Æk Æ ORONO WEEK I i T TIMES - ■ f I ■ ■ ■ $100,000,000 Dominion of Canada 1937 Refunding Loan The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for this Loan, to be issued as follows: One and One-Half Year 1% Bonds, due June X, 1939 Issue Price: 99.125% and accrued interest^ yielding approximately 1.59% to maturity AND " Ux.sjE'.jBNW. Seven Year 2>i% Bonds, due November 15,1944 Issue Price: 98.50% and accrued interest, yielding approximately 2.74% to maturity - "• AND Fourteen Year 3M% Bonds, due November 15, 1951 Callable on or after November 15, 1948 - , Issue Price: 99.00% and accrued interest, ^ yielding approximately 3.34% to maturity The 1% Bonds will be dated December 1, 1937. The 2%% Bonds and the 3% % Bonds will be dated November 15, 1937. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be payable without charge, semi-annually, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. 1% Bonds $1,000 Denominations: 2^% Bonds $1,000 3H% Bonds $100, $500 and $1,000 Proceeds of this Loan will be used for refunding, in part, the outstanding total of $122,799,800 unconverted Dominion of Canada 5% % Victory Loan Bonds maturing December 1, 1937. The additional cash required for this purpose will be provided from the treasury. Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interim certificates on or about November 15, 1937, in the case of the 2%% Bonds and the 3%% Bonds, and on or about December 1, 1937, in the case of the 1% Bonds. 5%% Victory Loan Bonds due December 1, 1937 (with Final Coupon Detached) will be accepted at par up to the amount required for payment of allotments of the new bonds. Resultant cash adjustments, where necessary, will be made at the time of delivery. Subscriptions may be made to the Head Office of the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank or through any recognized dealer from whom copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the. loan may be obtained. The Minister Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot subscriptions in full or in part. The subscription lists will open November 3, 1937, and will close as to any or all of the' maturities, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Ottawa, November 2, 1937. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. C. MILNE, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00' a.m. t 0 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. „ Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other days by appointment. appointment. Phone 18iT. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario Office Hours : 1 1,30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. •Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sizes and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, ast Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker AH Repair» to Wttché», Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORONO PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. j Pastor ■SUNDAY, NOV. 7-th 1.1.00 a-m.--Morning Worship. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service. Sermons suitable to Armistice Day Goose Dinner Wednesday, Nov. 110th, and Good! Programme. | COME AND WORSHIP -- o»nni.Mi>iowto Î Classified 'GARAGE VOR POINT -- Centrally Centrally located!. Apply to das. Dixon, Orono. c-43-p. NOTICE On and after November 1st, Harness Harness Repairing will be done at my house,-- K. S, Coinforth. tf FOR SALE Nine chunks of Pigs, also Percheron Percheron Foal for sale.--8. D. Souch, R.R. No. 4, Bowmanvilie; Phone 56rl4. d-42-p. WANTED Cattle for winter feeding. Can stable twelve head with plenty good feed. Apply to Milton Cornish, Orono R.R. North, or Plume 5JiT8. b-41-f. EVENT OF THE .SEASON Annual Goose Dinner by W. A. of Park St. United Church on Wednesday, Wednesday, November 10th, Concert and Lecture by Rev. W. J. H. Smith on his recent, trip to Ireland. Admission 50 cents; children 25c. COMING EVENTS The WjO.T.U. are holding their Gold Medal Contest on Friday, November November 19th.. tf. Hoar the CM Favorites, Carolina Jubilee Singers, Kirby United Church on 'Saturday, November 5th, at 8 p.m. Admission, 26c. and 15c. Orange Hall, Monday, November 15th, at 8 p.m., Orono L.O.L. No. 409 are holding Euchre and Five Hundred. Everyone Welcome. Admission, Admission, 26 Cents. b--42-c. The Horticultural Society will hold their regular meeting in the High School Assembly room on Tuesday, November 9th, at 8 p.m. .Subject will be the "Growing of House Plants."' There will also be a display of the varioius kinds of house plants. BARRED ROCK PULLETS FOE SALE Our pen entered in the Egg Laying Laying Contest is to date standing in fi rst place. The pullets we have for sale are of identical breeding, but younger. Four to five months old at sacrifice prices. Will be laying while prices are high. DONALD E. GIBSON Phone Clarke 3811, BowmanviBe, Ont c-41-p. W.M.S. MEETING (Oontiued from page one) .1 wins the traitor. All are needed in the building of the Kingdom. She siaid, China, Japan and! other nations are before us in the public eye through women of culture and devoted 1 Christian lives, ■ such as Madame Chia ng K ai Shelc. Pearl Ghaing, Dr. Guikwad and others and all are helping to spread the ' glorious glorious newls. , We must not fail in these times, of stress and! strife for the call comes to each. Q IN MK MORT AH In loving memory of a dear hue band and! Father, Frank Pearson, who passed away Nov. 3rd, 1933. You're not forgotten, Father dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long , as life and memory last We shall remember thee. .--iSadily missed by Wife and family. family. Local and Social Mr. E. Potter was a guest of Oilie Daivey on Sunday. ■Owing to the heavy demand for advertising this week, we are obliged to hold over two column of correspondence. correspondence. Notice to Creditors In the Eistate of Alvin Thomas Harness, late of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Farmer, Deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Alvin Thomas Harness, who died on or about the 17th day of February. 1937, are hereby hereby notified to send to the undersigned undersigned Solicitor, or the Administrator, on or 'before the 27th day. of\November, 1937, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if, any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. • Immediately after the; 27th dayfôfe November, 1937, the assets ç,f. the said deceased. 1 will be disit^W among the parties entitled f|i having regard only ,to the eiaff which the Administrator nr dersigned! Solicitor shall thdn. IShtfiS* notice. Dated at Orono this 21st day.hbl October, 1937. .FWM R. R. WADDELL Orono, Ont. Solicitor for Dewitte S, THE BOWMANV1LLE DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Give us a call or ■ phone, Dairy 446, or store 703. il Mr. Ben Baldwin, Toronto, visited; Mr. Donald Robb and Mr. and Mrs, G. Butters on Sunday. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday First: Time in Canada ! Zane Grey's Great Outdoor Drama "THUNDER TRAIL W.i.ili (Elbert Roland and .;;-'!-! : h : "Paruin , oyh!t i; Cast i - ^SHORTS tf MONDAY AND TUESDAY 3 Weeks iiî Toronto, ! ï v Lth - - V Uy-AihT.TliAjt " : F' , Mm $0% 1 W-Wl 'ttipnOjsSiiev*, 5 m' wmm Bmy BakeK J'V " ,S " wmmm ' U.'- mm & h'.ThïÇ'-, '**"'**■