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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1937, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Published Every Thursday At the Office of Publication Main St. - - Orono TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1,25 per year. To subscribers in the United 'States, 'States, $2.00 per year. Advertising Kates on. Request FINE JOB PRINTING Phone 9 r 1 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Thursday, November 25, 1937 Letters to the Editor Opening of Drill Shed (Continued form page one) inp a spirit of loyalty and gratitude, which characterises every true Canadian, Canadian, have not looked 1 with disinterestedness disinterestedness upon the late military movement throughout our province. Though this- country of ours is only only a branch of that empire whose power is acknowledged in the remotest remotest corner of the globe---that empire empire upon which the eyes of the whole world are ever gazing, because it is the brightest .star in the great constellation of nations ; yet from whatever there has been good in the systems of that great empire, or the systems of the nations throughout Europe, ,or of those that existed during during the (lays of yore, this country of ours has been endeavouring to draw its nourishment. The wrecks of the past, have been her warnings. She is inhabited by a free, a loyal, and an industrious people. Peace and prosperity prosperity have waft in gentle gales over her. But, alas! it is recorded in the annals of the past-that her tranquility tranquility has been at least twice, interrupted. interrupted. Once within the memory of us all by a horde of half-starved, half-civilized vagrants. This country of ours has been invaded ; and at a time, too, when from one end- of Canada to the other nil was as. tranquil tranquil as the slumbering ripples of a sun-lit mountain lake, by a rising power which has appeared in these times under the name of the Fenian Brotherhood 1 ---a brotherhood which stand antagonistic to truth and justice,--peace justice,--peace and happiness; a brotherhood brotherhood which, it" allowed to wield -an influence; will carry, like the army of Aiaric, the Goth, death and dtevas- 1ati<in wherever it would go. "But we rejoice kith joy unspeakable", and send up our united voices of gratitude gratitude to God, for having enabled the men of Canada to put the brakes upon the wheels of their influence, so far at least as it concerned our own country by a sublime and heavenly heavenly patriotism. And! now, Gentlemen, Members of the Orono and Clarke Volunteer Company, We v the young people of the Village Village of Orono, do welcome you here this evening, and with all feelings of pleasure and gratitude, do rank and identify you among those most ndble ! ones, who came forward at the call of our country, and in the time of great immergenicy to fight for the wronged and: beautiful Flag of Our Nation, and to lay down, if needs be your own dear lives for the liberty of Canada. : But words have often failed to express express the deep feeling of : the: heart-- : such is the case with us this evening ; let us, -therefore, make these: sentiments sentiments of ours towards you more emphatic emphatic by prc-souring to you, -Sir, who have the honour and dignity conferred conferred upon you of being (lie Captain and officers; of this Company--to you, Sirs, ad the Company's representatives,: representatives,: do we in the name of the Young People of this Village, present this FLAG, which is to be .the property of the Orono and Clarke Volunteer Company, and to bo worn--and worn only upon this DRILL SUED. We have here. the RED, the WHITE, and the BLUE, and we only only hope that not only you as Voltm- . teers. but ' that we all may strive to drive] ope the three great truths of whiich these colons are emblematical. (Should you ever be called upon to carry these Emblem's into the "Battle field," we' would say to you "Go in with majestic Courage," to be ranked---not ranked---not among the horde of vulgar -eon-querorsy but in the list with a William of Orange, or: a Washington, fighting, dying it" needs be. for your country, and your country's : God. While you look to the glorious Flag of our country--a Flag which is to be seen fluttering amid the breezes- of Heaven, across the new and old world, from Vancouver's Island to the great walls of China---try arid develop a feeling opposite to that of revenge. We build monuments to the dead, but we should never raise A few nights ago many of your readers, inclusive of the writer, listened listened to a radio address by a former Premier of Ontario, Drury, who was the. guest speaker of the Martin Trucking Co. a: a banquet held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. His remarks, with regard to safe driving on our highways and the timely comparison made as between locomotive engineers with' automobile arid: bus drivers with regard, to the use of hr toxica ting liquor while - on hrity was' an .arresting' warning and it was shown thait, this liberty was a mulch more acute menace to the pu- Hp with the: drinking auto and his driver than in' the ease of the engineer. engineer. lie cited an example of ■careful: driving and! affirmed that one of the. Martin drivers had driven one million miles without an accident. accident. Our- is ar. awful toll of eiti hens killed arid maimed in automobile automobile tragedy on our highways. Mr. Drury also gave a timely suggestion for the safety of pedestrians pedestrians by the cinder walk, the laying •of which provision would all so- give employment to many men now on relief,. relief,. ' Mr. Drury's address was an important advice. __ I. C ARE Kendal, November 22nd 1 . ORATORÎCALCONTEST AT BRIGHTON The oratorical contest held in Brighton last Friday evening between the winning contestants from Northumberland, Northumberland, Durham, Hastings, Pet- erfooro and Prince Edward County, resulted in Raymond Gilmour from Crooked Creek, Durham County winning first prize. He .spoke on the subject, "iStpo-rts in' a Rural Community." Community." Miss Beta Turpin, Northumberland Northumberland County, won second prize, her •subject being "My Insect and Weed Collection. Third: prize was wop. by the contestant contestant from Prince Edward County, subject, "Children of Other Lands." The three winners each received a silver cup and all five contestants were given a book and a dollar bill. The Orono Times, -along with Clarke Township, extends their congratula,tionsi congratula, tionsi to Raymond Gilmour for his -iplcndid speech. He will attend the Durham Club in Toronto at the Women's Art Guild: on Thursday, November 26t.h, where he will be presented: presented: with the gold: medal. CLARK UNION Mre. Ida Stark spent a few days last week with h® r daughter, Mrs. Gordon Power. _ .. . Mrs. Charles Gumming, of Toronto, spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. John Rickaby. Mr. Keith Tenant attended the Home and School meeting at Leskard on Monday night. Mr. James Nixon has nearly finished finished threshing for the season, and reports reports a very good year. Mr. Harold iShuttlcworth is spending spending a few days with Mr. 6. D. Sou eh before sailing for England. Mr. and (Mrs. Gordon Power and Catherine spent the weekend: with Mrs, Ed. "Power, in Oshawa. Mr. Alex. Watson, has the contract contract to fix Mrs. Henry's house in Orono, which was- partly burned last Friday morning. Miss- Mamie Archer is busy getting getting her pupils ready for the Christmas Christmas entertainment which will be held on December 23rd. Misses Eileen and Dorothy Souch accompanied by Miss Mary Jewell, of Bowman ville, attended the Royal Winter Fair on 'Saturday. Classified COMING EVENTS The L.O.B.A. will iiolid a Euchre and Five Hundred j Party ,-in the Orange Hall on Monday, November 29th. Come and: havje a good! time. Professional Directory DENTAL / a-44-c. Popularity Contest (Continued from page one) Mercer. 7. Bobby Casey. 8. Jack Watson. 9, Gerald Rainey. 10. Carl Flintofl". 11. Carman Cornish. 12. Ross Taylor. 13. Donald McLaren, McLaren, 14. Freddie Glanville. 15. Kennedy 'Gray. 16. Jack Mantle. 17. Morris Armstrong. 18. Dick Wood. 19. Garry Hancock. 20. Jack Tebble. 21. Allan Cornish. 22. Sonny Cowan. 28. Sonny Jordan. 24. Glenn. Tamblyn. 25. Jim Patterson. 26. Bill) Gordon. 27. Boyd Worry. 28. Mont Richardson. 29. Archie Hendry. them of victory. We respect the example example of the ancient Romans, who never, even in conquered lands) raised emblems of triumph. Some of you perhaps won!,Id like to raise a monument monument , to the victory at Ridgeway last June by hanging the Fenian prisoners. prisoners. But remember this, you have a duty devolving on you to fight for your country, and whether these people people come under the hand of the executioner executioner or no, let it he decided: by those who have the authority to do so. There is a wise hand overruling all things. Kings are lifted- up and thrown down--nations come and 1 go ; empires flourish arid wither ; and the plots: of wicked men pass away as a tale that is told ; yet all things- are done well, for Eternal wisdom mar- tisils the great processions- of the nations nations ! in conclusion may this Flag of yours be wafted by the gales of Peace coming from the North, the East, the South and!, the West. May the members of this company long enjoy the happiness of a calm domestic life. And may our beloved Queen long live anS reign over a Free, a Loyal and "a Religious people. After the address was read Captain Captain Tucker, and Captain McLeod, made most suitable replies in behalf of the company. ---o- Try us with your next printing order. Our prices are reasonable. COWANVILLE Miss Lena Farrow spent a few days with Mr. and! Mrs, Westol Stringer last week. Miss- Marion Simpson attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Saturday. Rev. R, E. Morton, of Paisley, will preach in Clarke church on -Sunday, November 28th. Mr. arid Mrs. Westol Stringer visited Mrs. James Burley, Newton- ville, on -Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Orossley and Messrs. J. Barnes and B. Henderson motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Watterson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. McGhee, of Toronto, visited Mr, and. Mrs. Erwin Erwin F arrow over the week-end. The first- meeting of League met last Wednesday evening in the basement, basement, of the church. It took the form of election of officers. Next week is to be a social arid all are welcome. Several neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gross- ley on Friday evening to present Mr. and Mrs. R. Has-kill with a miscellaneous miscellaneous shower with Mr. T. A. Reid as chairman. M r< Westol Stringer read the address for the W. A. and Misses D. Farrow and P. Hollingsworth: presented her with a tea set. Mr, J. Barnes read the community address and they received many beautiful gifts. Refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was -spent in dancing and cards. About one hundred and fifty friends: -arid neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Farrow on Saturday evening to celebrate celebrate with them their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. (Mr. J. J..Hello J..Hello r, a very capable chairman, called on the following programme : Selection Selection by Mr. and' 'Mrs. Chris. Cowan, a recitation, by Hazel Brown and a song by Messrs. A. Perrin, J. Simpson Simpson and J. Barnes. Miss: Ethel Simpson read: the address and! several several lovely silver gifts were presented. Mr. Ray Lewis from Hamilton presented: presented: them, with a lovely piece of silver. The young people enjoyed, a few games. Refresments were served, and a pleasant evening came to a close. KIRBY Mr. and Mrs. Win, DeMille, of 'Oshawa, 'Oshawa, were guests of Mr. John Brown on Sunday. Mr. Robert Ard finished his last job of the season on. Tuesday at Mr. Win. Cochrane's. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm E. Bry-on. Mrs. D. A. MacKinnon spent the week-end with her son Donald, who holds a position with General Motors Motors in the city. Messrs, A. J. Bigelow arid 0. L. Powers attended the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday. I hope they make the return trip .safe, Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Thompson, of Port Hope, spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson. Brody claims that -voting on- Provincial election. election. in that town has discontinued. The W. M. S. Thankoffering, ser-' vice will be held, in Kirby church on Sunday,November 2Sth, at 3 o'clock. Mrs, N.. P. White, of Myrtle •Station, will be the speaker. Special music by the choir. Everyone welcome. welcome. W e understand that Messrs. Chris. Miller and Ern. Hamm are going up to help Hep. out with his contract of placing Duncan Mrinsh-all in as Lieutenant-Governor. A good act indeed boys, it was he who piloted the The I.O.O.F., No. 48fi, are holding an Old! Time Da née in the Town Hall, Orono, on. - November _ 26tli. Merrymakers Orchestra, . Admission, Gents', 50c 1 ; Ladies, 256. c-44-c. Due to some interference in the dates previously advertisedf the St. Saviour's A.YiP.A. plan, ho combine the two socials in one to" be held on Wednesday, jD-eeemibât 1st-, in the Parish Hall ht 8 o'clock sharp. A good programme is in store for everyone, everyone, Don't miss it; Remember the date. Wed., Déc. Ü Admission 20c, and 10c. HOIR SALE One 2-year-old 1 Rani aridfone Ram Lamb.--Apply Wm. Haye!, RE. 2, Newcastle. ,/ b-45-c. HOUSE TO RENT On Church street, possession first of December.--Apply- to Mrs. George Taylor, Phone 57rl0, Orono. c-44-c NOTICE On and after November Is*, Harness Harness Repairing will be done at my house.--li. S. Cornforth.. tf (FOR (SAOLE-OR RENT (Small farm, 10. acres with house on 4th line, Lot 26. Apply Orono Times office. c-44-c. HOUSE FOR RENT On Station Streét;/ also Brass Roller and Markers'" foil cement -for sale.--Apply Mrs, Wm. Seymour, Orono . , / c-46-p. j PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 31 p.c. Loan Due in 1951 Price$98.50 and interest A few thousand only in' reserve, must be sold by Monday, 29th, to complete my contract R. Z. HALL Office back 6f Post- office, Orono A REAL SPORT The following clipping was taken from the sports column of the Oshawa Oshawa Daily Times, with reference to Orme Gamsby, which reads, in part: "Met Orme "Gamsby this morning (Wednesday, Nov. 18th). The "Silver "Silver Fox" from O-rono is celebrating his 74th birthday. Orme assured us he felt fit enough to enjoy a. scrap so we recommended the annual 0. If. A. meeting up in Toronto, which will be within a few days. Orme caused quite a furor there at the similar gathering' there some years ago," It's no use waiting until a man has left this mortal plane to lavish words of high praise upon deaf ears; Orme is a "land mark" here in Southern and Central Ontario, and one of the mos-t ardent of sport fans, a genial genial gentleman and true sportsman, shrewd -and witty, a better loser than a winner and what the boys in sport circles - term a "swell ' guy." Here's hoping Orme is with us for many more seasons. Minnie M. up, the 'S-oo waters back in the SO-'s for you chaps. Mr. and .Mrs, MacKinnon, accom pai tiédi by Miss Annie Forbes,, were in Oshawa on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Os'tei'hout delivered an excellent sermon On Sunday last to far too small a congregation. I listened listened to Jim Hunter's Monday morning morning broadcast; and he $fated that a game of hockey in Madison Square C-ardeti dréw au' nttemlinu'e of 14,- 500. ' I wonder if any Kirlbyites were there. 1 - ■ , Mr. C. L. Power's sale on Thursday Thursday last, was- 1 largely attended and some tilings sold fairly well while others were low. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers-, also Mrs. James- !.. and Jim have moved to Or-on-o, where - we wish them every succèss in. their new home, and they will be missed at Kirby by all for they were g-- neighbors. 1)11. J. C. MILNE, Dental -Surgeon, -Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other days by appointment. appointment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - " - - Ontario Office Hours : 1,30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all size» and at reasonable rate». Communicate ■ with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, ait Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, etui Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORONO PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH [Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor -SUNDAY, NOV. 28th 111 a.m.---Morning* Worship. 7 p.m.--Evening 'Service. I "You need the Church, the Church I needs you." COME AND WORSHIP THF BOWMANVILLE DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Give us a call, or phone, Dairy 446, or store 703. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday, 2.JO Her Latest Hit ; SHIRLEY TEMPLE In the Story That 'Millions, Have Read "HEIDI 99 With Jean Hersholt Next Mori., Tues, and Wed. At Regular Prices Mr. Paul Muni u a In His Masterpiece THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA" NEXT THURSDAY ONLY Boy Scout Benefit OH, DOCTOR" With Ediw. E. Horton Ten Valuable Prizes When you have Local or Personal A - send it in to the Orono Times.

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