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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE Mrs, .1. Wilde spent the week-end in Orono. Mr. I. T. Pearce, Piéton, Mas Koine for the week-end. Mrs. Chas. livi.l was in Oslvawa three dia,yslast week. Miss Olive Johnston, of Peteiboro;, spent the; week-end a t home, 'Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Wo-odlmm, of Toronto, were week-end guests with relatives here. Mr.'and Mrs, J. Darch, Miss Morris Morris and Mr, Mart, vu spent the weekend weekend in the city. Mr. anid: Mrs, W. Chester, Osh- awa, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp, Recent visitors at Mr. 3. Dareh's. M r and Mrs-. F. Morris, Mr. Powell and Mr, Mariyn, of B'owmtmville. .Mrs. Leuchner and E'oger, of Niagara, Niagara, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden and Labe, of O-Jinwa. spent, Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stone, Mr. and Mr. George Stapleton J'r., and family, and Mrs, Tlios. Staple- ton, Spent Sunday at Mr. L. D. Bell's of Kendal. Mr, and Mrs. Ken. Griffin, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. George 'Griffin, Omeniee. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' S. R. Jones. r Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Harris and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Pentecost, Toronto, Toronto, were Sunday guests of M r. and Mrs. Frank Owens. •Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Payne and son and M.iss Ruby Payne, of Toronto, Toronto, visited: their parents, Mr. and Mrs," Renhen Payne on Su a day. There passed to rest on Sunday morning Mrs, J..Colon, who has been a sufferer for some time. Deepest sympathy is extended to -the bereaved husband and family Mr. -and Mrs. Thus. Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sharpe a r.d Ida. Mrs, Joe Sharpe and Mrs, Andrew Sharpe, all of Toronto, were guests at the home, of Mr. Tupper Johnston on Saturday and attended the funeral of Mrs. R, Johnston, ' Mrs. R. Johnston, formerly Ann " Martha Lockhart, passed calmly from a quiet sleep into eternity at the home of Mrs. John Robinson, of 'Newcastle, Wednesday morning and was buried' from Neivtonville Presby- teriail:'Ghtirch, Saturday afternoon. Many relative- and friends mourn her passing. Among those from a distance distance who attended 1 her funeral were, Mr. and -Mrs, H. H. Graham. Robert Robert and D'atvis. Peterboro ; Mr. Bruce Lockhart, Alka. Craig: Mr. Luke Buttery, Salem; Mrs. Stair. Davis and Mr. George Davis, Woodstock: Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam Lockhart Port Hone; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock, Hancock, Peterboro'; Mrs. Ha ruer Allan. Misses Florence and Roberta Thompson. Thompson. of Toronto. The regular meeting of the Women's Women's Institute was held a t the home of Mrs. Cnrdi.n Martin, on November 16th, Owing to the illness of the president, -Mrs. Wallace Homes, vice- president, presided for the meeting. Items of business: (1) Decided to have an exchange of gifts at the December December meeting; (2) a committee was appointed- to gather Christmas cheer foi - the Port Hope Shelter, these articles: articles: to be brought to the next -meeting.- -meeting.- Following urogram was given* (1) Roll call, "Ousto-ms of other lands" : f 2f - report of training school held at Millbrook for junior home- .making unit called-"The Milky Way" given bv Mrs. Milligan, iRhe requested requested the members to get in touch with all girl's in the: community and have those interested meet at her home on November 24ih. (3) Solo. Mrs Percy Brown ; (4) paper on 'Peace," Will YOUR RADIO j give you | | Jack Benny | | Every Saturday Nite ? ? or | | Do you get stations | j Static and Sputter | | Have your radio fixed I GET RESULTS Chas, R. Knox ï r I j Phone 42r2, Orono | Serving the public for six years I ('formerly with Green's Radio Î Service), !2t'; and Monterey Sts., ! Detroit. NEWCASTLE Mr. George Wright Iras gone to 'Sudbury for a short visit. Miss Joan Rickard was home from Oakville for the week-end. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson spent a week-end in Chicago rcccmiy. Mrs. Percy Hare visited her son Jack at Queento, Kingston, recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray upon the birth of a so-n last- week. Mrs. Buckland, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter and son-in-law at the Rebtory. 'Congratulations' to Mr. an'd Mrs. Frank OINeil upon the birth of a daughter last week. Prof essor and Mrs. Edward Ar- dagh, of Toronto, visited friends in town mi Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs'. Allan Howard and MBs Sally Howard were home from Toronto for the week-end. Mrs. Stinson and Miss Francis -Stinson, of Toronto, spent, the weekend weekend with Mrs. 'George Eillbeck. Mr. Joseph Atkinson, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Win. Atkinson- and Mrs, R. W. Gijbs-on on Friday last. , Miss Margaret Toms, nurse-in- ! raining at the Western Hospital, Toronto, is home for a week's- holidays. holidays. Miss Ethel Lockhart lias -closed her house for the winter months: and ait present is visiting Miss B. -8. McIntosh, McIntosh, Miss Dorothy Trenwith is taking a business -course in Toronto to supplément supplément her training in BWman vi-ll-e High School. -Mr. Jarred Kimbal, Mrs. .Chapman's .Chapman's worthy assistant, had a week's holidays and attended the Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. W. E. IT. Ward spent the week-end in Toronto, taking in the Winter Fair, the hockey -game and the football' game. Mrs. Allàn- M'cEvov and daughter. Miss Helen, have dosed their house at B-mdhend arid motored to New York to sitay for the winter. Mrs. Jerry Brown; (5) reading, "How Peace Gardens- Grow," Mrs. Haigh ; (6) poem, "There Sleep Our Dead," Mrs. Jerry Brown. The meeting closed with the National Anthem Anthem and then lunch. Attendance, thirty. The next meeting- will be at Mrs, Milligan's. LESKARD Miss Marjorie Tennant is home holidaying, Mr. Arthur Bell- went oil a motor trip over the week-end. Was it a honey moon trip Art? Mr, Herb. Drivel! says these moonlight moonlight nights have 'been great for romance, romance, Congratulations Herb, Mr. Lome Robbins is remodelling part of ids barn with Harry and John Davey assisting him in the work. iS-orry to 'earn Mr. Norman- Bair- -tow is laid up with the toothache -mil hope to see him out again soon. Mr. Colin Brown, .«arpenter. Is sure remodelling' the village, putting up sun 'porches and verandahs is his specialty. Hr. Roy Tennant left Sunday for the north country, to work in the lumber camp where he worked the past Winter. The regular meeting of the Home and School Club will be held on November November 29th. Mr. Charlie Gay, John Syer and -Miss Edna Billings are the -programme committee. Mr. Russell Russell Osborne will be the guest speaker. speaker. Progressive crokinole will- be played. Musical numbers will also be given by local talent. Ladies please bring lunch. Come and enjoy a good game of crokinole. Tin- dance held in the Club room on Monday night last was a great success; A good crowd was: present to enjoy the dancing to Mr. Hubert Hooper's -orchestra of' Bowm-an-villo. Both modern and bid time music was played. Lunch was served at eleven o'clock, then dancing again took up the remainder of the evening*. Mr, Harry Davey then -called order and moved a hearty vote of thanks- be given the orchestra which was "responded "responded to by all. The dance drew to a close at one o'clock by singing God. Save the King. BOWMANVILLE The Bible iHocict-y of this district was repreSenttKl on 'Sunday • last by one of its officials who occupied 'St. Andrew's pulpit at the morning service service and St, Paul's in the evening, Thos. 'Lockhart- is secretary in. this town. The one man-band from town was the popular part; of thé ' program -at the Rotary luncheon last-week as the club entertained the Legion Club at the Balmoral hotel. This was a good occasion ..for bringing out musical talent-, hither not dreamed' of. 'Several Newcastle old timers were in town the past, week, including our old friend T. W. Jackson, who wc are always- pleased to see. Like Orono's old timer, T. W. is one of Newcastle's standby*, and the district without him would be -a one-sized affair affair in- its every-day doings. This week the Osh awn Music Study Club ho-lds forth at Simco-e iSt, United Church on Wednesday evening, and those who take part- will be Adolphe Koldofsky, violinist, and . Alice -Strong, soprano, Gwendolyn Williams accompanist. Admission 7'5c. Quite a ■ Mini»",' of our citizen# are members of thi-s club. At Tyrone this coming Friday evening there will be given, an oyster supper at 5.30 with a concert at 8.00 p.-iu. :> o'uists, Mire. Ret';.i Dudley and J. lliin>nck. the Parch Bros., saxophone and violin, Miss Duff, elocutionist', elocutionist', and others. Admission. 35c,, but whether that includes: the oyster part or not we did not learn, lit does not make nice reading in our town paper about the arrest- of some of our li-oysi for robbery. The -great trouble is in the home life of our -bays or a groat many of them, not all of course, but in many case# they certainly do not get the home training they should. You can easily see that on the street every day. A great many parents are very neglectful neglectful in this respect, but the harvest will (tome just the siaime. Our old friend Ovine was in town the past week and we learned it was his birthday anniversary. 'Seventy- four years of various' and divers doings doings on this planet, and we wish him many more of the same, perhaps not so strenuous but less of such as will cause la-art fail live, in a so far as the heart is concerned wo surmise that Orme is in for a chronic state of bachelorhood. Just the same we wish him many more years o-f the life that appeals' to the good old sportsman. - . Old No. 9 Home and School Club will hold their Xmas entertainment on Dec. 22nd, or is it, just the school •alone, Well, at any rate,- the school will have an entertainment on the above date and' for the sake of' -old times we hope it will be one of the best. Old timers in the pld school at Beilwoo'd's Corners did! not have such, elaborate doings as the pupils of today have. Kept in School for a few minute# on the last day of the term a treat would be given, a few apples would- be passed around, probably probably a prize for general efficiency to one - or two 'bright pupils, and the school would lie vacated for 1 the rest of the week if the holiday was not too early in the week. Toronto people and; politicians generally generally are considerably worked up over "Oh'orley 'Park," and- who will be: our next governor. Well, come down to brass lack- we are pretty well. .governed to death now in this Canada of ours, so why not give it a rest .for a-term or so. 'Every province province has that bill o-f expense, and after after all, what for ? Just a relic of feudal days, family compacts, big blowouts for the upper classes and their followers all at the expense of the working elas-s. W-e, as a people, are certainly not lacking in rulers and governing laws -and we imagine it is time to call a bait in- this direction. direction. If you do- not think s-o stand up in the meeting and say'so. 'Another old time citizen has passed passed awu'y in the person of Mr. A. Min- geaud who, with Mm Mingeaud, just recently moved to Windsor to be with" one of their sons, who has lived there for some rime past, For many years Air. Mingeaud was an employee of the Organ and Piano Oo. as- a carver, of which there ' were quite- a number engaged- there in that-'line of work. Deceased took an active interest 'in sports of all kinds but 'baseball' was the staple -article. Previously to coming here he was in the rail re,ad and - shipping trade and when work slackened- in the organ wor ks he' took a situation with the C.P.R. at this station., Deceased leaves a wido w, two Isons- and' one daughter. -His; wife was a, alstrir of Prof. Chas. T. Pnui. H-e was also a -member of the- Masonic fraternity. Frank and Mrs, Pet hick of thi-s town- attended the interment, services at Windsor the past week. i Tyrrell's Rexal Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORQNG Every Day Sale Prices WINTER TONICS I BURDOCK BLOOD j BITTERS 98 cts j SCOTT'S EMULSION, | large 98 cts MUSKEKEE $1.00 BEEF, IRON AND WINE $1.00 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL, plain or niin-i flavour, 8 ounces 50 cts. 16 ounces $1.00 WAMPOLES 'EXTRACT of COD LIVER .$1.00 BsmfK'..ts6e«32y'.. a There is still plenty of time to enter the Rexall Prize Contest 14 VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWA~Y~ SEE SPECIAL SPACE FOR CONTEST RESULTS ' GIFT SETS FOR LADIES In Yardley, Gardenia of Southern France, Adrienne, Jasmine of Southern Prance, and Lady Esther. Priced from. 25 cts., 50 tits;., 75 cts-, $1.00, $5.00 and up GIFT SETS FOR MEN In Yardley, Gardenia of Southern France. PRICED from 25 cts. t-o , ......$10.00 NEW 1937 CUTEX SETS PRICED AT 35 cts., 65 ots., $1.25, $4.50 and ...$9.00 Gifts purchased at your Rexall Store may be wrapped for your convenience in holiday paper at NO EXTRA COST. Gifts purchased at your Rexall Store may be securely wrap-* ped for mailing or shipping at NO EXTRA CHARGE. I You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Store! We SELL For LESS As we Pay Cash and Sell for Cash WEEK-END SPECIAL-- DARK FLANNELETTE, 36 inches wide 5 YARDS ............ 75c. GROCERY SPECIALS BON AMI, Cake or Powder 13c. WASHING SODA, 2 1-2 lb. pkg. ....2 FOR 13c. BAKING SODA LB 5c. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, with free bowl, 3 for... 27c. FREE--Cake of INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP with the purchase , 0 f 5 bars SURPRISE SOAP 25c. ICING SUGAR 2 LBS 15-c. BEE HIVE SYRUP LBS... 18c. 5 LBS. FOR 39c. COOKING FIGS, NEW 2 LBS 19c. WESTON'S SODA WAFERS 2 BOXES 23c. ICREMO COFFEE, FRESH GROUND LB... 21c. ROYAL YORK CREAM CHEESE...1-2 LB PKG 14c CHOCOLATE MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 12-oz- ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just now we are featuring STQRN SASH PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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