| Classified Advertising,_ AGENTS WANTED MEDICAL AGENTS SELL MEN'S NECKTIES. 140 PER cent profit. We carry largest assortment. Lowest prices. Orders tilled by return mall. No substitutes. Samples tree. Ontario Neclt- wear Company, 357 Eastern Ave., Toronto, WHY SUFFER? ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Salve will give permanent relic!" from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money-back guarantee. Mazar Mlg., 331 Flora Ave., Winnipeg. "MLBSMAN WANTED BY "THE OLD RE- liabie Fotithill Nurseries" (Established 100 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines. Start how, exclusive territory territory in town or country; liberal terms; free outfit. Stone and Wellington, Toronto 2. SELL SOBIES GUARANTEED LINGERIE, hosiery. Manufacturers. Stores. Established" Established" 28 years. Christmas seller. Experience Experience unnecessary. Get details. Sobies, 140 Farnham, Que. MUSIC BY MAIL THREE NEW DANCE FOLIOS CONTAINING the pick of the new season's tunes; the new DICK POWELL NO. 3, contains "Dream Boat," "I Know Now," etc. SELECT DANCE FOLIO contains "Sweet Letlani," "Pennies from Heaven," etc. The NEW FEIST DANCE FOLIO containing "That Old Feeling," "Lovely One," "Where Are You," etc. Price 50c each. Dominion Music Supply, Supply, Hermant Building, Toronto. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR Hosiery Hosiery manufacturer for this district. Only energetic man considered. Write full par- "euTârs to Mr. Elliott, 72 Queen West, To- t it»)' "GOlD'wIRE names" ON PINK OR GREEN Leaf, 35c. Agent's outfit 50c deposit. Geo. Roasiter, 50 Torrens, Toronto, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, TRUM- pet, Trombone. Become a Musician, Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms---no interest. Literature free, Greene Music Company, 57 Queen St, East, Toronto. AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, licensed instructors. Leavens Brothers' Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. CATTLE ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS -- START breeding beef cattle now. They are scarce all over the Continent. Aberdeen Angus have, produced Grand: Champion Carcass of Beef at Chicago International every year since 1900. Bulls and Females of breeding age for sale reasonable. : James'Bowman, Elm Park, Guelph, Ontario, DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees avéra avéra ce over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. Prices $55.00 to $80.00, Federal^ Accredited. Accredited. Bayside Farm, Owen Sound. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- ment at home -- shorten those long winter evenings. Hawaiian or Spanish Guitar; Violin; Violin; Mandolin; Piano Accordion, etc.; complete complete with course of home study lessons, sold on very easy terms. Send at once for particulars. particulars. Whaley, Royce and Company, Limited, Limited, 237 Yonge Street, Toronto, or your local local Music Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO CHOICE Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, $1.00. Boxed--postpaid. Robert Har- vie, 238 King East, Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Hales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS aD""CARPETS WOVEN INTO REVERSIBLE Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co:, Toronto 4. n ELECTRIC WELDER THÉ TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION. QPER- atea from 6-volt battery. Welds, Soldera, Brazes. $3.95 delivered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. furniture " tons' used furniture BARGAINS -great, savings in our Furniture Trade-in De- artment. Our iow prices have made this .partaient the largest and most popular in, oronto Just a few of the hundreds of spe- als " are listed here. If you don't see what m want advertised come in or write, Lyons re sure to have it and at the lowest price town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily eated and completely reQnished to look like ÎL P , A Beautiful American walnut. ,bed- ibtS.W room suite, large chlffrobe, full noth triple mirror vanity and full size poster bed with sagless spring. Completely ■finished. Cost new over $200.00. :" n1 rA WALNUT finish dresser, m perfect IA I.UV condition, with full size steel bed , sagless spring and brand new all-: nDSoIid oak dining-room Suites, large r I iy.-.iV nuffet, extension tables and six atilt- upholstered chairs, in perfect condt- nn Your choice of golden or fumed oak. in nn Beautiful solid walnut dining-room jy.UU EU ite, large buffet, twin pedestal itension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs aholstered in genuine leather. A really fine lite and looks brand new; completely relished. relished. Cost originally about $300.00. é ftfi Eight-piece, 2-tone walnut finish f •'MO dining-room suite---Queen Ann de- Yarge buffet, extension table and six infra upholstered in genuine leather. Com- .fet'ely refinished. , a An Luxurious 3-piece Chesterfield Suite (unclaimed). This suite is been rebuilt and recovered in a very at- active brand new brown repp; has Mar- tall reversible spring cushions and is a real i.rgain at this price. Originally cost $175.00. ' exactly like new; * jrfi Full length chesterfield and two roomy chairs to match, uphol- ered in a novelty repp with reversible Mariai! Mariai! cushions and show-wood walnut frame; impletely re-conditioned and dry cleaned. Large Chesterfield with two big MaKÜU chairs, covered in a French Jaccard Jaccard Taupe shade; completely re-built and loroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cabinets, Sew- !g Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, eds, Spring Mattresses, Odd Dressers, Chif- miers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly w prices. Trade-In Dept, LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. ive 40 %. Buy Direct from Factory 18 YONGE ST. TORONTO DOGS SCOTCH, ENGLISH COLLIE PUPS, ALL ages; failures replaced free; trained cattle dogs; trained coon, fox, deer hounds ; great danes, pups; buy from largest trained dog kennels in Canada. Guarantee satisfaction. Rapid view ...Kennels, Morrisburg, Ontario. >7rP^S^A^^'RfNTS CHRISTMAS CARDS' FROM YOUR FAVOUH- ite negatives, Ï2 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Complete Complete with envelopes. Sample, 10c. Bright- 29 Richmond» St. E., Toronto. y^r,;LS DE VELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE largement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 25c. X lOto-Craft, 183% King St. E., Toronto. jlfeo PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS - •IGINALLY COSTING WHEN NEW UP TO §00., good makes, beautiful walnut, mahogany mahogany and goldeh o&k cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano Benches; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, 59.50. Meal for homes, schools, church es. rite for our bargain price list. Sovereign's IgtHw, 2418B Dufferjn St., Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ~ K $0W8' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING. "Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Èïoor West, Toronto. MEDICAL StRONAGM'S TAPEWORM REMEDY, SIM- pie, inexpensive, effective. Write today for Complete information. STBONACH'S STOMACH POWDER, QUICK lief Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- i % Heartburn, Bloating, Biliousness, Nau- ,;a. Successfully used many years. Large .package mailed postpaid 50c. Stronach Medicines, 536 D.overdourt, Toronto. INVENTIONS PATENTED. WRITE TODAY for helpful, illustrated booklets free. W. Irwin Haskett, 18 Elgin, Ottawa. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered. Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL BOOKS EVERY MARRIED COUPLE AND those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies and household novelties novelties free upon request. Supreme Specialty 169 Yonge, Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Preston, Ont. POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE® AND RHODE ISLAND Reds. Best quality cockerels $3.00. Rhode Island Red hens .90c, M. Fisher, Enterprise Ontario. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood, Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! -- $1.00 "Collect." Sample bundle -- 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 up. Write for free Price List. Pa|ace Radio Shop, 721 Pape, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS CANADA, 96 DIFFERENT $1.00; 60 REVKN- ues 50c. Coronation; 52 Dominions $8.25, 135 Colonies $6.75. Canadian Catalogue 200 illustrations 25c. Free Price List 500 sets, Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. Canadian Furs Win u Grand Prix" The Department of Trade and Commerce announced it had received a communication that the fur exhibit at the Canadian pavilion at; the Paris Exposition had been awarded the "Grand Prix d'Honneur," highest prize which can be bestowed on any exhibit. The Canadian exhibit of furs included included pelts of principal fur bearing animals of the Dominion, particular displays being made of silver and other domestically bred foxes. The award was made by a judging judging committee, which included official official representatives from different countries represented at the exposition. exposition. NO TERRIBLE HEADACHE NOW Found Quick, Sure Way to End Thtin It'* fortunate that a great Canadian doctor made the famous fruit, oBg&j JSW St herb and tonic remedy, BraBP; Fruit-a-tives. Mr.C.D., gMM Toronto, writes, "I was bothered with very severe headaches. Pain on top of head and in forehead was more than I could bear. My doctor advised me to take Fruit-a-tives. Since them 1 have not Bad any trouble with headaches." When you take Fruit-a-tives, your liver is cleansed. Stomach, kidneys and intestines work naturally; naturally; Poisons and wastes go. Food nourishes. Health comes. 25c. and 50c. All druggists. FRUIT-A-TIVES™™, s DOUBLE Satisfaction DOUBLE Convenience . : ' DOUBLE Automatic Booklet HE WAS ALWAYS TIRED AND ILL Three Complaints G ave him* A Miserable TittJC Suffering from three complaints -- disordered kidneys, sciatica, and rheumatism, how could this man be anything else but always tired and ill? This is.what he writes: -- "Up to a month or so ago, I had suffered suffered continually from kidney disorder, disorder, sciatica, rheumatism, and generally generally felt off colour, I was constantly tired, and under medical supervision. I tried many remedies, but without effect effect until I gave Kruschen Salts a trial. In four weeks, Kruschen has brought about a complete transformation. transformation. I have a healthy appetite and once more feel that it is good to be alive." -- S.V.N. The kidneys are the filters of the human machine. If they become sluggish,Impurities sluggish,Impurities find their way into the blood-stream, and the seed of half-a- dozen common ailments is sown. The scientific combination of salts in Kruschen quickly coaxes the kidneys kidneys back to healthy, normal action. Soon your ailments are relieved and life becomes a joy again. Science Links Fish to Sirens Aquarium Authority States That Fishes Make Sounds There may be a slight basis in fact for the stories that have come down to us from antiquity about the sirens who by their songs lured sailors to their death. Fishes make sounds, declares declares Dr. C. H. Townsend, of the N.Y. Aquarium, and It is possible, he states, that the myths in the works by Homer and other classical writers were dramatization of the stories told by fishermen, with their usual decorations decorations added to the facts, about the sounds they heard fishes make. Dr. Townsend, in an article on. the swim bladder in fishes, in the current: issue of the bulletin of the New York Zoological Zoological Society, describes his experience experience in listening to the sounds made by fishes while lie was aboard a small schooner lying in a shallow Central American harbor. Swim Bladder Accomplishes It The swim bladder, he states, is a saclike organ In the abdominal cavity of many vertebrate fishes. The principal principal use is to enable the fish to adjust adjust itself so that it can swim at desired desired depths, but it is Used for other purposes as well, among them the making of sounds, some fishes having muscles that can be vibrated against the air sac. In other fishes It functions functions as an organ of hearing. New Campos Slang Compiled by Paper "B.M.O.C.", "Ding", "Fruit Fly" Etc., Are Explained at the University University of New Mexico Some of the slang current on a modern modern campus has been compiled by the Lobo, student paper of the University of New Mexico. Here are samples: B. M. O. C.--Big man on the campus. campus. Ding--To blackball a candidate for fraternity. Fruit Fly--Those who study in the campus candy shop. Goon-- À silly or boring person. In the Swish--To be in the know. Hardware-Fraternity jewelry. Jam Sessions--A good, noisy free- for-all. Dig--Get-acquainted dance. Kee Wee--Good, swell, or almost anything. Nub--An unattractive person. Hang the Hardware or Plant a Pin --Put a fraternity pin on a girl. Quilling--Make up to your professor. professor. Sklooking -- Unromantic term for the romantic urge to make love. T. P. or Table Party-- Informais. The Morgue--Hall where all examination examination marks are posted. To Jelly--Soda and cigarette date. Wheel a Sled--To drive an automobile. automobile. Wolfing--Snaking other girls' dates. Ordered Curtailed Tin Production The International Tin Committee this week at London ordered a drastic drastic reduction in production quotas for the first two quarters next year in an effort to prevent piling up of tin supplies, The quota for the January January and March, 1938, quotas 'were set at 85 per cent, of basic tonnages, compared with the present 110'per cent. rate. The eominittee announced that it reserved the right to reconsider .the "meeting" indicating that some fu- tûre change may be made if the industry's industry's statistical position changes to any measurable degree. 1 Alleged WIT OWL LAPPS Christian Science Monitor gives this as an example of truthful advertising. advertising. Let us hope the owner sold the property. Advertisement in New York newspaper:-- newspaper:-- Tumbledown house on hilltop for sale in Litchfield Hills, Connecticut; two miles from town. No babbling brook. Extensive grounds for pushing pushing lawn mower. Bad golf, fishing, etc. Twelve acres inclosed by horse fence adjoining hunt club. Dump near house. Approximately 30 apple trees. Domestic problems terrible. Price, $29,000, Merchant--Everything that college men endorse is not necessarily good. Friend--Why do you take that stand ? Merchant--Because I have a check from one of them. Marrying in haste is all right if you are marrying the right one, but usually the earlier the wedding the greater the gamble. Mother-in-law--That's . a cute little tree on the front lawn, John--I mean the one that's about a foot high. Son-in-law--Yes, 1, just planted it. I hope the next time you come, you'll be able to .sit in its shade. Hesitatingly, hardly daring to look, he paused and scanned every inch of the space before him. As far as the eye could see, there was just the same drab barrenness. Nothing, With sinking' heart he turned sadly away. Again and again he had come to search, and had returned despondent. There were days of renewed hope, followed followed by deeper despair, and as the days passed, and there was still no sign, no change, he began to lose faith. Then, at long last, came the incredible, incredible, unforgettable morning when they finally appeared--the first two shoots from- the four seeds he had planted in his bed-sitting room window window box. Troubles always seem to learn to add and multiply a lot easier than they do subtract. A financial note that didn't work: Indoors 5 months with RHEUMATIC 111 NS .Now walls 3 miles a day Everyone who suffers the sharp agony of Rheumatic Rheumatic pains should read how Mrs, S. P, made a remarkable recovery from this crippling pain. *T was so ill with Rheumatism in my knees,"3 she writes, "that I was not out of the house for five months last winter, $ tried about everything, everything, then I happened to meet a friend who told me about Fynnon Salt, I have taken it regularly » ndam somuch better that I can walk 3 to 4 miles and am getting better every day." Doesn't that experience mean something to you? You, too, can look forward to quick, lasting relief from rheumatic pain if only you take Fynnon Salt- This is why. Those sharp, jagged crystals in the blood that cause Rheumatic Rheumatic pains hrb due to an excess of uric add in your 1 system. Fynnon Salt, the proven British remedy, neutralizes this uric acid loy using • Nature's own weapons --- the mineral salts of the earth. A half teaspopnjful of Fynnon Salt in water equals In medicinal effect three large glasses of.natural mineral! waters. So start now using Fynnon Sait. Take it every day. Large packages cost only 75c at all drug stores. If you. have any difficulty getting supplies, write; Laurentian Agencies, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal, 2 TRENCH'S REMEDIES Energy building TONIC TABLETS, STOMACH TABLETS to relieve stomach troubles, TRENCH'S REMEDY, free Booklet on request. Write today, •' TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LTD. Dept. W. 110 CHURCH ST'--TORONTO Issue No. 45--=-'37 The young bride had heard her husband speak of borrowing money : on notes. So she took to the bank a few of those he ' wrote her before ; their marriage. The cashier read 1 each one with great care and evidently evidently wth much pleasure, but the mean thing wouldn't lend her a cent ' on them. Jake--Howsabout joining me in a cup of tea, old boy? Mike--Glee, m'lad. You crawl in first, and then we'll see if there's any room for me. One need not be a criminal to catch the force of this: Daughter looking up from her novel)-- Papa, in time of trial, what do you suppose brings tlie most comfort comfort to a man? Papa (who is a newly appointed magistrate) --An acquittal, I should, think. Teacher--Who said: "I come to bury Caesar"? Nervous Youngster -- P-p-please, teacher, the undertaker. Sentence of death has been passed on a Soviet school teacher and a Mohammedan Mohammedan priest because they frightened frightened children by telling ghost stories. CARRY YOUR ALKAUZER WITH Y0Ü ft \ IF OVER-EATING I CAUSES ACID INDIGESTION- --HERE'S THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO The fastest way to "alkalize" is to carry your alkalizer with you. That's what thousands do now that genuine genuine Phillips' comes in tiny, peppermint peppermint flavored tablets--in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips' tablets--equal in "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. At once you feel "gas," nausea, "over-crowding" from hyper-acidity begin to case. "Acid headaches," "acid breath," over-acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress--avoid offense to others. MADE IN CANADA :Pmu.|PS: «•k Trouble* <«"o to Add iNpincstioH *'OMACH HMiGBUflN cue 8 !!?* 1 ' 01 * POULTRY RAISER CONQUERS"ROUP" Praises Minard's Liniment A* Remedy tor Roup or Bronchial Flu Read in this letter from G. Min vielle» Fort Garry, bow be checked Roup (Bronchial (Bronchial Flu) when it broke out among hi» young hens. 4 'After trying other remedies and obtaining no results whatever," writes Mr. Minvielle, "I tried Minard's Liniment, five to six drops on the tongue and sometimes sometimes more, depending on the birds. I am positive that it helped me out a lot." Minard'a Liniment is a tried and proven remedy for sprains, burns, bruises and skin diseases, as well as for Bronchial and Rheimiatic trouble. For sale by all druggists. 83