k Sunday School s: Lesson THE MORAL ISSUE IN THE DRINK PROBLEM (International Temperance Temperance Sunday). -- Romans 13:12-14$ I Corinthians 6:9-11; Galatians 5: 16-24. GOLDEN TEXT--Walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill, the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.--The epistle of Paul to the Romans was written about A.D. 57. His First Epistle to the Corinthians was written about 59 A.D., while the epistle to the Galatians was written probably in the year 61 A.D. Place,--The epistle to the Romans was written to Rome from the city of Corinth, in Greece; the First Epistle Epistle to the Corinthians was written from the city of Ephesus; while the epistle to the Galatians was written from the city of Corinth. 12. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. (See Thess. 5:5). The passage may refer to our Lord's First Advent, when the darkness of heathenism heathenism began to pass away and the day of light and gospel purity commenced; commenced; it may also refer to the approaching approaching day when the Lord Jesus Christ would come back again. Let us therefore cast oft the works of darkness. "No doubt the word darkness darkness suggests also 'the powers of the darkness,' the personal spiritual 'rulers 'rulers of the darkness,' who tempt the soul and intensify its tendencies to evil. The habit resulting from these deeds is here figured as a night robe which is to be put off as the sleeper rises to conflict." And let us put on the armor of light. "There is the light of sincerity, the light of purity, the light of love, the light of joy. 13. Let us walk becomingly, as in the day; not in revelling. And drunkenness. drunkenness. Not in chambering. (Professor (Professor Moffat translates this word "debauchery,") And wantonness. It means not only licentiousness, but "lawless insolence and riotous excess." excess." Not in strife. That is, contention, contention, whether it be at home, in school, among neighbors, in social circles, in business, or in a church. And jealousy. 14. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian life is not one empty empty of the things of the world so much as it is one filled with the things of the Lord. We shall not walk in darkness, darkness, if we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, And make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. "Let the evil thing die of famine. Let the ungodly suggestion perish for sheer lack of food. Kill your spiritual spiritual enemies by starvation. This appears appears to be the principle advocated by the great apostle for the culture of the spiritual life. Or know ye not that the unrighteous unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Unrighteousness is wrong doing doing of any kind. A person who lives, in unrighteousness, the apostle clearly. clearly. tells us here, and elsewhere, is one who cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men. 10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11. And such were some of you, hut ye were washed. It possibly means that when they were baptized, having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, they deliberately put away the filthiness off these sins from their lives. But yè were sanctified, but ye were justified. "It is best to take 'sanctified' in the sense of dedicated to God, and 'justified' as referring to the actual, moral righteousness of life, which is brought about by union with Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God, No matter how great, or deep, or powerful, the sin which most easily besets us, the three per- TOE imomtttf pm OF RIAL BHf f lAVOUBj :" ", . . sons of the Godhead can certainly subdue this sin, and deliver us forever forever from its power. And ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. The meaning simply is "life in its outgoing shall not consist consist in indulgence of carnal affections, being otherwise occupied, preoccupied, preoccupied, filled up." ■ 17. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would. 18. But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under under the law. Paul does not mean that we shall live a life in which the flesh plays no part, but that we shall not be slaves to fleshly desires, but shall live in our bodies as the Holy Spirit, dictates, not as bodily desires dictate. This conflict is not present in the lives of unbelievers. 19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: fornication, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness. 20. Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties. 21. Envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom kingdom of God. A fourfold classification classification of the fifteen sins here mentioned mentioned has been suggested: (1) sensual vices; (2) religious vices connected with heathendom; (3) malevolent vices, enmities, strife, jealousies, etc. (4) vices of excess or intemperance. Walk in the Holy Spirit What should be given the greater emphasis in this lesson is not the vices which we are to put away, and deny, and triumph over, though these certainly should be spoken of, but the meaning of and the daily experience - of the glorious privilege of walking in the power and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person, the Third Person of the Godhead. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are indwelt. As a person, he has a most intimate knowledge of each one of us. As the Holy Spirit, bis desires for us are always the most holy. 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is. "All these graces spring out of one living root. The origin off this fruit is the Holy Spirit, not man's spirit, but the Holy Spirit himself. Those who are led by the Spirit not only do not do the works of the flesh, but they bring forth the fruit of the Spirit." Love. This stands first, the root of all other graces, love for God and love for one another. Joy. "Joy is opposed to dullness, despondency, despondency, indifference, and all the destructions destructions and remorses which are wrought by the works of the flesh. This joy is the spring of energy, and praiso wells out of the joyful heart. Peace. This is the first peace with. God, which has been obtained for us by the Lord Jesus Christ. This peace leads to perfect tranquility in the human heart. Longsuffering. "It enables us to bear injury without at once avenging ourselves." Kindness. The word means "the soft answer," "a loving and sympathetizing temper." temper." Goodness. It is difficult to distinguish between goodness . and kindness, though probably the latter word means the actual, visible manifestation manifestation and exercise of the virtue of kindness. Righ here one might remember remember that love, joy, and peace are virtues that, we have in ourselves by the Holy Spirit, without particular regard to others, except God; while longsuffering, kindness, and goodness, are never developed except as we are in contact with Others. They are not virtues that have to do with ourselves ourselves as we are living among men and women. 23. Meekness. "A grace of the soul which consists in habitual submission, submission, to the dealings of God, arising arising from the sense of his greatness and the mind's own readiness to sin. Hence then, we are to pass over the insults and wrongs inflicted by men as permitted by God, and a part of his discipline." That is, the holding in of the passions and appetites, Against such there is no law. You can never find any law on any of the statute-books of any 'Christian nation legislating against the virtues here enumerated. _ 24. And they that are of Christ 1 Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. , By crucifying the flesh and its pas- ' sions and lusts is meant taking a deliberate deliberate and positive stand against their domination and their incitements, incitements, a reckoning of one's self to be dead indeed unto sin, but to be alive unto God. f/- \ "> i ills iiilll ÉÜ8 mm i : ' \ - » : Ell ^ . ■ ■ - . -vi.vi mm. -vl-ff': W'. ;i;p 1 Employees working in this plant at Meriden, Conn., enjoy a practical practical immunity to annoying shadows. Through careful construction, the building affords natural light from so many directions that both unnecessary glare and heavy shadows are eliminated. New 1 ^hling System Eliminates Shadows News Outside Newspaper's Door SIï-O 'H * ■ , g , - - < %iI?* ' ,& I»»»! &$$$» \ Sill -J Reporters of the North China Daily News, English-language newspaper newspaper in Shanghai, need only step out their office door for war news and atmosphere. The Sino-Japanese conflict there has forced use ot sandbag barricades around the publication's doors. As an air-raid precaution Nottingham, Nottingham, England, will install 200 fire alarms alarms which will continue to work through the earth even If a bomb destroys destroys their cable. J. E. Purkinje first scientifically advanced advanced the permanent character of the fingerprint in 1823, when he addressed addressed the University of Breslau on the subject. Movie M* Çf 1 Radio By VIRGINIA DALE ^ While all the important motion- picture producers were trying to interest interest Ronald Coiman in big, serious dramas, he slipped over to the Hal Roach studio and agreed to star in a goofy comedy called "Fancy Free." No one else even suspected that Ronnie Ronnie Wanted to join the parade of serious serious players who have scored in light offerings. His best friend, Bill Fowell, is suspected suspected of selling him the idea. Bill has such fun making comedies, and so do Myrna Loy and Carole Lombard, Lombard, and the newest recruit, Constance Constance Bennett. I would not be at all surprised if Constance were to play the lead opposite Coiman. .Nov/ that Bill Powell is wandering around Europe, Myrna Loy is going to stray over to the Twentieth Century- Fox studio to make a picture with Warner Warner Baxter, her second second - best . leading man. The story is "Career in C Major," Major," and is all about a woman with a not-so-good voice who is absolutely determined to get into grand opera. Her husband views the whole project with distaste, until he finds that his barber-shop chord barytone is just what the opera opera scouts have been looking for. The tremendous popularity of "The Prisoner of Zenda" has revived interest interest in swashbuckling mythical kingdom romances, so Sam Goldwyn has decided it is high time to film "Graustark" again. It has been made twice before, but not in the gorgeous way that Sam will make it. He plans to have Merle O heron play the beautiful beautiful princess and Gary Cooper the American newspaper man who rescues rescues and marries her. Since he subbed for Don Ameche on the Charlie-McCarthy-Nelson Eddy Eddy program, Herbert Marshall is the most sought-after actor in Hollywood for radio programs. If any sponsor could persuade him and Claudette Colbert to appear regularly together, the program's popularity would be sure to start near the top. But just wait until you hear Brian Aherne's voice in the Warner Brother's picture, "The Great Garrick-" Be is going to give Mr. Marshall some competition. competition. Phil Spitalny is being ribbed by his friends, and all because he ran into difficulties while filming a Paramount short film featuring his Hour of Charm All-Girl orchestra. . they, all worked hard, finished the film on schedule and went home satisfied that they had done their best. But the studio called up next day to protest protest that a man's voice could be heard in the midst of the all-feminine all-feminine chorus. Spitalny went to hear the sound track, pretty indignant that their work had been spoiled. Only to find it was his own voice on the film. B--3 Warner Baxter |68;És m , : to*®®. nm ' ■ : l