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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1937, p. 8

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mmammmm ORONO WEEKLY TIMES | NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS N£WÏÜ1W!LLE Mr.-. IliiHm iiiw returned from a visit to Chatham. Miss Marion Samis, I'mvm.invuc-. was home Sunday. Mrs. Win. Whittaker- has gone to Hamilton: for the winter. There - is quite; an ; epidemic of "Stomach flu" around here. Mrs. G. Bead, arid - ; Hazel visited •Mr. ami Mis. T. A. livid recently, 'Mrs.-: Rusk, Cas tie ton, visited her daughter. Mrs. Hilton Awry, last week. - Miss M. Nicholls, Wesloyville, was an anniversary guest, oil Miss Jean Wade. Mr. Harold All in, Newcastle, was an. anniversary visitor at Mr. B. J. Rowe's. . ... Mr. and Mrs. A. Barclay, Oshaiwa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L, Savery. Mrs. f>. F. Glum,iron, Belleville, "Was a. Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. -Colon. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock and daughter, daughter, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. C. Reid. Miss Velma Cowan, Oowanville, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Boy Smith. Congratulations to Rayiiiutd Gilmer Gilmer who won the- s hid d- 1 for Public Speakng for Durham. Mrs. Clifford Avery and children of -Grafton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I 111 ton Avery. Mrs. Win, J aynes has gone-to make -her- home with lier daughter, Miss "Audrey Jaynes, in Tweed, Mr. Willis J ones has gone on his annual deer hunting trip. Mr. O'. Burley is. also deer hunting. Mr. and; Mrs, Harry. Lane and Leona, (Jolibome, were ■ Su ml a y guests- of Mr, and Mrs. W. 0. Lane. There was no service in the Pres hyterian ('huivh Sunday, sowing to the Vni:ed Church anniversary. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred ! Nesbitt,- Bowman Bowman ville, spent iSund'ay with Mr. J as. . Nesbitt and Miss Annie Nesbitt. : Mr. and Mrs.- Willard Lockhart and family, Niagara,' visited her parents, parents, Alt', and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Diamond, M-or- risii, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Beotge MdOullough on Monday evening. M r. -and Mrs. Norman McCullough and Jean. Port Hope, were Sunday guests of Mr., and Mrs. George McCullough. McCullough. Other anniversary visitors were Mieses Robinson and Mr. Ja®. Robinson, Robinson, Newcastle, M iss M. Lu mb and Mr. John Dumb, Bowmanville. EUgin Stapleton, little son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stapleton, has been quite ill with bronchitis. We hope to see him in school again soon. . Mr. -and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, of Blaekstock, Mr. and Mrs! E. L. Merrill Merrill arid son J. IX. Warkworth, were recent guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Willis Jdries. The girls (Misses Hilda Rowland, Berniece 'Milligan and Beatrice Thompson) put on their dte-monistra- tion for the Kendal W. I. at Kendal on November 11 ill. 'Mrs; D, Kaufman represented the local branch of the W. 1. and Mrs. Willis Jones was district representative representative at; the W. I. convention in ' the Royal York Hotel .ou. Tuesday. Mr. and! Mrs. IT. Caldwell, Perry- town, Mr. and Mrs. II. Barrie and Gordon, Providence, Mr. and Mrs, W. ■Couch, 'Newcastle, ; were anniversary | Will YOUR RADIO j j GIVE YOU jj | JacR Benny J | Every Saturday Nite ? ? or , jj Do you get stations j j Static and Sputter j jj Have your radio fixed Î' j GET RESULTS | j ========r==z===r^=^-- j j Chas. R. Knox | I Phone 42r2, Orono | | Berviug the public for six years ! $ (formerly with Green's Radio \ j Service), 12th and Monterey S ts,, i j Detroit. j NEWCASTLE '-.Miss Muriel Bradley;, was hom-c from Toronto for the week-end. Miss- Olive Thorne and Mr. Go wan Ardagli were week-end guests of Miss E'thel Lockhart,. - 'Miss Ward) of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. !l. Ward at the "Newcastle Arms." Mrs. Floyd Butler and her brother Mr. Hanlon Parker, have motored to Rhode Island to visit, relatives for a fortnight. Mrs. D. B. Simpson. mlotored to Kingston and spent a. few days with her daughter arid son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin- Eistol. A number of ladies surprised Mrs, Philip Le Gresle.v . on her birthday and: helped celebrate the occasion. Two tables of bridge were played. The Men's Club of St. George's Church entertained the Men's Club of St. John's, Port Hope, last week. The result of thé evening game was a tie. The Wioman'iS: Association of the United Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Bu tler on Thursday last. About fif ty members were present and the President, President, Mrs; W. H. Cook, presided. After After the usual business, Mrs,. Howard Allin, a bride of last week, was presented presented with a very lovely lace table' cloth as a token of the regard of her fellow - members of the association. Tea -was served arid a social hour enjoyed. enjoyed. The High School Commencement exorcises were held in the Community Community Hall on "Friday evening last, The main feature of the evening was the prize giving. This was interspersed with the Public Speaking contest and selections from the pupils, also drills', etc. The girls of the High School made their first public appearance appearance in their new uniforms of navy blue tunics, white shirt waists. Miss Sanderson is fb be congratulated up- visitors ; with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Barrie ©n Sunday, Sunday guests- with" Mrs, Hoskins were, Mr. and; Mrs. -El Flood and Mrs. B. II, Liggett, Garden Hill, Miss' IS. Langs: a If, Mr-. Soper and Mrs. Patton, Kendal, Mrs, H. Heard, Miss Velma. Heard:, .and Mrs. Hoskins, Hoskins, Dale. Sunday ciill-lers with Mr. and .Mrs. Gv J. 'Stapleton arid Mrs, Thos. Stapleton were : Mrs. G. N." Smith, Stark ville; Inspector A, A. Martin, wife arid: family, Brighton ; Mr. Robert. 'Martin, Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Mar;in and family, Lake Shore. '.At the TUG. League, Florence Burley gave the bible reading. Rev. E. L, Beech gave a ten minute talk on the bible; solo, Wanda. McKay ; topic (Missionary), Miss I. biting: violin so'lo, Reg. Bolton. The meeting meeting closed with the Mizpah Bénédiction. Bénédiction. The Presbyterian W..M.S. held their; annual Thiankoffering meeting in the basement of the church, Nov- veriiber 10th. Mr-. (Rev.) Foote, of Port Hope, gave a splendid; address i:ur "'Service," emphasizing the fact that "no service is too small," after which a dainty lunch was served and a pleasant chat enjoyed. The W..M.S. of the United Church hell their November meeting in the basement of the church when they entertained the Mothers and Babies off the congregation with the,following the,following program .: Bible reading, Mrs. Savery ; duet, Mrs. E. L. Beech and Miss Mary Lane; piano solo, Bud Tones; readings, Misses Marian, Bruce and Laurna Pearce; solo, Mrs. Ken, Ware ; recitation, M iss Fae Jones. This pleasant; meeting closed, with lunch and a social time. In spite of , the inclement weather ton I Sunday the anniversary services in the United Church were well attended attended and were profitable, both spiritually and financially. A profusion profusion of flowers along with the exceptionally exceptionally fine music of the choir added to the beauty of the services when those present had; the privilege of hearing Rev. Mr, Porter,, Canton, in the afternoon arid Rev. Mr. Davison,. Davison,. Bowman vide, hi the evening. In the afternoon the choir rendered one anthem and Mrs. Ken. Ware favored favored with -a solo. In the evening the choir rendered two more beautiful anthems",'"and! a trio consisting of Misses Elsie Wallace, Mary Lane. and Frances Elliott sang a selection. KENDAL , Mrs, Little and sons spent 'Sunday in Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry. We See that Mr, Ted, Woodyard has brought his motor boat home from Rice Lake. Mr. and Airs. Wm. Patterson have gone to the city with Mr. Ross Patterson1 Patterson 1 for a visit. Mr, and Mrs. É. Evans spent Tuesday Tuesday at Afrs. Wm. Patterson's and at Mrs. M, Robinson's. Mrs. Milton Dunbar and Elliott and Mrs. 'Stan. Gray, of Garden Hill, visited at Kendal on Sunday. Mrs. C. II ask in, of Newtonville was: visiting; in Kendal on Thursday also attending the Women's Institute. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark return ed from Toronto last week-end, Mrs. Clark remaining with Mrs. Wm. Mercer for a week. Hurrah ! 'The boys have made a start at fixing the rink in the park Go to it lads ! We wish you better weather for ice than you had' last, year. Mr, and Mrs. Ross McKay and Norman, of Toronto, Mrs. McKay and Master Harvey McKay of West- Hill have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer. Among those, from this vicinity, who have succumbed to the lure of deer limiting, are - E. Luxon, W Mercer, Mercer, R. Mercer, W. Thirtell and Joe Martinel], Won't the poor deer catch it, The school board have seen fit to install a piano in the school to -aid "Mrs. Robb, in instilling music into the rising generation. They have also brightened the fence with a. coat of paint. Our village keeps filled- to capacity, capacity, which certainly speaks well for our community, Mr. Ore; g and sons have moved into the Henry' house just vacated by Mrs. Iloskin arid Mr. and Mrs. Geary into the one prev io-usly occupied by Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. !.. Hoskin, Mrs, Neva Little, Mr- and Mrs. James Hoy, Mr and Mrs. Fred; Falls and Myrtle, Mr. arid Mrs, Charlie Carson and Wilma Mr. and Airs. Ambrose Robinson, tond Mr. !.. Hoy, were guests at Mr. and Airs. Wm. Robin-son's. to a Wear-over aluminum demonstration dinner. Mr. and; Mrs. Hamilton Boyd, Mr. and . Mrs. Blake Alexander, Mrs. A, Jacksori, Mrs. : Wm. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, .Trim Falls and Mr. and Mrs, Orme Falls were guests at; Air! and' Mrs. Fred Falls to a wear-ever aluminum demonstration dinner on Thur-day evening. on the result of her efforts for the pupils looked so trim and modern. The Montague scholarships wpre won by Miss Jean Coulter and Mr. Joe Hock ins. Mr. Joe Hopkins also won the W si mot gold medal for general proficiency. The winner of the public public speaking contest was Mr. James Lovekin, who spoke on the '^Nature of Education." The evening ended with a play given by the pupils under under the direction of Miss Sanderson arid Mr. Ward. It was well directed and well played and showed promising promising ' talent! for the various dramatic societies of the village. LESKARD iS'orfy to learn Mr. Lome Robbins is on the sick list again, and wish for his speedy recovery. Mr. " Arthur Bell and lady friend arid Miss Edith Trull and Miss Edna Billings visited Cadmus on Sunday last, where Mr. Bell was guest soloist. There will be a special night at the Club room on. November 22nd. A dance will be held and a good orchestra orchestra will be in attendance. Everybody Everybody welcome. Come and .enjoy a good time. Admission. 25c.; ladies with lunch free. The Home and School Club meeting meeting was held 0 n Monday night last, with Alias Grey being responsible for the program and .Alice Bair-tow and Harry Davey assisting. Rev. Riding of Pontypool was- the guest speaker. Tie gave a wonderful talk on. how to worry, 'successfully giving the people people many 1 atighs. Musical numbers were given by the Bruton brothers of Orono, also Jack Cobbled ink, Jim Powers, Charles and El va Gay, 'Stanley 'Stanley Brill, Charlie Penwarden, and Bob Chafers gave a reading, after which "cotitests: were held. The ladies then served lunch, and the rest of the evening was spent in "Progressive Euchre, with Mr. Art Tennant winning winning the prize. The meeting then closed with the singing of "God Save the King." Tyrrell's Rexall Drag Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO I BOYS AND GIRDS ! Enter, your name Row and get. Started jj early in the j Boys' <md Girls' Popular! y Contest 8 Contest starits FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19th jj and closes XMAS EVE at midnight j 14 Valuable Prizes will be Given Away FREE | 8 PRIZES FOR GIRLS INCLUDE I 1st Prize,; Rolex-Wrist Watch; 2nd, Doll Pram ; 3rd, I> k Set; 4th, ! . Cedar Chest.; 5th, Doll "Alarie"; 6th, Doll "Beverley"; 7th, Doll j" "Patsy";,8th, Doll "Barbara." j 6 PRIZES FOR BOYS INCLUDE | 1st Prize, Bicycle; 2nd), Motion Picture Projector.; 3rd, Hockey j Gauntlets ; 4th, Ooquinole Board; 5th, Table Tennis 'Set ; 6th, Radio j Globe of the World. j The Contest is open, to every boy and girl in Orono arid surrounding ! district. Ask at the store for a descriptive folder of the Contest ; Rules' and Pictures of the Prizes. The Prizes will foe on disjplay in | the store windows. This is your opportunity to' receive a Real Valu- | able Christmas Gift Free of Charge. Don't Delay 1 ! Contest starts ! . Friday morning. j SPECIAL SALE OF XMAS TOYS To make room for New Christmas Stock, all Games and Mechanical Toys will be sold at Half the Regular Prices. These are . Real Bargains Bargains in Sturdy, Well-made Playthings. I Boy and Scooter ............... 9c. Mickey Mouse and his Motorcycle 19c. Train and selt Tracks 59c. Motor Trucks, Oil Tanks Dump Trucks 29c. Game of Pardheesi 29c- Game of Ten Pins ;.29c. Th e New Game Sensation ! "4, 5, 6, Pick Up Sticks", set...25c 'CHRISTMAS CARDS With Clever, Colorful Designs and Greetings, Priced at 2c. each, 3c., 5c., 10c. and up. SPECIAL VALUE Box of 12 Cards and 12 Envelopes, new designs and greet- You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Store ! ONLY 5 MORE SATURDAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE Many Gifts, Choice Gifts throughout the Store ; such Values ne'er were shown before ; so "knowing this"- Why not explore ? WELL -- COME ANYWAY SPECIAL -- CHILDREN'S COLORED HANDKERCHIEFS HANDKERCHIEFS .I...................... EACH 2c, WEEK-END GROCERY SPECIALS FRESH CURRANTS 2 LBS „25c. FEES NAPTHA SOAP 2 BARS 13c. SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 2 3-4 LB. PEG 33c AYLMER GLACE CHERRIES .....1-2 LB. 23c. AYLMER MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 3-OUNCE BOTTLE ! 1 ...10c. WATER ICE WAFERS ..LB. 25c. SHELLED WALNUTS , 1-2 LB 18c. STUFFED OLIVES LARGE 11-OZ. JAR 23c. NEW CHEESE (MILD) .LB 19c- CORN STARCH (BENSON'S) 2 FOR ...,19c. COMFORT SOAP 3 BARS 13c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Ï Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL'LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MËET YOUR - REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just flow we are featuring ST0RN SASH PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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