OROXO weekly times IRREVERENCE ONE OF OUTSTANDING SINS V- A fine congregation listened very attentively to the 3rd sermon by Rev. ,1. II. Osterhout in his series on the Lord's prayer. The texts were: "Thou shalt not, take 1 the name of the Lord thy God in Vain." and "Hallowed! be tliy name." The preacher deplored: the fact, that blaspheming blaspheming was so prevalent and said that it- was the 'cheapest., most useless useless and a most degrading sin. We cannot speak lightly and think lightly lightly of God without degrading and debasing debasing ourselves. Irreverence, said the pastor, is one of the outstanding sins of the age. Irreverence in the home, the church, and everywhere. The sermon was most favorably commented commented on/by many members of the congregation. At the evening service, at which a good .congregation was present, the minister spoke on "Pent:costal Power." Power." The early Disciples, said the preacher, had no church, no machinery machinery and no organization, but they bad the power. Today we have per- M.ikc this YOUR turn to receive a valuable prize in the Hew 1937 Boys' and Girls' Popularity Contest, at ' TYRRiELL'iS REX ALL DRUG (STORE. There are' 14 prizes to be given away on Christmas day. Start early and be numbered among the winners., Read our advertisement on page, eight. Badminton is fast becoming one of Canada's most- popular indoor games. On.no is -tio-w enjoying a very successful season. On Friday night some thirty people 1 were out, The Club always welcome spectators and prospective players-. - ----o Try us. with your next printing order: Out priteesi are reasonable. feet, machinery but lack the power to move the machinery, and this power is avaiiabel if we will claim the 'Holy Spirit. The text was ye- shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you. , The choir rendered suitable music in the morning and a very fine solo was sung by Arthur Bell in the evening. evening. , ECKARDT BROS SWISS BELL RINGERS Town Hall, Orono WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th NEW MUSICAL REVIEW PRESENTING Norman Thomas, a voice from the West; Albert Bested, Impersonator; "Hiram," the Hill-Billy Comedian; Nicoloff, in a whirlwind Russian dance ADDED ATTRACTION Talking Pictures will be shown before the stage entertainment. Curtain rises at 8 p.m. Admission: Adult, 25c.; Children, 15c RED & WHITE STORES Our Dried Fruits, Peels, etc., for your Xmas. Gake are fresh. 0«ir price is right and we are anxious to sell them to you. We deliver in a hurry. Try us. Wedding Bell Biscuits, 2 lbs. - 27c. Cottage Roll, per lb. 23c Pork & Beans, 1 -lb tins, 4 for - 25c SUPER SUDS, large pkg., with 3 cakes Soap, all for : 25c. P & G SOAP, 5 bars. 21c- Home-ground HORSE RADISH, in pt jars, ( jars included ) 35 c. SPARE RIBS, lb 18c. PORK HOCKS, ib 10c. PLATE OF BEEF, per lb. ..:10c. Lean STEWING BEEF, 2 lbs. for 25c. JELLO, 3 pkgs. for 25c. 1 pkg, Jello Chocolate Pudding Pudding FREE WHIZ TOILET FLUSH tin 19c, CARNATION MILK, 3 large tins ...29c. 4 small dins 19c. 1 tin POSTUM 28c. 1-lb- tin CRIS'CO 25c. Maple Leaf MINCE- • MEAT, Quality Brand, 2 ib-s. for 25c. Sage, Reg. Size, tin 5c. Supreme Shortening, 2 1-lb pkgs. 24c. Wax Beans, 2 tins for 19c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. A. J. Knox spent Tuesday in Toronto, Armistice has been signed on the Ha ilovye' en racket, /Mr. and. Mrs, Ab. Bowen; are attending attending the races in Toronto. - Miss B. (Foster visited Port Hope friends over the week-end. : IMts, It. II. Brown is Spending a -week with her mother in Toronto. Mr. Harry Mercer left on Sunday for the north 'country on a deer hunt. Don't forget the -Oddfellows Dance on Friday, November 2'6th. a Ti-e. Mr. F. W. Rickard, M.P., will s'peak at the W.T Meeting on Friday, Nov. 26 th. Mr. H. W. Petrie, Toronto, spent the, week-end nul with Mr. C. T, Miller. Mr. and Mr« Henry Junker and son Freddies of Preston visited Mrs, Mary Sisson. Mr. and Mri, Lantz, of Toronto, were visiting Mrs. G. Oobiblf-diek over the week-end Mrs. Uriah MeOlinchie from New York is visiting her cousin. Mr. Een. Gam-iby. Mr. (Frank Rickard, M. P.. and Mr. Harry Mercer have gone up north deer hunting. Miss Rosaline G-amaby is visiting her brother, Mr. "Bob" Gamsby, at Hamilton Beabln Miss Lillian Cuttelk of Toronto, spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S, Cuttell. Mrs. David Moffat is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Riokardi. Miss Viola Gilfillan, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Gilfillan, Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Milne and daughter are spending a few weeks' holidays at her home in Ohesley. Bckhart Bros. Swiss Bell Ringers, will visit Orono on Wednesday evening, evening, November 24th. Mr. Thomas McNeil, of Ottawa, is spending the winter in Orono with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peate. Mrs. Dane Found and son Bill, of Toronto, visited her father, Mr. W. E. Davey, during the week-end. (Mr. and Mm. Harold J. Awde and family were visitors at his father's. Mr. O. F. Awdte on Sunday last. Miss Ethel Orr has returned to her home in London, after visitng her cousin, Mise Sadie Brown. Mr. M. Hansberry and Misa. "M. Mclliwayne were: Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Thom'pion's. A good time ffor both old, and young at OddfelloVs Dance, Town Hall, November 26th., a-43-c. Meësrs. W. B. Hoar, Charles and George GW,anvil] e, left, on Monday for IFalihurlon dikti'M on a deer hunt. Don't forget to attend 0. L. (Powers' (Powers' auction sale today at Lot, 25, Concession 7, Clarke Township, at 1.3.0 p.m. Mr. Frank Mcllveen, ledger keeper of the Bank of Commerce, returned Monday to resume his duties, after a to weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson and family have moved to BWmnnvile. where Mr. Henderson has accepted a position with the Goodyear. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shift have returned returned from a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, Bowen', of Deseronto, and Mr. Ralph Stutt, of Grafton, Mrs. O. W. Rolph, delegate for the Orono W. 1. attended the Women's Institute Convention at the. Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, Roy Winter and daughter Betty have moved' to Bowman Bowman ville, where Mr. Winter has accepted accepted a position- with the Goodyear. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. E. Staples and Mrs. Win. (Staples, of Toronto, visted with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Staples one day last week: and attended the Goose 'Supper. Miss M. Stork, of St, Catharines, - Mr. and Mrs. C. MacGarvie and daughter Muriel, Mrs, Duncan, of Oshawa, Were week-end visitors of Mr, and Mrs. <L E. Richards. Melbourne J. Wight of l'o: nan ville.' Ont., has been appointed Official Receiver Receiver under the Farmers' 1 Creditors Arrangement Act for the Comity of Durham. He.succeeds C. G. Merger of CampbeUeroft, who resigned. On Thursday evening of last, week Park St. United Church held their second- goose supper, using the remaining remaining geese from the supper the .night before. The total receipts from the, two suppers amounted to <$280.00. Rev. John J, Moment, D.D., Pastor of Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, New Jersey, IJ.S. A., a son of the late Robert Moment, a one time leading citizen of O-roiro, made a Hying visit to Ms liome town here one day last week, being warmly' warmly' greeted by many old-itime friends, who-were pleased to meet him. Rev: Mr. Moment was installed pastor : of Oreçlcen t Avenue- nary 30th, 1919. . C eh Jan- WI mu you ipre wan ting bulk ice cream or bricks, we carry, a full line throughout the winter months.-- Kumrdte Inn Hotel,,,; Orono. a-43-c.„ The -Midland Rlgimenra! Band supplied the inusiie: at the A vniisiice Day services held in the town ball on Thursday: last. ■ A large number turned out for the services and- heard a wonderful address by Rev. E. Beedi. of Newlonville. Rainey's Grocery We have Fresh Frui s for your XMAS CAKE NEW PITTED DATES .....2 LBS... 23 c, LEX1A RAISINS / .......25c.- CURRANTS, RE-CLEANED ...2 LBS.... ....25 c. SEEDED RAISINS, IN BULK 1-2 LB... ,23c. ORANGE AND LEMON .PEEL .. LB.... 27c. SHELLED WALNUTS,/1-4's 1-2 LB... 19 c. GLACE PINEAPPLE RINGS ........ 2 FOR... .........15 c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMST RONG'S OVERCOATS We advertised last week 10 OVERCOATS carried over from last year at $7.50 each, We have 6 left in all good AA ' sizes, YOUR CHOICE FOR fD.UU OVERALLS PANTS Big 88 OVERALLS, th e best made, black only ^2 QQ BLUE RIVET PANTS, in a 8-oz. weight cloth, ^ i ÇA sizes 30 to 44 «p J.*DU HOSE In going through our stock of SILK HOSE we have about 40 pairs of different shades and sizes that we will offer at g Q per pair UuL Regular 75c. and $1.00 in Chiffon, Crepe and Service. This is a bargain in hosiery RUNNERS LINOLEUM, with border, 18 inches wide, 9 feet long, a very limited -- quantity, each ...... * REXOLEUM 2 yards wide, a very inexpensive inexpensive Floor Covering, in very attractive designs, Q f\ peer yard....... OvLt HOSE Ladies' SULK and WOOL HOSE, in shades of gun- metal and sand, sizes OA . 8 to 10, pair L9C WINDBREAKERS Boys' and Girls' Smart Look- , ing Blanket--Cloth WIND- BREAKERS, in man -m. royal, blue, brown, green, sizes 30 to 36 djO ÇA PRICED ...... «pO.DU PYJAMAS For ladies, of many colors and designs, made of the real Heavy Varna Cloth, small, medium and d*1 Cf| 0 (O AA large. PRICED t & tpZ.UU TOWEL SETS . Of Fancy Checks and Stripes, with face cloth at- -iyQ Itached. Set • 2zC TOWELS A Heavy Turkish Bath Towel, 18 inches by 45 inches long. Priced each WALLPAPER It seems every mouth we accumulate ends of WALLPAPER, containing from 4 to 8 rolls with border. We have about 10 of these bundles now at BARGAIN PRICES. SEE THESE.