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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1937, p. 1

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w ■'>) \ ORONO mm Y THES Vol. 1. No. 47. ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY. DEC. 16. 1957. Subscription, $1,25 Per Year. Clarke Liberal-Conservative Association Hold Their Election Of Officers Petition For Conservative Morning Paper For Support of Party ..... .Clarke Twin-ship- Lifoer-al-'C-oh-sirva- r tive Association livid their annual meeting on Monday evening in the town hall]: when about, sixt-ty. of the members- turned ont. : Mr. T. A. Reid, president of the Association, spoke a few word's of welcome to the members and said that, be would have liked to have seen more out at the meeting. He raid there have been many changes sinlce they met here one yean 1 ago, and that a big change occurred on October Oth. He stated that it wasn't -their candidate who was to blame for the loss of the riding. We, in Clarke, held our 'own hotter than other parts'nf the riding, lie then -told some of the tilings that defeated their candidate. The Ontario Government Government took over all the Mothers' Allowance Allowance and -Old Age Pensions- from the municipalities, reduced the- assessment assessment by -one .mill, raised the subsidy subsidy on roads from 40 to -50 per cent, -and -also reduced the; car licenses, all these being very " big factors in the . Liberal Governments success at the polls. Also that the people in the north wanted highways and- they were given to -them. He said the Catholic vote was 32 per cent, in the province, 1 and that -they halve no politics, but will vote for the government who will give them the most. Me told the meeting meeting that- they would have to roorgan- tige, and that it wiTL-not be long be--, .fore there is a D .,rni : .i.vir; election. He then declared all offices vacant and called for election of officers. 11 was moved- "'and seconded that -all the officers of las-t year lie re- elected. for the ensuing year which was carried unanimously, as follows : Mr. Rowland, treasurèr, then, gave the financial standing of the Asiso- eiar.ion. amounting to $40.0-8. 'Some -dis'cuss'io-n followed about 'changing the time for. the annual meeting, -as in December the roads are generally blocked' with s-n-ow and so many other attractions taking place that it was felt it would be better to hold, it sometime in Xovene Mrs. T. A. Reid---Mrs. X Eagleson --That wé hold pur meeting one mo-nth earlier with a date to be set latter. Carried. Mr. .Fred Bowen spoke on things pertaining to the last election. He touched on the hydro q-ues-tion, -and about the renewing of contracts. They should never 'have been repudiated, repudiated, and- it-has- cost the Federal Govern men ! 8) 7.000,00th and now there will toe no shortage of power. Re hoped : livre would be bo - po wer sold to the United S'flaites for if it is sent to that country it will' come back in. 'manufactured goods, and that the United .'States would get the best of . the deal. He stated that the Ottawa Agreements, made by the Cun-creative . Government, was what brought Canada hack to prosperity. He -s-aid he did not like to see Qhor- ]ny Park in Toronto closed, the Li eu t. - Governor should have a suitable suitable residence to en ten a in and it would not cost the taxpayers 1 very much more. Mr. Milton Elliott; thanked the officers officers and' voters for -their support Y.P.S. OFFICERS , , Thé annual; elect ion - of . officers conducted by the minister. Rev. J. 11. ( Lterhout, at the Young People's Union on Monday ' night,- resulted as follows: 'Hon. Pres., Rev. .1. FL Osterhout. Pres., Bob Keane. Devotionia-l, Jaek Cototo-ledick and C-arman White. Missionary, Bairn Keane and. Beatrice Beatrice Ilia-mm, Citizenship, Olive Brown arid Thelma Myles. , , Literary, John Keane and l.vlîoy Brown, IS'ec., Myrtle Tamhlyn. Trea-s., Paid C-otolbled'ick. Missionary Trees., Noil Wood. Games-, Lois Wood and K. .Stark Lun'dh, 'Allie, Wood' and Mary Bah! Lunch, Allie Wood.' Mary Baldwin, Mrs'.; N, Rainey, Lilian Fowler. Pianists;. Jyn Power alid Doris Wliyte. Cu-t flowers- at very m-o-de-ra-té prices "ay be pro-cured' at Tyrrell's Drug '■'-tore, the new agency for The Dale Ritate, at Brampton, Orders may be delivered during the ,afternoon . of December '24-th to any address with a special 1 - greeting card enclosed. Many varieties -of bloom are plentiful at this time of the year -and are very reason ably priced. during the last election. He said the Hepburn Government had not been in office long enough to lie defeated, lie also stated that the Conservative party had not a definite policy to put before the people, and thought they would benefit from the last two defeats, defeats, 1 le -aid the. major -reason .why Mr. Heplburn went; to the -country was hydro, that they had a shortage. They -con traet-ed for power ait, $12.50 thus saving $2,50" " iper horsepower from, the old contract. He said if he was Bart Rowe he would have come out to - do away ■ wi th the beer parlors. lie thought the Hepburn G-, tv eminent should have reduced the car licenses- further, juet charging what it -costs to manutflaicture them and issuing, 'the tux '-should only be on gasoline land not higher than 6 cents per gallon, He also said he wo-uld like to see the service charge of hydro wiped out. The told tho-sie , present flint if -thé F edeila-1 House reduces the s-ales tax and other taxes in t-hoir budget, yon can look for a Dominion election in 1930, Discussion followed about the organizing organizing of , a young Liberal-Coulter- va-tive Club in Clarke Township. that there was one in Port Hope and one in the Township of Cav-an. arid if there is one started here they will have the support of the liberal Conserva tive Association. -Airs, Bo-wen said the younger people people -should, be h-nldiing the reigns today today instead o'f the older people, and that the "younger people follow our views and to put them forward. Mr. Elliott brought up the question question about a Conservative morning -paper, that they needed one badly, Mr. Rbwland---Thos, McNeil That Clarke Township Li'beral-Con- servn five Association recommend to the Ontario Lib era 1 -Cons erv a ti v e Association Association that support for Provincial morning paper would" receive the -support -support of this Association by su'bsicrip- (Continued on page eight) Christmas Results Orono Continuation School The following are the results- of .Christ ma-- examination's recently completed completed at Orono Continuation 'SicbsoL ,A detailed report of their- i-nd-ivid-ual marks, is being .given today to 'each student, lit-, is hoped that the parents parents will ' gi ve them their utmost consideration, .■ FORM l., Donald: 'Staples 8-0.9, Margaret FI in toft 72.9. Gl-enii-. ■Tamiblyn 66,5, Dick -Morton 68.0, Bob Case 67.8, Edna Billings 66.-6, Jeanne Forrester 65.6, Grant Cooper 63.8, Lola Mantle 62.1, Edna Myles 61.6, Enid B'owen 61,0, Kathleeil Simpson 5-9.0, Ruth Lunin 57.8, Lqreei): Manning 54.4, Mary -Baldwin 47.8, Lloyd Mv-lbs 44.8, Bill Kells 44.0. FORM II. Cirfmt Mjoft'att 73.6, Ruth Goode- 70.3, Kathleen Ard 69.3, Gwendb-lyne Tennant 67,1, Roy Forrester 65.0, Merwyn Keane 62.7, Mildred Allen ; 62.5, Kenneth -Sihaicklcton 61,3, Gloria Richardson 00,3, Helen- Hate less 54.4, Jim Lÿi ton 53.5, Dick Patterson Patterson 53.ia. Bruce Goode 42.9, Mildred Mildred Henry 34.3. FORM III. Olive B-ro-wri 73.6, Audrey , Cooper 73.6, Helen Case 63.6, Doris- Whyte 62.7, Edwin M'anining 61.4, Herb Duval Duval 61.0, John Lowery 59.1, -Floyd Nicholson '56.3, Jim Power 56.0. Franklin Tamiblyn- 51.7. Ronald Patterson Patterson 53.7, Gordon 52.9, Eileen- Morgan 47.5, Christine Mac kimi'ou 45.8, Doris Warnnan 45 3, Lois' Wood! 43.4, Harry Harris 36.9, Dorothy Simp-son 3-6.5, FORM S IV, and V. Adele Morton- 74.4, Carman White 74,0, Muriel Morton 70.6, Eini-d Oo'b- bledi-ek 69.8, Archie -Watson 64.8, Patricia Too 62.7, Marion Cooper 61.8, ■ Ethel Stark 57.8, Thelma- .Myles .Myles 55.6, Rose-line IT-arne-ss 51,8, Le- Roy Myles 50.6. Jack Gobbledick 49.4, Wilfred Fi-o-ste 49.4, Cecil Bruton Bruton 49.3, Margaret Roy 42.6; Helen Scott 40.0. (Not Ranked)--•sM'argavo't- Mill-sorn 6-5.7, Marjorie iS-isson, .-Neil Wood 45.7. United Counties Taken Over Seventh Concession East As County Road POWERS AND WAINMAN STAR IN TIE GAME Rexall Prize Contest Thursday Morning Results BOYiS 1. George* Shaw. 2. Marvin, l.iiliii. 3. Jackie Bryson, 4. Dean West, 5. I Tarn. Rowe Lynch, 6 Donnie Mercer, Mercer, 7. Carl FilntufT, 8, B-obby, vj 9. Jack Watson. 10. Bob Cooper, 11. Freddie GhinyiiHe, 12. Rose Taylor, 13. Rosis 1 Thompson, 14. Alan Cornish, Cornish, 15. ; Dick Wood, 16; Glen. Tam- bi.yn, 17. • 1 a rry I la neoek. 18. Carman Carman Oorntiish, 19, Gemid Rainey, 20. D-ondld MoLaren, 21. Bonny Jordan, 22. Jack Tehlble, 23. Jim Pa• tcr.-on. 24. Bill Gordon. 25. Mont Richardson. Richardson. GIRLS 1. Mildred Riehar-ds; 2. Joyce Ten ant, Shirley Porter, , !. - Audrey BilHings, ,5. - Betl(y Linfon, 6. Wilda Hooey, 7; Helen- Wood, - $. 'Shirley Payne. 9.' Merle Oarietlon, 10. Joan Bru'ton, 11. Juan Manning, 12. Jean Forrester, 13. Muriel Re-id, '14. .Katli- 1-eeu iSimpso-nv 15. Grace Hudson, 16. Audrey Teb'bie. 17, Lenora Wood, 18, Jean- Riairiey 10. Joyce .Lowery, 20; Carol Sitaipl'es,.21. Doreen Manning, Manning, 22. Joyce Sutton, 23. Ruth Lunin, 24, Lois Dean, 25. Dawn Moffat Moffat i. A lite-rrt/pitiS are being made a t Orono Con-tinnation 'S-ehodl to locate the s'chooT -erosit which hais been lost. The last -positive -record of its existence was in 1929. If there are any ex- stud on ts who have copy or 'replica Of this crest, would they communicate with Mr. Ru-sliurvugh. W. A. Meeting The IV. A. Meeting of Park -St, I " liiied Church was held in- the ha semen* semen* of the church on Tue-sdtay afternoon, afternoon, D-ecemtoer 14th. : The President, Mrs. J. H, O-terhou* presided. The -meeting Was opened by reading. reading. Hyman Ne. 403. using the last verse -a-s a prayer in- unison. Mrs.. Osterhout- gave a history of this hym-n writer, Pin Hi o (Brooks-, an American minister. With Mrs. AY. M, iS-tutt at the piano, ITymn No. 2l9'8 way sung. The' .minutes of the "Nth vemher meeting was read by the; recording recording secretary, Mrs. W. M. Stntt. folio-wed- by Cor. Sec. report by Mrs J, Bagies-on. -After a - discussion on sreneye'. -tottsline^s-, tlid ipastor, Rev. J. H. O's-terh-out conducted the ira : si- tïe-s's .se-'sion of the W.A, during which, the new officers were elected for 1938 : TTon.- Pres, Mrs. Osterhout: President, President, Mrs. W. M. iStutt; 1st Vice- President, Ml-. B. Best ; 2nd Alice- Président, Mrs. J. Tniisli'yr : 3rd A'i ee President. Mrs. F. S-onieh ; Rec- Ree., Mrs. AA r . Hoar; Oo-r, -See., Mrs. Facle-mi ; Financial Sivri-tarv. Mrs, J. Dickson-:; Treasurer. Misis/F. .Cdb- bledicik ; /Standing Committees for ■Park -St. W. A, Ov-orio, Con venors : Devotional lOoirnmit'tpe, M-is's-/' M. Davy; Pyrsonage. Ml sa I L. Allin- ; Fforw-er, Group 'Leaders; Vjèiting, , F. Oow-aii ; Pantry, Mrs. Ml. Simi,tli ; Property, 'Mrs'. T. Winter; Group C'onvenôr. Mrs.llM. J, T a ni-, b I S'il : Q-jrilting, 'Mrs. (J. Bêÿéei; - Pianist, Pianist, Mrs, Ildar. o~ --:-- - A IV'. i area for Ba-ng'-s disease hits been :-star ted in Clarke Tolvn-ship and is meeting with a wonderful Response. From the ' 4th to the 7tih conic-eais'iion, including Orono, ha- beer. eanvasBO-cl n-.n the. west -sid-F of the highway and; Pm; far-mlers joined 10-0 pei; cent They are now working on the east side Borne herds have - been u-raie- -tiqdlv dostrate'd with' Bang's-:disehisie- and. tuberculosis and this free area twh-on cleaned p-t> will'nerm'it the farmers' farmers' to demand: higher prices-"for their milk. ' The O.C'.S. pmcksters , played their first game of the season with Mill- brook last Tuesday might at; the Orono- rink. The game get under way sharp-ly at eight- with 'Sfaintley B-ro,- t-o-n; as- referee. By a system of passes passes and siwift - plays MilUbrook banged in two-goals: in the iirét period. However, However, O.-OjS. retaliated' and J, Powers Powers crashed through to score a well, earned! goal. This brightened the hoip-ee- of the O'ron-o boys- and within a short time they scored again through Powers. This ended - the first; period. With the score tied two all the teams .came on the ice to begin the second period, lit seemed that both s-i-dos were determined to score and there followed' . a swift period. Finally Finally Miillbro'o'k was rewarded by a goal through Waiivman. However O.C'.S. wa-s 1 not to be beaten and Powers came through to score- again. By this time, the second period was almost- over and when the belt rang the -score -stood throe- all. , The third period- started with just as much speed as that; of the first two. Union and Patterson acted as- a stalwart stalwart defence for ( hO.S. and this- is ppobalily why the Orono team scored again through Goodie, This was closely followed by one from Myles ; which made the -scor e ,5 to 3 in f a vor of -OXl'S. However Mililbrook put on extra"efforts . .arid by heavy bom - hardiment brought their score up to s-even. By this- time the game was drawing to a close. Coach Widd'i-s decided' so-methin-g- must, be done and he; p'r'oceeded to pla'c-e Case, Power- àtid fveil's- on the forward line; This line put on a power play and through a ip-erfe-ct -pass'from Patterson, Powers-, Powers-, scored again. Tills was quickly quickly followed by one from Case, which again tied the" score seven all. Within Within a few minutes the bell rang, thus ending the first, game of the -season. Id ne -up; 0.0,8, Team--'Goal, F. Tamiblyn; defence, R. Pa ; (croon ami C. Bruton ; first forward Fine, D. Patterson, R. Case, K ells second line, P'owe-rs, Goode, M vles. Referee--iRDan-ley Bruton. Notice---Keep your eyes on the paper f-of announeemen-ts -concerning future school hock-ey gtam-es, « - -- ----o----;------ KIRBY At the 'aiin-u-ail meeting of the AV. M .;S; of K ir'uy Cbureii held, on Dec. 1st, the following officers woae elected elected : President, Mrs, R, Allin ; A r icc- Prési denit, Mrs, W, LittO-e; Recording Secretary, Mrs-. AAh -Allin ; Corres- P'on-di-ng -Secretary, M ry. C. Lilt,tie; Treasurer, Mrs. F, Trull; Stranger's Secretary, Mrs. O. Ch-ap-m-an ; Supply Sécréta fy, ..Mrs, E. Bryson ; Secretary Chris-tia-i) iSstewifirdship, " Mrs. IT. Lowery ; Tcimp-er'an-ce -Secretary, Mrs; II. McKalvey; -Organist,'Air--; C. .Little: .Little: Committee, Mrs. R. Win. Mrs. AY. R-ult-henford, Mrs, E. Bryson, Mrs. McKelvey -and -Mrs, Slfanfley Chapman. The; W. A. of Kirby, United Churtih elected the following officers for thé coming year : President, Mrs. E-.- B-rys'on-; 1st Alice-Pf,evident, Mrs,' AY, Wavman ; 2-nd Vice-President. Vice-President. Mrs. AY. Rutherford ; Recording Recording 'Secretary, Mr-. F. Truilil: -Oorrçs-' Handing 'S-ecretary, Mrs*, - O'. Little ; Finance Sdcreltary, Mrs. R, Aillin; Organ i ! st, Mrs, AY. AY annan ; Treasurer, Treasurer, Mrs-. H. Lowery ; Floral Cbm- nn'ttee, Mrs. AY. Rutherford, Mrs. E. Brÿson. Mrs. O. Chapman ; P arson- nre Committee, Mrs. R. A Win, Mrs. AY. Bah-non, Mrs.- W. Oobbl-eclic-k ; A 7 "!-'-!- itiiftg .Conl 'm i h ee, Mrs. O, Harris, M;rs, 'W. T-ii-t'le and Mrs. O.. Chapman-. ' ; -- -. -O--■ : . 'Mr.. Max Shi ! itill spent Wednesday in (Tie Qiioen Oily, : . .-.M.-r, Frank. Hall has purchased' the r es-i dtmx • e ; a nid- ;f i v : o - a-ores 'of land from M i 1 . Robert ..Gornifor1h,- wh-o (has .moved- to Liivd's'ay and. who li-aa also--purchased also--purchased a -home in t-bat town, ; ■. Tlie nwychiaint's- of 'Orono fake great pride in' the decoration of their st'ores. It-will do- ypu 1 good to ..visit th e sth-rte- i-vn'cl -ec the bargains - arid the .d-oeora-ti-ona, not. H Will Connect Up With No. 28 Highway To Peterboro -- East Road Needed The road com mission of the County Comic il, consisting of the Warden, Reg. J ones, F. B. Lovekin and Rob-t, Innis, Deputy Reeve of (Steymo-ur Township, added approximately 20 mile-i to ' the county road system out of 104 miles that was* asked to be taken -over by the United Counties from different townisihips. After .considerable arguing Mr. I.nvi kin and Mr. Reid . suiooeed-ed in- having the United Coun;ie> take over -the road from Kirby to the boundary line between Clarke and Hope Township, Township, approximately seven miles, also 4 1-2 . miles ,from the boundary to Garden Hi 111, and conneeting with the County ro-ad from Garden Mill to Highway No. 28. In No-i-thumb-erlaird a-ppro-xmiately ten miles were taken over, from the Town-ships .of Hamilton, Hamilton, Haldiman-d •■will Alw-iek. Ai wick toWUsihi-p hadi no county ro-ad- after the goverhim-ent took over the Oo- bou-rg road unit'il now. 'From Kendal to Newtoii-ville is la County road and a d'eile-gation petitioned the Counties to take over the rti'aid from Newt, envi envi lie to Port Granby, but this- could not- be done, as they do not take -over roadlii that run to a blind end. The County Council would not ; consider taking over the ro-ad to Leslkar'd at present- Tia- United Cbuniios of N-orth.-mn-' berland and Durham pay $27,000 for the years of 1936-37-38, and at the' end of 1938 will have $27,000 without without touching the mill rate, with the pogsibility they may secure more Co-unifÿ roads for the municipalities. -With the Kirb.y road being taken over this will give the -.township a,. g-ood' cr-o'sis rOad from east to west. Election Expenses -Off the -candidates for the Provincial Provincial Election- held on October 6't-h, 19,37, in Durham County : MR. M. J, ELLIOTT Rent- of hall and public imifd- ing- 75.50 Printing and pidi$age 185.02 Telephone aec-ount...... . ... 35.55 Committee rooms and: upkeep- 238.00 Personal arid travelling; expenses- expenses- . ...... ...... 225.35 Total ........ .$-750.4:2 R. <). Tones, Official Agent. . MR. O. G. MERCER Rent of . halls, committee rooms, etc. . .$482.48 Advertising and printing, etc 427.96 Telephones,-,,etc.' ...... .... 48.67 Stationery, etc. ....... I .... 9.61 Personal expenses, Mr. Mercer 1-65.00 Total .81083.72 C. T. Miller, Official Agent FRF D FRICK Fl II LB Retuirmin-g Officer SONS OF ENGLAND ENTERTAIN "On Monday, December 13th, -the Sons of England entertained their wives and friends to a eu-chre partly in their hall with a splendid turnout and a" very enjoyable time was spent by all. The winners for the ladle's prize was yyon-by Mrs. James Ball! of I.os- kard, and the ladies' 'cohsola-ticmi prize was won by Mrs. L. L-unn ; while the gentleman's prize was won by Mr. Frank Hal;] and the consolation consolation by Mr. Clarence Alien. The lucky rmmlicr prize was won by .Mr. Matt, ir.ivr'-o;:. 1 This- w'ais followed by a s-pilendid lunch provided by the ladies-. The evening 'cloyed, with the singing of God Save the King. 'Mr. C-laren.ce All en- is busy • these days killing- arid cleaning porkers for ! I it* far-mere. -Our reliable blacksmith, Mr. Arthur. Arthur. Manning, claims -tlbaf ■the bl'ackemith busine-sis is/ pickiin-g up it- whether ypu buy or •little, "one day having seven horses tied in the shop at once for shoeing.:

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