ï|t: w OÜOXO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTOWILLE Mrs. .Hassen spent a few days in Chatham,. (iiait to report Miss Helen Couch improving, .although slowly. Mr, Ken. Ware, Fénelon Falls, was home for the week-end. Miss Almedla Couch, Buffalo, visited visited Mrs. Eib, Mill son recently. Friends are pleased to see Mr. Win. Sitaipleton getting around again. A numlber from here attended Clarke Anniversary Services Sunday. Miss Helen LeDrew. Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Miss- Lena Kimball. Kimball. Mrs. C. Burley attended the funeral funeral of her uncle, Mr. Zealand, in Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lane attended the anniversary in OoBborne on October October 17th. Mr. Raymond Bruce was in Belleville Belleville Tuesday attending the funeral of his niece., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lippett and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. •T. Colon, Sundfay. Our school will be closed Thursday Thursday and Friday, owing to the Teachers'. Teachers'. Convention. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenoutli, Ra- panee, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs B, Be: hick. Messrs. Cecil and Win, Robinson attended the funeral of Mrs. Hall Sr. in Toronto Tuesday. Thial community ex,tendis, sympathy to our Editor, Mr. It. A. Forrester, in his recent, bereavement. Mrs, Robert Gordon, Eiizahotbvi'ic, is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Bb. Stapleton. There was an , aluminium demonstration demonstration at the home of Mrs. George MeOullbugh on Monday evening. Messrs. Earl XVa 1 key and Ross f! ib!>- attended the Telephone Convention Convention in Toronto on October Slsit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris, Messrs. Elyerett Stapleton" and R; Morton, Orono, " visited Mr. and Mrs, Win, / S'taplefon on Sunday. Sunday guests With Mr. and Mm, - 0bus. Morris were : Mis» - Kathleen Burton. Mrs. Barber, Mrs,, Welch, Miss Kajpril. and Mr Archie Monk- house, Toronto, On r Public sellooi '.students are very .urireful to the Bowiiianville Rotary Rotary Club for the treat which they I enjoyed at Bownianville Theatre on Friday morning. Mr. Melville Jones .attended, the 'convention of the Canadian Independent Independent Telephone/Association of Ontario Ontario iti the King Edward Hotel. Toronto, on October 21st and 22nd, and recei ved the honor of being elect-; ■ ed president. On Friday evening, October 22nd, a number of reltaive- gathered at the home of Mrs. Wm. Whittaker to present present her grandson, Mr. Gordon Whittaker, Whittaker, and his fiance, Miss Marion Griffin, with a msicël Igneous shower in honour of their approaching marriage. marriage. '/.'The W.M.-S. of the United .Church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Oteto'ber 13th. Mrs! George Wul key gave the Scripture reading and: Mrs. 0. Bur- leg gave a -splendid paper on the chapter in the Study Book. Mrs. E, L. Beech led in prayer. Mrs. Red- knaijro favored with a solo. It was decided to entertain the mothers and babies of the congregation, at the next meeting, November 3rd, in the church basemen t. The W. I. héld their October meeting meeting at the home of Mrs. 0. J. Mit- Wi!l YOUR RADIO | GIVE YOU j | Jack Benny j | Every Saturday Nile ? ? or jj | Do you get stations j j Static and Sputter | I Have your radio fixed I | GET RESULTS | •• •• ---j | Chas. R. Knox | j Phone 42r2, Orono . j Ï Serving the public for six .years | j (formerly with Green's, ;Radio j | Sendee), 12th and Monterey Sts., $ Detroit. BOWiANViLLE Pleased to note/that Mr. A. II. Sicobel lias much improved; in health since his operation in. one of the Toronto Toronto hospitals the past month. That: certainly is" a hot one in last Saturday's Globe and Mail" "Conservatism "Conservatism at the Gross Roads," andthis by an old timer of that party. He certainly dSo.es n-ot call a spade any other name than just a spade. John Bernard Mitchell died Sunday Sunday last and the funeral, which was private, took place Tuesday afternoon afternoon from the funeral chapel of Nort.lieott iV Smith, King St, His widow and two sons survive him. Much sympathy .is-'-expressed, here of the death of Mrs. Scobell, wife of Col. : S. B 1 . Scobell, Toronto. Mr. A. II. Scobell of this town is a brother, Mrs. Scdbell was a native of New Brunswick, where the interment took place. . Now is the day and also the hour of .-peaking contests which is one splendid idea. Among the list Bowman Bowman ville comes on the board. November November 1st, Port Hope on November 3rd. First prize winner in former conteste conteste not eligible. - The kidilets of this b.urg will have another' holiday this week, Thursday and Friday, on account of Durham Teachers' Institute having a convention- convention- in the High School auditorium. Quite a program is outlined for the occasion, wi th a trip to the city of Belleville to visit the school for the deaf, where W. J. Morrison is superintendent. superintendent. a. former High School principal here. Rotary people did not pick on a fine day for the school cbildlren's Friday Friday matinee last week, but considering considering the weatherman's vagaries everything everything passed off tolerably well, except one pf thé conveyances had to be towed home in the evening. But why wait for Fall weather for this outing? the good old summer time would be more suitable, the side roads less greasy, the days longer and. everything everything more in th Line of comfort for all Orono went in cars and Newcastle Newcastle went fin "Ga-r ton's busses, A new firm has the contract for the north addition to the Goodyear plant and began work Monday morning morning last by taking down the old 'structure in preparation for the new, which, will be much larger. This 'is certainly a busy spot nowadays, both insidb; and out. The new building will give much more space for better handling of goods, and cramped quarters will be a thing of the past which is much to be desired. In the meantime quarters are assigned uptown- uptown- for surplus storing until the contractors get through. Sunday last wag Military Day in. the: town of Whitby. The 119 Battalion Battalion came down from Toronto in the forenoon and attended service which was; conducted by the Honorary Honorary Chaplain of this body. In the obeli on October 20th. Mrs. Kaufman Kaufman was • appointed 'delegate to the convention in Toronto in November They decided to send a leader to the Leader's 'Training School for Girls' Work in Mill-brook. Mrs.' Ilaigh was in charge of the meeting. Roll Call, "Mv personal effort toward making the Institute a success. Report from 'Speaker's Service at Orono by Miss Jennie Thompson, Soto, Mrs. Red- kn.app, accompanied by Miss Margaret Margaret Deriault, The Fair exhibit was on display. Mrs. Haigh gave two humorous readings and her group served lunch. IT/C. League has re-opened for the winter mo nth». The following was the program for. the first meeting : Bible reading, Gladys. Pearce; vocal duet, Marian Bruce arid June Ware; reading, Mrs. Sa very; mouth organ selection, Bobby Lockhart; recitation, Dorëen Burley. Mr, Ken. Worry, "Newcastle, gave an interesting talk on young people's work. The following following officers were elected , President. Sid Lancaster: vice-president, Mr-. Willis. Jones; secretary, Edgar Mill- son; .assistant, secretary, Alfred Red- Imap.p; pianists, "Margaret Denault and Mrs, W. C. Lane: wmveners--- Christian Fellowship, Hazel Reid and Mary Lane; Missionary, Jack Kimball Kimball and Mrs. .Willis. Jones; Citizenship, Citizenship, Ray Hughe- and. Ronald Burley; Burley; Christian Culture, Mrs. Savory and Audrey Burley. LESKARD Sunday school re-opened Sunday last, with a good attendance. We ex- expect a spoecial speaker next Sunday, Sunday, so come and join us. A number of the young folks of i.eskard arid Kirby chivoroed; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie - Stapleton the past week, giving a real variety of tunes. Charlie Invited the boys in. Cards and music was- the order of the evening. evening. Lunch was served by Mrs. 'Stapleton and Mrs. John Munis. Mr. Ernie Syer and son Bertram narrowly escaped serious injury one day tiiis week while drawing turnips. On crossing the field the tongue drop ped from the neck yoke, running into the ground, causing the wagon to overturn and throwing both men out. Mr. Syer is suffering from a blackened blackened eye but Bertram .escaped- uninjured. uninjured. Thé Home and School Club met on October 19th for re-election of officers. Mr. Bertram 'Syers was chosen as president for another term; Harry Davey vice-president- and Miss Alice Bairstowe secretary-treasurer. 11 was agreed on to have a 25c. membership membership fee for each family. The first meeting will be on November 1st, in the form of a Hallowe'en party. Mil- ton Cornish, Norman Bairstowe and Carl Billings are the programme committee, committee, ' Gome and enjoy a social time. Lunch will be served by the ladies. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson on Wednesday evening in the form of a birthday party hold in honor of their daughter daughter Myrtle. Many lovely presents were received, of which Myrtle gave hearty thanks, then wishing all a most enjoyable time. The evening was spent in games and music, A buffet lunch was served. The cake for the occasion, looked delicious with its sparkling candles burning. Sorry to say Myrtle will not receive her wish as she did not, put the candles alt out at one breath, then she cut and passed her cake while about thirty partook of the delicate fragments. fragments. Then the younger couples .danced for a couple of hours and everyone enjoyed- themselves and 1 regretted; regretted; that the hours had. fled by so rapidly. When you have Local or Personal News send it in to the Orono Times. afternoon: they Look part in the drumhead drumhead service along with over 3000 veterans, with many attending from this district. The band with the Legion Legion from this town attended and rnlany attended from Cobouirg on the toast, towelling the list to many hum dreds. The Lieutenant-Governor, Dr.. Bruce, of Toronto, took the salute as the different bodies marched marched past the reviewing stand. Dr. Bruce was the principal speaker at the drumhead service. The weather was somewhat cool, especially for playing the music for this occasion, also the Guard of Honor was furnished furnished by the 34tli Oslvawa Regiment. , Hallowe'en will be tui - week whether whether on Saturday or Monday evening, evening, but according to. the store Windows there is going to be some terrifying physiogs on the streets, and the usual "shell out" will be the slogan of a certain class of youngsters, youngsters, as they persist , in ringing your door bell. Well we do not: blame the kidiets, it is the parents that are responsible responsible for this nui.-anee. The parents parents should see to; it that Hallowe'en should be celebrated at the home or a certain nun lier of children could meet ait: some central place and have an evening of fun ■ arid, frolic, but this parading the streets as has been the case the past few years is neither ■funny, or particularly interesting, The old type of celebration in this country country for years past was of the rough; neck order and much damage was the result. Sidewalks were torn up, door steps were carried off, garden gates were found miles from where they belonged and while many dollars worth "oif : damage was" done, the net amount of. fun received would hut be more than, perhaps 3 cents, dxcept probably to a low type of mentality;- Li many places, those interested - in 'this' (Jet, finale- and in youngsters and their ways get, .together, rent a halt and give"'the children a night, 0 f fun and ii has been found .'to be more .satisfactory for all 'concerned than : th to rag/ ta g and bobtail bud ness • tha t has come to of late years. Why not try it here ? wk >-eeaw o-«smh i -« TYRRELL'S REXALL DRUG STORE DRUGS PHONE 68 STATIONERY KODAKS I 1 EVERY DAY SALE PRICES i DR, CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 49 vis. DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS . . 29 els. CYST EN -- Dependable Kidney Tonic, small, 75c. ; large $1.50 KRLTSCHEN SALTS, 69 c-ts. " ENO'S FRUIT SALT, 79c. SAL HLPATICA, small 30 cts, ; medium 59 cts. ; large $1.15 Specials "FOUR-SQUARE" RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL--A High Grade Heavy Type Oil, 40 OUNCE BOTTLE 89 cts. PEANUT BRITTLE CANDY * .per lb 29c. MILK CHOCOLATE BUDS per lb 29c. KRISPY KRUMbXeS per lb 29c. SMILES 'N CHUCKLES--A High Grade, Freshly Packed Chocolates,' 1-2 lb 25c- 1 lb...... 50c. HANDCRAFT CHOCOLATES -- Individually Wrapped, small pieces per lb 75c. Veterinary CONDITION POWDER From the Original Formula of L. A. Gamsby. This powder is, highly recommended for producing a fine smooth skin and for bringing horses and cattle into general good condition. It gives tone to the stomach and increases the appetite. It is a time proven mineral and vegetable tonic, packed in 14 ounce containers (appr.) PRICED........ 39 cts. Special Feature Sale Days THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 28th, 29tH and BOtH OUR COUNTERS ARE FULL OF Interesting Values In Fall Goods that you will need for cooler weather and we invite you to come ill and compare the QUALITY and VALUE represent, ed- See large circulars in the mail today. JUST ARRIVED LADIES' and MISSES 1 ' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, 89c. to , M ....* : .......: : $1.00 LAVALON HAIR RINSE, tints the hair as it rinses, pkg. 15c. WEEK-END SPECIALS IN GROCERIES GRAHAM FLOUR, 3 1-2 lb. bags COOKING BRAN, 3 lb. bags .' CORN MEAL, 3 lbs. for .... MOLASSES SNAPS!, fresh stock, lb ICING SUGAR, 2 lbs. for, SHREDDED COCOANUT, lb , CURRANTS, lb CORNED BEEF, 2 12-oz. tins ..... 14c. 11c. 13c. 10c. 15 c. 15c- 15c. 27c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL ' WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just now we are featuaing STQRN SASH PHONE 48R16 I