethel Lockhart, Lockhart, M!rs!. Tine. Gibson is ill with the flu. and Miss Rowland is looking after her. - Mr, and: Mrs. Wm. B-ilback and: soil Jack spent the week-end at their cottage. Dr, Annie Higbee and son Jack were home from Burlington for the week-end. ■Mr. Weils, of the B'ank of Commerce, Commerce, spent the holiday at his home in Belleville. Mr, and. Mrs. Duncan and son E-rskin-e have closed! their -cottage at the lake for the -season. Mise Joyce Cannon, of Oshawa, spent several days with her grandmother, grandmother, Mrs. Thio-s, Gibson, Mrs. Stinson and Miss": Francis Stinson, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. George Eilbeck. Miss Marjorie Ly-cett is leaving soon to live with her father in, Sim- coe and attend Commercial College there. Mr. arid Mrs. Bradt, of Oshawa, have rented Mi-sis Meta Oou-dh's house on King street, recently occupied by Mir. and Mrs. W. E. H. Ward. They intend moving" in this week. Mrs. ,C. E. Ho-rrocks and the Misses Misses TIor.ro, cks motored to Peierborutigh 'Friday last to attend the funeral of their obit tin. Mir. Jones. Mrs. Hor- rocks remained over for -a few days. The Rev. Frank and Mrs. Miason, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of "Miss B. S. Meftiiosh and o-n Moniday Mr. and : Mrs. -Sam -Sutton of Col- tiome -spent the day with Miss, McIntosh. McIntosh. Miss A rrista Martin, of Toronto was home for the week-end as- was also- Miss 'Salome Howard, Mr. Alan I Inward, Mr. Murray Bu tler, Miss Gladys Shaw, Miss Minnie,Pearce and- Mr. Jack Hare. The annual Harvest Thanksgiving service of St. George's church was held, on Sunday morning. The church was very beautifully-decorated beautifully-decorated by the Altar Guild with flowers and fruits and grain:. The . rector, Rev, D. R. D-ewdney took the -service assisted by the past rector, the Rev. Frank Mason of St. M mica"-. Toronto, Toronto, who preached a. very fine sermon sermon suitable to the occasion. The annual Autumn Thankoffering Thankoffering of the WM.iS. of , the United " Church was held on Thursday last ■in the -Sunday school rooms. There were eigldy-ffve prêt on't, i ncl ltd "trig visitons from Canton and. Blacks tuck and the President, Mrs. Samuel McLean. McLean. presided. The guest speaker was Mrs. C. L. Sienion, of Bowman- villc, who gave a very interesting address address after the usual business session had been held. Misis Hattie Mason's very lovely solllo also added to the afternoon's afternoon's pleasure and at, the end of the meeting tea was- served to all. LESKARD We hear that wedding bells are ringing, in the neighborhood again. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cain and. son Terry spent the holiday with friends here. Mr. Norman Fee purchased a. fine work horse from Mr. L. Hooey recently. recently. Mr. Stanley Ball, Bertram Syèr and behind Ball are busy picking apple- apple- at Mr. Russell Osborne's these days. Sunday school will reopen Sunday, October 17th at 2.30 o'clock. Everybody Everybody come and get our attendance back for the winter months. A large number of our political friends" were greatly pleased with the returns off the election and some act as though t he world had come to an end. Mr. Colin Brown has been appointed appointed fire chief for the village and John Harvey as town constable. Our villagers villagers feel much safer with these capable men on duty. The first meeting of the Home arid 'School Ojuib will be held ,on .Monday, October 18th, in the club room at: the, school house. Everybody is invited- to attend to- elect the new offie'ers for the coming year, The meeting will start at .8 o'clock sharp. tune and cut her foot tiddly , We -all wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Clarence Reid and: son Lloyd, and Mr, and Mrs-. Muir 1 arid twins; Toronto, were Thanksgiving Visitors at Mr. and Mis. W. A. Reid's. | TYRRELL'S i | REXALL DRUG STORE ! I PHONE 68 ! DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS \ ! EVERYDAY SALE PRICES | j KLEENEX TISSUES-- | j Small Size 15 cts. Large Size .35 cts 1 Î FACE- ELLE TISSUES-- | I Small Size 15 c-ts Large 1 Size 25 cts | | BUCKLEY'S COUGH MIXTURE-- \ 1 Small 40 dis. Large 75 cts. | REXALL BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP 50 cts | SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR-- 1 Sirtall Size 19 cts. Large Size 49 cts. i | Veterinary Remedies j EPSOM SALTS 5c. per lb. | 6 lbs. for 25 cts. 100-lb. bag $3.50 1 GLAUBER SALTS 5c- per lb. j 6 lbs. for 25 cts. 100-lb. bag $2.70 | DR. BELL'S MEDICAL WONDER $1.00 | SULPHUR, per lb 5 cts. 6 lbs. for ,25 tits j i j We have a complete stock of Dr. Bell's Veterinary j | Remedies, Thy are old,, reliable products and are I jj absolutely guaranteed. Your SPECIAL VETER1N- j 1 ARY RECIPES are carefully prepared and. sold at 1 | the price of the 'ingredients only. • j You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Store 1 .... SHU-FIX HAS MANY USES. WE MENTION A FEW : Repairs Rubber Boots, Overshoes, Belting, Hot Water Bottles, Bottles, Rubber Glove's, Mats and Stair Treads, Auto Tops, Cuts in Tires and Linoclmn, etc. Be Thrifty; Buy Groceries Here LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS, 2 for 15c- MARY A COFFEE, a high, grade blend. Special lb- 27c. JELL-0 (Genuine), pkg 6c. MUFFETS, QUAKER, 2 pkg-s. for 17c. SILVER RIVER SOCKEYE (Red) SALMON, 2 1-2's 25c. SHERIFF'S JELLY POWDERS, 4 for .......19c. NOODLES, 14-ouoe pkg 9c. BAG SALT, 3 1-2-lbs 5c. CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP, 2 for 21c. ROLLED OATS, fresh stock,; 5 lb- bag 19c. TAPIOCA, 2 lbs. for 15c. PITTED DATES, 2 lbs. for * ...21c. BAKING SODA, bulk, lb '. < 5c. PEANUT BUTTER KISSES, 10 ounces 10c. SCOTCH MINTS, 10 ounces 10c. 0R0N0 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL - WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD ; ;IN STOCK AT ALL TtM.ES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just now we arefeatuaing ST0RN SASH PHÔNE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co