ORONO WEEKLY times Public Speaking Contest Durham County Trustees' and Katopayers' Aissociation will hold their Fall Meeting in the Town.' Hall, Orono, on Friday, November 12th, at 2.30. Speakers, Dr, Phair of Toronto Toronto will speak : on "Medical Inspection Inspection in Schools." Gol. Syner, P.D.S., on "Sew Course of Study," 31. A. Cam-pheil, Provincial Secretary. Co. , Championship Speaking Contest will be held at 7.8(1 Supper served at 6 o'clock. On Friday, November 5th, the Clarke eliminations will take place at 8 o'clock. Everybody' welcome at these meetBig-s:.--Eussell Osborne, Presidbnt. Weather permitting there will be a football game next Saturday between between the O.C.S. boys and a Leskard team. This game promises to be a good one and we hope to see many Orono citizens out to witness it. Come and cheer O.C.S. to victory. BREAD 1$ H0Î FA New Reducing Diet 1 allows 2 Slices of Bread at Every Meal FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN Thle Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calories à day -- the reducing allowance of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice Small serving meat, fish or eggs 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq, butter 1 cup coffee (clear) I tsp, sugar • LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, 8sh, or eggs Average serving 1 green vegetable 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter Average serving fruit salad 1 glass milk • DINNER H glass fruit or tomato juice Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green Small serving simple dessert 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 eq. butter 1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tsp. sugar T HE new BREAD DIET is based on the proved fact that bread itself is not fattening- fattening- Bread is an energy food. Extreme reducing diets cut down too much on energy foods because starch is considered considered fattening. Bread is not just a "starchy" food. It is a combination of energy - giving carbohydrates carbohydrates and a special form of protein that helps burn up iat while you are reducing. reducing. Extreme diets often break down vital tissues, and should never be taken without without a doctor's advice. Go on the Bread Diet-- and be splendidly energetic, not weak and irritable. This diet gives you the main part of your energy food in bread. DEAN S BAKERY " Let Your Baker Bake For You" ORONO, ONT. PHONE 40 R 2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. Art Beamish. spent Sunday ini Otihawa. ■ Mr, Oba-s. Tyrrell spoilt Sunday at his home in Toronto. .Mr, and Mrs. W, B. Hoar spent Sunday with, friends at 1 rank-stock. Mr. Frank Halil and men are making making repairs on bridge north of the flax mid, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Horns, of Toronto, Toronto, visited Sunday at T. J. Oars- ca-dden's. Vernon Saunders spent the weekend weekend with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Ai'ilinr S',.umlers. Mr. and Mrs. J aines Eagle-son visited friends - in Bowmanville and Newcastle- recently. Mr, Ben, Baldwin, Toronto, visit ed Donal-d iv'Ui and Mr. and. Mrs. G. lintier- on Sunday. Mrs. L. Young, of Port Hope, is visiting Mrs. L, Soar! and Mrs, M. Cooper on Centro <St. and other friend- here. Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Fisher and daughters. Pearl and Audrey, of Tor onto, visitor! at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Smith, of Ohawa, and friend, of Toronto, spent the Week-end at thhe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Ervam Rainey wish to thank their many friends: for their kind enquiries-, Cards-, letters, fruit and: flowers received during her recent recent illness. Mrs. Lavefrie Patterson returned home this week after nursing Mrs. J. J. Me'llor for the -pakt week, who bad been suffering from a bad attack attack of the flu. Mrs. L. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs, Earl D. Fowler, of Osbaw-a, Mrs. J. D. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Will D. Fowler, of Ptirerhv.m, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson recently. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Anderson, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. O-aklyn Hodgkins, Mr- and Mrs. J. A. Morrison, Morrison, Misses E. and A. Morrison and Mi-ss Mary Jeffrey, all of Toronto, visited Mr. C. B. Tyrrell on Sunday. The Orono quartette, -consisting of Messrs. Colin Taylor, Reid, Sutton Sutton and 1 Mitchell accompanied at the organ by Mrs. R. H. Brown, supplied the music for the anniversary servi ces at Pontypool last Sunday, the speaker for the evening being Rev. Mr. Beech of Xewtonville. Holier S'ouch and his daughter Eileetni, accompanied by her friend, visited Casa Lom,a in Toronto last week. The interior was beautiful, but outside the wind was terrific, so much so that the ladies' bats had to be recovered several times. Hdber has had visions of opening a beauty parlor but mow has decided to open a, battery. Mr. Dave Oalheart of Gladstone, Nomination night was held Monday Monday evening at the Orange Lodge rooms, when officers wore elected for the ensuing year. The Kendal Lodge was guests- of the local order. A social social evening was -spent followed by ref reshmeti is. O n W ednesiday - even - ing, October 27th, the E&eboi'o Degree Degree Team of Victoria County, paid a. fraternal visit to 1.0.1, No. 40-9 and conferred the Royal Arch Degree Degree on. a class of ca,miniates. There was also present Brethren from New- toivville, Newteastle, Kemdial, Manitoba Manitoba and (.'old Springs, Ont, Don't forget the. Orange New Year's Eve l l.'.nce. Dr. Hamilton, V.S., of Detroit, is visiting friends in town for a few days, SliOK RF'PA l-lt'lNXi -- We call for and deliver. Phone -Cornforth, 6ftrl4. e-42-c. Si : Z.'CttTflHrtiRSKKlSi RED & m IffE STORES j -- Extra Special -- Large tins Choice Quality Pumpkin, Pumpkin, 2 tins - - 17c < Fig Bars, 2 lbs. For - - 29c Picnic Shoulders, lb. - - 15c Horse Radish, per bottle bottle ........ 18 French's Prepared Mustard, 0 bottle 10c Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. for 15 Granulated Sugar, cwt : $5.4 Peppermint Paddies, lb...25 Fine Mixed Candy, lb... 19 We are carrying a Fine As sortntent of Fresh an Cured Meats. When order ing call I2r2. Glacier Sardines, 2 tins.-19c c 4 pkgs. Jellies ...19c Cherry Jam, lg e bottle...27c y e Fresh cut Mixed Peel, new c stock, lb 24c c Cream of Barley, pkg 29c " Lima Beans, 2 lbs 25c Clean White Cooking Beans 6 lbs. for .;..25c Christie's Soda Wafers, reg size 10c. Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. - 25c. Quality Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. 25c Bulk Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. - - 24c J. J. c PH iORNISH [ONE 12r2 in Manitoba Mr. Orme Gamsby spent several a member. Metes, Harry Mercer and Orme mem-her-elvct for Div-lnmt. Mr. Cecil Mercer, given by the Women's r-al Association of Port - Hope. Some 950 were,, in attendance which was held at the S-t. Lawrence Hotel. Mrs. Mitchell, President of the Ladies' Liberal Aissociation presided,, and Mr. W. II. Frazer, M.P. for Northumberland, Northumberland, was the guest speaker. i Buy g New Dominion I LOAN | , From j R. Z. HALL j ' Office back qf Post- I office, Orono Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS HORNE'S BAKING POWDER WITH TUMBLER......25c. RED RIVER- CEREAL 2 LB. PKG 24c. MAPLE LEAF CHEESE 1-2 LB. PKG 15c. GOLD MEDAL JELLY POWDERS PKG............ 6c. SOAP CHIPS, IN-BULK ; , 3 LBS 22c. AMBER HONEY' ; 4 1-2 LB PAIL 43c. GOLD MEDAL CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 TINS ..19c. TIP TOP STRAWBERRY JAM PERI JAR 27c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S WE MUST SELL OUR DRESSES. They range in price from $4.50 to $7-95, and all * sizes from, 16 to 44. YOUR CHOICE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $2.95 COATS There are just 11 COATS LEFT OF OUR STOCK. They must be sold. If you want a bargain come in and we will sure give it to you., HATS 20 Hats left, YOUR CHOICE $1.00 2 HATS FOR $1.75 3 HATS FOR $2.25 4 HATS FOR $2.50 BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS AND DIVIDE THEM UP SCARFS Made of Good Quality Satin, reversible, in two E?A, colors .................. D27C GLOVES All Botany .Wool, in, sand and aupe, with fancy .color.- g ed wtist band OL/L RUBBERS Felt Tops and lined throughout throughout with felt, made <j»Q OC by Dominion BATTING 72x90 Bats for Friday and Saturday •••• 3 1 C BRASSIERRES Made of Rayon, in flesh, and white, all sizes ..................... 25 C KLEENEX Kleenex, .200 sheets ...... j 5c HOSE Children's Botany Wool Hose, at real saving «>r . JT prices, pair ...... "" SOCKS A. 5-lb. Weight Sox, with extra extra long leg, pair JJC FLANNELETTE A 'Heavy Weight, 36 inches wide, in stripped dark arid light, Friday and Satur- 1 Q day HOSE Zephyr. Hose, of a delicate sheer weight for even- d* 1 ing wear « ■*' POTATOES On Friday we have 100 bags of those GOOD DOOLEY S COMING IN. Let us know how many your want s 0 we Oft* will hot have to carry them out of.the cellar .BAG UUU