■a'* 'R&maffiSWaHfll OBÛNO WEEKLY. TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KENDAL : W'< to le; Mr, MEs- Isabel "Brune lia,g -returned iioiiiso from Bancroft.: Misa Helen. Darlington spent Sunday Sunday xvitRliér mother at Kendal. "Mr. and. Mrs. L. Savory were: S.u-n,- day guests of dais cousine .Mrs. D. F. ('aim mn, Belleville. Mao. D. Kaufman, a nd Mrs, George MnCnHough spent: .a., day ■ stropping ill Pcterhoro recently. * dir school. cornier t and, Christmas tree ■ veil,lobe held on. December. 22 nd. (jorne and see S'aiita Glaus. 'Sirs'.; Willis -;J ones land Bud visited lier nephew,: Mr. John Carlaw, in Belleville: Hospital on Sin id,ay. : Mr. and : Mrs. W. 0, Lane were week-end guests of their (laughter, Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port ITope. Mr. -Tnlm Colon has gone 'to Hamilton Hamilton to make his home with his son and. daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colon. (Sympathy is extended to Miss' Olive and Mr. Tripper Johnston upon f o"■"iden, death in Pete rib oro of // -- 1,other, Mrs. R. Johnston. os i oe .IlGnemiier meeting the Ü.0, O' f' 1 t',. elected their officers for 1938 a-: f, 11: • -,vs : President, Miss 1. lining; : -, :. coprésident, Mrs. E. 1, Beech ; 2nd Yiee-T'residen f, Mry J. T. Pearce ; Secretary, Mrs. C. Robinson; Tfeastierr, Mrs. I, -SifyOry ; I ia.by Build iSeieretary, Mrs,' G. Walliey ; Temper'aii'ce Secretary, Mrs. R. J. Rowe; Beaice- -Secretary,, - Mrs. D. Ka ul'in n ; Couinitimi ty - F id omlsbip S.eeretur.y, M'rs. ,T. Barrie;' Mbs, ion - ary Monthly, Secretary, Mrs. Willis' Jones : . Press . Secretary, Mrs. J. Couch; Christian,: Stewardship Secretary, Secretary, Mm. ,C. Burley, i t wais de- Will YOUR RADIO GIVE YOU Jack Benny Every Sunday Nite? ? or Do you get stations Static and Sputter Have your radio fixed GET RESULTS | Chas- R. sCn ix j | Phone 42r2, Orono . j j Serving the public for six years ! .| (formerly with Green's Radio | j 'Service), 1.2th and Monterey Sts., j s Detroit I ... I NEWCASTLE Miss Hat tie Mason, is -raying at the .N owicasitle Anns: for ' the winter. Mrs. Her fling tyn, who . haw Fein staying' with Miss, ,1:1 edges has.gone to Syracuse.. : " ■ ■Miss J van Cowan-- of Toronto is visiting - Mm. Wms Atkinyon and Mrs, U. IV. Gibson. _ Preparations are/ being made for so unu ua.il Chrisitirtàa Tree'and 1 Caro] singling' at the Oom-muiiiity Hall, Miiss Louiisa. Hodges is closing' her house and going to 1'ive with Mrs, S, i omit lion for the winter months. ■Mrs. Wm. Janneisbn has closed her, apariincn; 'and gone, to Odessa to spend, the Christmas ' season 'with her sister. The Golden Rule Mission Band will hold their annual Thank-offering meeting Saturday, December T8th in the Sundaa SHiool room at, 3- pan. Mrs. Bb,yes, of' Brook!in, who is the Mission Band Presbyter in! Sehreta ry will be the spelial speaker. Children are giving the programme and tea will be served. Everyone infer es led is Wellcome. s The: WbitouiV Missionary Society of the United Cbu roll held their annual annual meeting in the Sunday school rooms on Monday last,,the President, Mrs.'S. McLean presiding. Mrs. J. A. Bu tier's 1 group had charge of th prograii me. Mrs. 'C. G-aryetli sang and 'Mrs. Ed: Hoar grave the topic "iScbools in -the Wogti." iSeriptuire reading- wais;taken by Mrs. J. A. But 1er and Mrs. Honey and Mrs. John Douglas gave the prayers. In memor off the late Mrs. M-ason who was t life member of the Society, there w,;.i a two mitm tes silence, while the pian 1st played the beautiful old Ilyini "Where all the iSaints- who from their labours rest." The Obristnias message Was, given by Mrs. McLean who spoke beautifully of the meaning meaning of Christmas. The election erf office its followed: Hon. Pres., . M-r Norman, Bic-kand ;. Pres., Mrs, S. McLean; McLean; 1st Vioe-Pres., Mrs. N orm an A I! in; 2nd Vice-iP res., Mrs. Ch-as Hanictfck; 3rd Vice/Pres,., Mrs. F. Ricky nl ; Recording /S-ec,, Mrs. F Butler ; Corresponding /Seic., Miss Ferguson ; Treats., Mrs/ Bom an ; Sec Ohf istian Stewardship and Finance Miss Robinson.; Peace Sec.. Mrs All-in; Teimperance See.,. -/Mrs. W. Rickard ; Press 'See,,. .Mrs. Irwin Oi wild ; Strangers (See., M rs,. P. Hare a lid Mrs. Caryetb ; Home Helper ■ Sec,, Mrs. A wile and Mrs-. W. Glenjiy-; Pianist, Mrs. Enrich.- ;*-(■!«»»>( HSICHM «ækiw < )• cided to -change the meetings to- the first Tnedkay in every month for the winter. ■ f: The Dominion Department of Agriculture has issued a report 1 describing SHOULD KNOW about The British Market for Canadian Farm Products It deals with Beef and Store Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, ITorses, Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter, Condensed Milk, Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs. You may have a copy free Write to • Director,.Marketing Servie,©': • ■ Department of Agriculture, Ottawa ' . Issued ::undéf x $irèefÀon. of Mon. JamesfC-. &ai-dmer, 'Minister. ( î reenwood \v<is taken to Port Hope hospital on Saturday. There was a fairly goodv attendance attendance at church on Sunday morning, Mir, Beech gave a splendid sermon based- on the story of " H ose-a." Wo hope the coming of : the snow ptoitgh to ; Kendal after this., snow - storm is an in <1:1 eat ion that our road is - to/be kept- open this winter. ' - ■'Kendal'- ischool . will hold their Ohri/tiM's concert. op"' Friday e-veh - ing; Ddcom-ber Ifth,/ gnd McB-eti-na school on Monday evening, Deeemiber 120th. 1' Mr.. and Air's, Anson Gilroy, Mr and Mrs. ■Win. Robinsoh, Mr. and Mrss Win. :: Mercer, Mr,, and Mrs 1 , 4 G - Glas- and : Mr. I., lluye were guests at llie home of -Mrs. Neva Little to an aluminum, demonstration, dinner i-atefy. : - : (In Monday evening. 'December 6tli, the liniiiv "f Mr. and Mr-. Geo. Merc-er was. tho-scene of a happy surprise surprise gathering in honour of the sixty-first anniversary ■ of their wed - ling' day-. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Mercer will have the pleasure of enjoying enjoying many more such occasions. There: was a fair attendance at the Young People's, League on Thursday evOninlg. The meeting; opened with reading of the League Pledge and hymn "1 here's a Song in the Air." The meeting was in charge of the : M-iso ion-ary .convenors, Misses Nellie 'Hill, and Alma hell. The theme of tho worship service was Christmas and was as follows : Duet music by A iinalbeHo Hendry ; duet. "Silen t N T iight," by: .Jean Mercer and Agnes White; reading. Alex. Little; scripture scripture reading, Clarence Bell ; hymn by all, "0 Come All Ye Faithful"; duet, "Away in a Manger" ; reading by Alton Bed. and hymn by all, "0 Little Little Town of Bethlehem." A Christmas Christmas topic Was given by Nellie Hill and Mr. Beech gave his usual ten '--mute talk on the bible, the suibjo-c 1 " for the evening being , "Customs," of bible times. A : reading was given by Hazel Hoye and a inoutb organ solo "Joy to the W-olrd,' 'wais given by Agnes White. The meeting was closed with hymn "Hark the Herald Angels 1 tSin'g," and the M i/.pai. Bem diction. At the close of the meeting an executive meeting was held to discuss discuss ways of raising a few dollar' to meet our Missionary objective which is $25.00,, It was decided' to hold a .mod; municipal election ' on Thursdiay evening, December ,30th A nuniver of candidates, meimbers" of .our Young People? League, will par- ticipate...iri this, election . and. will hand out some instructive as well as buimorous advice on political affairs. The. Women's In-s-titule hold, their Dècerriher meeting at the home of Mrs. Neva, Little on Timrsday, Dec- emiber Otli, with the president,.,Mrs. Roy Mercer in charge. The meeting was opened by the Ode. The Roll Gall-,. "A verse, from a Christmas card" met with a ready response. The minutes' minutes' were read and adopted. It- was between 'Chmtimas and Ne-w Years (particulars .to be given later). The reply from the Department of Education Education eon,corn ing the lending library library was read and discussed. It is e x-pectod the books will be ready for rl-i-itrilbution by the time the holiday fcs-'iivities are over. The rheeting for next month will- he held at Mrs. J -as. iw-arbrick/s on January "13th, The oil -call is to he "Health hints and ré ventât h'ps." Ealc-li member is requested requested to bring quilt -block and the pattern pieces cut from paper or .a:rdlb-:;n'-:i. An original block of your xvn will be d-igilb'1-è to enter in eon - tee-t. Mrs,. MicKenna and Mrs. Greonxvood were given 'a vote of thanks for el'eaning the library. Mrs. Little took charge of the social part, iSilent Night" and "0 Little Town if Bethlehem were sung by all ...Mrs., lied Wood,yard ga-ve an interesting: to-pic on Chnistnrtas. An exhibition of simple, inek-pensive Christina- presents were displayed. There wais -i great variety and many u-seiful ideas could be gleaned. Mrs. Neva Little,, giecotopanied by Mrs. J a-. -Sw-arbriick, sang "A-xv'ay in a Manger," Manger," After singing God Save the Ki-n-g, lunch was served. «•'"'•wawr. CONSERVATIVE MEETING fCui'inni'd from page i > tiiO'nis. --Oa riied. . 'Mins, Th oinipsori , Nexxd on ville, said she was .please-] with Mr. Elliott's ad dress,./and;, though, .lie. was defeated, flic' beht interests of stil-.l looked to the co u nitty. A c-omlTiii I tei si sting of IT. TKominson, M if JS;.' B. Reid . xvith the pôxVer ! Vo- - :?j :t, In : ('.'I, con - Iidwery, Mis-s Jennie i's, ; . Charlie Simpleton, - a n.-d Môl-vilie: C hah, a ml fo itdd mor-e if heed be, re, the- changing: of-dale for fheiir. annual nicejing. -Lunch, wais serve-3 by .the ladies and dancing Tolloxved/to- the strains., of the- yiqlin-and piano,' ; ITyrrelFs Drug II' DRUGS STATIONERY kodaks PHONE 68, ORONO -S $ Christmas Gift Suggestions I lT: LADlF.S GIFTS Si # LADY ItSTHER. sets, at. 30c., 45c.' and I ......si 10 % B : GARDENIA OI SOUTHERN FRANCE SETS, .ait 75c., S f Sl.OO. Si-50 and ; ..,,$1.75 € ADRUCNNE GIFT" SETS,. S2.00. S2.50 and; .:.,..',...S,..,A.I$4J0'. $ \ ARiDl-TiA. GIFT SETS, from 75c. -to I.$1 () 00 *|| 1 CUTFX. MANICURE SETS, 35c., $1.10, $4.50 and $9,00 1 •Z WATERMAN PEN SETS, at $4.25 and :.$5.00 1 'llXiroOGS,. TERRIERS AND' SCoT'THtS 40c. ffl : ^ LORI.) BALTIMORE. STATIONERY, 45c , 69c. and $1-00 .§ | GENTLEMAN'S GIFTS f N A R I >14 A GIFT SETS, from $1.25 to ( $5 00 .WATERMAN PEN SETS, $4.25 and , $5.00 % 'IS DR. FRANK MEDICO PIPE, IN GIFT BOX $1.00 ■' GARDENIA OF SOUTHERN FRANCE GIFT SETS, *# 75c. SI.50 and .$3.00 .% VALET , AUTOSTROP "ELDORADO" RAZOR, # COMPLETE WITH STROP AND BRADES $1.00 S ROLLS" RAZORS, $6.95 an-cl SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES, IN HOLE % DAY WRAP, 25c., 50c-, SI.00 and $1.50 S SPi ,(.'I AI.--4 IB. SMILES 'N CHUCKLES, XMAS § -WRAP, at , $1.50 p STUFFED SWEETS, FROM ENGLAND, 1-2 lb 15c.§ 'g HILLARY'S'- ENGLISH LICORICE, all sorts, 1 -lb 29c. S Lour Gift Packages mlav be Christmas Wrapped -or packed at no extra -cost #, You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Drug Store ! ^ YOU : Chrlstmias Shopping has been the best since opening ' the ; Orono! Store. While w e have 'strived to k<'e-p our stock of : Cih-ristinas Merchiandi-se complete some lines have sold out, but : other titmlbers have been added. You will n-ot 1 be disappointed : when you shop here. : ORANGES, GRAPES, GRAPEFRUIT, LEMONS, ; CANDIES, CHOCOLATES, MIXED NUTS, LOG CABIN ; CHOCOLATES, REDUCED IN PRICE--just in time for : Christmas shopping. • : We have just received another large shipment of Fresh Log (Jabin Chocolates DIRECT front the factory in the following - flavours : Orange, Lenio-n, Strawberry,/ Mandarin Bordeaux, Maple, Whipped Cream, Pineapple', Honey Nougat, Nut Butler Butler Chew and Vanilla Caramel. THE BEST FOR THE LEAST SINGLE FLAVOURS ASSORTED OR LB 20c. 0R0H0 5c. TO $1.00 STORE | YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE :j| Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection '^^otch'cuâl*' COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REOUÎ REM ENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just now' we are featuring STORM SASH PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co