ORONO WI5EKLT TIMES vss HAMCO iœHE so/c/ ORONO Coa! & Lumber Co, Messrs.' llarry Mercer, W. E. Armstrong, Armstrong, J, J. Gilfillan, CM. O. IIall, fiber Luxun, Ovuno, and Frank Ar- dron, of Toronto, left early Wednesday Wednesday mornig by motor for Pelee Island Island to bo ready for the annual pheasant pheasant hunt today (Thursday) and Friday.' Friday.' Five birds are allowed per day to each :mliviiiuiii, consisting„of four cock birds and one hen 'bird. The Pelée Island shoot draws hunters from all over the North American continent and thousands'-of hunters will be after their full quota of birds. This New BREAD Diet .. bssseF Is» sR «ffitæa US? El Takes Off Pounds without loss of Energy FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan Hives about 1600 Calories a day -- the reducing allowance of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit Juice; Small serving meat, fish or eggs; 2 SLICES TOAST 1 sq. butter; 1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tep. sugar. • LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, fish, or eggs; Average serving 1 green vegetable; vegetable; 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter; Average serving fruit salad ; 1 glass milk, : jmMr é DINNER ^ glass fruit or tomato juice; Generous Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl; Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green; Small serving simple dessert; 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter; 1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tsp. sugar. S CIENTIFIC discoveries prove that bread proteins help burn up fat while you are reducing. Bread itself is not fattening. It is not just a "starchy" food--but a combination of carbohydrates that give you energy, and an especially effective form of protein. Qo on the new Bread Diet and stay splendidly energetic while you reduce -- instead of being weak, tired and irritable. The Bread Diet helps keep your muscles firm. Extreme Extreme diets often break down vital tissues. They should never be taken without without b physician's advice. If you are overweight and want to reduce safely, follow follow this diet and eat bread as the main part of your energy food. DEAN'S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You' 4 ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 1* AL AND SOCIAL RED & WHITE STORES Wonderful Soap, 5 bars - 16c. Molasses Snaps, 2 lbs. - - 19c. Quaker Oats, large pkg. - 22c. 1 cwt. bag Fine Salt - - - 69c. FRESH SPARE RIBS, per lb. ,18c. JUNKET POWDER or TABLETS, per pkg....llc SEEDED RAISINS, a pkg 16c. 4 lb. tin AMBER . HONEY ,45c, BULK SAGE, lb. 30c. CUBAN KISSES, 2 lbs. for : 25c. BABY CHEDDER CHEESE, 1 lb. 25c. TAPIOCA, 2 lbs 19c." PRUNES, 2 lbs ,25c. POPPING CORN, lb... 15c. Boned and Rolled POT ROAST, lb... 15c. FRONT OF LAMB, boned and rolled ....21c VEAL, boned and rolled, lb. ...18c. PEAMEAL BACON, lb 35c. PORK HOCKS, lb 10c. LOIN PORK CHOPS, ( trimmed)., lb ,27c. PLATE OF BEEF, lb.JOc. Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins - 19c. 10 lbs. Sugar - - 55c. Breakfast Bacon , lb. - - 29c. J.J.Ù PHC DRNISH >NE 12r2 Mr. An. Bono lias finished his Fall .ploughing for 1937. Mr. a'lid Mirs. Frank Pearson spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Bella Watson spent a day last week with Mrs. Geo. Betters. •Mrs." .Dora Hooey motored to Tor- o11 to on Wednesday .afternoon. Mrs. A. A. Drummond spent a few days with friend's in London recently. Miss Viola. N' dvn was in town during the week-end from Toronto -Utniversi ty. 'Miss Violet Haigh, of Toronto, spent a few days' with her sister, Mrs. George Henderson. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tlimiias, of Toronto, "spent a few days visiting friends in town last week. Mr, John Morris has a. staff of men at work building" a new telephone line on Station street east. The committee has made , à start at the exhibition grounds', staking out the new race course. Mrs. Neil Porter .and daughter Shirley are spending a few days visiting friends in Peterborough, Miss Mary Knox, of Allistan, was in town over the week-end visiting her father, Mr. A. J. Knox. Professor and Mrs, Frank Knox, ,of Kingston, were visitors in town on Sunday, the guests of Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr, Alex. Buchanan and daughter Kivu, from Mount Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond a couple days last week. Wednesday night Mr. W. Eiddell and Miss Eileen attended the Installation Installation of the District Oddfellows Lodge in Bowmanville. My. Fred Sisson, who has been employed 1 at the Goodyen v plant at Bowmanville, is home for a, few days with a severe attack of lumbago. Mr. Sandy Watson is tearing down the old buildings behind W. E. Armstrong's store, thus improving the appearance of the rear of the building. The stop signs that were taken down some time ago, have again been iput back in tlieir places; having received received a fresh coat of paint in the meantime. ■Several man traps have been set in town for Hallowe'en wreckers. Watdh your step on this night, and save yourself Considerable trouble and expense. Mr. C. Powers is making considerable considerable modern improvements to his property on church street, which he purchased some moniths ago from Mr. John Miagil!.- Mra. Erwin Rainey has returned from Peterborough hospital where she underwent a major operation recently. recently. We are please to state that She is gradually improving. The Durham Central Agricultural Society has purchased the Presbyterian Presbyterian church shed and will use the lumber and timber to remodel and enlarge the grandstand at the park. Mr. Clifford Jones, son of Mr. Giddns Jones, has accepted a position with the Stewart-Warner Radio Firm of Belleville, and left the latter part of last-Week to take up his new duties. The official opeoning of the local Badminton Club was held Friday evening in the Armouries. After a number of friendly games among the members a dainty lunch was' enjoyed b y al'l. The Durham Central Agricultural Society are allowed one entry" at the Guelph Winter Fair and the Directors Directors would! be glad to hear from any exhibitors who intends showing at the Winter Fair. Mr. Wan. Watson is busy these days applying the finishing touches to the splendid driving team of Mr. Beatty's," of Peterborough, and will show them at the Royal Winter Fair, also the Ottawa. Fair. Owing to. the recent illness of Mrs'. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Dent'celebrated the 45th 1 anniversary of their marriage marriage very quietly at their home on Monday last, receiving thteir congratulations congratulations from: their family hy mail. There died: at the .residence- of her sister, Mrs, Ned,son, 399 Bleecker Sts, on Saturday, Oct. 23, '1937, Isabella Wright, widow of, the late Francis' Wear Hall, aged 72 years. - Funeral service was held at the résidence of her -on. John Hall, 968 Mount T'l casant casant Road, Toronto,-on Tuesday' at 2 p.rn. Interment Mount Pleasant -Cemetery. Mr. Hubert Cobbled! ek, B.S.A., who has been supplying at Stirling High Sfehool since Thanksgiving, has now secured a position on the Leamington Leamington High School -staff, commencing commencing November 1st, This is a ten room school, of which Mr, A. C. Ritter, Ritter, formerly of Drono, is principal. truite a number from here attended attended the Fowl Supper at Clarke United Church on , Wednesday evening. .SHOE EiEiPAliRiIl-NiG -- We call for and . deliver. Phone Cornt'orih, 6or 14. ' c-42-c. A thief or thieves were busy Sunday Sunday night or early Monday morning removing money -out of milk bottles left out oh the steps for,the milkmen. This' is an old practice and could be overcome, if- all patrons would purchase purchase tickets and do away with this petty thieving. Some lost up to 25c, ÿaœc&Etsmæiœmmaim Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END IODIZED SALT MATCHES 3 SPECIALS 2 CARTONS BOXES IN PKG . 11c. 22c GRANULATED SUGAR. .< .., 10 LBS .... 59c. P & G SOAP yi.. .....6 BARS 23c. LIBBY'S FORK & LEANS LARGE TIN. 9c. GOLD SOAP \... 7 BARS, ..... 25c. MINCEMEAT 1. ...„: y.2 LB. CARTON 23c. RED PLUM JAM ; LARGE JAR 22c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S OVERCOATS We have 13/ OVERCOATS that we will give you a bargain on. They include Blue Chinchillas, Barrymore and Tweed Cloths. The regular price was $20.00. We have nearly 00 all sizes YOUR CHOICE LADIES' HATS Any HAT jn the store at one price. This includes (hi All Velvets and Fete ! «pl.uU LADIES' HOSE A Good Weigh-t in a Silk and Wool Hose, with band top and good full size leg. In shades of smockstone sand and '«A gunmetal, per pair »... otiï/Co» BERETS Girls' and Women's sizes, in all wool French Beret, PA^ all -the colors made nJW CARDIGAN Women's All Wool Cardigans, in blue, black Maroon :$1.50&$2 FLOWERS Gold and Silver Flowers are very popular. We have a nice ::;r 25c to 50c TOWELLING A Good Heavy Weight in Terry Towelling, 18 inches wide, with stripped O'C -- border, per yd.. PYJAMAS - Y ATVT A CLOTH makes the warmest and most comfortable winter nightwear. It: is a very soft, nappy ilannellctte of very long wearing quality. We had a nice shipment arrive of Pyjamas Pyjamas and Nightgowns for troth men and. boys : Nightgowns $1.50 Pyjamas, hoys Pyjamas, Men's J]}2L0Û Ï BEX BLANKETS At last: years price; the largest and Heaviest Blanket made $2.45 BLANKETS 'Silk Bound, All W ool Blanket's, Blanket's, in fancy color's of mauve, pink, each$5.00 blue and RUBBERS We sell nothing but Dominion 1st Quality Rubbers. They give you: more wear. We know you can buy cheaper rubbers, but you are the loser when you buy them. Our stock for Fail is all in and waiting for you. Comte and see them. w POTATOES This Potato Deal, we are offering you is a good buy, No. 1 Dpoley Potatoes, grown in Pontypool, at 60c. a bag of 90 lbs. We had 50 bags come in toddy.' 'Order yours.