EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM HERE, EVERYWHERE. THERE CANADA Behind the Times In the county of Waterloo is a religious religious sect whose members still Cling to the quaint old beliefs that a man's word is as good as his contract, that one should not borrow more than he intends to repay, and- that the sim, $>le things of life are the best. Queer, these people are so far behind behind the times. They know not the joy of instalment purchases, double dealing, onerous debt. Their beliefs set them entirely apart. Yet they live in peace and contentment, contentment, in fellowship and friendship With their neighbors, unworried by tomorrow's tomorrow's reckoning. And the hurrying, hurrying, biased world might find the utopia utopia it seeks • in the life of these fortunate,: fortunate,: carefree farmers. -- Quelph JVIercury. Canadian Unity Everyone must Understand that the provinces of Canada, will gain nothing by being- jealous of one another or, again, by showing indifference to all activity outside their own boundaries. While if we draw closer together, if we decide to join our talents and our energies--ah! then what wo have accomplished accomplished up to now in, the national 'domain, however proud we may be of it, will be insignificant beside the marvels that it will be possible for us to attain. The true prosperity of Canada, Canada, the secret of its prestige, is in the good will of its inhabitants. Consummation Consummation of national union is a work Of major importance, as Sir Herbert Marier has reminded us. We must all Co-operate in it. -- La Presse (Montreal). (Montreal). Was There Ara Election? The Ontario election passed ao abruptly into history that already We're beginning to doubt if there was an : election after all. Perhaps we're right.-----Toronto Saturday Night. Slaughter of die Innocents. Late figures show that 1,300,000 per- - sons have been killed in the Spanish war. It would not bo so bad if they Were all soldiers, but the greatest slaughter has: been created a,mong innocent: innocent : civilians!--Chatham News.: Parole , System a Menace .The parole system is supported by sentimentalists as a means of reclaiming reclaiming convicted criminals. Actually, the parole system is a trusted ally of Crime when applied to criminals of the violent type. It loads the dice in ïavor of outlaws, and exposes society to the risks created by the theory that » thug who has served a term may he reformed.--Toronto Telegram. A Barden On Property . , . Municipalities in Canada must bo relieved of their share of unem- ÿioyment relief. The' burden of taxation taxation on real estate in this country is too heavy.: Increased taxation • .arising Out of relief expenditures, has been destroying property Values throughout the entire Dominion and many property property owners have found it necessary $0 forfeit, their property for Unpaid taxes.---Toronto Financial Post. 'Getting Along Without The Welland Tribune advocates the Abolishing of nuisances at weddings. ? -- -- B--4 Is it possible they are going to dispense dispense with grooms?--Chatham Nows. THE EMPIRE Immigration and' Peace As one way to peace, Sir Edward Beatty, chairman of the Canadian Pacific Railway, recommends thé adoption of "saner economic policies and the resumption of immigration." His prescription is a wise one, for there can he no doubt that international international friction has been increased by the rising of national barriers against trade and the closing of national frontiers frontiers against immigration. Many of these restrictions on the free movement movement of goods and persons are reactions reactions from the last war. It fomented the passions of narrow nationalism and. these are bearing shrivelled and barren fruit in many lands today. Thus the War has poisoned the peace; the Armistice ended the military war, but the economic war was intensified, producing the conditions leading on, to further military hostilities. -- Auckland Auckland News. News In Brief Terrorism In TrailsjorSan BEIRUT, Lebanon, Troops of Saudi Arabia were reported concentrating this week-end on the southern border of Transjordan, where widespread disorders disorders Occurred after a pro-British speech by King Abdullah in the Transjordan Parliament. . Dispatches reaching Beirut said the King told his . parliament that while he sympathized with the Arab cause, vile reaffirmed his country's friendship with Great Britain. Shortly after his speech, an unexploded unexploded bomb was found in the office office of the King. Similar bombs were said to have been found in several of the Transjordan towns, and Nationalists Nationalists circulated pamphlets in Amman urging a revolution. Fïslirag Rights: Jeopardised MOSCOW--Blunt warning was given given to Japan this . .week that any extension: extension: of the ' Gcrman-Japanese anti- Comintern pa,ct t,o include Italy would imperil Japan's fishing rights in Siberian Siberian waters. The,warning was issued by Izvestia, Government organ, on the eve of a reported discussion of an • agreement with Italy by the Japanese Privy Council and after the Tokio Government Government had already taken up with the Nafkomindel (Foreign Commissariat) the question of renewing its fishing leases. "Good Government" Relumed NEW YORK, -- Old Tammany took its second successive* beating when New 'York voters re-elected Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia by a record-breaking record-breaking total, and selected racket-smashing racket-smashing Thomas E. Dewey for District Attorney Attorney of New York County. LaGuardia LaGuardia received 1,344,016 votes -- a margin margin of 454,425 over Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Mahoney, Democrat. Both support President President Roosevelt policies. ■ Wins Acquittal BAR R 1E, -- Supremo Court Assize jury here this week-end acquitted Allan Allan Brown, 27, Orillia, charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of Stanley Clendenning, 23- year.old Orillia youth, February 7th. Finds Arctic -"Sissy" ANCHORAc^» Alaska.--Joe Freeman, Freeman, travelling hardware salesman, arrived here with the comment that the Far North is getting a bit "sissy". The "last frontier" that Freeman covers has reached such a stage of civilization that customers in the interior interior are demanding "modern chromium chromium gadgets of the trickiest design" colored glass knobs for dresser drawers and "hexagon designs in prepared shingles, with color scheme i planned as carefully as the Duchess of Windsor's boudoir." Banana oil is said to make quite a Clendenning died as a result of an accident in which an automobile driven driven west by Brown, between Atherley and Orillia, struck Clendenning, who was walking east with three other youths. Luncheon Guests PARIS, --■ The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were luncheon guests Friday Friday at the British Embassy prior to their departure for the United States. The invitation was extended by Ambassador Ambassador Sir Eric Phipps. School Is Bombed MADRID -- Rescue squads searched searched bomb-shattered buildings of the Catalan City Lerida this week-end for additional victims of an insurgent air raid already reported by the government government to have taken 125 lives. Hospitals Hospitals were filled with injured men, women women and children. More than 50 bodies of children were removed from a primary school, wrecked over their heads near closing closing time when nine tri-motored planes, roared in from the west and dumped dumped explosives. À Government communique communique called the raid a "vicious and criminal attack Upon a civilian population." Referred to Supreme Court OTTAWA, -- Alberta's bank taxation, taxation, credit control and newspaper regulation regulation bills, passed at the last special special session of the Legislature, will be subject to reference to the Supreme Court and probably the Privy Council to determine if they will become law, Premier Mackenzie King announced last week. The Supreme Court will be asked to depart from its usüal custom and "receive such evidence and 'admit such proof/' as it, may consider necessary necessary in order to determine whether whether the bills, if allowed to become a law, would be within the; competence 'of the Alberta Legislature. Neutralization Flan Fails SHANGHAI, - Efforts of the pow ers, led by Britain, the United States and France, to neutralize Shanghai as soon as the long Chinese-Japanese battle around this city ends, have failed failed completely, reliable Japanese sources sources told the United Press this week. Military reasons prohibit such neutralization, neutralization, they said. Nava! Fliers Killed : SEATTLE, -- Five : naval fliers were killed and two injured in a collision collision between two fighting places 3,000 feet above Boeing Field. Apparently trapped in the ruins of their biy navy amphibian, the five fell to their, deaths. The other two men, in a smaller naval plane, leaped to safety .with parachutes. Cuban President In. U. 5. MONTREAL, --- Gerard:) Machado, ousted President of Cuba, who has he,on living in Montreal, has obtained permission to enter the United States temporarily for a surgical operation, this week, it was . learned authoritatively. authoritatively. highlights of the news # a commentary ©n. outstanding events ♦ by jane Fortune TRIPLE ALLIANCE: The Soviet Government newspaper, Izvestia, intimates intimates that the three countries of the world most definitely Fascist (Italy, Japan and Germany), are preparing to join in a triple alliance against Communism, Communism, and that "the agreement among the aggressors means a program program of war." A program of war, in other words, in which* capitalism will fight communism, and belief be pitted pitted against belief. As George Bernard Shaw expressed it this week, "What is threatening us today is. a war like Hie wars of religion in the seventeenth century." DOMINION STATUS: As soon as Newfoundland can,manage to pull herself herself out of financial difficulties, the island Will return to Dominion status, fTS A FACT By KEN EDWARDS Hello, Clang!: This article , starts us off on a series of informative official - boxing rules which will not hurt to study, even though you may not be a boxing fan. You will find . below a list of the weights and classes of boxers boxers :-- Pounds Flyweight qp2 Bantamweight ....... jjg Featherweight . 126 Lightweight 135 Welterweight 147 Middleweight 160 Light Heavyweight ...... 175 Heavyweight all over : At 2 o'clock of the day of the contest, contest, ■ unless otherwise ordered, the contestants shall -be weighed On the commission scales and medically examined. examined. In the event of a:24-hour postponement, weights and physical examination of original date of contest contest are to hold. In , the event of a postponement, requiring the show to be held later than 24 hours after the original date, new weights and physical examinations are required. The gloves are to be new ones for fill events, and should not weigh less than five ounces each, and arc to be furnished by the club management. Each boxer, must be equipped with two pairs of trunks „of the following colors: (a) Blue waist band with purple body. (b) Red waistband, two-inch red side-stripe and black body. *••) An abdominal guard approved approved by the commission. (d) Bandages should be •restricted to soft cloth, riot more than six feet in length and one and one-half inches in width, held in place by not more than two feet of surgeon's tape, for each hand. An official shall watch the adjustment of these bandages in the dressing room. Watch fou the continuation of these rules next week. So-long! Dominion.?, -.Secretary, Malcolm MacDonald MacDonald assured the British House last week. It will be remembered that Newfoundland has been under a Commission Commission Government since the depression depression more or less wrecked its industries. industries. But during the past summer, paper, logging and mining have picked up there and a general quickening of economic activity is reflected in tlie| latest figures released. It may not be long, then, before Newfoundland once more becomes a Dominion. COMMERCIAL RECOGNITION: -- Britain has concluded a trade agreement agreement with insurgent Spain. Although such a move is "purely a commercial affair." and does not involve diplomatic diplomatic recognition, it cannot be denied that Britain- has at least admitted the existence of General Franco's Government. Government. "Diplomatic recognition" and the exchange of ambassadors will no doubt follow fast. The British Government Government has never actually championed championed tli'e cause of the Spanish Loyalists, Loyalists, hence .this latest move is a consequence of no sudden reversal of policy. BIBLES UP: Due to the rising costs of paper and other materials, the price of Bibles printed in England has gone up sixteen per cent. SLUM CLEARANCE: On the sixth of December all Toronto property owners will have a chance to vote on a $2,000,000 debenture issue to be used in the demolition of the city's slums and in the construction of low-cost housing for lower-bracket wage groups. Dr. Bruce's agitation for slum clearance a year or so past, is now getting things done. That is if the electors can see their way clear. Improved housing does not altogether altogether solve the problem of the rehabilitation rehabilitation of the poor. It is a step in the right direction but a great many other stops will Faye to be taken too before beneficial, results begin to be felt. A survey made in Great Britain shows that better housing actually impaired the health of tenants in a great many cases, since a rise .in rents, however slight, meant less money, for food. That is ope side of the question If, however, the City of Toronto IS- willing hot: to stop at slum clearance but to go further and help the worker obtain a decent living wage, it will be cause for greatest rejoicing. A BREAK FOR OLD ONTARIO: -- The departure of many farmers in the West from drought-stricken areas is expected to result in a boom for Old Ontario farmlands. Some of these men with their families are the cream of the country, of solid character, progressive progressive outlook. Those who have come through the lean years with a. whole sldn, a few cattle and a little money are prepared to dig in and make a.success .of farming down here. Others whom crop failures have made penniless are being helped to settle in Ontario, with rent paid a year in advance by: their respective governments, governments, HEALTH INSURANCE: Back from an extended visit abroad where he made a thorough study of European health insurance schemes, Dr. Clarence Clarence Routley, secretary of the Canadian Canadian Medical Association, says that Canadian doctors and hospitals must prepare for tile coming of health insurance insurance in this country. Dr. Routley liked the British system best. Dorothy ' had wandered into the rooms where she found Tiktok had touched a yellow vase and having guessed wrong, had disappeared. Dorothy touched an image . of a purple kitten which immediately turned into a hoy who said his name was Prince Evening, a Prince of Ev, Billina laid an egg under the King's throne and the Scarecrow put it in Ms pocket. THE WONDERLAND OF QZ Copüightea 1653,-fcailly; $ tosÇo, illmi w Wfi Jj, wÉSÈM r, '-Tfvc-v tiateifets* m • ; ■SI mus® ZmÆâ Then a bell rang above the King's throne and he gave a nervous -jump and .exclaimed, with a rueful face: "Well, the girl has actually done it!" Done what?" asked the Scarecrow.. "She has made one guess that is right, and broken one of my neatest enchantments." The Scarecrow smiled joyfully. Of course. fully pacing up and. .down the room, "I always keep my promises, no matter matter how foolish they are. But I shall make an ornament of-the yellow hen to replace the one I have-just lost." "Perhaps you' will, and perhros you won't." murmured .Billina, "I may <urnrisfl ' vryn by viirn&hf!* .rVM tins! mi iSiSlili vNSiSÊz -'Guessing right?" snapped the King. "How is It possible for you to guess right where your betters have failed, you stupid fowl?" Billina did not care to answer this question, and a moment later, the doors flew .open and . Dorothy entered the throne room, leading the little Prince Evening, Evening, by the hand.