ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS SIXTH LINE 'Visitors ami guests here lately' were Kev. Dr. Walter Mil Ison, Messrs. Edwin liuithven and Miss Nellie Hill. Injured in a traffic accident hi Tor- 1 oiiibo some weeks ago, Ven-o Thomas may. be able to return to his home here this week. ■ 'Splendid: 1 and appreciative audiences audiences attended the services here on Sunday last, morning and evening. The morning service Was conducted by Key. Wr. Milfeon of Welcome, and his subject was an exposition on the difference between religion and Christianity which by the wav we have never heard discussed in the manner used by the preacher and to state that- the discourse was unique, humorous and interesting still seems to be an inadequate description of the sermon. In his : work in past years Dr. -Millson, has traversed our whole Dominion of Canada as field secretary secretary of the l 'ni fed Church. In the evening the other guest, speaker wa:s Eev. W. F. Hiding of I'omypool. whose : subject was suggested by Paul's letter to the Ephesians in four words, "The voice of melody," and was good! advice, even in the present present unsettled state of our world as well as eitedi oases how brave and valiant souls laid sung and triumph ed in pas! ages, The church choirs of the holme church and pur good friends, the -Shiloh - choir, were in : efficient -dharge : of the music morning morning and: evening resiueetively. Your scribe Was also informed ' that the freewill offering when all is : received will reach the objective set by the Board. TX MEM OPT AM In toying memory of Robert A. Dewell, who; passed away November November 8th, 1986 : No one knows how much I miss him, . Friends may think the wound has healed, But they little know the sorrow, Deep iwithin my heart concealed. 'liX'kySadly missed by Annie. j Will YOUR RADIO j GIVE YOU | j- JacK Benny j I Every Saturday Nite ? ? or | i Do you get stations jj | Static and Sputter jj 1 Have your radio fixed I 1 } GET RESULTS \ \ \ | Chas. R. Knox ■ | f Phone 42r2, Orono | j 'Serving the public for six years ! | (formerly- with Green's Radio j | Service), 12-th and Monterey Sts., | Detroit. KIRBY NEWTONVILLE A number from here attended Clarke supper. ; Mr. Melville -Iones was in Toronto oil Wednesday.; Mrs. Hoskii: and family, Kendal, have moved ink) Mrs. Rutherford's house. Mr. and Mrsi lIcGill, Argylle, were week-end guestls of Mir. and Mrs. iSavery. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCullough, of Zion, visited Mr, and ; Mrs. Win. iStapelton. ; M r. and Mrs. Geoiÿe Dinner, Wes- leyville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Damson Malison on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Couch, Newcastle, Newcastle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrie. Mr. arid Mbs'. Herman Kelly, of O-h.-iwa. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wtalkey, E'rs. Wm. Milligan was in Mill- brook two days last week attending the class- for Leaders in Girls' work. A number from here attended the -shower for Mr. and Mrs.. Scott Pollard Pollard in Newcastle on Friday evening. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and family spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. land Mrs. D. Merrill, Wark worth. -Some of tlie! Orangenieh from here were in Ororio Wednesday when lodge members from Btiaiboro put on, the Third Degree. Mr. arid Airs. !.. E. Millson motored Mm Walker Millson to Toronto on li-or return journey to Regina and -spent the week-end in the city. Sunday guests-at the home of Mrs. J. T. Pearce were, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and Allan-, Morrish ; Mr. Elmer Pollard, Newcastle, Mr. and ..Mrs. George Stapleton- Sr. are convalescing at the home of their daughter, Mrs! R. -Gordon, ERzabeth- ville. Mis. Alvin Jones and Mr. Cecil -Stapleton are improving' at, their respective homes! - Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. iS. R. Jones t Mrs. Chris. Graham and her father. Mr. John Kennedy, Peterboro.; Mil's. M-ary 1 Arm-strong, Toronto, and ;' sister, Mrs, iStaoey, Pasadena. Oal. ; Mr. and Airs-. A. F. George, Port Hope. U. C. League on Tuesday night took the formj of a miaaqueracle party. The Sunday school room looked pretty with its Hallowe'en decorations, decorations, Airs. Wv 0. Lane played the piano for the marching of those in costume. Fojir prizes were given "as follows : Lanreen AleCullough (a rooster) ; S-annni Pearce and Marian Bruce (a married' couple) ; Mary Burley (Indian squaw .and papoose) ; Fae J ones. The judges were Miss T. liaing, Mr-. G. J. Stapleton and Mr. J. J. Mpllor. ML Mellor was chairman for the program : duets (violin 'and ! guitar), Dorothy and John 'Scott;, reading, Wanri-a McKay; violin solo, Reg. Bolton, piano solo, Rowland Burley; reading, Alfred Redknapp. Several guessing contests were enjoyed: and lunch was .served. ■ '-----o---, ---- When you have Local or Personal News send it in to the Orono Times, Mr. and Airs. P. G. Waiiacy of Peterboro, lapent Sunday with Pearl and A. Morrow. Mrs. Wm. Abbott, Lindsay,-/spent a few- days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers. -Airs. 1 toyman, of Port Hope, relumed relumed hoirie again after a; few weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs, E. R. Bryson. Mr. arid Mrs. .Clove Clemence, ac- eompamed by their daughter Miss Mildred, were guests of Air, C, Powers Powers on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Forbes has almost the work completed in changing his garage, garage, and when completed- it will be second to none in this vicinity. Rev. J. II. Osterhout delivered a somnon, -Sunday to Kirby comgrega- lirm which - we consider would be hard. to. duplicate for most, of the clergy of today, - Pleased indeed we all were to ha ve a friendly call from our friend Mr. Blake MacMurty, who is representing representing the Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association of Toronto. Kirby and the .peopleI in general are once more having the .opportunity .opportunity of hearing the unique sextet, namely, the Carolina Jubilee Singers, Singers, at Kirby on Saturday night, at 8.00 p.m. Admission ,25c arid 15c, Messrs. John Bigelow arid Wm. Allen have been drilling wells lately arid they both are well pleased with the results. Air. Allen having fifty feet of water in, a 100-foot well and Air. Bigejltow-claims to have a flowing well, and the residents of Kirby, are living, in dread of a disastrous flood taking place arid are moving to the attic's. W KIRBY GROCERY One Year Anniversary Sale Call and see our store, you are under no obligation to buy ZEBRA STOVE POLISH ......... 8c. 2-1X-1 SHOE POLISH [ lie. ROYAL PINEAPPLE, SLICED . 11c. NORRIS CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 12c- ARM & HAMMER WASHING SODA, 2 1-2 lb. pkg... 7c. LEMON PEEL CAPS LB , 25c. ORANGE PEEL CAPS LB 25 c . CITRON PEEL CAPS .... LB 30c. CHOCOLATE MALLOW CAKES ...LB : 15c. McCORMICK BUTTERED SODAS LB PKG 15c. RASPBERRY JAM, YORK BRAND ....................................... 29c. 'SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PEGS..., 23c. MORROL COUGH SYRUP 50c. PAIN K.ÏLLER ;. 50c. CASPAR \ 2 OUNCES 25c. A1 LINIMENT ! 20c. DAVIS' MENTHOL RUB ...( 35c. MUSTARD APPLICATION I 35c. PERCY MORDEN PHONE 51rl7 WE DELIVER KIRBY 100 HEAD OF FEEDER CATTLE The Property of----- FRANK RICHARDSON AND jas. McKenzie -at the Premises of Mr. McKenzie, Lot 6 Concession 7, East Whitby Twp. One mile north of Columbus, and 1 1-2 miles east, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 th TERMS CAiSH -Sale to commence at one o'clock The offering will consist of Shorthorns', Shorthorns', Herefords' and Polled Angus -Some short-keep Feeders- and two- year-olds---All T..B. Tested Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale Thcun ders-igned auctioneers have received' received' instructions from E. A. WKRRY -to -sell by pubic auction at LOTS 17 & 1.8, CON. 9, Darlington half mile off highway, North Enniskillen, Enniskillen, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5-th, 1937 -Surplus Cattle, 'Sheep and Hogs, Feed, Wood, . Potatoes, Apples, etc. : CATTLE 6 Choice Cows, Durham? and Hoi's Hoi's teins, close to hand -Springers; _ 4 Durham Heifers, Springers ; 4 Choice Fat Heifers, ready for butchering or market ; 7 1100-lb. Choice Durham local Steers, short keep -cattle; 45 Mixed 'Steers and- Heifers, all weights, good beef, sold in lots suiting suiting the buyer. FEED 50 ton of Choice Hay, either baled or loose ; 1 silo full of Com, sold by the foot (choice feed) ; 50 bushels Buckwheat ; 25 bags Feed Potatoes; 2fi bags Table -Stock. APPLES 12 barrels Cooking Apples. WOOD Quantity of Cedar Rails, sold by the cordl, delivered. SHEEP 10 Breeding Ewes; 30 Feeding Lambs. HOG-S Number of Sows and Sucking Pigs. Sale 1 p.m. sharp. Everything delivered delivered FREE TERMS GASH. --Ted Jackson, E. Wilbur, Auctioneers1-, Auctioneers 1- , J. A. Worry, Clerk. CARLETON'S SHOE SHOP All kinds of «. - Shoe Repairing, Shoes Dyed Sewed Soles, Rubber Heels ALL WORK GUARANTEED First house north of R.R. tracks TYRRELL'S REXALL DRUG STORE DRUGS PHONE 68 STATIONERY KODAKS j ' 1 i = " • "■ : j THIS WEEK ATTEND THE ORIGINAL REXALL \ i One Cent Sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday Pay the regular price for one article and get another one just like it for only--ONE CENT Added to the Sale Bill are Extra | Values that you Should Not Miss ! -- WHILE THEY LAST - » Î 500 Scribblers, 10 Cent Size, 1 for 10c. 2 for 11c. i 1500 Scribblers, 5 Cent Size, 1 for 5c. 2 for 6c. Î You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Store ! Just Arrived MANNEQUIN HAIR ROLLING OUTFIT, complete complete with BOBBY PINS 1.0 c, HOLLYWOOD HAIR FOUNDATION ROLLS „ 10c. Another shipment of Stamped Goods, including CARD TABLE COVERS, CUSHION TOPS, APRONS, SCARFS, BUFFET SETS, OVALS, GUEST TOWELS, KNITTING BAGS, TEA TOWELS, ETC., ETC. These Stamped Goods are on special display this week, so if you are out for a stroll, why not explore ? Grocery Specials BABBITS' CLEANSER 2 boxes 9c. BON AMI CAKE or POWDER 12c. NONSUCH LIQUID STOVE POLISH bottle 15c. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN pkg. 19c. HILLCREST PEAS, standard quality, 4 sieve, 2 for 17c. LIBBY'S POTTED MEATS, for sandwich spread, 2 for ♦ 17c. CUT MIXED PEEL, fresh stock, lb. 25c. HILLCREST SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for 25c. WATCH WINDOWS FOR WEEK-END CANDY SPECIAL ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL ' WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD ' IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR ' REQUIREMENTS ---PROMPT SERVICE - Just now we are featuaiiig ST0RN SASH PHONE 48R16 Orono Goal & Lumber Go