ORON-O WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS .1 NEWTONVILLE Mrs. livv. Jaylros and Billie took in the "i'-oyal" at; Toronto last week, ; Mrs, Byers, Garden il.il] , I visi ted Mr. and Mrs. George MvCii!l"Ugh last week. Mrs, Clarence Mitchell visited Mrs. II. Peters, Port .Britain, last week. Mir. and- Mrs. Tom McGill, Argylv. were Sunday -gUeste of- Mr. and Mrs. L. Savory. Mr. arid Mrs. Rygs, Aveyle. were .Sunday visitors with their son, Mr. Ciras. Ross. Mr. Eh. 'Stapleton visited his parents parents at Mr. R. Gordon's. Klizabeilivide. Klizabeilivide. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Robinson visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson visit- da 1, oyrounday. We are indeed proud of Raymond Gi'knor, who won the District Championship Championship at, Brighton in the Public Speaking" Contest, cowanvilLe Miss Vera IMilLon visited Mg. and Mrs, Westol Stringer Sunday night. Mr. and! Mrs. Comstock, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. 1 Stanley Porteous Sunday night, Mr. land Mrs. Erwin F arrow visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Watterson, Welland, over the week-end. Reserve , Thursday evening December December 16, 1937 for Cowawillo Christmas Christmas Tree in the church basement, About thirteen from, here attended the League convention at Hampton on Saturday night, Aill reported a nice time. Mrs, St an'ey Porteous went to Utterson. on Saturday morning because because . of . the sudden death of her mother. She has the deepest sympathy of the community. Retrukir meeting of the League met on Wednesday night in the church basement in the form of a social. Mrs. Werry. gave a very interesting and' instructive talk on the convent io-n in ' Hampton. While the ladies got lunch ready a guessing contest was enjoyed by all. SIXTH LINE Mrs. ,T. Hoy and baby son were recent recent visitors with her sister, Mrs. Widdiis, Miilhmok. NEWCASTLE Miss Evelyn Rickard was home from Port Hope for the week-end. Mrs. I). J. Galbraith isi spending a week with her daughter and, s ! on-iri- : law in Bilan n'ord. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eilbeck and son J auk spent the week-end at the cottage at the lake. Mr. John Scott eo,ntinues in a critical critical condition having suffered a severe stroke last week. Mrs, Everett Brown of Hudson .Heights,; Quebec, has 'been visiting lier parente, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard. Miss Blackburn is supplying at the Public 'School for Miss Hattie Mason owing to the severe illness of Mrs. Mason, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sutton, of Cot- borne, attended, the funeral of Miss Margaret, Wihnot and stayed several days : with Mi-> B. Si Melin- tosh. Mr. Jack Ilare, Mr. Alee Hendry and Mr. Carl Fisher were among the 'prize winners ait the Boiw-manvilite High School commencement last Friday Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Law are to be congratulated on the fine, new sun porch and verandah which they are having erected on their dwelling- on Mill. St, Smith. , M.r. arid! Mrs. Pat Cotter, of Clarke, were recentv visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cotter. Mr. Cotter is in liis ninety-seventh year and yet is well and 'able to go about, walking to and fro from the Bees to the Cotter Cotter residence near tin' O.X.Ii. station. The Men's Club of St, George's Church held their annual meeting on. Tuesday Of last week and the officers' officers' for the coming year ate as -follows: President, Mr. Torn Spencer Spencer Jr. ; -vice-president, Mr. Bert. Frereton ; iSec.-Treas., Mr. Cecil Ilorrocks. The officers' for the: Orange Lodge for 1938 are as follows : W. Master, Fred Couch ; P. Master, ,W. E, Holmes; Holmes; Chaplain!. Geo. Springham. Secretary, G. 0. Martin ; District ■iSecretary, Robert Douglas; Treas., Howell: Rowland; D. of 0., George 'Stevenson; Lecturers, Ered 'Graham, Geo. Meadows; Auditors, W. II. Anderson Anderson ; Tyler, Dr, R. T. Rutherford: Rutherford: Committeemen, Ed. Thackray, A, A. Col will, F. B. Lovekin, M. R. Graham. Mrs. P, Dewell, who has partially recovered! from serious illness, lias now returned from Toronto to the hoirie : of her sister, Mrs. Frank Cooper. Mr. S. Thomas arid sons .Veno and Lawrence were visitors in Toronto last week. Members of the Stewart family wae also visitors with friends at Harmony and. Oshawa. Mr. Robert 'Stewart, who recently returned from the far West, is now with Mrs. Stewart, again a revident in our neighborhood: and we extend to them -welcome. Robert was a former former school mate of several of us here. A former much respected citizen of the nth Line lias passed .on Saturday, Saturday, in the person of Mr. John White, who, when he retired, some years ago, took up. "residence on the 5th Line. We expect to write for next week's is-v.e of the Times an appreciation of our beloved, neighbor and friend. , ... i--_ ---o---- ' ■ The stores a re gradually putting; on their Christmas garb. Windows are being dressed to attract the eye of the passerby, so .shop early and avoid that; last minute rush. Will YOUR RADIO j GIVE YOU j" Jack Benny I Every Sunday Nile ? ? or | Do you get stations j Static and Sputter ! •- Have your radio fixed : GEJ RESULTS. Chas. R. Ko ox ! I I ,. I Phone 42r2, Orono j |-Serving the publie for six years I | (formerly : -with Green's Radio | j Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., j $ Detroit. j The: officers for the Durham Lodge, A.F. & AM., for 1938, are as follows: follows: Wot. Master, Fred Graham ; T. P, Master, George Gaines; Br. Warden, Howard 1 Gibson ; Jr. Warden. Warden. 0. M. Jones ; Chaplain, Fred FI egg; Treasurer, J. E. !W. Philip; Secretary. IF, W. Bradley I D. of C.,-. I !. J. Toms : !S>r. Deacon, Lawrence Gaines; Jr. Deacon, Donald E, Gibson Gibson ; I, Guard, W. Harold Gibson; St. Steward, E." W. Fisher ; .1 r. Steward. Steward. Geo. A. Watson ; Tyler, T. W. Jackson : Auditors, TI. S, Britton and Dr. J. A. Butler. The f uneral service of the late .Miss- Margaret Wi 1 mot was held in St. George's- Church on Thursday last. The service was taken by the Rector, iRev. D. R. Dowdeney, assisted by the Rev, Frank Mason of Toronto, with intereirent " at 'St, George's Cemetery, The pallbearers were Ml, Géo. Burhaim of Cobourg, Mr. Howard Howard Gibson, Mr. Donald. Gibson, Mr. Cecil Horrocks, Mr. Chris 1 Law and Mr. J. F. W. Phiip. Mm and Mrs, Allan: iWilmot, of Woodstock, rand I Mrs. Howard Allin, of Toronto, attended attended the service as 1 well n- the late Miss Wilmot's- many relatives- and friends in -the : village. LESKARD - Mr. .Roy Tennant is-- home from the North country again. Mr Carence .Martin midi Walter Cornish are busy- cutting! wood" With their sawing machine. Don't forget; to buy your ticket on the Home and- -School Q-lntb turkey to be given nwny on Dec. 13th. 'Several from Rere atfendied the Royal Winter Fair the past week and report a splendi d showing of. stock. Tin Home and School Club held fhejr regular ■; meeting on Monday night. A good programme was- presented presented - and CTokinole was played the remainder of the evening. Mr. Carl "Billings won the prize for- gents 1 and Mrs. Carl Billings the prize for the ladies. A .good lunch was served. OPENING PARLIAMENT (Continued from page one) ing that the women from England were- most- inter es- ted in our work. There was- no jealousy shown in the Institutes-. The Institutes had a great future ahead of them andi they were to work for quality and not quantity. Dr. Robertson gave : an address on surgery for children. W. F. Rickard, M.P.. for Norilmni 'berlandf-lDurltam, gave a very interesting interesting address on the Dominion Legislature at Ottawa. The Federal Parliament is housed in the;magnificent the;magnificent grey pile on Parliament Hill overlooking the Ottawa river. Their Executive buildings are gathered around the main buildings forming a quadrangular enclosure. You enter at; the new Peace Tower, some 23:0 feet in height, To the left is; the House of Commons and to the right is the .'Senate Chs ruber. In the long corridors hang the portraitures of the leading men in : Canadian history. Back of the House of Commons is the Round Room or Parliamentary Library. He said that the opening of Parliament Parliament is very interesting, surrounded.- surrounded.- by dignity, colour, and pomp. As the King's representative leaves Rideau Rideau Hall, cannon from INapean Point herald his approach. He is received at the door of the House by the Royal] Dragoons. During the interval of his 1 approach the members of the House of Commons have taken their places- in the legislative chamber. chamber. Distinguished la-diies of the members of both the Commons and 'the Senate, in gorgeous gowns, have been ushered into the Red Chamber land the galleries are thronged with spectators. Promptly at 3 o'clock the Governor-General enters the .Chamber from the rear of the dais and takes his place with his lady on the regal cilia iv-s. The Usher of the Black Rod, summons the members of the House of Commons to attend on the representative -of His 'Majesty the King. They \<n tier the Senate Chamber but remain outside the golden," rail. The Speaker of the House of Commons, with many genuflections, genuflections, approaches the dais and hands to the Governor the Speech from, the Throne, written in both English and French. It is- read, the audience standing. The Governor withdraw-" and the Parlia'inent as- in session. (Sessions; of the House of Commons are usually from 8 ta 11 am. and from 3 to 6 pan. Each .(session k opened- with prayer, alternately in English, and French. The Speaker has absolute power in conducting the coxier of procedure at die sessions and in seeing that the rules of debate are strictly -carried out. The Government Government in power sits a-t his right and the l Opposition at liis left. Each member is, privileged to Speak 40 minutes to the first and. second reading reading of a bill. Each party ' has a "Whip'" whose duty it is to keep the debate in progress. When a division division is about to take place a bell is rung through the corridors.: Votes may be taken by standing, by "yea" or "nay" or the vote may be registered. registered. ATI bill si pasted by the Législature Législature must be passed by The Senate and any bill may be altered or sent hack to the Legislature for re-eon- sidération excem monev bills: Votes are usually registered nlplmbeticadv. Private qudstionS and private bills are placed on the order paper and are presented: by the member posting the notice at stated, times. W-heh an important Government bill is to be introduced it is usually preceded by a "Caucus" or meeting of the• Cabinet to discuss its nature and determine the 'solidarity of the party. . There are at present 181 members of the (Senate and 245 members members of the House of Commons'elected Commons'elected for a term of 5 years. At present there are six political groups in the House of Commons at Ottawa viz. : Liberal, Liberal -Conserva fives, C.C. F„ Social Credit, Reconstruction and 1 Labour. During the Session there are many social function's, some at Rideau Hall which are very exclusive and others' held- in the evening for the members and! Civil Servants in the House of: Ctommonis. Mrs,,,M. II. iSit'aples moved a-hearty vote of thanks to Mr.-' Rickard, saying saying that if " all women had, the on-cn- ing of uarliamon't vizualized to, .them as Mir. Ri i'kilt'd had des'ctifeed it -lshe fielt. sure they would; take more Interest Interest in it:. -Mrs. J. D-iclkon -also',spoke hc-r apprécia ti-OTi " to- the . sp-eaker-. - Mrsl'-'Cciori-cr and'Mrst'-R'W'éx'Press- '■'d their ■ graIcfulnes 1 - to Mrs. Aller, for ilio spier.did rep or tebrqil gh t back from- (he convention. , ------ , - A delicious; lunch Was served by Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. J. Dickson, Mrs; Macdonald. Mrs. Can frill. Mrs. Roy and 1 -Mrs, Kelly. \.,-.yte --o----- Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times I i i i Tyrrell's Drug Store i DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 88, ORONO Every Day Sale Prices COUGH (KL COLD R EM ELIES Par-mint 75c. Rcxillana 50c. Nick's Vatroiiol Nose 43c. Pinex ..J. ........... 39c. Bronchial Syrup 50c, Vick's Yapo-Rub, per jar ...i.,...., 43c. Buckle yi's Mixture small size 40c- ; Large size 75c. Hurdnmud and Honey Leaves, 1-2 lb 15c. ; 1 lb 29c. Wampdle's Maltese Cough Drops 5c. ; Large size 10c. W'ampole's Formolid Throat Ease,.;... 10c-"; Large size., ,25c. A.. S.A. ; Cough Drops 10c. Horton's Gough Drops ......10c. SPECIAL VALUES IN XMAS CARDS Box of 12 Cards and 12 Envelopes, new designs and geetings, box may also be used for gift wrapping. SPECIAL 25c- CARDS---Priced from 2c. to - 15c. each. GOOD BOOKS MAKE GOOD XMAS GIFTS | Children's Play Books, Priced at 5c., 10c., 15c. and 25c. I Boys' and Girls' Story Book's, at 25c., 35c. and 50c. | THE YEARS MOST POPULAR NON-FICTION BOOK j "How to Win Friends and Influence People." By Dale | Carnegie - $2.00 jj History of Darlington and (Tarke, by Prof. Squa-ir, in original j $3.00 binding, XMAS SPECIAL $L00 | "Gone With the Wind," by Margaret Mitchell $3.00 | Any special books you] desire idan be procured for you prompt- | ly, alt lowest prevailng prices, j ..For. Christmas give your friends a subscription to : their ) favorite magazine or periodical. Special greeting cards ar e | , 'supplied for this purpose and the first issue is received dur- ! ing Christmas Week. | Latest Contest Results are to be found in this- issue of Orono Times \ You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Drug Store ! GOOD NEWS We have just reoeiiyed word to sell LOG CABIN CHO- . CODATES for.....,,,. PER LB 20c. You are already familiar, we think, with the OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING QUALITY of LOG CABIN - CHOCOLATES, You know that, every -piece is a pure cane-sugar cream, being entirely entirely hand-rolled- and 100 per cent, hand dipped. No other line on the market anywhere near the price range of "LOG CABIN" can make this claim. GROCERY SPECIALS PUFFED RICE (cellophane bag) ...2 FOR...... 17c. POST BRAN FLAKES W.... -2 PKGS 23c. ROSE SALMON, 1-LB. TINS 2 FOR 17c, PRUNES, medium size, 2 lbs ...17c- HILLCREST SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for 25c. SHREDDED COCO A NUT, 1 lb 15c. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1-2 lb. for 23c. 1 lb. for 39c.. Infants' Delight Soap, cake 5c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN.STOCK AT ALL TIMES JO'MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS -- PROMP'J' SERVICE Just now we are featuring STQRM SASH PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co